Water and Wastewater CommissionFeb. 19, 2025

Item 2 Ross Rd Pipeline Relocation — original pdf

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..Body Item 2 Water & Wastewater Commission: February 19, 2025 Council: February 27, 2025 Posting Language ..Title Recommend approval to authorize execution of a contract for construction services for the 2020 Bond Substandard Streets Ross Road North project, for the Transportation and Public Works Department and Austin Water and to be managed by Capital Delivery Services, with DeNucci Constructors, LLC, in the amount of $29,650,594.00 plus a $2,965,059.40 contingency for a total contract amount not to exceed $32,615,653.40. Funding: $29,669,890.33 is available in the Capital Budget of the Transportation and Public Works Department and Funding in the amount of $2,945,763.07 is available in the Capital Budget of Austin Water. Lead Department Financial Services Department. Managing Department Capital Delivery Services. Purchasing Language: The Financial Services Department issued an Invitation for Bids IFB 6100 CLMC1068 for these services. The solicitation was issued on October 7, 2024, and closed on January 9, 2025. Of the six bids received, the recommended contractor submitted the lowest responsive bid. A complete solicitation package, including a tabulation of the bids received, is available for viewing on the City’s website. This information can currently be found at https://financeonline.austintexas.gov/afo/account_services/solicitation/solicitation_details.cfm?sid=141362. MBE / WBE: This contract will be awarded in compliance with City Code Chapter 2-9A (Minority-Owned and Women- Owned Business Enterprise Procurement Program) by meeting the goals with 5.81% MBE and 1.51% WBE participation. Council Committee, Boards and Commission Action: February 19, 2025 – To be reviewed by the Water and Wastewater Commission. Additional Backup Information: The City evaluated Ross Road, in a Preliminary Engineering Report (PER) as part of the 2016 Mobility Bond to develop recommendations to improve mobility and safety along the project area. The project area in the PER includes Ross Road between State Highway 71 and Pearce Lane (referred in the report as “Ross Road North”) and between Pearce Lane and Heine Farm Road (referred to as “Ross Road South”). This project scope is for the construction of Ross Road North only. Ross Road South is being designed under the jurisdiction of Travis County. The proposed improvements are focused on reducing congestion and enhancing safety by improving vehicular traffic flow, reducing delays at intersection points, providing alternative modes of transportation, and reducing the number of collision points. The proposed improvements include: • Expansion of Ross Road North to include two lanes in each direction; addition of left turn pockets at key intersections; addition of curb and gutter to prevent roadside shoulder erosion. • Construction of sidewalks and shared use paths; addition of buffered bicycle lanes; construction of Item 2 Water & Wastewater Commission: February 19, 2025 Council: February 27, 2025 median refuge areas to provide protected midpoint crossing intersections for pedestrians. • Addition of traffic signals; new pavement markings; addition of continuous roadway lighting. • A closed storm drain system to allow the project to be built within the existing right-of-way while accommodating the wider pavement section and shared use paths. • Relocation of Austin Water pipes that either conflict with the proposed improvements or are provided as a betterment to increase capacity of water and wastewater services in this rapidly growing area. Austin Water’s portion of this project consists of replacing 890 linear feet of 6-inch, 103 linear feet of 8-inch, 1,515 linear feet of 12-inch, 101 linear feet of 16-inch, and 7,500 linear feet of 24-inch ductile iron water pipe; and 91 linear feet of 12-inch, 1,470 linear feet of 24-inch, and 4,445 linear feet of 30-inch polyvinyl chloride wastewater pipe. This item includes one allowance. The allowance of $15,000 will be used to address Irrigation Repair. An allowance is an amount that is specified and included in the construction contract or specifications for a certain item(s) of work when details are not determined at the time of bidding. This project is funded by the 2020 Mobility Bond. Due to the potential for unforeseen circumstances or physical project conditions, a 10% contingency in funding has been included to allow for the expeditious processing of any change orders to cover any unforeseen construction cost associated with the project. By authorizing the additional contingency funding, Council is authorizing any change orders within the contingency amount. The project will require temporary lane closures and/or detours. The contractor