ZONING CHANGE REVIEW SHEET TO: GR DISTRICT: 7 CASE: C14-2024-0014 (15328 FM 1825 Road) ADDRESS: 15328 FM 1825 Road ZONING FROM: I-SF-2 SITE AREA: 0.3242 acres PROPERTY OWNER: De Souza Investments LLC (Aline De Souza) CASE MANAGER: Sherri Sirwaitis (512-974-3057, sherri.sirwaitis@austintexas.gov) STAFF RECOMMEDATION: Staff recommends GR, Community Commercial District, zoning. ZONING AND PLATTING COMMISSION ACTION / RECOMMENDATION: June 18, 2024 CITY COUNCIL ACTION: ORDINANCE NUMBER: C14-2024-0014 2 ISSUES: N/A CASE MANAGER COMMENTS: The site under consideration is currently developed with an automotive repair use that takes access to FM 1825 Road. The property received an interim (I-SF-2) land use designation upon annexation. The surrounding areas to the north, south and west are zoned GR-CO. There is an automotive washing use (Mister Car Wash) to the north and a surface parking area to the south. To the west there is a retail center, with restaurant uses, retail sales (Ashley Furniture) and an indoor entertainment (Cinemark Tinseltown Movie Theater). Across FM 1825 Road to the east, there is a retail use (Bloomin Across Texas Florist) in the county. In this request, the applicant is seeking a permanent commercial zoning designation for the property. The staff recommends GR, Community Commercial District, zoning for the site under consideration. The property meets the intent of the district as it fronts onto a major arterial roadway, FM 1825 Road. GR zoning will permit uses that will provide services for the residential neighborhood to the east and surrounding community needs. The proposed zoning is compatible with adjacent zoning patterns as there is GR-CO zoning to the north, south and west of the site. GR zoning will bring the existing Automotive Repair use into conformance with use regulations in the Code. The applicant agrees with the staff’s recommendation. BASIS OF RECOMMENDATION: 1. The proposed zoning should be consistent with the purpose statement of the district sought. Community commercial (GR) district is the designation for an office or other commercial use that serves neighborhood and community needs and that generally is accessible from major traffic ways. The property meets the intent of the GR district as it fronts onto an arterial roadway, FM 1825 Road, and will provide services for the surrounding area. 2. The proposed zoning should promote consistency and orderly planning. The proposed zoning is compatible with surrounding zoning and uses as there is GR-CO zoning to the north, south and west and retail uses to the …
ZONING CHANGE REVIEW SHEET TO: GO-MU DISTRICT: 10 CASE: C14-2024-0068 (We Are Blood) ADDRESS: 4303 Marathon Boulevard ZONING FROM: SF-3 SITE AREA: 0.1492 acres PROPERTY OWNER: We Are Blood (Arlin Hall, CFO) APPLICANT/AGENT: Winstead PC (Micah King) CASE MANAGER: Sherri Sirwaitis (512-974-3057, sherri.sirwaitis@austintexas.gov) STAFF RECOMMEDATION: Staff recommends GO-MU, General Office-Mixed Use Combining District, zoning. ZONING AND PLATTING COMMISSION ACTION / RECOMMENDATION: June 18, 2024 CITY COUNCIL ACTION: ORDINANCE NUMBER: C14-2024-0068 ISSUES: 2 This lot is located just to the west/outside an ETOD station area (Triangle). CASE MANAGER COMMENTS: The property in question is developed with a vacant single family residence zoned SF-3. There are single-family residences to the south and west that are also zoned SF-3. The lot to the north is zoned LO and is developed with an office structure. To the east, there is a telecommunication tower, a medical office use and a pet services use zoned CS-V that front onto N. Lamar Boulevard. The applicant is requesting to rezone this site under consideration to GO-MU to utilize this vacant property as parking for the blood donation center to the east. The staff recommends GO-V zoning as the property meets the intent of the General Office base district. This site will provide accessory parking for the adjacent civic use that will serve community and city-wide needs. The proposed ‘MU’ Combining District will allow for the