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Recommendation for Water & Wastewater Commission February 12, 2020 Government That Works For All Commission Meeting Date: Council Meeting Date: February 20, 2020 Department: Purchasing Client: Danielle Lord COA Strategic Direction: SUBJECT Recommend approval to authorize and award a multi-term contract with Core and Main, L.P., to provide polyvinyl chloride wastewater line fittings, for up to five years for a total contract amount not to exceed $1,378,000. AMOUNT AND SOURCE OF FUNDING Funding in the amount of $183,733 is available in the fiscal Year 2019-2020 Operating Budget of Austin Water. Funding for the remaining contract term in contingent upon available funding in future budgets. Purchasing Language: The Purchasing Office issued an Invitation for Bids (IFB) 2200 OXV1031 for these goods. The solicitation issued on October 28, 2019 and it closed on November 21, 2019. Of the three offers received, the recommended contractor submitted the lowest responsive offer. A complete solicitation package, including a tabulation of the bids received, is available for viewing on the City’s Financial Services website, Austin Finance Online. Link: Solicitation Documents. Prior Council Action: N/A Boards and Commission Action: February 12, 2020 – To be reviewed by the Water & Wastewater Commission. MBE/WBE: This solicitation was reviewed for subcontracting opportunities in accordance with City Code Chapter 2-9D Minority Owned and Women Owned Business Enterprise Procurement Program. For the goods required for this solicitation, there were no subcontracting opportunities; therefore, no subcontracting goals were established. The contract will provide polyvinyl chloride (PVC) wastewater line fittings of various types and sizes. These fittings will be purchased on an as needed basis and stored in Austin Water’s Webberville storeroom and Glen Bell Service Center. The fittings will be used by valve and hydrant crews, pipeline maintenance crews and television inspection crews. These fittings will also be used by the water treatment plants for repairs and installations of PVC water lines. The contract will combine two current contracts which expire on February 26, 2020. The requested authorization amount was determined using departmental estimates based on historical spend. Core and Main, L.P. is one of the two current providers of these goods. Contract Detail: Contract Term Initial Term Optional Extension 1 Optional Extension 2 Optional Extension 3 Length of Term 2 yrs. 1 yr. 1 yr. 1 yr. Contract Authorization $ 551,200 $ 275,600 $ 275,600 $ 275,600 TOTAL 5 yrs. $1,378,000 Note: Contract Authorization amounts are based on the City’s estimated annual usage. PRICE ANALYSIS a) Solicitations: 376 notices were sent, including 15 MBE and 9 WBE firms with no M/WBE firms responding. b) Cost Analysis: The specification for these products has changed; therefore, prior contract pricing is not available. Through a competitive process, the pricing established under this contract is considered reasonable. CITY OF AUSTIN BID TABULATION PVC WASTEWATER LINE FITTINGS Solicitation No.: IFB 2200 OXV1031 RX No.: 19092600836 Opening Date: 11/21/2019 Buyer: Osiris Valdez Special Instructions: The City reserves the right to make multiple awards based on individual or groups of specific line items, cost, or any criteria or any combination deemed most advantageous to the City. The Vendor may choose to submit pricing for all items listed on the bid sheet or only specific items on