Item 8 - Staff Briefing — original pdf

Austin Water Winter Weather Preparation Shay Ralls Roalson, P.E., Director | January 17, 2024 Water and Wastewater Commission Austin Water Winter Weather Preparation Hardened equipment and facilities + fleet preparation Provided winter weather toolkits and tips to customers Enhanced facility power resiliency Prepared emergency Staged personnel supplies communications Expanded incident management team with extreme weather activation thresholds Real-time outage map in place year-round Water distribution plans in place Winter Preparations Overview 3 Winter Preparation Activities Extreme weather activation thresholds set for the Incident Management Team Facility winterization check lists and continuity of operations (COOP) posted and accessible in VEOCI (Virtual Emergency Operations Center) Beginning each October, AW reviews winter SOPs, schedules preparatory work, and purchases necessary supplies and equipment Operational Readiness Water treatment plants maintain a baseline capacity of 235 MGD for operational and system readiness Equipment, materials, and people staged ahead of incoming weather Generators are in place at critical facilities, with emergency backup generator contracts that can be called in immediately when needed Plans, supplies and equipment are in place for community-wide potable water distribution Emergency Supplies Hub Warehouse Equipped for Incidents and Emergencies • Shelter in place supplies for staff: cots, blankets, meals ready to eat, bottled water, and hygiene kits • Emergency water distribution supplies for customers: bottled water, water totes, fire hydrant adaptors Two Potable Water Trucks Bottled Water Contracts Ready • Local vendor with supply on hand • Second vendor for multiple truck load shipments 6 Enhanced Emergency Management 7 Emergency Management Coordination and use of VEOCI system for all routine and emergency communication year-round Completed multiple emergency tabletop exercises in partnership with other City departments and agencies Conducting monthly emergency notification, life safety plan, shelter in place and/or emergency evacuation drills throughout our system Added an Emergency Plans Officer Senior focused on community resilience Incident Management Team Incident Management Team • Three rotating shifts • 34 positions • 154 named and trained staff • Clearly defined roles • Enhanced communications roles Incident Command System Training • Online and in-person training • Role specific • Hosting and instructing FEMA ICS-300 (Intermediate ICS for Expanding Incidents) classes in February, April, and July 9 Facility Winterization Preparation 10 Facility Winterization Preparation Water Treatment Plants Insulation of weather exposed critical components Installing heaters in sludge hopper facilities Winterization of copper sulfate system at Davis WTP Developed cold weather strategy for solids management Facility Winterization Preparation Distribution System Pressure Points Pressure points provide operational data for the water system AW has been moving these points underground • 50% are completed • Remaining to arrive and be installed in December Pressure points that can not be buried are either insulated or have heaters installed Facility Winterization Preparation Pump & Lift Stations Davis Lane Pump Station: large rental generator in place December through March 15 Docking Stations purchased for expedited generator hook up at additional pump & lift stations 3 portable generators purchased for lift stations to add to the current fleet of 77 fixed and portable generators to maintain the wastewater collection system Citywide rental generator contract to be used as a supplement when needed Communications and Community Winter Weather Preparation 14 Communications Enhanced Winter Weather Preparedness messaging • locating your water shutoff • weatherizing your home and pipes • properly dripping home faucets to prevent freezing • staying informed Tips are translated into 11 languages and include written and video instructions: AW Cold Weather Tips Real-time outage map (always active): AW Leak & Outage Map Distributing toolkits and information at AW and Citywide preparedness events Continued customer communication through My ATX Water portal Outreach plan for multi-family properties in place Coordination with 3-1-1 and COA Utilities Winter Weather Preparation for Employees 16 Winter Winterization Preparation for Employees Cold weather training and safety briefings Provide coats, gloves, head cover, and other durable clothing Warming stations Weather forecast monitoring (VEOCI) Supplies for driving on ice (chains for tires and spikes for boots) Shelter and bottled water supplies at plants for staff AUSTIN WATER 512-972-1000 18