will install appropriate traffic detour signs and barricades to direct traffic. The contractor will work to ensure that residents and businesses always have access to their driveways. If access cannot be maintained, written notice of limited access will be provided to the affected property owner(s) at least 24 hours in advance. A delay in issuing this contract will affect the delivery of multi-modal mobility services for this corridor that currently has limited mobility options. Construction is anticipated to begin Spring 2025. This contract allows 757 calendar days for completion of this project. This project is located within zip code 78617 (District 2). Council Meeting: February 27, 2025 File ID: xx-xxxx (Provided by FSD or Dept. RCA SPOC) 2020 Bond Substandard Streets Ross Road North Project Map CIP ID 13232.002 MBE/WBE Summary Public notice was given for this solicitation CLMC1068, 2020 Bond Substandard Streets Ross Road North, through the City’s Financial Services website, Austin Finance Online. Six bids were received and opened on January 9, 2025. Of the six of bids received one bid was from a MBE/WBE certified firm. DeNucci Constructors, LLC submitted the lowest responsive bid including an allowance of $15,000: $ 29,635,594.00 Base Bid DeNucci Constructors, LLC, Austin, TX Smith Contracting Co., Inc., Austin, TX Posillico Civil, Inc., Austin, TX Austin Underground, Inc., Lago Vista, TX (MBE/MH) Jordan Foster Construction, Pflugerville, TX Capital Excavation Company, Buda, TX The contractor’s choice of work methodology provides for eleven areas of contracting opportunities which are listed below. Project specific goals stated in the solicitation were 1.66% African American; 3.37% Hispanic; 0.65% Native/Asian American; 1.5 %WBE. Total participation estimated on base bid amount: $32,013,571.82 $39,831,387.85 $35,562,297.00 $40,736,826.69 $41,000,048.90 $31,998,571.82 $35,547,297.00 $40,721,826.69 $39,816,387.85 $40,985,048.90 $29,650,594.00 Base Bid + Allowance(s) PRIME NON M/WBE OR M/WBE TOTAL DeNucci Constructors, LLC, Austin, TX Base Bid: ############## $26,445,094.00 89.23% MBE TOTALS - SUBCONTRACTORS $ 1,720,500.00 5.81% African American Subtotal (MB) Avery's Lawn Care & Landscaping LLC, Round Rock, TX (Landscaping (Including Design, Planting, Fertilizing)) (MB) ICCS ACADEMY, Pflugerville, TX (Training, On-Line (Construction Training Program)) $ $ 509,000.00 500,000.00 1.72% 1.69% $ 9,000.00 0.03% Hispanic Subtotal (MH) MARS Industries LLC, Cedar Creek, TX (Pipe) (MH) MG Drilling Foundation, LLC, Cedar Park, TX (Boring, Drilling, Testing and Soundings) (MH) JL3 Construction Services, LLC, Hutto, TX (Curb and Gutter, Concrete Native/Asian American Subtotal (MA) BenQwest LLC, Austin, TX (Fuel Oil, Diesel) WBE TOTALS - SUBCONTRACTORS (FW) Alpha Ready Mix LLC, Hutto, TX (Ready-Mix Concrete) (FW) KIWI Trucking Company, Inc., Taylor, TX (Hauling Services) (FH) Liquid Waste Solutions, LLC, Buda, TX (Portable Toilets) (FW) Stephanie Braun Clayton, Austin, TX (Photography, Construction) (FW) Terra EcoServices LLC, Austin, TX (Environemtnal Consulting Services) NON MBE/WBE TOTALS - SUBCONTRACTORS Alpha Paving Industries LLC, Round Rock, TX (Paving/Resurfacing, Highw Hayden Concrete, Inc., Round Rock, TX (Concrete Contractor) J A Road Boring, Inc, Kyle, TX (Boring, Drilling) Lauren Concrete, Inc., Asutin, TX (Concrete, Ready Mix) National Works, Luling, TX (Construction, Sewer amd Storm Drain (Manho Presidio Custom MetalWorks, Austin, TX (Gates, Fence, Metal) SRM Concrete LLC, Austin, TX (Concrete, Ready Mix) Stripe Specialist, Austin, TX (Pavement Markings Lines, Letter, Symbols) Stripe-It-Up LLC, Austin, TX (Markers, Pavement) $ $ 1,011,500.00 1,000,000.00 $ $ 10,000.00 1,500.00 $ $ 200,000.00 200,000.00 $ $ $ $ $ $ 446,500.00 1,500.00 375,000.00 30,000.00 25,000.00 15,000.00 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 1,023,500.00 800,000.00 1,500.00 2,500.00 1,500.00 20,000.00 35,000.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 150,000.00 3.41% 3.37% 0.03% 0.01% 0.67% 0.67% 1.51% 0.01% 1.27% 0.10% 0.08% 0.05% 3.45% 2.70% 0.01% 0.01% 0.01% 0.07% 0.12% 0.01% 0.01% 0.51% The Contractor submitted an MBE/WBE Compliance Plan that met the goals of the solicitation and was approved by the Small and Minority Business Resources Department. Second and third low bidder information is provided. SECOND BIDDER - Smith Contracting Co., Inc., Austin, TX 80.94% NON M/WBE prime participation; 1.66% African American; 3.37% Hispanic;0.65 % Native/Asian American; 1.5% WBE; 11.88 % Non M/WBE subcontractor participation. THIRD BIDDER - Posillico Civil, Inc., Austin, TX $35,547,297.00 91.33 % NON M/WBE prime participation; 1.66% African American; 4.83% Hispanic; 0.68% Native/Asian American; 1.50% WBE; 0.00% Non M/WBE subcontractor participation. $31,998,571.82