Item 5 Pipeline Rotation List — original pdf

..Body Item 5 Water & Wastewater Commission: January 15, 2025 Council: January 30, 2025 Posting Language ..Title Recommend approval to authorize negotiation and execution of eleven contracts for engineering services for the 2024 Large Scale Water and Wastewater Pipeline Engineering Services Rotation List for Austin Water with Parsons Water & Infrastructure, Inc., Jacobs Engineering Group, Inc., Lockwood Andrews & Newnam, Inc., Cobb Fendley & Associates, Inc., CP&Y, Inc. (dba STV Infrastructure), CAS Consulting & Services, Inc., Miller Gray LLC, Black & Veatch Corporation, Stantec Consulting Services Inc, AECOM Technical Services, Inc., and Pape-Dawson Consulting Engineers LLC, for total contract amounts not to exceed $48,000,000, divided among the firms. Funding: Funding is available in the Capital Budget of Austin Water. Lead Department Financial Services Department. Managing Department Capital Delivery Services. Purchasing Language: The Financial Services Department issued a Request for Qualifications solicitation RFQS 6100 CLMP377 for these services. The solicitation was issued on July 17, 2024, and closed on September 11, 2024. Of the 35 offers received, the recommended contractors submitted the best evaluated responsive offers. A complete solicitation package, including a log of offers received, is available for viewing on the City’s website. This information can currently be found at MBE / WBE: Note: These contracts will be awarded in compliance with City Code Chapter 2-9B (Minority-Owned and Women-Owned Business Enterprise Procurement Program) by meeting the goals with 9.24% MBE and 2.94% WBE participation. Council Committee, Boards and Commission Action: January 15, 2025 – To be reviewed by the Water and Wastewater Commission. Additional Backup Information: As a standard business practice, the City routinely engages the services of professional engineering firms to perform analysis, design, and support services associated with construction or improvement of City capital assets. Rotation List contracting allows the City to always have a group of qualified consultants available to perform a specific type of recurring work in a timely manner to meet the project and operational needs of the City. Prior to issuing, this solicitation was reviewed by the City’s Rotation List Advisory Committee, which is made up of staff from the Financial Services Department – Central Procurement, Capital Procurement, the Small and Minority Business Resource Department, Transportation and Public Works Department, and other user departments. The total authorization amount, the number of firms to be recommended for selection, and the authorization amount per firm were discussed and reviewed by the Committee. Capital Procurement expects that user departments will require these services to meet current and future engineering services needs. These projects will require external engineering services to properly plan, evaluate, design, and implement large construction pipeline projects throughout the City. The City currently has a Large Diameter Water and Item 5 Water & Wastewater Commission: January 15, 2025 Council: January 30, 2025 Wastewater Pipeline rotation list agreement with 11 firms to provide engineering services for Austin Water. It is anticipated that the contracting authority for the existing rotation list will be exhausted in the near future. The selected firms will provide planning, studies, feasibility engineering, preliminary engineering, design, construction, project delivery support and other engineering services as necessary for any of the projects that are identified as part of the Austin Water Capital, Operation and Maintenance Budgets. Large construction pipeline projects under this rotation list will generally range in total project cost from $1,000,000 to $8,000,000. Public impact from recurring projects on this rotation list will be assessed during design and construction phases. A delay in establishing the 2024 Large Scale Engineering Rotation List would negatively impact future Water and Wastewater pipeline projects. This request allows for the