Item 7 Hyde Park Pipeline Renewal — original pdf

..Body Item 7 Water & Wastewater Commission: January 15, 2025 Council: January 30, 2025 Posting Language ..Title Recommend approval to authorize execution of a contract for construction services, for the Hyde Park (East 38th Street/Grooms Street/Avenue F) Wastewater Pipeline Renewal project for Austin Water with Underground Water Solutions Co., in the amount of $1,345,149, plus a $134,515 contingency, for a total contract amount not to exceed $1,479,664. Funding: Funding is available in the Capital Budget of Austin Water. Lead Department Financial Services Department. Managing Department Capital Delivery Services. Purchasing Language: The Financial Services Department issued an Invitation for Bids solicitation IFB 6100 CLMC1065 for these goods and services. The solicitation was issued on September 2, 2024, and closed on October 17, 2024. Of the five bids received, the recommended contractor submitted the lowest responsive bid. A complete solicitation package, including a tabulation of the bids received, is available for viewing on the City’s website. This information can currently be found at . MBE / WBE: This contract will be awarded in compliance with City Code Chapter 2-9A (Minority-Owned and Women- Owned Business Enterprise Procurement Program) by meeting the goals with 71.88% MBE and 0.30% WBE participation. Council Committee, Boards and Commission Action: January 15, 2025 – To be reviewed by the Water and Wastewater Commission. Additional Backup Information: Austin Water’s collection system is fundamental for the transfer of wastewater to Austin Water’s treatment plants. Austin Water’s collection system is a large and complex system, consisting of approximately 3,000 miles of wastewater mains and serving approximately one million customers. Due to deterioration from the harsh conditions of the wastewater environment, collection system assets require ongoing repair and replacement to prevent sanitary sewer overflows. The Hyde Park (East 38th Street/Grooms Street/Avenue F) Wastewater Pipeline Renewal project will replace approximately 1,800 linear feet of deteriorated wastewater main and associated appurtenances. This project consists of the removal and replacement of existing wastewater lines in the Hyde Park Neighborhood (East 38th Street/Grooms Street/Avenue F). This infrastructure has been identified through closed-circuit televised inspection and selected for replacement based upon the following factors, physical condition of main, number of sanitary sewer overflows, estimated volume of wastewater discharged during the sanitary sewer overflows, and amount of Inflow and Infiltration. Inflow and Infiltration is the estimated amount of groundwater or rainwater leaking into a wastewater main. Work includes bypass pumping, wastewater service connections, erosion and sedimentation controls, traffic controls, and mill and overlay for final pavement restoration including pavement markings. Work also Item 7 Water & Wastewater Commission: January 15, 2025 Council: January 30, 2025 includes the removal and disposal of abandoned asbestos cement pipe where encountered. Due to the potential for unknown subsurface conditions, a 10% contingency in funding has been included to allow for the expeditious processing of any change orders to cover any unforeseen construction costs associated with the project. Approval of this item with contingency is approval of all change orders within the contingency amount. The project proposes lane closures and/or detours. The contractor will install appropriate traffic detour signs and barricades to direct traffic. The contractor will work to ensure that residents and businesses have access to their driveways at all times. If access cannot be maintained, written notice of limited access will be provided to the affected property owner(s) at