the bid sheet in consideration of this solicitation. Be advised that exceptions taken or qualifying statements made to any portion of the solicitations may jeopardize acceptance of the bid and may result in disqualification of the bid. Prices being submitted shall include ALL discounts, handling and shipping charges, FOB Destination. Receipt No. Vendor Name Local Presence (Y/N) MBE/WBE Techline Pipe, L.P. Core & Main, L.P. ACT Pipe & Supply, Inc. 2 N 3 N 1 N SECTION 1 -- SPECIFIED ITEMS (MOST FREQENTLY ORDERED ITEMS) The Offeror shall provide pricing for the following PVC Wastewater Line Fittings . These are the most frequently ordered items. SECTION 1 - SPECIFIED ITEMS ( MOST FREQUENTLY ORDERED ITEMS) A bid of '0' (zero) will be interpreted by the City as a no-charge (free) item and the City will not expect to pay for that item. A bid of "no bid" will be interpreted by the City that the responder does not wist to bid on that item. The quantities noted below are annual estimates and not a guarantee of actual volume. The City does not guarantee the purchse of the quantities listed. Quatntities are provided as a guide based on historical usage. Actual purchases may be more or less. Failure to respond to each section of this bed sheet may result in disqualification of your bid. Be advised that altering the bid sheet, making additions to the bid sheet, or taking exceptions to any portion of the solicitation may jeoprodize acceptance of your Offer. ITEM DESCRIPTION/ City Part Number UNIT CSN TOTAL PRICE TOTAL PRICE UNIT PRICE TOTAL PRICE EST QTY UNIT PRICE UNIT PRICE ITEM NO. 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 COUPLINGS SEWER PK SDR-26 TWO WAY CLEAN OUT 6 INCH (GASKET X GASKET X GASKET) IN ACCORDANCE WITH SPL WW- 227B Manf. Name & Part No.: H1006 Plastic Trends COUPLINGS REDUCER PVC 6 INCH SPIGOT X 4 INCH GASKET, ECCENTRIC BUSHING, (GASKET X SPIGOT END) ASTM D3034 OR F679. PLASTIC TRENDS, GPK PRODUCTS OR EQUAL Manf. Name & Part No.: H1306-4 Plastic Trends ELBOW PVC SEWER SDR-26 SPIGOT END 22-1/2 DEGREE 6 INCH (GASKET X SPIGOT END) IN ACCORANCE WITH SPL NO. WW- 227B Manf. Name & Part No.: H1716 Plastic Trends ELBOW PVC SEWER SDR-26 SPIGOT END 45 DEGREE 6 INCH (GASKET X SPIGOT END) IN ACCORANCE WITH SPL NO. WW- 227B Manf. Name & Part No.: H406 Plastic Trends PLUG & ADAPTER PVC SEWER CLEAN OUT 4 INCH (FEMALE HUB ADAPTER & SCREW CAP) ASTM D3034 OR F679. PLASTC TRENDS, GPK PRODUCTS OR EQUAL Manf. Name & Part No.: P1404 &P1154 Plastic Trends EA 835 659-33-340-001 $142.69 $119,146.15 $132.50 $110,637.50 EA 400 659-33-761-001 $22.91 $9,164.00 $21.04 $8,416.00 EA 600 659-41-831-001 $28.84 $17,304.00 $26.50 $15,900.00 EA 600 659-41-831-002 $16.32 $9,792.00 $14.99 $8,994.00 EA 200 890-50-105-001 $4.81 $962.00 $4.44 $888.00 Page 1 * * * * * * * * * * CITY OF AUSTIN BID TABULATION PVC WASTEWATER LINE FITTINGS Solicitation No.: IFB 2200 OXV1031 RX No.: 19092600836 Opening Date: 11/21/2019 Buyer: Osiris Valdez Special Instructions: The City reserves the right to make multiple awards based on individual or groups of specific line items, cost, or any criteria or any combination deemed most advantageous to the City. The Vendor may choose to submit pricing for all items listed on the bid sheet or only specific items on the bid sheet in consideration of this solicitation. Be advised that exceptions taken or qualifying statements made to any portion of the solicitations may jeopardize acceptance of the bid and may result in disqualification of the bid. Prices being submitted shall include