development of contracts with each of the eleven recommended firms until financial authorization is expended. Initial project assignments will be based on the firm’s final ranking as determined during the Request for Qualifications evaluation (highest to lowest), the maximum cumulative contracted amount in comparison to the estimated task budget for that firm, and the firm’s qualifications and availability of expertise at time of project need. Per firm authorizations may be increased or decreased, through the life of the contract, based on the needs of a particular assignment and will follow the established rotation list policies and procedures. If the City is unsuccessful in negotiating a satisfactory agreement with a recommended firm(s), if a selected firm ceases practice during the contract period, or if the City elects to terminate its agreement with one of the selected firms, the remaining assignments will be assigned to the remaining firm(s) for the duration of the contract period. M/WBE Summary Public notice was given for this Request for Qualifications CLMP377 2024 Large Scale Water and Wastewater Pipeline Engineering Services Rotation List, through the City’s Financial Services website, Austin Finance Online. Thirty-five firms submitted qualifications statements and responses were opened on September 11, 2024. Of the thirty-five submittals received three submittals were from MBE/WBE certified firms. Participation goals stated in the solicitation were 1.40% African American; 4.32% Hispanic; 3.52% Native/Asian American; 2.94% WBE. The recommended firms provided an MBE/WBE Compliance Plan that met the goals of the solicitation and was approved by the Small and Minority Business Resources Department. RECOMMENDED FIRM: Parsons Water & Infrastructure Inc.,– Total Participation: NON M/WBE TOTAL – PRIME Parsons Water & Infrastructure Inc., Austin, TX MBE TOTAL – SUBCONSULTANTS (Structural Engineering) African American Subtotal (MB) SE3, LLC, Austin, TX Hispanic Subtotal (MH) Arias & Associates, Inc., Austin, TX Native/Asian American Subtotal (MA) CAS Consulting and Services, Inc., Austin, TX (MA) HVJ South Central Texas – M&J, Inc., Austin, TX (Geotechnical – Soils) (Civil Engineering; Drainage Services; Permitting Services, Environmental; Tunnels and Subways/Engineering) (Traffic and Transportation Engineering) (Environmental Engineering; Permitting Services Environmental) (Surveying Services) WBE TOTAL – SUBCONSULTANTS (FA) BAER Engineering and Environmental Consulting, Inc., Austin, TX (FW) McGray & McGray Land Surveyors, Inc., Austin, TX (FH) The Rios Group, Inc., Fort Worth, TX RECOMMENDED FIRM: Jacobs Engineering Group Inc.,– Total Participation: NON M/WBE TOTAL – PRIME Jacobs Engineering Group Inc., Austin, TX MBE TOTAL – SUBCONSULTANTS (Utility Locator Service) African American Subtotal (MB) SE3, LLC, Austin, TX (MB)Round Rock Geophysics, LLC, Georgetown, TX (Geotechnical – Soils) Hispanic Subtotal (FH) The Rios Group, Inc., Fort Worth, TX (Utility Locator Service) (Structural Engineering) 72.50% 14.50% 2.00% 5.00% 7.50% 13.00% 87.82% 9.24% 1.40% 4.32% Native/Asian American Subtotal (MA) CAS Consulting and Services, Inc., Austin, TX (General Construction) (Geotechnical – Soils) (MA) HVJ South Central Texas – M&J, Inc., Austin, TX (Environmental Engineering) WBE TOTAL – SUBCONSULTANTS (FA) BAER Engineering and Environmental Consulting, Inc., Austin, TX (FW) McGray & McGray Land Surveyors, Inc., Austin, TX (FH) The Rios Group, Inc., Fort Worth, TX RECOMMENDED FIRM: Lockwood Andrews & Newnam Inc.,– Total Participation: NON M/WBE TOTAL – PRIME Lockwood, Andrews & Newnam, Inc., Austin, TX MBE TOTAL – SUBCONSULTANTS (Utility Locator Service) (Surveying Services) (Traffic and Transportation Engineering) African American Subtotal (MB) SE3, LLC, Austin, TX Hispanic Subtotal (FH) Civil Land Group, LLC., Round Rock, TX (FH) The Rios Group, Inc., Fort Worth, TX (Utility Locator Services) Native/Asian American Subtotal (MA) HVJ South Central Texas – M&J, Inc., Austin, TX (Geotechnical – Soils) (General Construction Management, Erosion and Sedimentation Controls/SWPPP) (Civil Engineering; Permitting Services) WBE