Texas Tourism and MSA — original pdf

2015 TEXAS TOURISM REGION AND MSA VISITOR PROFILEHILL COUNTRY REGIONMSA:Austin-Round RockYear-End 2015 Texas Tourism Regions and MSA ProfileHILL COUNTRY REGIONJeffrey EslingerDirector, Account ServicesD. K. Shifflet & Associates, Ltd.1749 Old Meadow Rd, Suite 425McLean, Virginia 22102Tel.: +1.703.536.8500 www.dksa.com2Texas Destinations 2015 prepared for The Office of the Governor, Economic Development & Tourism Division.Copyright © 2016 D. K. Shifflet & Associates, Ltd. All rights reserved.3Table of ContentsObjectivesHill Country RegionHill Country Region Data TablesHill Country Region Executive Summary7-89-12Austin-Round Rock, TX MSAAppendix201354Texas Destinations 2015 prepared for The Office of the Governor, Economic Development & Tourism Division.Copyright © 2016 D. K. Shifflet & Associates, Ltd. All rights reserved.Austin-Round Rock, TX MSA Executive Summary14-15Austin-Round Rock, TX MSA Data Tables16-19User’s Guide21-23Statistical References24Research Methodology254ThedataaremadeavailablebyD.K.ShiffletandAssociates,Ltd,throughitsDIRECTIONSsyndicatedtravelertrackingsystem.ItprovidesanaccuraterepresentationofdomestictravelpatternstoTexas’TourismRegionsandMSAs.Texas Destinations 2015 prepared for The Office of the Governor, Economic Development & Tourism Division.Copyright © 2016 D. K. Shifflet & Associates, Ltd. All rights reserved.Objectives of this report…TheobjectiveofthisreportistoprovidecomprehensiveandreliabletravelinformationforeachofTexas’sevenTourismRegionsandindividualMetropolitanStatisticalAreas(MSAs)withineachTourismRegion.AnMSAisageographicalregiondefinedbytheU.S.OfficeofManagementandBudget(OMB)asoneormorecountieshavingalargecentralpopulationareaandbeingrelatedtothecentralpopulationareabyeconomic,geographic,andotherfactors.NoteveryTexascountyisinanMSA.Thedataarepresentedinauser-friendlymannertoallowdecisionmakerstofullyunderstandtravelpatternsintheirmarketandtohelpthemdesignspecificstrategiesfortheirproduct.How to read this report5DataHill Country Tourism Region ProfileTexas Destinations 2015 prepared for The Office of the Governor, Economic Development & Tourism Division.Copyright © 2016 D. K. Shifflet & Associates, Ltd. All rights reserved.6Hill Country Tourism RegionTexas Destinations 2015 prepared for The Office of the Governor, Economic Development & Tourism Division.Copyright © 2016 D. K. Shifflet & Associates, Ltd. All rights reserved.Hill Country Region Executive Summary7Texas Destinations 2015 prepared for The Office of the Governor, Economic Development & Tourism Division.Copyright © 2016 D. K. Shifflet & Associates, Ltd. All rights reserved.Highlights of Visitors to the Hill Country RegionTexans generated 69.4% of Person-Days to the Hill Country Region; Non-Texans 30.6%Top 3 Texan origin DMAs (Houston, San Antonio, Dallas-Fort Worth); Non-Texan DMAs (New York, San Francisco-Oakland-San Jose, Los Angeles)Leisure travel represented 73.5% of Person-Days to the Hill Country Region; Vacation 25.2% and Non-Vacation 48.3%Business travel represented 26.5% of Person-Days to the Hill Country Region; Meetings 13.1% and Transient 13.4%Activity categories participated: Attractions 17.2%, Culture 28.8%, Family/Life Events 34.5%, Libation/Culinary 27.6%, Nature 15.6%, Outdoor Sports 9.9%, General 39.8%Average Party Size (Adults and Children) 1.77 personsAverage Length of Stay was 1.96 days (overnight and days); 2.47 nights (overnight only).82.8% traveled by Auto; 15.6% by Air Average distance traveled 434 milesAccommodation Type: Paid 65.3%; Non-Paid 34.4%; Other Overnight 0.3%Average Per Person Per Day Spending $127.40Average Age 45.9 yearsAverage Household Income $99,801Employment: Employed 68.9%, Retired 14.8%, Not Employed 16.3%Marital Status: Married 62.8%, Never Married 27.1%, Divorced/Widowed 10.1%Children in Household: Yes 