Zero Waste Advisory Commission - Feb. 12, 2025

Zero Waste Advisory Commission Regular Meeting of the Zero Waste Advisory Commission

Agenda original pdf

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REGULAR MEETING OF THE ZERO WASTE ADVISORY COMMISSION FEBRUARY 12, 2025  6:00 PM CITY HALL ROOM 1001 301 W 2ND ST AUSTIN, TEXAS 78701 Some members of the Zero Waste Advisory Commission maybe participating by videoconference. Public comment will be allowed in-person or remotely by telephone. Speakers may only register to speak on an item once either in-person or remotely and will be allowed up to three minutes to provide their comments. Registration no later than noon the day before the meeting is required for remote participation. To register contact Karina Camara, at or via phone at 512-978-0751. AGENDA Members: Gerry Acuna, Chair Ian Steyaert, Vice Chair Melissa Caudle Cathy Gattuso Caitlin Griffith Amanda Masino Craig Nazor Melissa Rothrock Michael Drohan Seth Whaland Vacant CALL MEETING TO ORDER PUBLIC COMMUNICATION: GENERAL The first 5 speakers signed up prior to the meeting being called to order will each be allowed a three-minute allotment to address their concerns regarding items not posted on the agenda. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. Approve the minutes of the Zero Waste Advisory Commission meeting on January 8, 2025. ACTION ITEMS 2. Discussion and action of proposed merger of the Resource Management Commission and the Zero Waste Advisory Commission. DISCUSSION ITEMS collection to on demand bulk collection. STAFF BRIEFINGS 3. Discussion of the development of a hybrid model on the transition from twice a year bulk 4. Staff briefing regarding the Invitation For Bid process by James Scarboro and Matthew Duree, Financial Services Department. 5. Staff briefing regarding the Austin diversion rate calculation and other metrics, by Gena McKinley, Assistant Director, Austin Resource Recovery. 6. Staff briefing on the status of Austin Resource Recovery Operational and Administrative projects as well as public outreach efforts by Gena McKinley, Assistant Director of Austin Resource Recovery. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS ADJOURNMENT The City of Austin is committed to compliance with the American with Disabilities Act. Reasonable modifications and equal access to communications will be provided upon request. Meeting locations are planned with wheelchair access. If requiring Sign Language Interpreters or alternative formats, please give notice at least 2 days (48 hours) before the meeting date. Karina Camara at Austin Resource Recovery, at (512) 978-0751 or email , for additional information; TTY users route through Relay Texas at 711. For more information on the Zero Waste Advisory Commission, please contact Gustavo Valle at (512) 974-4350 4350 or via email …

Scraped at: Feb. 7, 2025, 7:30 p.m.

Item 002 - ZWAC Resolution - Proposed RMC and ZWAC Merger Recommendation original pdf

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This template is a guide for liaisons. BOARD/COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION Zero Waste Advisory Commission Zero Waste Advisory Commission Resolution Proposed Merger of Zero Waste Advisory Commission and Resource Management Commission Whereas, a proposal has been made to merge the Resource Management Commission and the Zero Waste Advisory Commission to create a Resource Recovery and Management Commission; and Whereas, Austin Resource Recovery is one of four Enterprise Departments within the City of Austin and is responsible for meeting its annual financial responsibilities through efficient budgeting that provide Residents with a safe and cost effective collection and disposal service; Whereas, the Zero Waste Advisory Commission has independently introduced to ARR Staff new service and operational proposals and recommendations that have been implemented and have proven beneficial to Austin residents through improved diversion and disposal options; Whereas, the Zero Waste Advisory Commission petitioned Austin Resource Recovery to develop a long range Master Plan to guide the City’s future disposal, recycling and operational goals for the next 40 years; and Whereas, the purpose of the Zero Waste Advisory Commission is to review, evaluate and make recommendations to City Council, City Management and City Staff regarding policies concerning solid waste, recycling, organic and heavy brush collection pursuant to its Zero Waste Master Plan Goals; and and and This template is a guide for liaisons. Whereas, it is important for all enterprise departments to have an independent Board and/or Commission to provide public oversight and input in assuring the ratepayers are receiving the most efficient and cost effect services possible: Now Therefore Be It Resolved that the Zero Waste Advisory Commission recommends against merging the Zero Waste Advisory Commission with the Resource Management Commission. Resolution Date: February 12, 2025 Date of Approval: _____________________________ Record of the vote: ___________________________________________________________________ Attest: ________________________________________

Scraped at: Feb. 7, 2025, 7:30 p.m.