residential component to remain or be redeveloped at this location in the future. There are public transit options in the area as the property is 0.13 miles from a Capital Metro bus route (#803) and bus stop (#4528) on N Lamar Boulevard. This lot is 0.04 miles from Lamar Boulevard Activity Corridor and 0.13 miles from Burnet Road Activity Corridor, as designated by the Imagine Austin Comprehensive Plan. The applicant agrees with the staff’s recommendation. BASIS OF RECOMMENDATION: 1. The proposed zoning should be consistent with the purpose statement of the district sought. General Office district is intended for offices and selected commercial uses predominately serving community and city-wide needs. Mixed Use combining district is intended for combination with selected base districts, in order to permit any combination of office, retail, commercial, and residential uses within a single development. 2. Zoning changes should promote compatibility with adjacent and nearby uses. The proposed GO-MU zoning is compatible and consistent with the adjacent office (LO) and commercial (CS-V) zoning to the north and east. The …
ZONING CHANGE REVIEW SHEET TO: P DISTRICT: 1 CASE: C14-2023-0140 Northeast Service Center ADDRESS: 8301 and 8001 ½ Johnny Morris Rd. ZONING FROM: I-RR SITE AREA: approx. 132.154 acres PROPERTY OWNER: City of Austin AGENT: City of Austin Financial Services (Christopher Mills) CASE MANAGER: Beverly Villela (512-978-0740, Beverly.Villela@austintexas.gov) STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends granting P (Public Use). See the Basis of Recommendation section below. ZONING AND PLATTING COMMISSION ACTION / RECOMMENDATION: June 18, 2024: CITY COUNCIL ACTION: TBD ORDINANCE NUMBER: ISSUES: N/A CASE MANAGER COMMENTS: The property in question is approximately 132.154 acres, undeveloped, and located on Johnny Morris Rd. The property is currently designated interim-rural-residence (I-RR) and has a city-initiated Resolution No. 20231102-005 to zone the property Public (P) which will allow for the construction of the Northeast Service Center (NESC). The property has a warehouse beverage distribution and manufacturing (ETJ) to the north, single family residential (ETJ, SF-2, and SF-4A) to the south and east, and Southern Walnut Creek Hike and Bike Trail to the west. Please refer to Exhibits A (Zoning Map) and B (Aerial View). The applicant is requesting to zone the property Public (P) to construct the NESC, which is designed to improve the operations of Austin Resource Recovery (ARR) and the Fleet Mobility Services Department (FMSD). Staff is recommending the public use (P) district zoning as it is intended for land owned or leased by federal, state, county, or city government. C14-2023-0140 Page 2 The applicant is in agreement with the staff recommendation. BASIS OF RECOMMENDATION: 1. The proposed zoning should be consistent with the purpose statement of the district sought. The proposed public (P) district is intended for land owned or leased by federal, state, county, or city government. 2. The proposed zoning should be consistent with the goals and objectives of the City Council. Staff is recommending (P) zoning for the subject property as the proposed development will help facilitate the construction of the Northeast Service Center. EXISTING ZONING AND LAND USES: ZONING Site I-RR North ETJ South ETJ; PUD; SF-2 East West ETJ; SF-4A P LAND USES Undeveloped Warehouse Beverage Distribution and Manufacturing Single Family Residential; Undeveloped; Single Family Residential Single Family Residential Outdoor Sports and Recreation NEIGHBORHOOD PLANNING AREA: N/A WATERSHED: Decker Creek and Walnut Creek (Suburban) CAPITOL VIEW CORRIDOR: No SCHOOLS: Austin Independent School District Jordan Elementary School COMMUNITY REGISTRY LIST: Austin Independent School District, Austin Lost and Found Pets, …