35.6%, No 64.4%Hill Country Region Executive SummaryVolume/ShareThe Hill Country Tourism Region contains the following MSAs:Austin-Round RockThe number of Person-Stays to the Hill Country Region was estimated at 30.11 million in 2015, and the volume of Person-Days was estimated at 59.62 million.The Hill Country Region’s share of total Person-Days to Texas ranked 4 out of the 7 Texas Tourism Regions.Hill Country Volume (millions)Person-DaysTotalLeisureBusiness201559.6242.7816.84201457.1640.8316.34201355.2439.1916.05Person-StaysTotalLeisureBusiness201530.1120.739.38201428.4019.628.77201327.1618.858.31Hill Country Share of Texas TravelPerson-DaysTotalLeisureBusiness201511.5%11.4%11.9%201410.7%10.3%11.8%201310.5%10.2%11.3%Texas Destinations 2015 prepared for The Office of the Governor, Economic Development & Tourism Division.Copyright © 2016 D. K. Shifflet & Associates, Ltd. All rights reserved.8REGIONREGIONTop Origin DMAs (Person-Days)Top Origin DMAs (Person-Days)In State DMAsOut-of-State DMAsTotal Texans (Intrastate)69.4%Total Non-Texans (Interstate)30.6%Houston14.6%New York, NY2.4%San Antonio12.6%San Francisco-Oakland-San Jose, CA2.0%Dallas-Fort Worth12.5%Los Angeles, CA1.6%Austin11.7%Chicago, IL1.4%Waco-Temple-Bryan3.8%Portland, OR1.1%Harlingen-Weslaco-Brownsville-McAllen2.8%Atlanta, GA1.0%Tyler-Longview (Lufkin, Nacogdoches)1.8%New Orleans, LA0.9%San Angelo1.5%Oklahoma City, OK0.8%Hill Country Tourism RegionTexas Destinations 2015 prepared for The Office of the Governor, Economic Development & Tourism Division.Copyright © 2016 D. K. Shifflet & Associates, Ltd. All rights reserved.9REGIONREGIONPurpose of Stay (Person-Days)Purpose of Stay (Person-Days)Total Leisure73.5%Total Business26.5%Vacation25.2%Meetings13.1%Getaway Weekend-Overnight15.7%Convention5.3%General Vacation-Overnight6.6%Seminar/Training4.9%Day Trip Vacation/Getaway2.9%Other Group Meetings2.9%Non-Vacation48.3%Transient13.4%Visit Friend/Relative25.6%Client Service2.8%Special Event (celebration, reunion)11.0%Sales/Purchasing2.7%Convention/Show/Conference2.2%Construction/Repair1.0%Medical/Health Care1.7%Government/Military0.4%Seminar/Class/Training (personal)1.0%Inspection/Audit0.4%Other Leisure/Personal6.9%Other Business6.2%Hill Country Tourism RegionTexas Destinations 2015 prepared for The Office of the Governor, Economic Development & Tourism Division.Copyright © 2016 D. K. Shifflet & Associates, Ltd. All rights reserved.10REGIONREGIONActivities Summary (Stays)Attractions (Net)17.2%Nature (Net)15.6%Nightlife (bar, nightclub etc.)11.2%Parks (national/state, etc.)11.4%Amateur Sports (attend/participate)3.7%Beach/Waterfront2.8%Show: Boat, Car, Home2.3%Camping2.1%Culture (Net)28.8%Outdoor Sports (Net)9.9%Concerts/Theatre/Dance etc.9.3%Hiking3.1%Touring/Sightseeing9.1%Fishing2.4%Historic Sites8.6%Golfing1.9%Family/Life Events (Net)34.5%General (Net)39.8%Visit Friends/Relatives (general visit)24.2%Shopping23.2%Personal Special Event (Anniversary, Birthday)5.1%Business13.2%Holiday Celebration (Thanksgiving, July 4th etc.)4.1%Medical/Health/Doctor Visit3.0%Libation/Culinary (Net)27.6%Trip Party Composition (Trip-Days)Culinary/Dining Experience26.4%Avg. Party Size (Adults and Children)1.77personsWinery/Distillery/Brewery Tours2.9%One Male Only27.3%One Female Only22.6%One Male and One Female29.7%Two Male or Two Females5.8%Three or More Adults5.1%Adult(s) with Children9.6%Hill Country Tourism RegionTexas Destinations 2015 prepared for The Office of the Governor, Economic Development & Tourism Division.Copyright © 2016 D. K. Shifflet & Associates, Ltd. All rights reserved.11REGIONREGIONLength of Stay (Stays)Accommodation Type (Person-Days)Average Length (Incl. Days)1.96daysPaid Accommodations65.3%Average Length (Overnight Only)2.47nightsHotel/Motel50.9%Day –Trips51.1%High-End16.8%1-3 Nights41.0%Mid-Level21.5%4-7 Nights6.8%Economy9.2%8+ Nights1.2%Other Hotel/Motel3.4%Primary Mode of Transportation (Person-Days)Non-Hotel/Motel14.3%Air15.6%Non-Paid Accommodations34.4%Auto Travel (Net)82.8%Other Overnight0.3%Other Transportation (Net)1.6%Bus1.1%Train0.2%Other0.2%Distance Traveled One-Way from Home (Person-Days)Average Distance Traveled434miles250 Miles or Less61.3%251-500 Miles10.8%500-1000 Miles9.8%1001 Miles or More18.0%Hill Country Tourism RegionTexas Destinations 2015 prepared for The Office of the Governor, Economic Development & Tourism Division.Copyright © 2016 D. K. Shifflet & Associates, Ltd. All rights reserved.12REGIONREGIONExpenditure Summary (Person-Days) Expenditure Summary (Person-Days) Transportation -Total33.0%Avg. Per Person Per Day Spending$127.40 Transportation -Excluding Airfare22.2%Transportation -Total$42.00 Transportation -Airfare10.8%Transportation -Excluding Airfare$28.30 Transportation -Rental Car4.1%Transportation -Airfare$84.20 Transportation -Other18.1%Transportation -Rental Car$38.30 Food24.8%Transportation -Other$23.00 Lodging -Total19.5%Food$31.60 Lodging -Room18.7%Lodging -Total$47.90 Lodging -Services0.8%Lodging -Room$48.70 Shopping12.6%Lodging -Services$3.10 Entertainment7.7%Shopping$16.10 Miscellaneous2.4%Entertainment$9.80 Miscellaneous$3.10 Hill Country Tourism RegionTexas Destinations 2015 prepared for The Office of the Governor, Economic Development & Tourism Division.Copyright © 2016 D. K. Shifflet & Associates, Ltd. All rights reserved.13REGIONREGIONDemographic Profile (Person-Days)Average Age45.9Employment18-34 Years29.7%Employed68.9%35-49 Years26.8%Retired14.8%50-64 Years30.2%Not Employed16.3%65+ Years13.3%Marital StatusAverage HH Income (in $1,000)$99,801Married62.8%Under $25,00011.4%Never Married27.1%$25,000-$49,99916.5%Divorced/Widowed10.1%$50,000-$74,99915.7%$75,000-$99,99916.0%Children in Household$100,0000+40.4%Yes35.6%No64.4%Hill Country Tourism RegionTexas Destinations 2015 prepared for The Office of the Governor, Economic Development & Tourism Division.Copyright © 2016 D. K. Shifflet & Associates, Ltd. All rights reserved.1415Austin-Round Rock, TX MSATexas Destinations 2015 prepared for The Office of the Governor, Economic Development & Tourism Division.Copyright © 2016 D. K. Shifflet & Associates, Ltd. All rights reserved.Austin-Round Rock, TX MSA Executive Summary16Texas Destinations 2015 prepared for The Office of the Governor, Economic Development & Tourism Division.Copyright © 2016 D. K. Shifflet & Associates, Ltd. All rights reserved.Highlights of Visitors to the Austin-Round Rock MSATexans generated 65.9% of Person-Days to the Austin-Round Rock MSA; Non-Texans 34.1%Top 3 Texan origin DMAs (Houston, Dallas-Fort Worth, San Antonio); Non-Texan DMAs (New York, San Francisco-Oakland-San Jose, Los Angeles)Leisure travel represented 69.8% of Person-Days to the Austin-Round Rock MSA; Vacation 21.8% and Non-Vacation 48%Business travel represented 30.2% of Person-Days to the Austin-Round Rock MSA; Meetings 15.6% and Transient 14.6%Activity categories participated: Attractions 18.7%, Culture 28.1%, Family/Life Events 33.6%, Libation/Culinary 26.5%, Nature 14.1%, Outdoor Sports 9.6%, General 39.5%Average Party Size (Adults and Children) 1.72 personsAverage Length of Stay was 1.95 days (overnight and days); 2.45 nights (overnight only).79.4% traveled by Auto; 19% by Air Average distance traveled 470 milesAccommodation Type: Paid 61.7%; Non-Paid 38.1%; Other Overnight 0.2%Average Per Person Per Day Spending $132.00Average Age 44.8 yearsAverage Household Income $98,082Employment: Employed 70.4%, Retired 13.2%, Not Employed 16.5%Marital Status: Married 60.0%, Never Married 31.1%, Divorced/Widowed 8.9%Children in Household: Yes 34.9%, No 65.1%Austin-Round Rock, TX MSA Executive SummaryVolume/ShareThe number of Person-Stays to the Austin-Round Rock MSA was estimated