Item 004 - Competitive Sealed Bidding Overview original pdf

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Solicitation Process Overview – Competitive Sealed Bidding James Scarboro, Chief Procurement Officer Matthew Duree, Division Chief Zero Waste Advisory Commission February 12, 2025 Agenda • Statutes • Definitions • Conditions • Document • Process • Questions Statutes • Texas Local Government Code – Ch. 252 o Procurement Regulations applicable to Municipalities o Applies to contracts to purchase Goods, General Services, Public Works • Texas Government Code – Ch 2269 o Procurement Regulations applicable to State and Local Governments o Applies to contracts to purchase Construction Services • Other statutes o Ch. 271, Municipalities and Local Govs, purchase Personal and Real Property o More applicable to Procurement, but not explicitly concerning CSB process Definitions • Competitive Sealed Bidding (may go by acronym, “CSB”) o Process, Formal solicitations • Invitation for Bids (goes by acronym, “IFB”) o Document, Publicly available (online) • Definition (NIGP – Institute for Public Procurement) o Method for acquiring goods, services, and construction for public use in which an award is made to the lowest responsive bid and responsible bidder, based solely on the response to the criteria set forth in the Invitation for Bids (IFB); does not include discussions or negotiations with bidders. See also: Formal Bid. Conditions • Contract exceeding $50,000 o Aggregate value • Goods, General Services and Public Works o Not including Professional and Specified Services • Specifications o Detailed description of the design and/or performance characteristics of the goods, general services or public works required • Default Solicitation Process (Most Objective) Document – IFB • Goods and General Services o -------(Process Documents)------- o Solicitation Details (Cover Page) o Instructions -------(Contract Documents)------- o Terms and Conditions o Scope of Work o Attachments -------(Offer Documents)------- o Submittals (for Offerors to Submit with their Bid) Document – IFB • Public Works / Construction o Volume 1 – - Bidding Requirements, Contract Forms and Conditions of Contract - Specifications o Volume 2 – MBE/WBE Procurement Program Package (Subcontracting) o Volume 3 – ROCIP Project Safety Manual Process – CSB • Pre-Solicitation o Department consults with Procurement (to determine need for IFB) o Department provides Specifications (Procurement advises/assists) o Optional Activities - Request for Information (RFI) - Pre-Solicitation Meeting o Procurement assembles IFB (Instructions/Clauses/Submittals) o Department reviews/approves IFB (prior to Publication) Process – CSB • Solicitation o Procurement publishes IFB (Austin Finance Online) o Procurement receives and responds to Questions (Department participates) o Optional - Procurement facilitates Site …

Scraped at: Feb. 7, 2025, 7:30 p.m.

Item 005 - Diversion Rate Presentation original pdf

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Zero Waste Metrics & Measurements Gena McKinley, Assistant Director February 2025 Zero Waste by 2040 Austin’s Material Generation Res idential Ma na ged by City of Aus tin Commercial & Multifamily Ma na ged by Priva te Ha ulers Data Sources • Res idential • Curbs ide collections • Recycle & Reus e Drop Off Center • Commercial & Multifamily • Contra cted third pa rty s tudies • Self-reported da ta from properties • Licens ed ha uler s elf-reporting Waste Composition Studies Comprehensive Plan Goals • Conduct routine mea s urement of per capita dis pos al ra te a nd capture rate, a nd tra ck over time, a iming for continua l improvement. • Require a ccura te da ta mea s urements in a ll wa s te collection contra cts . wa s te. • Continue to tra ck divers ion rate a s a mea s ure towa rd zero How is Diversion Rate Calculated? Divers ion Rate is a qua ntifica tion of how m uch genera ted wa s te is diverted from being la ndfilled Tons Diverted = Tons recycled + Tons com pos ted + Tons reus ed + Tons Reduced Divers ion Rate = Tons Diverted ÷ Tons Diverted + Tons Dis pos ed Aus tin ha s a city-wide (com m ercia l a nd res identia l) la ndfill divers ion ra te of 37% a s of 2020 The 2020 Com m unity Divers ion Study ca n be found online a t: www.aus tintexas .gov/ divers ion Municipal Diversion Rates City Portland Seattle Austin Minneapolis Phoenix San Antonio Fort Worth Denver Boston Dallas Year 2015 2018 2015 2016 2019 2019 2018 2019 2019 2016 Diversion Rate 47% 57% 42% 37% 36% 36% 30% 23% 21% 21% Year 2023 2023 2020 2018 2022 2024 - 2021 - 2020 Diversion Rate 44% 53% 37% 37% 36% 33% - 33% - 20% Capture Rate • Ca pture ra te is ca lcula ted by determ ining the percenta ge of m a teria l (eg a lum inum ) tha t is pla ced in the blue bin ra ther tha n the tra s h or com pos t. • Ca pture ra te is ca lcula ted: weight of a lum inum ca ns recovered ÷ (a lum inum ca ns recovered + a m …