ALL discounts, handling and shipping charges, FOB Destination. Receipt No. Vendor Name Local Presence (Y/N) MBE/WBE 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 1.10 1.11 1.12 1.13 1.14 1.15 1.16 PLUG & ADAPTER PVC SEWER CLEAN OUIT 6 INCH (FEMALE HUB ADAPTER & SCREW CAP) ASTM D3034 OR F679. PLASTC TRENDS, GPK PRODUCTS OR EQUAL Manf. Name & Part No.: P1406 & P1156 Plastic Trends COVER SEWER CLEANOUT PVC 4 INCH (SCREW CAP ONLY) ASTM D3034 OR F679. PLASTIC TRENDS, GPK PRODUCTS OR EQUAL Manf. Name & Part No.: P1154 Plastic Trends COVER SEWER CLEANOUT PVC 6 INCH (SCREW CAP ONLY) ASTM D3034 OR F679. PLASTIC TRENDS, GPK PRODUCTS OR EQUAL Manf. Name & Part No.: P1156 Plastic Trends COUPLINGS PVC SEWER SDR-26 6 INCH (REPAIL COUP) (GASKET X GASKET) IN ACCORDANCE WITH SPL WW-227B Manf. Name & Part No.: H626 Plastic Trends COUPLINGS PVC SEWER 8 INCH (REPAIL COUP) (GASKET X GASKET) IN ACCORDANCE WITH SPL WW-227B Manf. Name & Part No.: H628 Plastic Trends ELBOW PVC SEWER SDR-26 22-1/2 DEGREE 6 INCH (GASKET X GASKET) IN ACCORANCE WITH SPL NO. WW-227B Manf. Name & Part No.: H1706 Plastic Trends ELBOW PVC SEWER SDR-26 22-1/2 DEGREE 8 INCH (GASKET X GASKET) IN ACCORANCE WITH SPL NO. WW-227B Manf. Name & Part No.: H1708 Plastic Trends ELBOW PVC SEWER SDR-26 22-1/2 DEGREE 4 INCH (GASKET X GASKET) ASTM D3034 OR F679. PLASTIC TRENDS, GPK PRODUCTS OR EQUAL Manf. Name & Part No.: H1704 Plastic Trends ELBOW PVC SEWER SDR-26 45 DEGREE 6 INCH (GASKET X GASKET) IN ACCORANCE WITH SPL NO. WW-227B Manf. Name & Part No.: H506 Plastic Trends ELBOW PVC SEWER SDR-26 45 DEGREE 8 INCH (GASKET X GASKET) IN ACCORANCE WITH SPL NO. WW-227B Manf. Name & Part No.: H508 Plastic Trends ELBOW PVC SEWER SDR-26 45 DEGREE 4 INCH (GASKET X GASKET) ASTM D3034 OR F679. PLASTIC TRENDS, GPK PRODUCTS OR EQUAL Manf. Name & Part No.: H504 Plastic Trends Techline Pipe, L.P. Core & Main, L.P. ACT Pipe & Supply, Inc. 2 N 3 N 1 N EA 1450 890-50-105-002 $23.36 $33,872.00 $21.47 $31,131.50 EA 60 890-50-110-001 $1.81 $108.60 $1.67 $100.20 EA 150 890-50-110-003 $9.17 $1,375.50 $8.43 $1,264.50 EA 275 890-50-115-002 $26.57 $7,306.75 $24.40 $6,710.00 EA 45 890-50-115-004 $43.64 $1,963.80 $40.08 $1,803.60 EA 345 890-50-120-002 $30.11 $10,387.95 $27.66 $9,542.70 EA 10 890-50-120-003 $55.34 $553.40 $50.83 $508.30 EA 90 890-50-120-006 $15.97 $1,437.30 $14.67 $1,320.30 EA 450 890-50-120-009 $22.09 $9,940.50 $20.30 $9,135.00 EA 2 890-50-120-010 $54.90 $109.80 $50.43 $100.86 EA 145 890-50-120-012 $12.03 $1,744.35 $11.05 $1,602.25 Page 2 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * CITY OF AUSTIN BID TABULATION PVC WASTEWATER LINE FITTINGS Solicitation No.: IFB 2200 OXV1031 RX No.: 19092600836 Opening Date: 11/21/2019 Buyer: Osiris Valdez Special Instructions: The City reserves the right to make multiple awards based on individual or groups of specific line items, cost, or any criteria or any combination deemed most advantageous to the City. The Vendor may choose to submit pricing for all items listed on the bid sheet or only specific items on the bid sheet in consideration of this solicitation. Be advised that exceptions taken or qualifying statements made to any portion of the solicitations may jeopardize acceptance of the bid and may result in disqualification of the bid. Prices being submitted shall include ALL discounts, handling and shipping charges, FOB Destination. Receipt No. Vendor Name Local Presence (Y/N) MBE/WBE 1.17 1.18 1.19 1.20 1.21 1.22 1.23 1.24 1.25 1.26 1.27 PLUG PVC SEWER SDR-26 6 INCH (PUSH IN) IN ACCORANCE WITH SPL