at 24.11 million in 2015, and the volume of Person-Days was estimated at 48.18 million.The Austin-Round Rock MSA’s share of total Person-Days to Texas ranked 4 out of 26 Texas MSAs.Austin-Round Rock, TX MSA Volume (millions)Person-DaysTotalLeisureBusiness201548.1832.5815.59201445.5530.5415.01201343.6929.1714.53Person-StaysTotalLeisureBusiness201524.1115.588.53201422.6214.707.92201321.5414.097.45Austin-Round Rock, TX MSA Share of Texas TravelPerson-DaysTotalLeisureBusiness20159.3%8.7%11.3%20148.9%8.2%10.8%20138.7%8.0%10.5%Texas Destinations 2015 prepared for The Office of the Governor, Economic Development & Tourism Division.Copyright © 2016 D. K. Shifflet & Associates, Ltd. All rights reserved.17MSAMSATop Origin DMAs (Person-Days)Top Origin DMAs (Person-Days)In State DMAsOut-of-State DMAsTotal Texans (Intrastate)65.9%Total Non-Texans (Interstate)34.1%Houston15.4%New York, NY2.9%Dallas-Fort Worth12.9%San Francisco-Oakland-San Jose, CA2.4%San Antonio10.2%Los Angeles, CA2.0%Austin9.6%Portland, OR1.4%Waco-Temple-Bryan4.2%Atlanta, GA1.2%Harlingen-Weslaco-Brownsville-McAllen3.5%New Orleans, LA1.1%Tyler-Longview (Lufkin, Nacogdoches)1.8%Chicago, IL1.0%El Paso1.3%Salt Lake City, UT0.9%Austin-Round Rock MSATexas Destinations 2015 prepared for The Office of the Governor, Economic Development & Tourism Division.Copyright © 2016 D. K. Shifflet & Associates, Ltd. All rights reserved.18MSAMSAPurpose of Stay (Person-Days)Purpose of Stay (Person-Days)Total Leisure69.8%Total Business30.2%Vacation21.8%Meetings15.6%Getaway Weekend-Overnight13.2%Convention6.4%General Vacation-Overnight6.5%Seminar/Training6.0%Day Trip Vacation/Getaway2.2%Other Group Meetings3.2%Non-Vacation48.0%Transient14.6%Visit Friend/Relative28.1%Sales/Purchasing3.2%Special Event (celebration, reunion)8.3%Consulting/Client Service2.9%Medical/Health Care2.0%Construction/Repair1.0%Convention/Show/Conference1.8%Government/Military0.4%Seminar/Class/Training (personal)1.2%Inspection/Audit0.3%Other Leisure/Personal6.5%Other Business6.8%Austin-Round Rock MSATexas Destinations 2015 prepared for The Office of the Governor, Economic Development & Tourism Division.Copyright © 2016 D. K. Shifflet & Associates, Ltd. All rights reserved.19MSAMSAActivities Summary (Stays)Attractions (Net)18.7%Nature (Net)14.1%Nightlife (bar, nightclub etc.)12.3%Parks (national/state, etc.)10.7%Amateur Sports (attend/participate)4.2%Beach/Waterfront2.3%Show: Boat, Car, Home2.1%Wildlife Viewing (birds, whales etc.)1.6%Culture (Net)28.1%Outdoor Sports (Net)9.6%Concerts/Theatre/Dance etc.10.3%Hiking2.5%Touring/Sightseeing8.2%Fishing2.4%Historic Sites7.7%Golfing2.2%Family/Life Events (Net)33.6%General (Net)39.5%Visit Friends/Relatives (general visit)25.7%Shopping22.4%Personal Special Event (Anniversary, Birthday)4.7%Business14.5%Holiday Celebration (Thanksgiving, July 4th etc.)2.3%Medical/Health/Doctor Visit3.1%Libation/Culinary (Net)26.5%Trip Party Composition (Trip-Days)Culinary/Dining Experience25.9%Avg. Party Size (Adults and Children)1.72personsWinery/Distillery/Brewery Tours1.5%One Male Only28.5%One Female Only22.6%One Male and One Female29.5%Two Male or Two Females5.8%Three or More Adults4.9%Adults with Children8.7%Austin-Round Rock MSATexas Destinations 2015 prepared for The Office of the Governor, Economic Development & Tourism Division.Copyright © 2016 D. K. Shifflet & Associates, Ltd. All rights reserved.20MSAMSALength of Stay (Stays)Accommodation Type (Person-Days)Average Length (Incl. Days)1.95daysPaid Accommodations61.7%Average Length (Overnight Only)2.45nightsHotel/Motel51.4%Day –Trips51.0%High-End19.4%1-3 Nights41.1%Mid-Level20.5%4-7 Nights6.7%Economy7.6%8+ Nights1.1%Other Hotel/Motel3.9%Primary Mode of Transportation (Person-Days)Non-Hotel/Motel10.4%Air19.0%Non-Paid Accommodations38.1%Auto Travel (Net)79.4%Other Overnight0.2%Other Transportation (Net)1.6%Bus1.1%Train0.3%Other0.3%Distance Traveled One-Way from Home (Person-Days)Average Distance Traveled470miles250 Miles or Less57.9%251-500 Miles11.2%500-1000 Miles10.7%1001 Miles or More20.2%Austin-Round Rock MSATexas Destinations 2015 prepared for The Office of the Governor, Economic Development & Tourism Division.Copyright © 2016 D. K. Shifflet & Associates, Ltd. All rights reserved.21MSAMSAExpenditure Summary (Person-Days) Expenditure Summary (Person-Days) Transportation -Total34.3%Avg. Per Person Per Day Spending$132.00 Transportation -Excluding Airfare22.2%Transportation -Total$45.30 Transportation -Airfare12.1%Transportation -Excluding Airfare$29.30 Transportation -Rental Car4.4%Transportation -Airfare$87.60 Transportation -Other17.8%Transportation -Rental Car$40.40 Food24.3%Transportation -Other$23.40 Lodging -Total19.1%Food$32.00 Lodging -Room18.2%Lodging -Total$51.50 Lodging -Services0.8%Lodging -Room$52.20 Shopping12.2%Lodging -Services$3.60 Entertainment7.7%Shopping$16.10 Miscellaneous2.4%Entertainment$10.20 Miscellaneous$3.20 Austin-Round Rock MSATexas Destinations 2015 prepared for The Office of the Governor, Economic Development & Tourism Division.Copyright © 2016 D. K. Shifflet & Associates, Ltd. All rights reserved.22MSAMSADemographic Profile (Person-Days)Average Age44.8Employment18-34 Years32.2%Employed70.4%35-49 Years27.0%Retired13.2%50-64 Years29.3%Not Employed16.5%65+ Years11.4%Marital StatusAverage HH Income (in $1,000)$98,082 Married60.0%Under $25,00012.4%Never Married31.1%$25,000-$49,99917.0%Divorced/Widowed8.9%$50,000-$74,99915.0%$75,000-$99,99915.8%Children in Household$100,0000+39.8%Yes34.9%No65.1%Austin-Round Rock MSATexas Destinations 2015 prepared for The Office of the Governor, Economic Development & Tourism Division.Copyright © 2016 D. K. Shifflet & Associates, Ltd. All rights reserved.2324AppendixTexas Destinations 2015 prepared for The Office of the Governor, Economic Development & Tourism Division.Copyright © 2016 D. K. Shifflet & Associates, Ltd. All rights reserved.User’s GuideBasic Units of MeasureThe majority of data in the report is presented in travel person "days," also referred to as "Person-Days." The use of "days" accounts for the difference in party size and travel duration between travel parties. For example, each person does not spend the same amount of time at a travel destination. One person may stay for one day while another stays for eight days, each generating different revenue and economic impacts; therefore, "Person-Days" based data captures a fuller impact of a person's travel and represents a more comprehensive understanding of the competitive destinations market. "Person-Days" includes Day-Trips of over 50 miles one-way as well as overnight trips. Overnight trips are converted to “days” by adding to the number of nights a “day” factor. "Person-Stays" represents the measure of the travel industry for which one person accounts for one trip regardless of trip length. "Person-Stays" is used to estimate travel volume. While "Person-Stays" does not capture the full impact of a person's travel, volume in "Person-Stays" is widely used in the industry. The estimated volume therefore allows comparison with other industry sources. "Person-Stays" includes Day-Trips of over 50 miles one-way and overnight trips. “Trip-Days” represents the number of travel days spent in the market, regardless of the number of people in the travel party, and allows trips of longer length by any particular trip party type to have a greater weight than shorter trips. This measure is used to report trip party composition. Texas Destinations 2015 prepared for The Office of the Governor, Economic Development & Tourism Division.Copyright © 2016 D. K. Shifflet & Associates, Ltd. All rights reserved.25User’s GuideThe volume of travel is estimated as the number