Scraped at: Feb. 7, 2025, 7:30 p.m.

Item 006 - ARR Operations and Administrative Projects Update original pdf

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To: From: Date: Subject: Zero Waste Advisory Commission Richard McHale, Director, Austin Resource Recovery February 12, 2025 Director’s Monthly Report to the Zero Waste Advisory Commission Universal Recycling Ordinance The Universal Recycling Ordinance annual reporting period is open each fiscal year from October 1 through February 1. This year the department migrated to the public facing an online reporting system to a new software and database system. There is always concern when launching a new software platform, but this inaugural run was largely incident free, and the software programs are running smoothly and effectively. Public reporting rates continue to lag behind the anticipated performance. As of January 30, 43% of URO affected properties have been reported. Staff plan to take additional measures throughout the fiscal year to improve online submission rates. A strategic plan has been developed to deliver outreach, including email or mailed letters to non-submitting properties throughout the summer. Outreach is also being coordinated with the Austin Apartment Association, including a February 13 webinar. More information at: Circular Accelerator and Showcase applications open The City of Austin offers support to circular entrepreneurs and small to mid-sized enterprises. The Circular Austin Showcase provides the opportunity for circular economy businesses and entrepreneurs to compete for a cash prize in August each year. The Circular Austin Accelerator helps entrepreneurs improve their circular business ideas through workshops and 1:1 technical assistance. Applications are open February 3rd through March 16. More information at: Lamp Repair Workshop On February 15, a lamp repair workshop will be held at Asian American Resource Center. This is a hands-on workshop where you’ll learn the essential skills to troubleshoot and repair lamps. Learn more at: On-Demand On January 13, 2025, ARR began citywide on-demand collections for Brush, Bulk and Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) Services. On-Demand Brush collection has serviced 568 appointments collecting 105 tons of material. On- Demand Bulk collection has serviced 3,010 appointments. The Bulk program has also diverted 22.5 tons of metals, appliances, electronics, rigid plastics, and tires from disposal area landfills. The HHW program serviced 497 appointments totaling 19.5 tons of material. The programs observed an immediate reduction in overtime hours for employees due to services being scheduled. The use of routing technology to collect scheduled appointments has also reduced the number of miles driven by ARR employees. Furniture Warehouse Grant Update The City of Austin received a SWIFR grant commitment up …

Scraped at: Feb. 7, 2025, 7:30 p.m.

Item 006 - ARR Operations and Administrative Projects Update (CORRECTED PIE CHART) original pdf

