B7.2 - Backup WW Collection System MWBE — original pdf

M/WBE Summary Public notice was given for this solicitation, CLMC738 Wastewater Collection System Replacement Lines - North, through the City’s Vendor Connection web portal. Four bids were received and opened on November 7, 2019. Of the four of bids received, three bids were from MBE/WBE certified firms. Facilities Rehabilitation, Inc. submitted the lowest responsive bid of four bids received: Facilities Rehabilitation, Inc., Austin, TX, (MBE/MH) $4,373,958.00 D Guerra Construction, LLC, Austin, TX, (MBE/MH) $4,469,776.10 Smith Contracting, Co., Inc., Austin, TX $4,684,131.75 Santa Clara Construction, Ltd, Austin, TX, (MBE/MH) $4,722,964.00 The contractor’s choice of work methodology provides for three areas of subcontracting opportunities which are listed below. Project specific subgoals stated in the solicitation were 1.93% African American; 5.3% Hispanic; 0.57% Native/Asian; 0.73% WBE. Total participation estimated on base bid amount: Base Bid:4,373,958.00$ PRIMEMBE/MH TOTAL4,218,958.00$ 96.46%Facilities Rehabilitation, Inc., Austin, TX,MBE TOTALS - SUBCONTRACTORS120,000.00$ 2.74%African American Subtotal90,000.00$ 2.06%(MB) Sammy J. Kellough, Austin, TX (Hauling)90,000.00$ 2.06%Hispanic Subtotal-$ 0.00%(Gender/Ethnicity Code) Firm, City, ST (scope of work)-$ 0.00%Native/Asian American Subtotal30,000.00$ 0.68%(MA) Benquest, LLC,Austin, TX (Fuel)30,000.00$ 0.68%WBE TOTALS - SUBCONTRACTORS35,000.00$ 0.80%(FH) CL Concrete Construction Corporation, Taylor, TX (Manhole Construction)35,000.00$ 0.80% The Contractor submitted an MBE/WBE Compliance Plan that met the goals of the solicitation and was approved by the Small and Minority Business Resources Department. Second and third low bidder information is provided. SECOND BIDDER - D Guerra Construction, LLC, Austin, TX $4,469,776.10 96.67% M/WBE prime participation; 2.01% African American; 0.58% Native/Asian; 0.74% WBE subcontractor participation. THIRD BIDDER - Smith Contracting, Co., Inc., Austin, TX $4,684,131.75 91.42% NON-M/WBE prime participation; 1.94% African American; 5.32% Hispanic; 0.58% Native/Asian; 0.75% WBE subcontractor participation.