NO. WW-227B Manf. Name & Part No.: H1166 Plastic Trends PLUG PVC SEWER SDR-26 8 INCH (PUSH IN) IN ACCORANCE WITH SPL NO. WW-227B Manf. Name & Part No.: H1168 Plastic Trends TEE PVC SEWER SDR-26 6 X 6 INCH (GASKET X GASKET X GASKET) IN ACCORDANCE WITH SPL NO. WW-227B Manf. Name & Part No.: H106 Plastic Trends TEE PVC SEWER SDR-26 8 X 6 INCH (GASKET X GASKET X GASKET) IN ACCORDANCE WITH SPL NO. WW-227B Manf. Name & Part No.: H108-6 Plastic Trends TEE PVC SEWER SDR-26 4 X 4 INCH (GASKET X GASKET X GASKET) ASTM D3034 OR F679. PLASTIC TRENDS, GPK PRODUCTS OR EQUAL Manf. Name & Part No.: H104 Plastic Trends TEE PVC GRAVITY SEWER SDR-26 8 X 8 X 8 INCH (GASKET X GASKET X GASKET) IN ACCORDANCE WITH SPL NO. WW- 227B/890-50-175-001 Manf. Name & Part No.: H108 Plastic Trends TEE SADDLE TAP PVC W/STAINLESS BAND O-RING 12 X 6 IN ACCORDANCE WITH SPL NO. WW-227B/ 890-50-140-003 Manf. Name & Part No.: H2112-6R Plastic Trends TEE SADDLE TAP PVC W/STAINLESS BAND O-RING 8 X 6 IN ACCORDANCE WITH SPL NO. WW-227B Manf. Name & Part No.: H2108-6R Plastic Trends WYE PVC SEWER SDR-26 6 X 6 INCH (GASKET X GASKET X GASKET) IN ACCORDANCE WITH SPL NO. WW-227B Manf. Name & Part No.: H306 Plastic Trend WYE PVC SEWER SDR-26 8 X 6 INCH (GASKET X GASKET X GASKET) IN ACCORDANCE WITH SPL NO. WW-227B Manf. Name & Part No.: H308-6 Plastic Trend WYE PVC SEWER SDR-26 8 X 8 INCH (GASKET X GASKET X GASKET) IN ACCORDANCE WITH SPL NO. WW-227B Manf. Name & Part No.: H308 Plastic Trend Techline Pipe, L.P. Core & Main, L.P. ACT Pipe & Supply, Inc. 2 N 3 N 1 N EA 135 890-50-130-001 $19.62 $2,648.70 $18.03 $2,434.05 EA 10 890-50-130-002 $34.72 $347.20 $31.89 $318.90 EA 90 890-50-135-001 $38.98 $3,508.20 $35.81 $3,222.90 EA 20 890-50-135-002 $54.67 $1,093.40 $50.20 $1,004.00 EA 25 890-50-135-007 $28.44 $711.00 $26.13 $653.25 EA EA 2 5 890-50-175-001 $80.89 $161.78 $74.29 $148.58 890-50-140-003 $55.20 $276.00 $50.70 $253.50 EA 55 890-50-140-001 $25.63 $1,409.65 $23.55 $1,295.25 EA 350 890-50-145-001 $44.23 $15,480.50 $40.63 $14,220.50 EA 60 890-50-145-002 $57.46 $3,447.60 $52.77 $3,166.20 EA 5 890-50-145-003 $100.76 $503.80 $92.54 $462.70 * * * * * * * * * * * Page 3 * * * * * * * * * * * CITY OF AUSTIN BID TABULATION PVC WASTEWATER LINE FITTINGS Solicitation No.: IFB 2200 OXV1031 RX No.: 19092600836 Opening Date: 11/21/2019 Buyer: Osiris Valdez Special Instructions: The City reserves the right to make multiple awards based on individual or groups of specific line items, cost, or any criteria or any combination deemed most advantageous to the City. The Vendor may choose to submit pricing for all items listed on the bid sheet or only specific items on the bid sheet in consideration of this solicitation. Be advised that exceptions taken or qualifying statements made to any portion of the solicitations may jeopardize acceptance of the bid and may result in disqualification of the bid. Prices being submitted shall include ALL discounts, handling and shipping charges, FOB Destination. Receipt No. Vendor Name Local Presence (Y/N) MBE/WBE 1.28 1.29 1.30 1.31 1.32 1.33 1.34 1.35 1.36 WYE PVC SEWER SDR-26 4 X 4 INCH (GASKET X GASKET X GASKET) ASTM D3034 OR F679. PLASTIC TRENDS, GPK PRODUCTS OR EQUAL Manf. Name & Part No.: H304 Plastic Trend 4 INCH TWO WAY CLEAN OUTS (GASKET X GASKET X GASKET) Manf. Name & Part No.: H1004 Plastic Trend ELBOW PVC SEWER SDR-26 GASKET X SPIGOT END 22-1/2 4 INCH IN ACCORDANCE WITH SPL NO. WW-227B Manf. Name & Part No.: H1717 Plastic Trend ELBOW PVC SEWER SDR -26 GASKET X SPIGOT END 45 DEG 4 INCH IN ACCORDANCE WITH SPL