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To: From: Date: Subject: Zero Waste Advisory Commission Richard McHale, Director, Austin Resource Recovery February 12, 2025 Director’s Monthly Report to the Zero Waste Advisory Commission Universal Recycling Ordinance The Universal Recycling Ordinance annual reporting period is open each fiscal year from October 1 through February 1. This year the department migrated to the public facing an online reporting system to a new software and database system. There is always concern when launching a new software platform, but this inaugural run was largely incident free, and the software programs are running smoothly and effectively. Public reporting rates continue to lag behind the anticipated performance. As of January 30, 43% of URO affected properties have been reported. Staff plan to take additional measures throughout the fiscal year to improve online submission rates. A strategic plan has been developed to deliver outreach, including email or mailed letters to non-submitting properties throughout the summer. Outreach is also being coordinated with the Austin Apartment Association, including a February 13 webinar. More information at: Circular Accelerator and Showcase applications open The City of Austin offers support to circular entrepreneurs and small to mid-sized enterprises. The Circular Austin Showcase provides the opportunity for circular economy businesses and entrepreneurs to compete for a cash prize in August each year. The Circular Austin Accelerator helps entrepreneurs improve their circular business ideas through workshops and 1:1 technical assistance. Applications are open February 3rd through March 16. More information at: Lamp Repair Workshop On February 15, a lamp repair workshop will be held at Asian American Resource Center. This is a hands-on workshop where you’ll learn the essential skills to troubleshoot and repair lamps. Learn more at: On-Demand On January 13, 2025, ARR began citywide on-demand collections for Brush, Bulk and Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) Services. On-Demand Brush collection has serviced 568 appointments collecting 105 tons of material. On- Demand Bulk collection has serviced 3,010 appointments. The Bulk program has also diverted 22.5 tons of metals, appliances, electronics, rigid plastics, and tires from disposal area landfills. The HHW program serviced 497 appointments totaling 19.5 tons of material. The programs observed an immediate reduction in overtime hours for employees due to services being scheduled. The use of routing technology to collect scheduled appointments has also reduced the number of miles driven by ARR employees. Furniture Warehouse Grant Update The City of Austin received a SWIFR grant commitment up …

Scraped at: Feb. 10, 2025, 8 p.m.


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To: From: Date: Subject: Zero Waste Advisory Commission Richard McHale, Director, Austin Resource Recovery February 12, 2025 Director’s Monthly Report to the Zero Waste Advisory Commission Universal Recycling Ordinance The Universal Recycling Ordinance annual reporting period is open each fiscal year from October 1 through February 1. This year the department migrated to the public facing an online reporting system to a new software and database system. There is always concern when launching a new software platform, but this inaugural run was largely incident free, and the software programs are running smoothly and effectively. Public reporting rates continue to lag behind the anticipated performance. As of January 30, 43% of URO affected properties have been reported. Staff plan to take additional measures throughout the fiscal year to improve online submission rates. A strategic plan has been developed to deliver outreach, including email or mailed letters to non-submitting properties throughout the summer. Outreach is also being coordinated with the Austin Apartment Association, including a February 13 webinar. More information at: Circular Accelerator and Showcase applications open The City of Austin offers support to circular entrepreneurs and small to mid-sized enterprises. The Circular Austin Showcase provides the opportunity for circular economy businesses and entrepreneurs to compete for a cash prize in August each year. The Circular Austin Accelerator helps entrepreneurs improve their circular business ideas through workshops and 1:1 technical assistance. Applications are open February 3rd through March 16. More information at: Lamp Repair Workshop On February 15, a lamp repair workshop will be held at Asian American Resource Center. This is a hands-on workshop where you’ll learn the essential skills to troubleshoot and repair lamps. Learn more at: On-Demand On January 13, 2025, ARR began citywide on-demand collections for Brush, Bulk and Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) Services. On-Demand Brush collection has serviced 568 appointments collecting 105 tons of material. On- Demand Bulk collection has serviced 3,010 appointments. The Bulk program has also diverted 22.5 tons of metals, appliances, electronics, rigid plastics, and tires from disposal area landfills. The HHW program serviced 497 appointments totaling 19.5 tons of material. The programs observed an immediate reduction in overtime hours for employees due to services being scheduled. The use of routing technology to collect scheduled appointments has also reduced the number of miles driven by ARR employees. Furniture Warehouse Grant Update The City of Austin received a SWIFR grant commitment up …

Scraped at: Feb. 12, 2025, 3:30 p.m.

