Agenda Item B8.1 - UT_Waterline_ILA — original pdf

Water & Wastewater Commission Review and Recommendation Commission Meeting Date: January 8, 2020 Council Meeting Date: January 23, 2020 Department: Austin Water Client: Colleen Kirk, P.E., Kevin Critendon, P.E. Agenda Item Authorize negotiation and execution of an interlocal agreement with the University of Texas for the City to reimburse the University of Texas for an amount not to exceed $639,400 for costs associated with the design and construction of water main and appurtenances related to the reconstruction of Robert Dedman Drive between E. 20th Street and Dean Keeton Street. Amount and Source of Funding Funding is available in the Fiscal Year 2019-2020 Capital Budget of the Austin Water Utility. Purchasing Language: Prior Council Action: N/A Boards and Commission Action: To be reviewed by Water and Wastewater Commission on January 8, 2020. MBE/WBE: The City and the University of Texas (UT) executed an Interlocal Cooperation Agreement dated August 30, 2019 regarding the realignment of a portion of the existing Red River Street and construction of the new Red River Street. UT is constructing a portion of the realigned Red River Street within the right-of-way of Robert Dedman Drive, generally between MLK Blvd and Dean Keeton Street. Austin Water has existing water mains within Robert Dedman Drive. In conjunction with the street reconstruction work, Austin Water has requested UT also remove and replace segments of aging and small-diameter water mains and design and construct replacement 12-inch water main upgrades to provide for system resiliency and redundancy. The proposed water main improvements include construction of approximately 800 feet of 12-inch water main within Robert Deadman Drive between East 20th Street and Dean Keeton Street. The City will reimburse UT for an overall total amount not to exceed $639,400 for hard costs and soft costs. Hard costs include, but are not limited to, construction and materials. Soft costs include, but are not limited to, preliminary engineering reports, surveying, geotechnical studies, design, and project management. Other terms of the agreement will require that UT: • Pay all costs for financing, interest, fiscal security, accounting, insurance, inspections, permitting, easement acquisition, legal services, and other non-reimbursable soft costs associated with the project; • Conform to the City’s design criteria and construction standards; • Construct all improvements at their cost and, after the City’s final approval of the construction, dedicate the facilities to the City for ownership, operation, and maintenance; and • Follow bidding practices and procedures in accordance with state law. The proposed project is located in zip code 78712, in City Council District 1.