Item 1 DRAFT November 2024 Meeting Minutes — original pdf
WATER AND WASTEWATER COMMISSION REGULAR CALLED MEETING MINUTES Wednesday, November 13, 2024 The Water and Wastewater Commission convened in a regular called meeting on November 13, 2024, at Waller Creek Center, 625 E 10th Street, Austin, Texas. Chair Turrieta called the Water and Wastewater Commission to order at 6:01 p.m. Commission Members in Attendance: Chair Susan Turrieta, Alex Navarro (Remote), Shwetha Pandurangi, Jesse Penn, Mike Reyes, Marcela Tunon Sion (Remote), Amanda Marzullo Commission Members Absent: Vice Chair Christopher Maxwell-Gaines, Judy Musgrove, William Moriarty PUBLIC COMMUNICATION: GENERAL There were no registered public speakers. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. Approval of minutes from the October 9, 2024, regular meeting of the Water and Wastewater Commission. The minutes from the October 9, 2024, regular meeting were approved on Commissioner Penn’s motion and Commissioner Reyes’ second on a 6-0 vote with Commissioners Musgrove, Moriarty, Pandurangi and Vice Chair Maxwell- Gaines absent. DISCUSSION AND ACTION 2. Recommend approval of a resolution approving the issuance by Pilot Knob Municipal Utility District No. 2 of Unlimited Tax Bonds, Series 2024, in a principal amount not to exceed $2,910,000. This item has no fiscal impact. Recommended by the Water and Wastewater Commission on Commissioner Penn’s motion and Commissioner Marzullo’s second on a 6-0 vote with Commissioners Musgrove, Moriarty, Pandurangi and Vice Chair Maxwell-Gaines absent. 3. Recommend approval of a resolution approving the issuance by Pilot Knob Municipal Utility District No. 2 of Unlimited Tax Road Bonds, Series 2024A, in a principal amount not to exceed $6,280,000. This item has no fiscal impact. Recommended by the Water and Wastewater Commission on Commissioner Penn’s motion and Commissioner Marzullo’s second on a 6-0 vote with Commissioners Musgrove, Moriarty, Pandurangi and Vice Chair Maxwell-Gaines absent. 4. Recommend approval of a resolution authorizing the issuance by Pilot Knob Municipal Utility District No. 3 of Unlimited Tax Bonds, Series 2024, in the amount of $3,630,000. This item has no fiscal impact. Recommended by the Water and Wastewater Commission on Commissioner Penn’s motion and Commissioner Marzullo’s second on a 6-0 vote with Commissioners Musgrove, Moriarty, Pandurangi and Vice Chair Maxwell-Gaines absent. 5. Recommend approval of a resolution authorizing the issuance by Pilot Knob Municipal Utility District No. 3 of Unlimited Tax Road Bonds, Series 2024A, in the amount of $7,085,000. This item has no fiscal impact. Recommended by the Water and Wastewater Commission on Commissioner Penn’s motion and Commissioner Marzullo’s second on a 6-0 vote with Commissioners Musgrove, Moriarty, Pandurangi and Vice Chair Maxwell-Gaines absent. 6. Recommend approval to authorize execution of a contract for progressive cavity pump parts and accessories for Austin Water with Liberty Process Equipment, Inc., for an initial term of three years with up to two one-year extension options, for a total contract amount not to exceed $580,000. Funding in the amount of $88,611 is available in the Fiscal Year 2024-2025 Operating Budget of Austin Water. Funding for the remaining contract term is contingent upon available funding in future budgets. Recommended by the Water and Wastewater Commission on Commissioner Penn’s motion and Commissioner Marzullo’s second on a 6-0 vote with Commissioners Musgrove, Moriarty, Pandurangi and Vice Chair Maxwell-Gaines absent. 7. Recommend approval to authorize execution of a contract for flexible road base materials for Austin Water with Community Trucking LLC, for an initial term of three years with up to two one-year extension options, for a total contract amount not to exceed $4,100,000. Funding in the amount of $751,667 is available in the Fiscal Year 2024-2025 Operating Budget of Austin Water. Funding for the remaining contract term is contingent upon available funding in future budgets. Recommended by the Water and Wastewater Commission on Commissioner Penn’s motion and Commissioner Marzullo’s second on a 6-0 vote with Commissioners Musgrove, Moriarty, Pandurangi and Vice Chair Maxwell-Gaines absent. 