ZAP Q & A — original pdf
ZAP Q & A Report 1. Zoning and Rezoning: C14-2020-0053 - Cascades - Hilltop; District 5 Question Commissioner Bray / Staff Response in blue. • Is Mayal Trail going to connect to anything other than the I35 service road? RESPONSE: Mayall Trail connects to the Spillmann property to the east that is located in Travis County. The right- of-way extends along the north property line of the 254 acre Spillman tract and to an adjacent I- SF-2 zoned property in the City limits. • Where there will be a way for residents to access the property coming from the North on I35 without going all the way down to 1327? RESPONSE: No, at this time vehicular access is limited to the northbound IH 35 frontage road.