Item 10 - Country Club Creek Wastewater Improvements — original pdf

..Body Item 10 Water & Wastewater Commission: March 12, 2025 Council: March 27, 2025 Posting Language ..Title Recommend approval to negotiate and execute a contract for engineering services for the Country Club Creek Wastewater Improvements Project, for Austin Water and the Watershed Protection Department, with HDR Engineering, Inc., in an amount not to exceed $3,200,000. Funding: $2,144,000 is available in Austin Water’s Capital Budget. $1,056,000 is available in Watershed Protection Department’s Capital Budget. Lead Department Financial Services Department. Managing Department Capital Delivery Services. Purchasing Language: The Financial Services Department issued a Request for Qualifications RFQS 6100 CLMP378 for these services. The solicitation was issued on October 21, 2024, and closed on December 3, 2024. Of the five responses received, the recommended contractor submitted the best evaluated response. A complete solicitation package, including a log of responses received, is available for viewing on the City’s Financial Services website, Austin Finance Online. This information can currently be found at MBE / WBE: This contract will be awarded in compliance with City Code Chapter 2-9A (Minority-Owned and Women- Owned Business Enterprise Procurement Program) by meeting the goals with 10.09% MBE and 3.73% WBE participation. Council Committee, Boards and Commission Action: March 12, 2025 – To be reviewed by the Water and Wastewater Commission. Additional Backup Information: Austin Water’s wastewater collection system is fundamental for the conveyance of wastewater to Austin Water’s wastewater treatment plants. Austin Water’s wastewater collection system is a large and complex system, consisting of approximately 3,000 miles of wastewater mains and serves approximately one million customers. Due to deterioration from the harsh conditions of the wastewater environment, wastewater collection system assets require ongoing repair and replacement in order to prevent sanitary sewer overflows . The Country Club Creek Wastewater Improvements Project will provide replacement, relocation, and enhancement of wastewater and water infrastructure. In addition, this project will include erosion repair, stormwater control measures, adding two public trails, and stream restoration in Country Club Creek. The wastewater portion of the project includes the replacement of approximately 5,000 linear feet of existing 8-inch to 24-inch gravity wastewater pipe from Metcalfe Road to South Pleasant Valley Road with a new 18- inch to 30-inch diameter pipe. The water line portion of the project is to replace approximately 1,000 linear feet of an existing 6-inch water main that crosses Country Club Creek along Metcalfe Road and install a new 12-inch line along Metcalfe. Approximately 1,500 linear feet of creek channel will be rehabilitated to repair erosion damage, restore riparian habitat, and a rain garden, and stormwater control basin will be constructed to reduce erosive flows. Item 10 Water & Wastewater Commission: March 12, 2025 Council: March 27, 2025 The project also includes a 1,100 linear foot improved surface greenbelt trail, a 600 linear foot 12-foot-wide concrete trail, and a 550 linear foot Safe Routes to School 12-foot-wide concrete trail. The Safe Routes to School trail will also include safety lighting. This construction contract is time sensitive and is a critical component of maintenance and repairs to the wastewater collection system. Failure to enter into this contract will place an undue burden on City construction crews, will have a negative effect on infrastructure stability, and increases the risk of sanitary sewer