8. Recommend approval to authorize execution of five contracts for water meters and parts for Austin Water with Badger Meter Inc. d/b/a Badger Meter, Core & Main LP d/b/a L&M Supply, Master Meter Inc., Mountain States Pipe & Supply Co., and Mueller Systems LLC d/b/a Mueller Company or Mueller Co LLC, each for up to five years for total contract amounts not to exceed $14,000,000, divided equally among the contractors or the Department may choose any contractor that has the available product. Funding in the amount of $2,333,333 is available in the Fiscal Year 2024-2025 Operating Budget of Austin Water. Funding for the remaining contract term is contingent upon available funding in future budgets. Recommended by the Water and Wastewater Commission on Commissioner Penn’s motion and Commissioner Marzullo’s second on a 6-0 vote with Commissioners Musgrove, Moriarty, Pandurangi and Vice Chair Maxwell- Gaines absent. 9. Recommend approval to authorize execution of contracts for magnesium hydroxide slurry for Austin Water with Forsythe Brothers Infrastructure, LLC, and Garrison Minerals LLC, each for an initial term of three years with two one-year extension options, for total contract amounts not to exceed $49,100,000 divided among the contractors equally or the Department may choose any contractor that has the available product. Funding in the amount of $9,001,667 is available in the Fiscal Year 2024-2025 Operating Budget of Austin Water. Funding for the remaining contract term is contingent upon available funding in future budgets. Recommended by the Water and Wastewater Commission on Commissioner Penn’s motion and Commissioner Marzullo’s second on a 6-0 vote with Commissioners Musgrove, Moriarty, Pandurangi and Vice Chair Maxwell- Gaines absent. 10. Recommend approval to authorize negotiation and execution of a contract for large- diameter water main leak detection and assessment services with Pure Technologies Us Inc. d/b/a Wachs Water Services, for an initial term of two years with three one-year extension options, for a total contract amount not to exceed $5,000,000. Funding in the amount of $1,000,000 is available in the Fiscal Year 2024-2025 Operating Budget of Austin Water. Funding for the remaining contract term is contingent upon available funding in future budgets. Recommended by the Water and Wastewater Commission on Commissioner Reyes’ motion and Commissioner Marzullo’s second on a 7-0 vote with Commissioners Musgrove, Moriarty and Vice Chair Maxwell-Gaines absent. 11. Recommend approval to authorize execution of a contract for construction services for the Old Enfield Water & Wastewater Pipeline Renewal project, with Facilities Rehabilitation, Inc. in the amount of $6,157,650 plus a $615,765 contingency for a total contract amount not to exceed $6,773,415. Funding is available in the Capital Budget of Austin Water. (District 10) Recommended by the Water and Wastewater Commission on Commissioner Marzullo’s motion and Commissioner Pandurangi’s second on a 6-0 vote with Commissioner Penn recusing and Commissioners Musgrove, Moriarty and Vice Chair Maxwell-Gaines absent. 12. Recommend approval to authorize execution of a contract for construction services for the SH 71 @ US 183 Interchange TXDOT Relocation AW & WW Transmission Mains project with Santa Clara Construction, Ltd., in the amount of $5,833,210 plus a $583,321 contingency for a total contract amount not to exceed $6,416,531. Funding is available in the Capital Budget of Austin Water. (Districts 2 & 3) Recommended by the Water and Wastewater Commission on Commissioner Penn’s motion and Commissioner Marzullo’s second on a 6-0 vote with Commissioners Musgrove, Moriarty, Pandurangi and Vice Chair Maxwell-Gaines absent. 13. Recommend approval to authorize negotiation and execution of an amendment to the contract for engineering services for the Design of Redbud Trail Bridge over Lady Bird Lake project with URS Corporation, in the amount of $4,492,670 for a revised total contract amount not to exceed $15,787,775. Funding in the amount of $3,692,670 is available in the Capital Budget of the Transportation and Public Works Department. Funding in the amount of $800,000 is available in the Capital Budget of Austin Water. Recommended by the Water and Wastewater Commission on Commissioner Reyes’ motion and Commissioner Marzullo’s second on a 6-0 vote with Commissioner Penn recusing and Commissioners Musgrove, Moriarty and Vice Chair Maxwell-Gaines absent. 