of Person-Stays as well as the number of Person-Days at a specific destination. The share of travel is the percentage of total Person-Days to Texas accounted for by a specific destination. This information is helpful in assessing the relative volume of travel to specific destinations.Volume/Share of Travel:A DMA is geographic area defined by Nielson Media Research, Inc. for what is commonly known as a television broadcast market. Every U.S. county is one and only one DMA. The data present a list of top Texas origin DMAs as well as Non-Texas origin DMAs. Some Texas DMAs are larger than 50 miles and include out-of-state counties. This information is very useful when evaluating advertising markets.Designated Market Area (DMA):The primary reasons for visiting a destination are outlined. Business Person-Days are divided into Group Meetings (e.g., conventions/seminars) and Transient Business (e.g. sales/consulting). Leisure Person Days are segmented into Leisure Vacation (e.g., general vacation/getaway weekend) and Leisure Non-Vacation (e.g., visiting friends and relatives/special event). They are also segmented by activities that are grouped in various categories, such as: Attractions, Outdoor Sports, Nature, Culture, and Touring. Information on purpose of stay and activities is useful in understanding travel motivations and has direct implications for advertising messages.Purpose of Stay:Trip Party Composition is defined as the makeup of people in the immediate travel party. Trip Party Compositions include the following segments: adults traveling with children (families), couples (one male/one female), one male alone, one female alone, or other adult combinations. The Length of Stay is distributed into Day-Trips, short trips (1-3 nights), medium trips (4-7 nights), and long trips (8+ nights). Information obtained from Trip Party Composition and Length of Stay helps profile the traveler. Both measures are strongly related to the purpose of stay. For instance, the Transient Business person (e.g., salesperson) generally travels alone and has a shorter trip length.Travel Party Composition/Length of Stay:Texas Destinations 2015 prepared for The Office of the Governor, Economic Development & Tourism Division.Copyright © 2016 D. K. Shifflet & Associates, Ltd. All rights reserved.26User’s GuideData on expenditures represent direct spending per person per day for six expenditure categories: transportation, food/drink, entertainment, shopping, accommodations, and other miscellaneous expenditures. Expenditure information is critical in assessing the direct economic impact of visitors. Expenditures:The primary modes of transportation include air, car, bus, train, van/small truck, and camper/RV. The distance traveled (one-way) from home is categorized into short distances (less than 250 miles), medium distances (251 to 500 miles; 501 to 1,000 miles), and long distances (1,001 miles or more). This information is useful in deciding on advertising vehicles and communication reach. Mode of Transportation/Distance Traveled:The proportion of Day-Trips versus one or more nights travel is shown. Lodging types are distributed into paid accommodations (i.e., hotel/motel and non-hotel/motel) and non-paid accommodations. The strength of the hotel/motel market is compared to other paid and non-paid accommodations. Type of Accommodations:Visitors' age, income, and employment status are key to determining the socioeconomic profile of visitors. Demographic Profile:Texas Destinations 2015 prepared for The Office of the Governor, Economic Development & Tourism Division.Copyright © 2016 D. K. Shifflet & Associates, Ltd. All rights reserved.2728Theconfidenceintervaltableindicateshowwellthedata,basedonasample,reflectstheentirepopulationoftravelers.Thesmallertheinterval,themorerelevantthedataandthegreaterconfidencewehavethatthesamplenumberrepresentsthepopulation.PercentageFindingsinReportorDataTablesasfollows:Statistical