overflows. This request allows for the development of an agreement with the selected firm. If the City is unsuccessful in negotiating a satisfactory agreement with the selected firm, negotiations will cease with that firm. Staff will return to Council so another qualified firm may be selected, authorizing new contract negotiations. This project is located within District 3. COUNTRYCLUBWESTE OLTORF STBURLESONRDMETCALFERDWARERDCATALINADRANKENDRWICKERSHAMLNSPLEASANTVALLEYRDPRINCETONDRCOLLINSCREEKDRPARKERLNHUNTWICKDRBENJAMINSTMATADORDRLAGUNADRGRANADADRDOUGLASSTWILLOWCREEKDRBURTONDRPITHERLNBURLESONCTSANTAFEDRIROQUOIS LNSANTAMONICADRWICKSHIRELNTERRILANCEDRBIGGSDRELANACTRIVKACVCARLSONDRREEVESCIRARICTBAHIACIRSUNRIDGECTDOUGLASSTWastewaterNeeds¯05001,0001,5002,000FeetProject Location: 4015.001 - Country Club Creek (Metcalfe to Oltorf) Wastewater ImprovementsItem: 10WAYMAKERWAYWESTLAKEDRWESTLAKEDRBENWHITEBLVDPLAZAONTHELAKEAirportBlvdSpringdaleRdMLKJr.BlvdManorRdE.7thStMETCALFE RD1717118371RiverPlaceBlvd35183MartinLutherKingJrBlvd35Project Limits M/WBE Summary Country Club Creek WW Improvements Participation subgoals stated in the solicitation were 1.68% African American; 4.79% Hispanic; 3.62% Native/Asian American; and 3.73% WBE. The Top Ranked firm(s) provided an MBE/WBE Compliance Plan that met the goals of the solicitation and was approved by the Small and Minority Business Resources Department. The Second Ranked firm provided an MBE/WBE Compliance Plan that met the goals of the solicitation and was approved by the Small and Minority Business Resources Department. Public notice was given for this Request for Qualifications CLMP378 Country Club Creek Wastewater Improvements Services, through the City’s Financial Services website, Austin Finance Online. Five firms submitted qualifications statements and responses were opened on December 3, 2024. Of the five submittals received two submittals were from an MBE/WBE certified firm. TOP RANKED FIRM: NON M/WBE TOTAL – PRIME HDR Engineering, Inc., Austin, TX MBE TOTAL – SUBCONSULTANTS HDR Engineering, Inc. – Total Participation: African American Subtotal (MB) Vaughn Management, LLC dba Cera Solutions - Texas, LLC, Austin, TX Hispanic Subtotal (MH) Garza EMC LLC, Inc., Austin, TX Native/Asian American Subtotal (MA) HVJ South Central Texas – M&J, Inc., Austin, TX (Engineering Consulting) (Civil Engineering) (Geological Engineering) WBE TOTAL – SUBCONSULTANTS MWM DesignGroup, Inc., Austin, TX (Landscape Architecture, Drainage Engineering, Surveying Services) SECOND RANKED FIRM: CAS Consulting and Services, Inc. – Total Participation: M/WBE TOTAL – PRIME CAS Consulting and Services, Inc., Austin TX MBE TOTAL – SUBCONSULTANTS African American Subtotal (MB) DLA Consulting Group, LLC, Leander, TX (Cost Estimating Services) 86.18% 86.18% 10.09% 1.68% 1.68% 4.79% 4.79% 3.62% 3.62% 3.73% 3.73% 51.00% 51.00% 10.09% 2.00% 2.00% Hispanic Subtotal (MH) Jose I. Guerra Inc., Austin, TX (MH) The Rios Group, Inc., Fort. Worth, TX WBE TOTAL – SUBCONSULTANTS (FA) Baer Engineering & Environmental Consulting, Inc., Austin, TX (Engineering Services Professional) (Engineering Services Professional) (Environmental Engineering) 6.00% 3.00% 3.00% 21.00% 4.00% 3.00% (Surveying Services) (Geological Engineering) (FA) Integrated Testing and Engineering Company of San Antonio LP, dba InTEC of San Antonio, San Antonio, TX (FW) McGray & McGray Land Surveying Inc. Austin, TX (Landscape Architecture, Civil Engineering) (FW) MWM Design Group Austin, TX NON M/WBE TOTAL - SUBCONSULTANTS (Civil Engineering) Black & Veatch Corp. Kansas City, MO. (Civil Engineering, Drainage Engineering, Geological Stantec Consulting Services Austin, TX Engineering) 6.00% 20.00% 5.00% 15.00% 8.00%