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Water & Wastewater Commission Review and Recommendation COA Strategic Direction: Government That Works for All; Safety February 3, 2021 Commission Meeting Date: Council Meeting Date: Department: Capital Contracting Office February 18, 2021 Client: Anna Bryan-Borja Agenda Item Recommend approval to award and execute a construction contract with Mechanical & Process Systems, LLC, for Waller Creek Center HVAC Rehabilitation in the amount of $1,467,711 plus a $146,771 contingency, for a total contract amount not to exceed $1,641,482. (District 9) Funding is available in the Fiscal Year 2020-2021Capital Budget of Austin Water. Amount and Source of Funding Lowest responsive bid of four bids received through a competitive Invitation for Bid solicitation. Solicitation Documents. N/A February 3, 2021 — To be reviewed by the Water and Wastewater Commission. This contract will be awarded in compliance with City Code Chapter 2-9A (Minority Owned and Women Owned Business Enterprise Procurement Program) through the achievements of Good Faith Efforts with 57.16% MBE and 2.62% WBE participation. Purchasing Language: Prior Council Action: Boards and Commission Action: MBE/WBE: The existing air handling units at the Waller Creek Center are original to the building and were installed in 1984. Typical life span for this type equipment is 25 to 30 years. The air handling units have been minimally upgraded with new motors in the past 10 years and are to be replaced because they have reached the end of their useful life. The age of the equipment warrants replacement of the fans, coil, and casing insulation; in this case, a rehabilitation approach would not be cost-effective compared to a full replacement. The replacement work will allow for duct reconfiguration within the mechanical rooms and better outside air balance. The dedicated outside air system located on the roof was installed with the original equipment in 1984 and is not outdoor rated. The casing has become well oxidized and requires full replacement. The final portion of the scope includes air balance of all existing terminal units. Over the past 36 years of use, the facility has undergone use changes and reconfigurations, resulting in a discrepancy between the building load profile and the air distribution. The project scope includes a much-needed air balance to the building which has been based upon accumulated data and engineering calculations. This airflow adjustment will improve heat load management and comfort throughout. The project also provides thorough system documentation. This project will have limited impact to the public, if any, because Waller Creek Center is a secured access facility, and because of COVID-19 restrictions that access is even more limited than usual. The scope of this project is recommended to move forward to promote the continued use and long-term sustainability of Waller Creek Center. Due to the potential for changes related to hidden existing conditions, a 10% contingency in funding has been included to allow for the expeditious processing of any change orders. A contingency is an additional amount of money added to the construction budget to cover any unforeseen construction costs associated with the project. The contract allows 240 calendar days for completion of this project. This project is located within zip code 78701 (District 9). Mechanical & Process Systems. LLC is located in Round Rock, Texas. M/WBE Summary Public notice was given for this solicitation, CLMC826, Waller Creek Center HVAC Rehabilitation project, through the City’s Vendor Connection web portal. Four bids were received and opened on December 3, 2020. Of the four bids received, two bids were from MBE/WBE certified firms. Mechanical & Process Systems, LLC submitted the lowest responsive bid: Mechanical & Process Systems LLC, Round Rock, TX (MBE/MA) R.E.C. Industries, Bryan, TX SI Mechanical, LLC, Buda, TX Government Interior Solutions, Inc., Austin, TX (MBE/MN) $1,467,711.00 $1,569,000.00 $1,586,543.00 $1,675,873.68 The contractor’s choice of work methodology provides for five areas of subcontracting opportunities which are listed below. Participation specific goals stated in the solicitation were 1.48% African American; 0.93% Hispanic; 1.18% Asian/Native American; and 0.20% WBE. Total Participation is estimated on the base bid amount: Base Bid: $ 1 , 4 6 7 , 7 1 1 . 0 0 PRIME M/WBE TOTAL $ 838,977.00 57.16% (MA) Mechanical & Process Systems, LLC, Round Rock, TX MBE TOTALS - SUBCONTRACTORS $ - 0.00% African American Subtotal Hispanic Subtotal Native/Asian American Subtotal $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ $ 38,490.00 31,990.00 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 2.62% 2.18% WBE TOTALS - SUBCONTRACTORS (FW) Blue-Tex Insulation Company, LLC, Manor, TX (Insulation) (FW) Stephanie Braun Clayton, Austin, TX (Photography) $ 6,500.00 0.44% NON MBE/WBE TOTALS - SUBCONTRACTORS Schmidt Electric Company, Inc., Austin, TX (Electrical) Crocker Crane Rental, Leander, TX (Crane Rental) Trane Controls, Austin, TX (Controls) $ $ $ $ 590,244.00 85,744.00 4,500.00 500,000.00 40.22% 5.84% 0.31% 34.07% The Contractor submitted a MBE/WBE Compliance Plan that demonstrated a Good Faith Efforts and was approved by the Small and Minority Business Resources Department. Second and third low bidder information is provided. SECOND BIDDER – R.E.C. Industries, Bryan, TX $1,569,000.00 45.40% NON M/WBE prime participation; 0.00% African American; 0.00% Hispanic; 0.00% Native/Asian; 0.94% WBE; 53.66% Non M/WBE subcontractor participation. THIRD BIDDER - SI Mechanical, LLC, Buda, TX 88.28% NON M/WBE; 0.00% African American; 2.00% Hispanic; 0.00% Native/Asian; 9.72% WBE; 0.00% Non M/WBE subcontractor participation. $1,586,543.00 Location Map 625 E. 10th Street Waller Creek Center HVAC Rehabilitation