ZONING CHANGE REVIEW SHEET DISTRICT: 7 TO: CS-MU-V-CO-DB90 CASE: C14-2024-0076 – Allandale Car Wash Redevelopment DB90 Rezoning ADDRESS: 7320 Burnet Road ZONING FROM: CS-MU-V-CO SITE AREA: 1.4396 acres PROPERTY OWNER: Seamless GCW, GP, Ltd. (Joe Warnock) AGENT: Armbrust & Brown, PLLC (Michael J. Whellan) CASE MANAGER: Marcelle Boudreaux (512-974-8094, marcelle.boudreaux@austintexas.gov) STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The Staff recommendation is to grant general commercial services – mixed use - vertical mixed use building – conditional overlay - neighborhood plan (CS-MU-V-CO- DB90) combining district zoning. The Conditional Overlay prohibits the following uses: Adult-oriented businesses, Alternative Financial Services, Bail Bond Services, Construction Sales & Services, Custom Manufacturing, Kennels, Limited Warehouse and Distribution, Maintenance and Service Facilities, Outdoor Entertainment, Outdoor Sports and Recreation, Pawn Shop, Service Station (gas), Theater, Vehicle Storage ZONING AND PLATTING COMMISSION ACTION / RECOMMENDATION: June 18, 2024: CITY COUNCIL ACTION: July 18, 2024: ORDINANCE NUMBER: ISSUES: In December 2023, Ordinance No. 20220609-080, Ordinance No. 20221201-056 and Ordinance No. 20221201-055 were invalidated. On March 11, 2024, Ordinance No. 20240229-073, was enacted to create the “DB90” combining district, which amended City Case number C14-2024-0076 Page 2 Code Title 25 (Land Development) to create a new zoning district for a density bonus program that grants 30 feet in height above the base zoning district, to a maximum of 90 feet, and modifies site development regulations including compatibility standards. Subsequently, the applicant submitted this new rezoning application to request the -DB90 combining district. The conditions establishing prohibited uses in the Conditional Overlay for case number C14- 2023-0077 are continued to be recommended in this new rezoning, as requested by the applicant. The Conditional Overlay cannot be modified to include a height restriction, as requested by the applicant. Zoning and Platting Commission Previous Action October 17, 2023: TO GRANT CS-MU-V-CO, WITH ADDITIONAL PROHIBITED USE BY STAFF, ON CONSENT [B. GREENBERG; A. FLORES – 2ND] (10-0) C. ACOSTA – ABSENT October 3, 2023: APPROVED A POSTPONEMENT REQUEST BY THE NEIGHBORHOOD TO OCTOBER 17, 2023 [A. FLORES; D. FOUTS – 2ND] (10-0) C. ACOSTA – ABSENT September 19, 2023: APPROVED A POSTPONEMENT REQUEST BY THE STAFF TO OCTOBER 3, 2023 [B. GREENBURG; A. FLORES – 2ND] (8-0) S. BOONE, C. THOMPSON - ABSENT September 5, 2023: APPROVED A POSTPONEMENT REQUEST BY THE STAFF TO SEPTEMBER 19, 2023 [L. STERN; D. FOUTS – 2ND] (8-0). A. FLORES, H. SMITH, R. JOHNSON – ABSENT; ONE VACANCY ON THE DAIS. City Council Previous …
SITE PLAN REVIEW SHEET ENVIRONMENTAL INTERPRETATION APPEAL ZONING & PLATTING COMMISSION DATE: June 18, 2024 AREA: 5.408 acres CASE: SP-2023-0294C PROJECT NAME: 3 Men Movers APPLICANT: 3 Men Movers AGENT: Hollis Scheffler, Westwood Professional Services ADDRESS OF SITE: 9989 E US 290 Hwy Sv Rd EB DISTRICT: 1 COUNTY: Travis WATERSHED: Gilleland Creek Suburban Watershed JURISDICTION: Full purpose EXISTING ZONING: CS PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT: The applicant is proposing to construct a building for limited warehousing and distribution. DESCRIPTION OF VARIANCES: Variance requests are as follows: 1. Request to vary from LDC 25-8-301 to allow driveway construction on slopes greater than 15%; 2. Request to vary from LDC 25-8-302 to allow building and parking construction on slopes over 15%; 3. Request to vary from LDC 25-8-341 to allow cut up to 12 feet; and 4. Request to vary from LDC 25-8-342 to allow fill up to 15 feet. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the variances, having found that the findings of fact have been met. