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Recommendation for Water & Wastewater Commission February 12, 2020 Commission Meeting Date: Council Meeting Date: Department: Client: Purchasing Daniel Layton, Rick Coronado COA Strategic Direction: SUBJECT February 20, 2020 Government That Works For All Recommend approval to authorize an amendment to the existing contract with West Monroe Partners LLC, for continued consulting services to assist in the next phases of advanced meter infrastructure program management, for an increase in the amount of $6,355,000, for a revised contract amount not to exceed $8,456,000. AMOUNT AND SOURCE OF FUNDING Funding is available in the Fiscal Year 2019-2020 Capital Budget of Austin Water. Funding for the remaining contract term is contingent upon available funding in future budgets. Purchasing Language: Prior Council Action: Boards and Commission Action: MBE/WBE: Contract Amendment December 7, 2017 – Council approved the original contract which included phases I-III, item 41, on a 9-0 vote with Council Members Garza and Troxclair absent. February 12, 2020 - To be reviewed by the Water and Wastewater Commission. This contract was awarded in compliance with City Chapter 2-9C Minority Owned and Women Owned Business Enterprise Program. Current participation to date is 12.20% MBE and 1.88% WBE. The Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) project will replace analog customer water meters with electronic water meters connected to a wireless network, so that meter reads will no longer be collected manually every month. After AMI implementation, water meter reads will be collected at least daily. This data will be made available to customers via electronic devices, so they can better monitor their water usage between billing cycles. Electronic water meters will improve data collection by reducing meter re-reads and providing more frequent data collection while minimizing the man-hours and vehicle mileage currently needed to support the manual meter reading contract. Near real-time AMI data will be made available to customers via smartphones, desktop computers, etc. as they use water during the billing cycle. Other potential benefits include improving customer service and satisfaction, enabling customer usage alerts before a bill arrives, and identifying potential customer-side leaks. This data will also enable Austin Water to have better system diagnostic tools, such as leak detection. Additionally, this project will produce a superior metering asset management database that will better facilitate operations and maintenance activities. Although meter reads will be collected more frequently, the city’s existing multi-service billing process through its Customer Care and Billing system will remain and continue to calculate customer’s monthly bills. In December 2017, Council approved a contract with West Monroe Partners, LLC for phases I, II, and III of the VI phase project. This initial contract included the production of an AMI Assessment Report which was reviewed by the Austin Water (AW) executive team, and assistance with the production of AMI system integrator solicitation documents. The assessment report evaluated which AMI technologies are best for AW and determined their potential impact on AWs business processes. The report also included a detailed business case comparing the necessary replacement of aged analog meters with either new analog products, or with new electronic AMI meters and associated infrastructure. The contractor has successfully completed phases I, II, and III of the project, so as was stated in the initial Recommendation for Council Action, staff is now requesting authorization for phases IV through VI to complete the project. The remaining phase are: • • • Phase IV – program management of pilot scale AMI meter deployment and complete system integration Phase V – program management of full-scale AMI meter deployment Phase VI – comprehensive AMI system validation of all business process needs This authorization includes a 10% contingency to cover unknown conditions which may be encountered during the implementation requiring additional consulting assistance. If the City is unable to proceed with the final phases of this contract, AW will be unable to continue with implementing the planned AMI program. M/WBE Summary Although no goals were established for the original contract, West Monroe Partners LLC identified subcontracting opportunities and participation goals approved by the Small and Minority Business Resource Department of 17.76% MBE were included in the contract. Participation for this amendment: NON - MBE/WBE TOTAL - PRIME West Monroe Partners LLC, Houston TX MBE TOTAL - SUBCONTRACTOR (MH) Thompson-Hamilton Engineering LLC, Austin TX (Project management, project coordination) WBE TOTAL - SUBCONTRACTOR (FB)Group Solutions, Austin, TX (Public relations, public information) Overall participation for phases I, II, and II as of January 1, 2020: NON - MBE/WBE TOTAL - PRIME West Monroe Partners LLC, Houston TX MBE TOTAL - SUBCONTRACTOR (MH) Thompson-Hamilton Engineering LLC, Austin TX (Project management, project coordination) WBE TOTAL - SUBCONTRACTOR (FB)Group Solutions, Austin, TX (Public relations, public information) 82.24% 11.70% 6.06% 83.24% 14.97% 1.79%