B1.2 - Backup - Davis WTP SCADA - MWBE — original pdf

M/WBE Summary Participation goals stated in the solicitation were 1.90% African American; 9.00% Hispanic; 4.90% Native Asian; and 15.80% WBE. The recommended firm provided a MBE/WBE Compliance Plan that met the goals of the solicitation and was approved by the Small and Minority Business Resources Department. The Second Ranked firm provided a MBE/WBE Compliance Plan that met the goals of the solicitation and was approved by the Small and Minority Business Resources Department. Public notice was given for this Request for Qualifications CLMP276 Davis Water Treatment Plant SCADA System Improvements through the City’s Vendor Connection web portal. Two firms submitted qualifications statements and responses were opened on September 11, 2019. Of the two submittals received one submittal was from a MBE/WBE certified firm. RECOMMENDED FIRM: Harutunian Engineering, Inc. – Total Participation: WBE TOTAL – PRIME 84.00% (FW) Harutunian Engineering, Inc., Austin, TX 84.00% MBE TOTAL – SUBCONSULTANTS 16.00% African American Subtotal 2.00% (MB) All Points Inspection Services, Inc., Austin, TX (Underground Utility Locator Service) 2.00% Hispanic Subtotal 9.00% (MH) CaddStudio, Inc., Round Rock, TX (Drafting Services, Computer Aided Design Services) 5.50% (MH) Zamora, LLC, Buda, TX (Surveying Services, Land Surveying) 3.50% Native/Asian Subtotal 5.00% (MA) CAS Consulting & Services, Inc., Austin, TX (Civil Engineering, Permitting Services, Environmental) 5.00% SECOND RANKED FIRM: Stanley Consultants, Inc. – Total Participation: NON M/WBE TOTAL – PRIME 68.40% Stanley Consultants, Inc., Austin, TX 68.40% MBE TOTAL – SUBCONSULTANTS 15.80% African American Subtotal 1.90% (MB) HVJ Associates, Inc., Austin, TX (Civil Engineering) 1.90% Hispanic Subtotal 9.00% (MH) Signature Automation, LLC, Addison, TX (Control Systems Engineering) 9.00% Native/Asian Subtotal 4.90% (MA) Encotech Engineering Consultants, Inc., Austin, TX (Structural Engineering) 4.90% WBE TOTAL – SUBCONSULTANTS 15.80% (FW) Watearth, Inc., Austin, TX (Permitting Services, Environmental) 15.80%