Agenda Item B7.1 - Wastewater Collection System — original pdf

Recommendation for Water & Wastewater Commission Commission Meeting Date: January 8, 2020 Council Meeting Date: January 23, 2020 Department: Public Works Client: Kevin Koeller, Bill Stauber, Tony Lopez SUBJECT Authorize award and execution of a construction contract with Facilities Rehabilitation, Inc. (MBE), for Wastewater Collection System Replacement Lines - North in the amount of $4,373,958 plus a $437,395.80 contingency, for a total contract amount not to exceed $4,811,353.80. AMOUNT AND SOURCE OF FUNDING Funding is available in the Fiscal Year 2019-2020 Capital Budget of Austin Water. Purchasing Language: Lowest responsive bid of four bids received through a competitive Invitation for Bid solicitation. Prior Council Action: N/A Boards and Commission Action: To be reviewed by the Water and Wastewater Commission on January 8, 2020. MBE/WBE: This contract will be awarded in compliance with City Code Chapter 2-9A (Minority Owned and Women Owned Business Enterprise Procurement Program) by meeting the goals with 2.74% MBE and 0.80% WBE participation. The project contains seven locations in the City of Austin identified for wastewater infrastructure replacement through TV inspection and a Sanitary Sewer Evaluation Survey (SSES) of low performing basins. The wastewater lines in each of these locations are over 300 linear feet in length and required production of design documents and permit approval issued by the City’s Development Services Department. These locations were selected based upon a ranking system which includes condition of pipe, location, Sanitary Sewer Overflow (SSO) count, SSO volume, and Inflow and Infiltration (I&I). The wastewater collection system is essential for transporting wastewater to the treatment plants. Due to growth in Austin and deterioration from the harsh wastewater environment, existing collection system assets require repair and replacement. Austin Water’s wastewater collection system is a large and complex system, consisting of approximately 2,900 miles of wastewater line and serves approximately 1 million customers. This project is for the repair and replacement of nearly 7600 linear feet of deteriorated wastewater mains and accessories. The work requires some lane closures and detours at residential locations, but traffic control will provide for continuous access and effective traffic flow. The Darlington location will have a flagging operation due to more restricted traffic flow but will be open during non-working hours. Marathon Alley will close one block at a time, but residences have access though the front of their lots. The Riverside location will have detours during the boring operation and nightly closures afterward. This construction contract is time sensitive and is a critical component of maintenance and repairs to the wastewater collection system. Failure to enter into this contract will place an undue burden on City construction crews and has a negative effect on infrastructure stability. Due to the potential for unknown subsurface conditions, a 10% contingency in funding has been included to allow for the expeditious processing of any change orders. A contingency is an additional amount of money added to the construction budget to cover any unforeseen construction costs associated with the project. The contract allows 580 calendar days for completion of this project. This project is located within zip codes 78723, 78741, 78756, and 78759 (Districts 1, 3, 6, 7, and 10). Facilities Rehabilitation, Inc. (MBE/MH) is located in Austin, Texas. Information on this solicitation is available through the City’s Austin Finance Online website. Link: Solicitation Documents.