TOTAL – SUBCONSULTANTS (FW) McGray & McGray Land Surveyors, Inc., Austin, TX (Surveying Services) (FW) Miller Gray LLC dba Miller Gray, Austin, TX NON M/WBE TOTAL – SUBCONSULTANTS Weston Solutions Inc., Austin, TX (Environmental Engineering; Environmental Consulting) RECOMMENDED FIRM: Cobb Fendley & Assoc Inc.,– Total Participation: NON M/WBE TOTAL – PRIME Cobb, Fendley & Associates, Inc., Austin, TX MBE TOTAL – SUBCONSULTANTS African American Subtotal (MB) Foster CM Group, Inc., Austin, TX (General Construction: Management, Scheduling, Cost) Hispanic Subtotal (MH) Arias & Associates, Inc.,dba Arias, Austin, TX (Geotechnical – Soils) 3.52% 2.94% Unknown 9.24% 1.40% 4.32% 3.52% 2.94% Unknown 87.82% 9.24% 1.40% 4.32% (Permitting Services) (MH) Civil Team Engineers, LLC, Austin, TX Native/Asian American Subtotal (MA) CAS Consulting and Services, Inc., Austin, TX (Civil Engineering) WBE TOTAL – SUBCONSULTANTS (FA) BAER Engineering & Environmental Consulting, Inc., Austin, TX (FW) Balcones Geotechnical, LLC, Cedar Park, TX (FW) McGray & McGray Land Surveyors, Inc., Austin, TX RECOMMENDED FIRM: CP&Y Inc., dba STV Infrastructure – Total Participation: NON M/WBE TOTAL – PRIME CP&Y, Inc.,dba STV Infrastructure, Austin, TX MBE TOTAL – SUBCONSULTANTS (Surveying Services) (Tunnels and Subways / Engineering) (Environmental Engineering) African American Subtotal (MB) Foster CM Group, Inc., Austin, TX (General Construction: Management, Scheduling, Cost) Hispanic Subtotal (MH) DAVCAR Incorporated dba DAVCAR Engineering Services, Austin, TX Native/Asian American Subtotal (MA) HVJ South Central Texas – M&J, Inc., Austin, TX (Geotechnical Engineering; Tunnels and Subways/Engineering) (Traffic and Transportation Engineering) (Permitting Services Environmental; Environmental Consulting/Assessments/Studies) WBE TOTAL – SUBCONSULTANTS (FA) BAER Engineering & Environmental Consulting, Inc., Austin, TX (FW) MWM Design Group, Inc., Austin, TX (FH) The Rios Group, Inc., Fort Worth, TX RECOMMENDED FIRM: CAS Consulting & Services Inc. – Total Participation: M/WBE TOTAL – PRIME CAS Consulting and Services Inc., Austin, TX MBE TOTAL – SUBCONSULTANTS (Surveying Services) (Utility Locator Service) African American Subtotal (MB) Foster CM Group, Inc., Austin, TX (General Construction Management) Hispanic Subtotal (MH) Civil Team Engineers, LLC, Austin, TX (MH) Jose I Guerra, Inc., Austin, TX (FH) The Rios Group, Inc., Fort Worth, TX (Permitting Services, Environmental) (Structural Engineering) (Utility Locator Services) 3.52% 2.94% 87.82% 9.24% 1.40% 4.32% 3.52% 2.94% Unknown 9.24% 1.40% 4.32% Native/Asian American Subtotal (MA) Integrated Testing and Engineering Company of San Antonio LP dba InTEC of San Antonio, San Antonio, TX (Geotechnical – Soils; Testing) 3.52% 2.94% (Civil Engineering; Corrosion Control; Cathodic Protection: Electrolysis) (Permitting Services Environmental; Environmental Consulting/Assessments/Studies) WBE TOTAL – SUBCONSULTANTS (FA) BAER Engineering & Environmental Consulting, Inc., Austin, TX (FW) McGray & McGray Land Surveyors Inc., Austin, TX (Surveying Services) (FW) V & A Consulting Engineers, Inc., Houston, TX NON M/WBE TOTAL - SUBCONSULTANTS Unknown Black & Veatch Corp, Kansas City, MO (Tunnels and Subways Engineering; Electrical Engineering; Instrumentation) RECOMMENDED FIRM: Miller Gray LLC – Total Participation: M/WBE TOTAL – PRIME Miller Gray LLC, Austin, TX MBE TOTAL – SUBCONSULTANTS African American Subtotal (BM) SE3, LLC, Austin, TX Hispanic Subtotal (FH) The Rios Group, Inc., Fort Worth, TX Native/Asian American Subtotal (MA) CAS Consulting and Services Inc., Austin, TX (Civil Engineering) (MA) Encotech Engineering Consultants Inc., Austin, TX (Structural Engineering) (Traffic/Transportation Engineering) (Utility Locator Service) WBE TOTAL – SUBCONSULTANTS (FW) McGray & McGray Land Surveyors Inc., Austin, TX (Surveying Services) (FW) V & A Consulting Engineers inc., Houston, TX (Civil Engineering) (Geotechnical Soils) Environmental Consulting/Assessment/Studies; Permitting Services) NON M/WBE TOTAL - SUBCONSULTANTS Hicks & Company Environmental/Archeological Consultants, Austin, TX Holt