least 24 hours in advance. In addition, there will be planned temporary wastewater service interruptions, primarily during pipeline tie-in and service reconnections. Residents will be notified at least 48 hours in advance of planned service interruptions. This construction contract is time sensitive and is critical to the improvement of the infrastructure stability of Austin’s wastewater collection systems. Delay or deferral of this contract will require additional time and cost for City operations crews to conduct maintenance and repairs. The contract allows 365 calendar days for completion of this project. This project is located within zip code 78705 and 78751 (District 9). E 38TH STSPEEDWAYDUVAL STAVENUE HE 35TH STAVENUE GE 40TH STE 34TH STAVENUE FGROOMS STE 39TH STHELMS STW 39TH STTOM GREEN STLIBERTY STTEXAS AVEW 38TH STGRIFFITH STW 38TH HALF STAVENUE DW 35TH STTOWNEPARKTRLE 33RD STAVENUE CE 38TH HALF STE 37TH STE 41ST STCEDARSTE 39TH STWastewater: Approx. 2,164 LF¯0400800200600FeetProject Location: 2231.511 - Hyde Park (E 38th-Grooms-Avenue F) Wastewater Pipeline RenewalItem:WAYMAKER WAYWESTLAKE DRWESTLAKE DRAIRPORT BLVDPLAZA ON THE LAKEAirport BlvdSpringdale RdMLK Jr. BlvdManor RdE. 7th StWilliam Cannon71River Place Blvd71Project Limits351183290Martin Luther King Jr Blvd135 File ID:XX-XXX City of Austin Council Meeting Backup: January 30, 2025 M/WBE Summary Public notice was given for this solicitation CLMC1065, for the Hyde Park (E 38th St/Grooms St/Avenue F) Wastewater Pipeline Renewal, through the City’s Financial Services website, Austin Finance Online. Five bids were received and opened on October 17, 2024. Of the five bids received, two bids were from MBE/WBE certified firms. Underground Water Solutions, Co. submitted the lowest responsive bid: Base Bid Underground Water Solutions, Co. (FH) Facilities Rehabilitation, Inc. (MH) Denucci Constructors, LLC Cedar Hills Construction, LLC Packsaddle Management $1,345,149.00 $1,347,500.00 $1,937,360.00 $1,991,490.00 $2,625,800.00 The contractor’s choice of work methodology provides for 10 areas of contracting opportunities which are listed below. Participation goals stated in the solicitation were 1.21% African American; 6.65% Hispanic; 0.18% Native/Asian American; 0.30% WBE. Total participation estimated on base bid amount: Page 1 of 2 Base Bid:1,345,149.00$ PRIMEMBE TOTAL923,420.00$ 68.65%(MH) Underground Water Solutions, Co.MBE TOTALS - SUBCONTRACTORS39,460.00$ 2.93%African American Subtotal16,260.00$ 1.21%(MB) Avery's Lawn Care, Round Rock, TX (Erosion Control)10,000.00$ 0.74%(MB) Sam Kellough Trucking Austin, TX (Hauling Services)6,260.00$ 0.47%Hispanic Subtotal20,000.00$ 1.49%(MH) Pena's Traffic Services, LLC, Elgin, TX (Traffic Control)20,000.00$ 1.49%Native/Asian American Subtotal3,200.00$ 0.24%(FA) Rama Tiru, Austin, TX (Photography, Construction)3,200.00$ 0.24%WBE TOTALS - SUBCONTRACTORS4,032.00$ 0.30%(FW) McGray &McGray Land Surveyors, Pflugerville, TX (Surveying Services)4,032.00$ 0.30%NON MBE/WBE TOTALS - SUBCONTRACTORS378,237.00$ 28.12%ACT Pipe and Supply, Pflugerville, TX (Water & Wastewater Material)100,382.00$ 7.46%Travis Materials, Elgin, TX (Aggregate Supplier)28,000.00$ 2.08%Centex - Base, Dallas, TX (Aggregate Supplier)10,000.00$ 0.74% File ID:XX-XXX City of Austin Council Meeting Backup: January 30, 2025 The Contractor submitted an MBE/WBE Compliance Plan that met the goals of the solicitation and was approved by the Small and Minority Business Resources Department. Second and third low bidder information is provided: Facilities Rehabilitation, Inc., Austin, TX 97.41% MBE prime participation; 1.48% African American; 0.37% Native/Asian American; 0.30% WBE; 0.44%. Denucci Constructors, LLC 84.17% prime participation; 1.44% African American; 6.71% Hispanic; 0.18% Native/Asian American; 0.40 % WBE; 7.10%. $1,937.360.00 $1,347,500.00 Page 1 of 2