Task Force Member Input — original pdf

Visitor Impact Task ForceCity Directives and ImpactsTourism Impact•Impact of Tourism on Infrastructure: General Tourism, Activities -24M to 30 M where do they stay?-what do they visit-Need data: -to evaluate Transport, Safety, Capacity*-Impact on city districts, services•Impact of Tourism on Infrastructure Convention Center-85% of the attendees in Down Town area:-Positive Impact on Down Town Businesses( Future?)-Pedestrian Comfort , City Attractions, History, Museums, Parks Entertainment-Expansion Plans•Impact of Tourism : Events-Traffic, Safety, Logistics-City waivers and co-sponsors –(Funding?)* e.g. Increasing population creates park capacity problemsAustin Visitor Impact•HOT Use: Allocations per Tax code-Increasing Tourism proportionally incremental allocations-Citizen /Interest Group Request More Funding-Gap exists between Requests and Fund Allocations-Requests Merit Serious Consideration•HOT Use: Per code Major Allocation both Base and Incremental to Convention Center•HOT Use : Reevaluate Tax code e.g. Use 2015 as base line-Increased Funding Available to Cultural Heritage, Tourism Promotion, Historic Preservation, Music, Art etc.** Even with Extra Funding -Gap Remains-Transportation needs work with Transport Agencies-Event Funding Need alternatives per City StaffAustin Convention Center Expansion•Austin Convention Center one of the smallest compared to competition•Hotel Owners in favor of expansion•34% business lost due to unavailability of convention center•Convention Center fully occupied (@65%) in 2015•Option 2b is preferred•Total cost $600M+•Increased Revenue for City, Convention center and Hotels•Does Design take care of traffic, green and open spaces and business community needs fully? –Citizen Requests•Convention business less sensitive to economic downturns ?Austin Convention Center Expansion•Convention Center Expansion:-requires all of the 351 allocation, -it requires 2% additional HOT 17% •The 17% Tax allows increased finding for other areas but does not fill the gap•Current convention center will cater to 91% of the conventions for the size of the conventions•Operating costs for enlarged convention center ???•Convention Center as Cost Center???Other•Use $1M for series of projects mandated by City council-Allocation for Maywood Park included•Artist concerns –poverty level, health care and transportation•Business community’s concerns•Ensure success of Brand Austin,•Austin Tourism Promotion