Zero Waste Advisory CommissionNov. 9, 2022

Agenda — original pdf

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REGULAR MEETING of the ZERO WASTE ADVISORY COMMISSION NOVEMBER 9TH, 2022 6:00 PM CITY HALL ROOM 1001 301 W 2ND ST AUSTIN, TEXAS Some members of the BOARD/COMMISSION may be participating by videoconference. The meeting may be viewed online at: Public comment will be allowed in-person or remotely via telephone. Speakers may only register to speak on an item once either in-person or remotely and will be allowed up to three minutes to provide their comments. Registration no later than noon the day before the meeting is required for remote participation by telephone. To register to speak remotely, call or email Yahel Baranovicht at (512) 974-1733 or CURRENT BOARD MEMBERS/COMMISSIONERS: Cathy Gattuso (Vice-Chair) Gerry Acuna (Chair) District 10 Albert Swantner District 1 Melissa Caudle District 4 Ian Steyaert District 8 CALL TO ORDER District 5 Melissa Rothrock District 2 Ethan Myers District 6 Ingrid Powell District 9 AGENDA PUBLIC COMMUNICATION: GENERAL The first 3 speakers signed up *prior to the meeting being called to order will each be allowed a three-minute allotment to address their concerns regarding items not posted on the agenda. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. Approval of minutes of the ZERO WASTE ADVISORY COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING on September 14, 2022. Amanda Masino Mayor Jonathan Barona District 3 Kaiba White District 7 DISCUSSION ITEMS 2. Trash in Creeks Presentation – Andrew Clamann DISCUSSION AND ACTION ITEMS 3. URO Update and Proposed Implementation – Jason McCombs 4. Fleet System Enhancement Project Presentation – Marcus Gonzalez 5. 2023 ZWAC Meeting Dates – Ken Snipes DIRECTOR’S REPORT 6. Brush Collection, Solicitations Update, Performance Reports, and Statistical Reports FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS ADJOURNMENT The City of Austin is committed to compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act. Reasonable modifications and equal access to communications will be provided upon request. Meeting locations are planned with wheelchair access. If requiring Sign Language Interpreters or alternative formats, please give notice at least two days (48 hours) before the meeting date. Please call Yahel Baranovicht at Austin Resource Recovery Department, at (512) 974-1733 for additional information; TTY users’ route through Relay Texas at 711. For more information on the Zero Waste Advisory Commission, please contact Yahel Baranovicht at (512) 974-1733 or