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW STAFF: Ryan Soutter PHONE: 974-1665 Ryan.Soutter@austintexas.gov CASE MANAGER: Christine Barton-Holmes christine.barton-holmes@austintexas.gov PHONE: 974-2788 ITEM FOR ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION AGENDA May 15, 2024 3 MEN MOVERS SP-2023-0294C COMMISSION MEETING DATE: NAME & NUMBER OF PROJECT: NAME OF APPLICANT OR ORGANIZATION: HOLLIS SCHEFFLER – WESTWOOD PROFESSIONAL SERVICES LOCATION: 9989 E US 290 Hwy Service Road EB, Austin, TX 78744 COUNCIL DISTRICT: District #1 ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW STAFF: Ryan Soutter, Environmental Review Specialist Senior, Development Services Department, (512) 974-1665, ryan.soutter@austintexas.gov WATERSHED: Gilleland Creek Watershed, Suburban, Desired Development Zone REQUEST: Variance requests are as follows: 1. Request to vary from LDC 25-8-301 to allow driveway construction on slopes greater than 15%; 2. Request to vary from LDC 25-8-302 to allow building and parking construction on slopes over 15%; 3. Request to vary from LDC 25-8-341 to allow cut up to 12 feet; and 4. Request to vary from LDC 25-8-342 to allow fill up to 15 feet. Staff recommends these variances, having determined the findings of fact to have been met. • Terrace and vegetate steep slopes. • Provide enlarged parking lot islands (3) that are approximately 17 feet wide for improved tree growth. • Provide enhanced tree mitigation (5 additional trees). STAFF RECOMMENDATION: STAFF CONDITION: Development Services Department Staff Recommendations Concerning Required Findings Project Name: 3 Men Movers Ordinance Standard: 25-8-301 Construction of a Roadway of Driveway Variance Request: Driveway construction on slopes greater than 15% A. Land Use Commission variance …
ZONING & PLATTING COMMISSION AGENDA Tuesday, June 18, 2024 The Zoning and Platting Commission will convene at 6:00 PM on Tuesday, June 18, 2024, at Austin City Hall, Board and Commissions Room, Room 1101 301 W. Second Street, Austin, TX. Some members of the Zoning and Platting Commission may be participating by videoconference. The meeting may be viewed online at: http://www.austintexas.gov/page/watch-atxn-live Hank Smith – Chair (District 8) Betsy Greenberg – Vice-Chair (District 6) Carrie Thompson – Secretary (District 10) Alejandra Flores – Parliamentarian(District 5) Scott Boone (District 1) David Fouts (District 2) Lonny Stern (District 3) Ryan Puzycki (District 7) Carrie Thompson – Secretary (District 10) District 4 -Vacant District 9 -Vacant EXECUTIVE SESSION (No public discussion) The Zoning & Platting Commission will announce it will go into Executive Session, if necessary, pursuant to Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code, to receive advice from Legal Counsel on matters specifically listed on this agenda. The commission may not conduct a closed meeting without the approval of the city attorney. Private Consultation with Attorney – Section 551.071 PUBLIC COMMUNICATION The first four (4) speakers signed up prior to the speaker registration deadline will each be allowed a three-minute allotment to address their concerns regarding items not posted on the agenda. APPROVAL OF MINUTUES 1. Approval of minutes of the Zoning and Platting Commission regular meeting on June 4, 2024. Executive Liaison: Joi Harden, 512-974-1617 Commission Liaison: Nicole Corona, 512-974-3146 Attorney: AJ Urteaga, 512-974-2386 PUBLIC HEARINGS C14-2024-0014 - 15328 FM 1825 Road; District 7 15328 FM 1825 Road, Harris Branch 2. Rezoning: Location: Owner/Applicant: De Souza Investments LLC (Aline De Souza) Request: Staff Rec.: Staff: I-SF-2 to GR Recommended Sherri Sirwaitis, 512-974-3057, sherri.sirwaitis@austintexas.gov Planning Department C14-2024-0068 - We Are Blood; District 10 4303 Marathon Boulevard, Waller Creek 3. Rezoning: Location: Owner/Applicant: We Are Blood (Arlin Hall, CFO) Agent: Request: Staff Rec.: Staff: Winstead PC (Micah King) SF-3 to GO-MU Recommended Sherri Sirwaitis, 512-974-3057, sherri.sirwaitis@austintexas.gov Planning Department C14-2023-0140 - Northeast Service Center; District 1 8301 & 8001 1/2 Johnny Morris Road, Decker Creek and Walnut Creek 4. Rezoning: Location: Owner/Applicant: City of Austin Agent: Request: Staff Rec.: Staff: Christopher Mills Financial Services (Christopher Mills) I-RR to P Recommended Beverly Villela, 512-978-0740, beverly.villela@austintexas.gov Planning Department 5. Rezoning: C14-2024-0076 - Allandale Car Wash Redevelopment DB90 Rezoning; District 7 7320 Burnet Road, Shoal Creek Location: Owner/Applicant: Seamless GCW, GP, Ltd. (Joe Warnock) Agent: Request: Staff Rec.: …
