Agenda Item B2.1 - Highland Park Phase 1 — original pdf

Recommendation for Water & Wastewater Commission Commission Meeting Date: January 8, 2020 Council Meeting Date: January 23, 2020 Department: Public Works Client: Joe Hoepken, Matt Cullen, Bill Stauber, Angia Shobana SUBJECT Authorize award and execution of a construction contract with Santa Clara Construction, Ltd. (MBE), for the Highland Park Water and Wastewater Improvements Phase 1 & WL-C1 project in the amount of $5,821,470.10 plus a $582,147.01 contingency, for a total contract amount not to exceed $6,403,617.11. AMOUNT AND SOURCE OF FUNDING Funding is available in the Fiscal Year 2019-2020 Capital Budget of Austin Water. Purchasing Language: Lowest responsive bid of four bids received through a competitive Invitation for Bid solicitation. Prior Council Action: N/A Boards and Commission Action: To be reviewed by the Water and Wastewater Commission on January 8, 2020. MBE/WBE: This contract will be awarded in compliance with City Code Chapter 2-9A (Minority Owned and Women Owned Business Enterprise Procurement Program) by meeting the goals with 83.28% MBE and 1.44% WBE participation. The Highland Park neighborhood and surrounding area is served by a single 12-inch water line which is both undersized and inaccessible. The Highland Park reservoir has been out of service for over a decade and the pump station is currently acting as an inline booster which is not within current Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) standards and not designed to meet the current fire flow requirements. The proposed project will construct a second 16-inch water line to provide the required capacity for the increased flows and allow for the decommissioning of the pump station and reservoir, bringing the system up to current standards. This project has been divided into two phases to facilitate construction sequencing; and this request for authorization is for Phase 1. The work consists of installing approximately 7,400 linear feet of 16-inch ductile iron water main, approximately 4,600 linear feet of 8-inch wastewater main, and 115 linear feet of 36-inch steel encasement pipe and 16-inch ductile iron water main using jack and bore method. Other work includes but is not limited to: traffic control, vertical and horizontal adjustment of water meter, water valve, clean out, removal and replacement of pavement, grass and other facilities within the right of way. This item includes two allowances. The allowance of $50,000 will provide for the replacement of the bore machine soil cutting drill bit with rock cutting bit and/or clean drill bit for operation during the jack and bore construction method. The allowance of $22,000 will be used to provide additional valves at undetermined valve locations. An allowance is an amount that is specified and included in the construction contract or specifications for certain items of work whose details are not yet determined at the time of bidding. Impact to the travelling public includes detours at the intersections of southbound North Mopac Expressway Service Road/ Balcones Drive, North Hills Drive/Valleyside Road, and Hart Lane/Balcones Drive during the installation of the 16-inch ductile iron water line. Delaying the execution of this contract would place a continued burden on the existing undersized water and wastewater line facilities. Due to the potential for unknown subsurface conditions and utility conflicts, a 10% contingency in funding has been included to allow for the expeditious processing of any change orders. A contingency is an additional amount of money added to the construction budget to cover any unforeseen construction costs associated with the project. The contract allows 780 calendar days for completion of this project. This project is located within zip code 78748 (District 10). Santa Clara Construction, Ltd. (MBE/MH) is located in Austin, Texas. Information on this solicitation is available through the City’s Austin Finance Online website. Link: Solicitation Documents.