14. Recommend approval to authorize negotiation and execution of two contracts for special access cleaning, televising inspection, and sewer related services of sanitary sewer collection system pipes in special access areas for Austin Water with Ace Pipe Cleaning Inc d/b/a Carylon Corp, and Hydromax USA LLC, each for up to five years for total contract amounts not to exceed $12,600,000 divided between the contractors evenly or the Department may choose any contractor that has the available services. Funding in the amount of $2,310,000 is available in the Fiscal Year 2024-2025 Operating Budget of Austin Water. Funding for the remaining contract term is contingent upon available funding in future budgets. Recommended by the Water and Wastewater Commission on Commissioner Penn’s motion and Commissioner Marzullo’s second on a 6-0 vote with Commissioners Musgrove, Moriarty, Pandurangi and Vice Chair Maxwell- Gaines absent. 15. Recommend approval of Water Forward 2024, Austin’s Integrated Water Resource Plan, which includes conservation, reuse, and supply strategies and an adaptive management framework to respond to changing conditions to meet Austin’s water needs for the next 100 years. Funding: This item has no fiscal impact. Recommended by the Water and Wastewater Commission on Commissioner Pandurangi’s motion and Commissioner Navarro’s second on a 7-0 vote with Commissioners Musgrove, Moriarty and Vice Chair Maxwell-Gaines absent. 16. Recommend approval of a resolution repealing Resolution No. 20240502-005, which adopted the prior Water Conservation Plan for Municipal and Wholesale Water Use, and adopting an updated Water Conservation Plan, which describes Austin Water’s ongoing water conservation strategies, programs, and goals, as required by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality. Funding: This item has no fiscal impact. Recommended by the Water and Wastewater Commission on Commissioner Pandurangi’s motion and Commissioner Navarro’s second on a 7-0 vote with Commissioners Musgrove, Moriarty and Vice Chair Maxwell-Gaines absent. 17. Recommend approval of a resolution repealing Resolution No. 20240502-004, which adopted a revised Drought Contingency Plan, and adopting the Drought Contingency Plan, which includes drought or emergency response stages due to water supply shortages, sets targets for water use reduction and other elements required by state law, as required by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality. Funding: This item has no fiscal impact. Recommended by the Water and Wastewater Commission on Commissioner Pandurangi’s motion and Commissioner Navarro’s second on a 7-0 vote with Commissioners Musgrove, Moriarty and Vice Chair Maxwell-Gaines absent. 18. Discuss and approve the calendar year 2025 Water and Wastewater Commission meeting schedule. The Option B meeting dates were approved by the Water and Wastewater Commission on Commissioner Tunon Sion’s motion and Commissioner Penn’s second on a 7-0 vote with Commissioners Musgrove, Moriarty and Vice Chair Maxwell-Gaines absent. STAFF BRIEFINGS 19. Staff briefing on Water Forward 2024 (Austin’s Integrated Water Resource Plan) and updates to Austin’s Water Conservation and Drought Contingency Plans Austin Water Director, Shay Ralls Roalson presented and answered questions along with Water Conservation Division Manager, Kevin Kluge and Assistant Director of Financial Services, Joseph Gonzales, and Program Manager Marisa Flores-Gonzalez. COMMITTEE UPDATES 20. Update from the Austin Integrated Water Resource Planning Community Task Force meeting regarding Water Forward Plan implementation and progress on plan updates Commissioner Moriarty was not present to provide an update. 21. Update from the Joint Sustainability Committee meeting regarding conservation and sustainability initiatives Vice Chair Maxwell-Gaines was not present to provide an update. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS Discussion of future agenda items Chair Turrieta requested future information about Austin Water’s fluoridation of drinking water and the carbon footprint of Austin Water, along with energy efficiency improvements. ADJOURNMENT Chair Turrieta adjourned the meeting at 6:49 p.m.