ZONING AND PLATTING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES TUESDAY, JUNE 4, 2024 The Zoning and Platting Commission convened in a regular meeting on Tuesday, June 4, 2024, at Austin City Hall, Board and Commissions Room, Room 1101, 301 W. 2nd Street, in Austin, Texas. Vice Chair Greenberg called the Zoning and Platting Commission Meeting to order at 6:01 p.m. Commissioners in Attendance: Betsy Greenberg Alejandra Flores Lonny Stern Commissioners in Attendance Remotely: Scott Boone William D. Floyd Carrie Thompson Ryan Puzycki Commissioners Absent: Hank Smith David Fotus 2 vacancies on the dais. PUBLIC COMMUNICATION: GENERAL None. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1 1. Approve the minutes of the Zoning and Platting Commission meeting on May 21, 2024. The minutes from the meeting of 05/21/2024 were approved on the consent agenda on Commissioner Flores’ motion, Commissioner Stern’s second on a 7-0 vote. Chair Smith and Commissioner Fotus were absent. PUBLIC HEARINGS C14-2023-0154 - Randy Road - Hyman; District 6 11401 Randy Road, Bull Creek Watershed 2. Rezoning: Location: Owner/Applicant: Eric and Laurie Hyman Agent: Request: Staff Rec.: Staff: Land Answers, Inc. (Jim Whittliff) DR to SF-1-CO Recommended Sherri Sirwaitis, 512-974-3057, sherri.sirwaitis@austintexas.gov Planning Department The motion to grant Staff’s recommendation of SF-1-CO was approved on the consent agenda on Commissioner Flores’ motion, Commissioner Stern’s second on a 7-0 vote. Chair Smith and Commissioner Fotus were absent. 3. Rezoning: Location: Owner/Applicant: 11708 Pearce Lane LLC (Caleb Landes) Agent: Request: Staff Rec.: Staff: Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. (Jonathan Sosebee) DR to CS Recommended Nancy Estrada, 512-974-7617, nancy.estrada@austintexas.gov Planning Department C14-2024-0028 - 11708 Pearce Lane LLC; District 2 11708 Pearce Lane, Onion Creek The motion to grant Staff’s recommendation of CS was approved on the consent agenda on Commissioner Flores’ motion, Commissioner Stern’s second on a 7-0 vote. Chair Smith and Commissioner Fotus were absent. 4. Environmental Variance: Location: Owner/Applicant: City of Austin Agent: Request: SP-2022-0531D - Walnut Creek - January Dr Flood Risk Reduction; District 1 11505 1/2 January Dr, Walnut Creek Capital Delivery Services, Claudia Corsetti The applicant is requesting a variance from LDC 25-8-281 to allow construction within a Seep/Spring Complex Critical Environmental Feature buffer for a drainage outfall. Recommended Meg Greenfield, 512-978-4663, meg.greenfield@austintexas.gov DSD Staff Rec.: Staff: The motion to grant Staff’s recommendation of a variance from LDC 25-8-281 to allow construction within a Seep/Spring Complex Critical Environmental Feature buffer for a drainage outfall was approved on the consent agenda on Commissioner Flores’ motion, …
Home Blown, LLC Dominic Longi, Manager 1004 W. 43rd Street Austin, TX 78756 Commissioners and Council Members c/o Sherri Sirwaitis, Case Manager Planning Department The City of Austin Re: Letter of Support for the Rezoning of 4303 Marathon Blvd. (the “Property”) to GO-MU-CO; Case No. C14-2024-0068 Dear Commissioners and Council Members: I own property at 1004 W. 43rd Street, which is immediately adjacent to the south side of the Property. I am writing to express my support for rezoning the Property to GO-MU-CO with the following conditions: 1. Prohibit access via Marathon Blvd.; 2. Require a minimum 10-foot compatibility buffer on the west side of the Property; and 3. Match the LO permitted and conditional uses, except: (a) off-site accessory parking would be permitted; and (b) residential treatment would be prohibited. