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Water & Wastewater Commission Review and Recommendation N/A COA Strategic Direction: February 3, 2021 Commission Meeting Date: Council Meeting Date: Department: Housing and Planning February 18, 2021 Client: Kevin Critendon Agenda Item Recommend approval of a resolution consenting to the annexation by Travis County Water Control and Improvement District No. 10 of 36 properties totaling approximately 115.4 acres currently served by the Camelot Water Supply Corporation, located south of Barton Creek Road off of Canyon Rim Drive, Whippoorwill Trail, Lancelot Way, Cabin Road, and Guinevere Street (Extraterritorial jurisdiction, near Council District 8). This property is located in the Barton Creek Watershed. This item has no fiscal impact. Amount and Source of Funding N/A N/A Purchasing Language: Prior Council Action: Boards and Commission Action: MBE/WBE: January 26, 2021 – To be reviewed by the Planning Commission. February 3, 2021 – To be reviewed by the Environmental Commission. February 3, 2021 – To be reviewed by the Water Wastewater Commission. N/A On November 19, 2020, the City received an application requesting the City’s consent to the annexation of approximately 115.4 acres into Travis County Water Control and Improvement District No. 10 (District). The subject tracts are located south of Barton Creek Road approximately 2,000 to 2,500 feet southwest of the intersection of Canyon Rim Drive and FM 2244 in Austin’s extraterritorial jurisdiction (ETJ) and in the Barton Springs Watershed. The District includes properties in western Travis County and located in the City of Austin’s ETJ. A map identifying the tracts to be annexed into the District and its location relative to existing District boundaries and City jurisdictions is attached. Applicant’s Proposal The 36 properties requesting annexation are currently served by the Camelot Water Supply Corporation, which was formed decades ago to serve the Lower Camelot neighborhood and now purchases water from Travis County WCID 10 as a wholesale customer. In light of aging infrastructure, the properties served by Camelot have entered into an agreement with the District to be annexed and receive upgraded infrastructure as fully annexed ratepayers. The annexation would also enable the installation of high-pressure fire hydrants, which would be valuable in mitigating potential damage from wildfires in the area. Representatives of the property owners appeared before the District’s Board of Directors at its meeting on March 11, 2020, and the District Board approved the annexation request contingent upon receiving the City’s approval of the District’s annexation of the property. City Review Process The District is a wholesale water customer of the City. Annexation will allow the District to provide retail water service to the subject properties. Requests for annexation into a water district are typically evaluated in terms of: Impact on the City’s annexation program • • Land use impacts • The City’s ability to provide direct water and/or wastewater service • The terms of the City’s consent agreement/contract(s) with the water district • Environmental impacts • Whether the proposed annexation would induce development within the DWPZ beyond what would occur otherwise Staff Recommendation Staff recommends consent to the proposed annexation into the District. Annexation into the District will not affect the City of Austin’s annexation plans, and staff does not anticipate any negative land use impacts on adjacent property. The properties requesting City consent to annexation into the District are located within the Camelot Water Supply Corporation CCN and currently receive wholesale water service from the District. In the review of direct water service for the area, Austin Water has concluded that water service is not feasible given the CCN and the location of the properties in relation to its system. With respect to planning and development, land development regulations will follow the same rules and processes currently in effect if the District annexes the tract. LOWER CAMELOT ANNEXATION PROSPECT - TRAVIS COUNTY WCID #10 1109601CANYON RIM DRAUSTIN, TX 787465.7910210960610 CABIN RDAUSTIN, TX 787461.97003109607CANYON RIM DRAUSTIN, TX 7874623.61004115417620 CANYON RIM DRIVEAUSTIN, TX 787460.58005115418600 CANYON RIM DRIVEAUSTIN, TX 787460.82306115419610 CANYON RIM DRIVEAUSTIN, TX 787460.69807115420575 CANYON RIM DRIVEAUSTIN, TX 787461.14708115421WHIPPOORWILL TRAILAUSTIN, TX 787460.73709115422545 CANYON RIM DRIVEAUSTIN, TX 787461.034010115423555 GUINEVERE STAUSTIN, TX 787460.980011115424555 WHIPPOORWILL TRAILAUSTIN, TX 787460.120012115427605 CANYON RIM DRIVEAUSTIN, TX 787462.293013115428595 WHIPPOORWILL TRAILAUSTIN, TX 787461.225014115429585 WHIPPOORWILL TRAILAUSTIN, TX 787461.045015115430575 WHIPPOORWILL TRAILAUSTIN, TX 787461.740016115431565 WHIPPOORWILL TRAILAUSTIN, TX 787461.444017115432555 WHIPPOORWILL TRAILAUSTIN, TX 787464.890018115433495 WHIPPOORWILL TRAILAUSTIN, TX 787465.753719115434475 WHIPPOORWILL TRAILAUSTIN, TX 787462.177020115445504 WHIPPOORWILL TRAILAUSTIN, TX 787460.607321115446631 CANYON RIM DRIVEAUSTIN, TX 787461.844022115450632 CANYON RIM DRIVEAUSTIN, TX 787462.211023117702500 CANYON RIM DRIVEAUSTIN, TX 787460.860024117704520 LANCELOT WAYAUSTIN, TX 787461.550025117705576 LANCELOT WAYAUSTIN, TX 787461.949026117706586 LANCELOT WAYAUSTIN, TX 787461.930027117707596 LANCELOT WAYAUSTIN, TX 787461.930028117708600 LANCELOT WAYAUSTIN, TX 787462.053029117709610 LANCELOT WAYAUSTIN, TX 787462.580030117726586 CANYON RIM DRIVEAUSTIN, TX 787460.878031117727566 CANYON RIM DRIVEAUSTIN, TX 787461.320032117728546 CANYON RIM DRIVEAUSTIN, TX 787460.489033117729590 CANYON RIM DRIVEAUSTIN, TX 787460.554934117741630 CANYON RIM DRIVEAUSTIN, TX 787464.380035422400CANYON RIM DRAUSTIN, TX 7874631.032036455349510 LANCELOT WAYAUSTIN, TX 787461.1670TCAD Property IDStreet NumberCity-State-ZipLand Acres