ReferencesConfidence IntervalTotal TravelSample Sizefor 2015At or near 2% or 98%At or near 5% or 95%At or near 10% or 90%At or near25% or 75%At or near 50%Total Texas5,686 0.2%0.4%0.6%0.8%1.1%Hill Country Region1,191 0.5%0.9%1.3%1.8%2.4%Austin-Round Rock, TX MSA1,043 0.5%0.9%1.3%1.9%2.5%Texas Destinations 2015 prepared for The Office of the Governor, Economic Development & Tourism Division.Copyright © 2016 D. K. Shifflet & Associates, Ltd. All rights reserved.DKSA’s TRAVEL PERFORMANCE/MonitorSMis a comprehensive study measuring the travel behavior of US residents. DKSA contacts 50,000 distinct U.S. households monthly and has done so since 1991. DKSA is able to provide current behavior and long term trended analyses on a wide range of travel. DKSA data are collected using an online methodology employing KnowledgePanel®, an address based sample panel offered by Knowledge Networks. The sample is drawn as a national probability sample and returns are balanced to ensure representation of the U.S. population according to the most recent U.S. Census. Key factors used for balancing are Origin State, Age, Income, Education, Gender, Ethnicity/race and return rates. The Knowledge Networks sample is used to create benchmark weights which are applied to surveys returned from other managed panels used by DKSA. Both traveling and non-traveling households are surveyed each month enabling DKSA to generate the best estimate of travel incidence (volume) within the total U.S. population. Among those who have traveled (overnight in the past three months, and daytrips in the past month) details of their trip(s) are recorded for each month. This overlapping, repeating monthly approach boosts the observed number of trips for each travel month and controls for seasonality and telescoping biases."Travel" is defined as either an overnight trip defined as going someplace, staying overnight and then returning home or as a day trip defined as a place away from home and back in the same day. Respondents report travel behavior for each stay of each trip; an approach that enhances reporting for specific travel events, activities and spending. A wide variety of general travel information is collected including travel to destinations at a city level, hotel stayed in, purpose of stay and activities, expenditures, mode of transportation, party composition, length of stay, travel agent and group tour usage, satisfaction and value ratings, and demographics, including origin markets. Several questions are asked as open-ends to ensure that the responses are not influenced by a pre-listed set of response categories. Each respondent identifies the actual destination visited with an open-end response. This is particularly significant for obtaining accurate data for smaller cities and counties and representing total travel. This increases time and expense to accurately capture these responses but quality requires it. Extensive coding lists are updated regularly to ensure that all data is recorded accurately. DKSA’s Quality control committee conducts bi-monthly meetings to review survey results and examine methods to maintain and improve quality control. About DKSAD.K. Shifflet & Associates Ltd. is the leading U.S. consumer travel research firm. DKSA is located in McLean, VA and has, forthe last 27 years, provided the Industry’s most complete consumer based travel data on U.S. residents and their travel worldwide. Our clients include destination marketing organizations, theme parks, credit cards, auto clubs, hotel chains and more.Research MethodologyTexas Destinations 2015 prepared for The Office of the Governor, Economic Development & Tourism Division.Copyright © 2016 D. K. Shifflet & Associates, Ltd. All rights reserved.29