Engineering, Inc., Austin, TX Lockwood, Andrews & Nenam, Inc., Austin, TX (Tunnel and Subways / Engineering; Civil Engineering) RECOMMENDED FIRM: Black & Veatch Corporation – Total Participation: NON M/WBE TOTAL – PRIME Black & Veatch Corporation, Austin, TX MBE TOTAL – SUBCONSULTANTS Unknown 9.24% 1.40% 4.32% 3.52% 2.94% Unknown 87.82% 9.24% (General Construction) African American Subtotal (BM) Foster CM Group, Inc., Austin, TX Hispanic Subtotal (MA) Atlas Design Services LLC, Austin, TX (Civil Design; Environmental Consulting) (MH) Civil Team Engineers, Austin, TX (Permitting) (MH) Jose I Guerra, Inc., Austin, TX (Structural Engineering) Native/Asian American Subtotal (MA) CAS Consulting & Services Inc., Austin, TX (Cost Estimating; General Construction; Scheduling) (MA) HVJ South Central Texas – M&J, Inc., Austin, TX (Traffic/Transportation Engineering) (Geotechnical Soils) (Surveying Services) (Utility Locater Services) (Corrosion Control; Cathodic Protection) (Environmental Consulting/Assessment/Studies) WBE TOTAL – SUBCONSULTANTS (FW) Balcones Geotechnical, LLC, Austin, TX (FW) McGray & McGray, Austin, TX (FW) The Rios Group, Fort Worth, TX (FW) V & A Consulting Engineers, Houston, TX (FW) BAER Engineering and Environmental Consulting Inc., Austin, TX RECOMMENDED FIRM: Stantec Consulting Services Inc.,– Total Participation: NON M/WBE TOTAL – PRIME Stantec Consulting Services Inc., Austin, TX MBE TOTAL – SUBCONSULTANTS African American Subtotal (FB) All Points Inspection Services Inc., Austin, TX (Utility Locator Services) Hispanic Subtotal (MH) Garza EMC LLC, Austin, TX (MH) Jose I Guerra, Inc., Austin, TX Native/Asian American Subtotal (MA) CAS Consulting & Services Inc., Austin, TX (MA) HVJ South Central Texas – M&J Inc., Austin, TX (Traffic and Transportation Engineering) (Structural Engineering) (Civil Engineering; Cost Estimating) (Geotechnical Soils) WBE TOTAL – SUBCONSULTANTS (FA) BAER Engineering & Environmental Consulting Inc., Austin, TX RECOMMENDED FIRM: AECOM TECHNICAL SERVICES INC– Total Participation: NON M/WBE TOTAL – PRIME AECOM Technical Services, Inc., Austin, TX MBE TOTAL – SUBCONSULTANTS (Permitting Services Environmental; Environmental Engineering/Environmental Consulting/Assessment/Studies) 1.4% 4.32% 3.52% 2.94% 87.82% 9.24% 1.40% 4.32% 3.52% 2.94% 87.82% 9.24% African American Subtotal (MB) TSIT Engineering & Consulting, LLC, Leander, TX (Geotechnical Engineering – Soils) Hispanic Subtotal (Surveying Services) (FH) AG3 Group, LLC, San Antonio, TX (MH) Civil Team Engineers, LLC, Austin, TX (Permitting Services) Native/Asian American Subtotal (FA) BAER Engineering and Environmental Consulting, Inc., Austin, TX (MA) CAS Consulting & Services, Inc., Austin, TX (Civil Engineering; Traffic/Transportation Engineering) (Environmental Consulting/Assessment/ Studies/Engineering) WBE TOTAL – SUBCONSULTANTS (FW) Balcones Geotechnical LLC, Cedar Park, TX (Tunnels and Subways/Engineering) (FH) The Rios Group, Fort Worth, TX (Utility Locator Service) RECOMMENDED FIRM: Pape – Dawson Consulting Engineers LLC – Total Participation: NON M/WBE TOTAL – PRIME Pape-Dawson Engineers, LLC, Austin, TX MBE TOTAL – SUBCONSULTANTS African American Subtotal (MB) SE3, LLC, Austin, TX (Traffic / Transportation Engineering) Hispanic Subtotal (MH) Civil Team Engineers, LLC, Austin, TX (Permitting Services, Environmental) (FH) Texas Geo Bore Drilling LLC, Round Rock, TX (Boring, Drilling, Testing and Soundings) Native/Asian American Subtotal (MA) Encotech Engineering Consultants, Inc., Austin, TX (Structural Engineering) (MA) HVJ South Central Texas – M&J, Inc., Austin, TX (Geotechnical – Soils) WBE TOTAL – SUBCONSULTANTS (FA) BAER Engineering and Environmental Consulting, Inc., Austin, TX (Environmental Engineering) (Surveying Services) (FW) Landmark Surveying, LP, Austin, TX (FH) The Rios Group, Fort Worth, TX (Utility Locator Service) (FW) V&A Consulting Engineers Inc., Houston, TX (Civil Engineering; Cathodic Protection; Electrolysis) NON M/WBE TOTAL - SUBCONSULTANTS Schnabel Engineering, LLC, Austin, TX (Tunnels and Subways/ Engineering) 1.40% 4.32% 3.52% 2.94% Unknown 9.24% 1.40% 4.32% 3.52% 2.94% Unknown