Water and Wastewater CommissionJune 12, 2024

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Recruitment and Retention Update Israel Custodio Acting Assistant Director, Employee & Leadership Development Water and Wastewater Commission | June 12, 2024 2 Recruitment & Retention Historical Vacancy Percentages 11.25% 10.71% 11.63% 12.02% 11.33% 11.40% 10.86% 10.55% 10.32% 14.56% 14.18% 13.89% 12.93% 11.76% 10.95% 10.36% 11.09% 9.55% 10.35% 9.99% 9.70% 10.64% 9.85% 9.85% Total Linear (Total) Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr 2022 2023 2024 16.00% 14.00% 12.00% 10.00% 8.00% 6.00% 4.00% 2.00% 0.00% 4 Current Vacancies By Age 4) 1-2 Years 7% 3) 6-12 Months 24% 1) Less than 3 Months 51% 1) Less than 3 Months 2) 3-6 Months 3) 6-12 Months 4) 1-2 Years 2) 3-6 Months 18% 5 Positions Filled Vs. Separations 336 298 218 120 75 178 149 181 118 161 141 90 2021 2022 2023 2024 YTD 6 Postions Filled Separations Vacancies Separations by Source Q2 FY24 2024 YTD 0 7 15 19 35 76 2023 2 19 31 2022 4 15 40 51 38 2021 7 13 31 24 45 120 2020 2 10 43 21 31 107 78 81 181 178 Deceased Terminated Retired Transferred Resigned 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 7 Key Operational Areas Vacancy Rates 28.00% 24.14% 21.74% 20.00% 20.51% 15.38% 13.64% 15.38% 10.34% 11.36% Ullrich WTP Davis WTP Handcox WTP Hornsby Bend Remote Facilities Pump Stations & Reservoirs Distribution System Service Collection System Mtc. Distribution System Mt.s Instruments & Control Electrical Services Current Vacancy % 9.09% 8 Key Operational Areas New Hires vs. Separations 11 9 8 12 8 8 4 4 4 4 4 2 2 7 5 5 5 6 4 6 5 5 5 6 5 7 4 3 4 1 1 1 1 Ullrich WTP Davis WTP Handcox WTP Hornsby Bend Remote Facilities Pump Stations & Reservoirs Distribution System Service Collection System Mtc. Distribution System Mtc. Instruments & Control Electrical Services 9 New Hires Separations Current Vacancies Compensation Initiatives 10 Market Studies • Austin Water titles (2022) • City-wide (2024, maintenance from 2017) • City-wide Engineering (2024) • City-wide IT (2024) Stipends • Safety incentive pay (2023) • Licensure incentive pay (revamped 2023) • New hire recruitment bonus (2023) • Retention pay (2023) Other • AW Electrician pay grade adjustment (2023) • Rezone evaluation (2024) • Living wage increases • Acting pay • Bilingual pay External Review Recommendations Leadership Development Rec. # Recommendation Implementation Status 2.2-2 Investigate ways to improve conflict management skills, team building efforts, and leadership development at the plants. Seven leadership sessions for Water Treatment Operators were created to advance skills around conflict resolution, leadership excellence, emotional intelligence, and building trust. Training for water treatment plant staff was completed in September. Environmental scans and culture listening sessions have been conducted throughout the organization; findings from these sessions have resulted in group-specific training and workshops to be delivered in January and February of 2024. Expected Completion Complete 12 Leadership Development A Leadership Road Map for Water Treatment Operations  7 sessions: conflict resolution; mission, values & vision; excellence in leadership; emotional intelligence; building & sustaining trust. Leaders Essential Skills Program (LESP)  Pilot program: 19 participants  Cohorts A-D: 49 participants  Cohorts E-F : 29 participants (graduate on May 16th)  97 graduates to date 13 Culture Rec. # Recommendation Implementation Status 2.2-5 Continue regular team-building exercises and require attendance by all staff. Seven leadership sessions for Water Treatment Operators were created to advance skills around conflict resolution, leadership excellence, emotional intelligence, and building trust. Training was completed in September. Environmental scans and culture listening sessions have been conducted throughout the organization; findings from these sessions have resulted in group-specific training and workshops to be delivered in January and February of 2024. Expected Completion Complete 14 Culture Culture Scans  12 culture listening sessions with 200+ employees  4 divisional environmental scans  100 interviews (100+ hours)  7 all-hands employee meetings (21 hours)  5 DISC workshops and 30 DISC assessments interpreted and completed  17 individual training sessions completed  80 hours of training delivered Reinforced at Leadership Summits & LESP 15 Partnerships and Outreach Rec. # Recommendation Implementation Status 2.2-8 Develop training for young people to learn about water treatment and operations. AW will continue to partner with TAWWA, WEAT, P-Tech, and other industry organizations to develop new talent. A new Outreach Advisor in AW Human Resources has been hired to continue developing relationships with community schools and partners to create pathways and attract new talent for critical positions. AW Human Resources also works with potential candidates to build interview skills and develop strong resumes and applications. Expected Completion Complete 16 Partnerships and Outreach New Outreach Advisor partnering with:  Texas Section, American Water Works Association (TAWWA)  Water Environment Association of Texas (WEAT)  Pathways in Technology Early College High School (P-Tech)  Premier High School  Prairie View A&M University 17 Water Treatment Rec. # Recommendation Implementation Status Expected Completion 2.3-3 Train personnel for plant-specific knowledge and employ at higher certification levels where necessary. Plant-specific training programs have been developed and launched on 2/13/2023 and more than 500 hours of training has been completed. On track to complete training with 100% pass rate. Complete 18 Water Treatment Water Treatment Plant Technical Onboarding Program  3 dedicated on-site plant trainers  Hands on skills verification  Training based on Knowledge Management Knowledge Transfer (KMKT) blocks  Plant-specific best practices  700+ hours of one-on-one training  6 weeks average to complete a training block  26 participants with <2 years of treatment experience  100% block passing rate  4 graduates so far 19 Rec. # Recommendation Implementation Status 2.3-11 Provide training and consequences for noncompliance around bringing potential issues forward that impact safety. Training sessions for AW supervisors that include safety policies and procedures, as well as topics such as performance management, discipline and investigations are ongoing. Safety guidelines and expectations have been incorporated into New Employee Orientation. Weekly safety topics related to Incident Reporting and Incident Investigations are distributed throughout the year to all AW employees. Additional materials are provided to chain of command to be used for team meetings and discussions. Expected Completion Completed Safety 20 Safety Safety & Reporting Touch Points  VEOCI  Safety Talks  Safety Training  New Employee Orientation  Leaders Essential Skills Program (LESP)  Collision Advisory Board  Injury Review Board  Site Visits 21 Questions?