NO. WW-227B Manf. Name & Part No.: H404 Plastic Trend COUPLING PVC SEWER REPAIR SDR - 26 4 INCH IN ACCORDANCE WITH SPL NO. WW-227B Manf. Name & Part No.: H624 Plastic Trend CLAMP, STAINLESS STEEL, SERATED 51 INCH STYLE NO. 248 OR APPROVED EQUAL Manf. Name & Part No.: SC-258 Plastic Trend DYE TABLETS RED PRESTO DYCHEM CO. OR EQUAL Manf. Name & Part No.: PRESTO DYCHEM DYE TABLETS YELLOW/GREEN MFG. PRESTO DYCHEM CO. OR EQUAL Manf. Name & Part No.: PRESTO DYCHEM DYE TABLETS BLUE MFG. PRESTO DYCHEM CO. OR EQUAL Manf. Name & Part No.: PRESTO DYCHEM Techline Pipe, L.P. Core & Main, L.P. ACT Pipe & Supply, Inc. 2 N 3 N 1 N EA 25 890-50-145-004 $27.24 $681.00 $25.02 $625.50 EA 125 659-33-340-002 $25.40 $3,175.00 $23.33 $2,916.25 EA 195 659-41-890-001 $15.29 $2,981.55 $14.05 $2,739.75 EA 315 659-41-890-002 $11.11 $3,499.65 $10.21 $3,216.15 EA 50 670-52-480-001 $13.26 $663.00 $12.18 $609.00 EA 670 320-75-370-001 $3.77 $2,525.90 $3.47 $2,324.90 EA 75 890-80-200-001 No bid No Bid $11.00 $825.00 EA 65 890-80-360-002 No bid No Bid $11.00 $715.00 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * EA 30 890-80-360-003 No bid No Bid $11.00 $330.00 TOTAL $268,282.03 $249,536.09 * Page 4 CITY OF AUSTIN BID TABULATION PVC WASTEWATER LINE FITTINGS Solicitation No.: IFB 2200 OXV1031 RX No.: 19092600836 Opening Date: 11/21/2019 Buyer: Osiris Valdez Special Instructions: The City reserves the right to make multiple awards based on individual or groups of specific line items, cost, or any criteria or any combination deemed most advantageous to the City. The Vendor may choose to submit pricing for all items listed on the bid sheet or only specific items on the bid sheet in consideration of this solicitation. Be advised that exceptions taken or qualifying statements made to any portion of the solicitations may jeopardize acceptance of the bid and may result in disqualification of the bid. Prices being submitted shall include ALL discounts, handling and shipping charges, FOB Destination. Receipt No. Vendor Name Local Presence (Y/N) MBE/WBE SECTION 2 -- NON-SPECIFIED and CATALOG ITEMS (PRICING FOR THIS SECTION WILL NOT BE USED TO DETERMINE AWARD). The City may wish to purchase approximately $10,000 annually for other associated parts that are not listed above in recognition of City's part needs. The City may also wish to purchase similar items from Offero's catalog or price list. Techline Pipe, L.P. N 1 Core & Main, L.P. ACT Pipe & Supply, Inc. 2 N 3 N The percentage discount(s) shall be fixed throughout the term of the Contract including any subsequent renewal periods, are not subject to increase. A bid of zero ('0') will be interpreted by the City that the additional products or catalog items will be sold at the Catalog, Price list, or MSRP. A bid of "no bid" will be interpreted by the City that your Company does not wish to provide additional products or catalog items. This information will not be used in the evaluation of the bid and is for informational purposes only. There is no guarantee of purchase. ITEM NO. DESCRIPTION OF OTHER SERVICES OR PRODUCTS UNIT OF MEASURE DISCOUNT DISCOUNT DISCOUNT UNIT OF MEASURE UNIT OF MEASURE 2.1 Percentage discount off catalogue/price list of other items: Indicate the dicount from manufacturer's suggested retail price: Discount from MSRP No Bid Discount from MSRP 0% Discount from MSRP * *Deemed non-responsive - Did not meet requirements of the solicitation. Note: Award Method: By one total Prepared By: Lezlee Perkins Approved Buyer: Osiris Valdez Yellow notates award. Page 5