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, Dino Longi John Rigdon 4302 Marathon Blvd., Unit 1 Austin, TX 78756 Commissioners and Council Members c/o Sherri Sirwaitis, Case Manager Planning Department The City of Austin Re: Letter of Support for the Rezoning of 4303 Marathon Blvd. (the “Property”) to GO-MU-CO; Case No. C14-2024-0068 Dear Commissioners and Council Members: I own and reside in the front house at 4302 Marathon Blvd., which is directly across the street to the west of the Property. I am writing to express my support for rezoning the Property to GO-MU- CO with the following conditions: 1. Prohibit access via Marathon Blvd.; 2. Require a minimum 10-foot compatibility buffer on the west side of the Property; and 3. Match the LO permitted and conditional uses, except: (a) off-site accessory parking would be permitted; and (b) residential treatment would be prohibited. In addition to these conditions, We Are Blood has committed to ongoing coordination with interested neighbors as it relates to the design of the compatibility buffer and parking lot. This is an important step to ensure continuity with the surrounding neighborhood. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, John Rigdon
From: To: Cc: Subject: Date: joer_tex@icloud.com Boudreaux, Marcelle Michael Whellan; Nathalie Frensley C14-2024-0076 Conditional Overlay Prohibited Uses Sunday, June 16, 2024 4:33:25 PM [You don't often get email from joer_tex@icloud.com. Learn why this is important at https://aka.ms/LearnAboutSenderIdentification ] External Email - Exercise Caution Marcelle, the Allandale Neighborhood Zoning Committee requests that some prohibited use be included in a Conditional Overlay for this item. These are from a list agreed by the applicant last October: - Kennel - Bail Bond Services - Adult-oriented Businesses - Outdoor Entertainment - Outdoor Sports & Recreation - Service Station (gas) - Custom Manufacturing - Maintenance & Service Facility Thank you for your consideration. Joseph Reynolds 2611 West 49th St Austin, Texas 78731 joer_tex@icloud.com 512-454-8880(h) 512-297-4841(c) CAUTION: This is an EXTERNAL email. Please use caution when clicking links or opening attachments. If you believe this to be a malicious or phishing email, please report it using the "Report Message" button in Outlook. For any additional questions or concerns, contact CSIRT at "cybersecurity@austintexas.gov".
ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION 20240515-003 Date: May 15, 2024 Subject: 3 Men Movers Variances, SP-2023-0294C Motion by: Perry Bedford WHEREAS, the Environmental Commission recognizes the applicant is requesting: Second by: Haris Qureshi 1. Request to vary from LDC 25-8-301 to allow driveway construction on slopes greater than 2. Request to vary from LDC 25-8-302 to allow building and parking construction on slopes 15%; over 15%; 3. Request to vary from LDC 25-8-341 to allow cut up to 12 feet 4. Request to vary from LDC 25-8-342 to allow fill up to 15 feet. AND WHEREAS, the Environmental Commission recognizes the site is located in Gilleland Creek Watershed, Suburban Classification; and THEREFORE, the Environmental Commission recommends the variance request with the following conditions: Staff Conditions: 1. Terrace and vegetate steep slopes. 2. Provide enlarged parking lot islands (3) that are approximately 17 feet wide for improved tree growth. 3. Provide enhanced tree mitigation (5 additional trees). Environmental Commission Conditions: 1. Plant native plants and trees that are consistent with Blackland prairie species throughout the property, not just on terraces and slopes. 2. Retain as many existing native species trees as possible. 3. Have a tree maintenance plan to ensure that planted trees and vegetation can become established (minimum 5 year plan.) 4. Research the feasibility of adding solar power to the property where possible/practical. Vote: 8-0 For: Perry Bedford, Hanna Cofer, Peter Einhorn, Mariana Krueger, Colin Nickells, Haris Qureshi, Melinda Schiera, David Sullivan 1 of 2 Against: None Abstain: Richard Brimer Absent: Jennifer Bristol Attest: Perry Bedford, Environmental Commission Chair 2 of 2