Water and Wastewater CommissionSept. 1, 2021

Agenda — original pdf

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Water and Wastewater Commission September 1, 2021 — 6:00 p.m. Austin City Hall 301 W. Second Street Austin, Texas Some members of the Water and Wastewater Commission may be participating by videoconference. The meeting may be viewed online at: http://www.austintexas.gov/page/watch-atxn-live For more information go to: http://www.austintexas.gov/wwc Chien Lee, Chair (District 4) Christianne Castleberry, Vice Chair (District 5) William Atallah (District 6) Judy Musgrove (District 7) Commissioners: William Moriarty, (Mayor) Jesse Penn (District 1) Vacant (District 2) Travis Michel (District 3) CALL TO ORDER CITIZEN COMMUNICATION: GENERAL The first 10 speakers who register to speak will be allowed a three-minute allotment to address their concerns regarding items not posted on the agenda. A. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Christy Williams (District 8) Grant Fisher (District 9) Susan Turrieta (District 10) 1. Approval of minutes from the August 4, 2021 Water & Wastewater Commission regular meeting. B. ITEMS FOR COMMISSION’S REVIEW AND RECOMMENDATION FOR APPROVAL TO CITY COUNCIL 1. Recommend approval to negotiate and execute a contract with Bluebeam, Inc., to provide site and building plan markup software licenses, cloud service, maintenance, and support, for a term of three years for a total contract amount not to exceed $850,000. Austin Water’s total requested authorization is $39,362. 2. Recommend approval to award a multi-term contract with Schuler Contracting, LLC, to provide sandy and chocolate loam, for up to five years for a total contract amount not to exceed $5,105,000. Austin Water’s total requested authorization is $4,080,000. 3. Recommend approval to award a multi-term contract with Polydyne Inc., for liquid polymer, for up to five years for a total contract amount not to exceed $4,000,000. 4. Recommend approval to negotiate and execute various multi-term cooperative contracts to provide heavy equipment rental services, with Anderson Machinery Austin Inc, R B Everett Co, Vermeer Equipment of Texas Inc. and other contractors, each for up to 33 months for total contract amounts not to exceed $585,000, divided among the contractors. Austin Water’s total requested authorization is $180,000. The City of Austin is committed to compliance with the American with Disabilities Act. Reasonable modifications and equal access to communications will be provided upon request. Meeting locations are planned with wheelchair access. If requiring Sign Language Interpreters or alternative formats, please give notice at least 2 days (48 hours) before the meeting date. Please call Blanca Madriz at Austin Water, 512-972-0115 for additional information; TTY users route through Relay Texas at 711. For more information on the Water and Wastewater Commission, please contact Blanca Madriz at Blanca.Madriz@austintexas.gov. 5. Recommend approval to negotiate and execute various cooperative contracts during the Fiscal Year 2021- 2022, for the purchase of computer, network and other technology hardware, software and related maintenance and technology services, in an amount not to exceed $63,448,196. Austin Water’s total requested authorization is $7,099,000. 6. Recommend approval to award and execute a construction contract with Insituform Technologies, LLC, for the In-Situ Wastewater Line Renewal Program (2022-2024) Indefinite Delivery/Indefinite Quantity contract in the amount of $1,350,000 for an initial 1-year term, with two 1-year extension options of $1,350,000, for a total contract amount not to exceed $4,050,000. 7. Recommend approval to award and execute a construction contract with M.A. Smith Contracting, Co., for Piland Triangle Waterline Interconnect project in the amount of $1,577,340.00 plus a $157,734.00 contingency, for a total contract amount not to exceed $1,735.074.00. (District 2) 8. Recommend approval of a resolution authorizing Austin Water to continue a pilot program and issue incentives during Fiscal Year 2021-2022 for alternative onsite water reuse systems for large new commercial and multi-family developments under the utility’s new regulatory framework, in a total aggregate amount not to exceed $1,000,000, and not to exceed $500,000 for each individual project. C. NON-VOTING ITEMS FOR DISCUSSION 1. Ratification of five contracts for emergency repairs and goods for Austin Water, with Meylan Enterprises, Inc., PGC General Contractors, LLC D/B/A Peabody General Contractors, Matous Construction LTD, Sun Coast Resources Inc, and DPC Industries, Inc., in the amount of $1,083,907. D. REPORTS BY COMMISSION SUBCOMMITTEES 1. Update from Winter Storm Working Group E. STAFF BRIEFINGS, PRESENTATIONS, AND OR REPORTS 1. Water Loss and Mitigation Briefing F. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS 1. Discussion of future agenda items. ADJOURN The City of Austin is committed to compliance with the American with Disabilities Act. Reasonable modifications and equal access to communications will be provided upon request. Meeting locations are planned with wheelchair access. If requiring Sign Language Interpreters or alternative formats, please give notice at least 2 days (48 hours) before the meeting date. Please call Blanca Madriz at Austin Water, 512-972-0115 for additional information; TTY users route through Relay Texas at 711. For more information on the Water and Wastewater Commission, please contact Blanca Madriz at Blanca.Madriz@austintexas.gov.