Item 002 - ZWAC Resolution - Proposed RMC and ZWAC Merger Recommendation (AMENDED) original pdf

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This template is a guide for liaisons. BOARD/COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION Zero Waste Advisory Commission Zero Waste Advisory Commission Resolution Proposed Merger of Zero Waste Advisory Commission and Resource Management Commission Whereas, a proposal has been made to merge the Resource Management Commission and the Zero Waste Advisory Commission to create a Resource Recovery and Management Commission; and Whereas, Austin Resource Recovery is one of four Enterprise Departments within the City of Austin and is responsible for meeting its annual financial responsibilities through efficient budgeting that provide Residents with a safe and cost effective collection and disposal service; Whereas, the Zero Waste Advisory Commission has independently introduced to ARR Staff new service and operational proposals and recommendations that have been implemented and have proven beneficial to Austin residents through improved diversion and disposal options; Whereas, the Zero Waste Advisory Commission petitioned Austin Resource Recovery to develop a long range Master Plan to guide the City’s future disposal, recycling and operational goals for the next 40 years; and Whereas, the purpose of the Zero Waste Advisory Commission is to review, evaluate and make recommendations to City Council, City Management and City Staff regarding policies concerning solid waste, recycling, organic and heavy brush collection pursuant to its Zero Waste Master Plan Goals; and and and This template is a guide for liaisons. Whereas, it is important for all enterprise departments to have an independent Board and/or Commission to provide public oversight and input in assuring the ratepayers are receiving the most efficient and cost effect services possible; and Whereas, the purpose of the Resource Management Commission is to advise the City Council in developing and reviewing city plans and policies concerning the efficient use of energy including alternative and renewable energy technologies and on energy and water conservation; and Whereas, the overlap between the Resource Management Commission and Zero Waste Advisory Commission is narrow in scope, and a merged Resource Recovery and Management Commission would require both City staff and Commissioners to engage on an expansive array of issues unrelated to their primary areas of expertise and day-to-day responsibility: Now Therefore Be It Resolved that the Zero Waste Advisory Commission recommends against merging the Zero Waste Advisory Commission with the Resource Management Commission. Resolution Date: February 12, 2025 Date of Approval: _____________________________ Record of the vote: ___________________________________________________________________ Attest: ________________________________________

Scraped at: Feb. 13, 2025, 8:30 p.m.

Item 002 - ZWAC Resolution - Approved RMC and ZWAC Merger Recommendation original pdf

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This template is a guide for liaisons. BOARD/COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION Zero Waste Advisory Commission Recommendation Number 20250212-002 Recommendation against merging the Zero Waste Advisory Commission with the Resource Management Commission Whereas, a proposal has been made to merge the Resource Management Commission and the Zero Waste Advisory Commission to create a Resource Recovery and Management Commission; and Whereas, Austin Resource Recovery is one of four Enterprise Departments within the City of Austin and is responsible for meeting its annual financial responsibilities through efficient budgeting that provide Residents with a safe and cost effective collection and disposal service; Whereas, the Zero Waste Advisory Commission has independently introduced to ARR Staff new service and operational proposals and recommendations that have been implemented and have proven beneficial to Austin residents through improved diversion and disposal options; Whereas, the Zero Waste Advisory Commission petitioned Austin Resource Recovery to develop a long range Master Plan to guide the City’s future disposal, recycling and operational goals for the next 40 years; and Whereas, the purpose of the Zero Waste Advisory Commission is to review, evaluate and make recommendations to City Council, City Management and City Staff regarding policies concerning solid waste, recycling, organic and heavy brush collection pursuant to its Zero Waste Master Plan Goals; and and and This template is a guide for liaisons. Whereas, it is important for all enterprise departments to have an independent Board and/or Commission to provide public oversight and input in assuring the ratepayers are receiving the most efficient and cost effect services possible; and Whereas, the purpose of the Resource Management Commission is to advise the City Council in developing and reviewing city plans and policies concerning the efficient use of energy including alternative and renewable energy technologies and on energy and water conservation; and Whereas, the overlap between the Resource Management Commission and Zero Waste Advisory Commission is narrow in scope, and a merged Resource Recovery and Management Commission would require both City staff and Commissioners to engage on an expansive array of issues unrelated to their primary areas of expertise and day-to-day responsibility: Now Therefore Be It Resolved that the Zero Waste Advisory Commission recommends against merging the Zero Waste Advisory Commission with the Resource Management Commission. Resolution Date: February 12, 2025 2/12/2025 Date of Approval: _____________________________ Record of the vote: ___________________________________________________________________ 7-0 Attest: ________________________________________ Staff Liaison

Scraped at: Feb. 21, 2025, 5 p.m.