Zero Waste Advisory CommissionFeb. 12, 2025

Item 002 - ZWAC Resolution - Proposed RMC and ZWAC Merger Recommendation — original pdf

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This template is a guide for liaisons. BOARD/COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION Zero Waste Advisory Commission Zero Waste Advisory Commission Resolution Proposed Merger of Zero Waste Advisory Commission and Resource Management Commission Whereas, a proposal has been made to merge the Resource Management Commission and the Zero Waste Advisory Commission to create a Resource Recovery and Management Commission; and Whereas, Austin Resource Recovery is one of four Enterprise Departments within the City of Austin and is responsible for meeting its annual financial responsibilities through efficient budgeting that provide Residents with a safe and cost effective collection and disposal service; Whereas, the Zero Waste Advisory Commission has independently introduced to ARR Staff new service and operational proposals and recommendations that have been implemented and have proven beneficial to Austin residents through improved diversion and disposal options; Whereas, the Zero Waste Advisory Commission petitioned Austin Resource Recovery to develop a long range Master Plan to guide the City’s future disposal, recycling and operational goals for the next 40 years; and Whereas, the purpose of the Zero Waste Advisory Commission is to review, evaluate and make recommendations to City Council, City Management and City Staff regarding policies concerning solid waste, recycling, organic and heavy brush collection pursuant to its Zero Waste Master Plan Goals; and and and This template is a guide for liaisons. Whereas, it is important for all enterprise departments to have an independent Board and/or Commission to provide public oversight and input in assuring the ratepayers are receiving the most efficient and cost effect services possible: Now Therefore Be It Resolved that the Zero Waste Advisory Commission recommends against merging the Zero Waste Advisory Commission with the Resource Management Commission. Resolution Date: February 12, 2025 Date of Approval: _____________________________ Record of the vote: ___________________________________________________________________ Attest: ________________________________________