DMO Organizational and Financial Profile Study — original pdf

WWW.DESTINATIONMARKETING.ORGFULL REPORT2015 DMO ORGANIZATIONAL & FINANCIAL PROFILE STUDY 2015 DMO Organizational & Financial Profile Study Full Report Destination Marketing Association International 2025 M Street, NW, Suite 500 Washington, DC 20036 USA Tel: + © 2015 Destination Marketing Association International. All rights reserved. This report is intended for the private, confidential use of destination marketing organizations (convention and visitor bureaus) and may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by an information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher. Executive Summary Executive Summary 2015 DMO Organizational & Financial Profile Study 2 The 2015 DMO Organizational and Financial Profile Study is the most comprehensive benchmark study on DMO structures and organizational practices in the destination marketing sector today. This biennial survey of DMOs produces a series of core organizational metrics for peer comparison and to assist in the development, strategies and management of all DMOs. A total of 246 DMOs from the United States, Canada and Bermuda participated in the 2015 program. This study is made available by the Destination Marketing Association International (DMAI), which protects and advances the success of official destination marketing organizations worldwide. DMAI thanks all of the respondents for their invaluable contribution to this study. The following Executive Summary content provides some key highlights at an industry-wide level. Detailed results and findings of the entire 2015 survey are presented in the main body and appendices of this report. Additionally, customized searches of findings and benchmarks for specific DMO peer groups can be generated from the searchable report tool product that accompanies this report. 2015 DMO INDUSTRY AVERAGES Annual Budget DMO budgets on average continue an upward trend since 2011, reaching their highest level at $3.39 Million in 2015. Significant growth in average DMO budgets was recorded between 2013 and 2014. Executive Summary 2015 DMO Organizational & Financial Profile Study 3 Funding / Revenue Most DMOs surveyed continue to receive the vast majority of their funding from public sources. Smaller (less than $1 Million) and mid-sized ($1 Million to $5 Million) budget DMOs reported receiving approximately 90% of their total funding from public sources. More than 87% of DMOs reported receiving hotel room tax revenue, by far the leading source of public investment. Tourism Improvement District/Marketing District/Voluntary Assessments are rapidly growing as a revenue source, with 14% of DMOs receiving these funds. Advertising revenue is the most prevalent form of private source revenue reported by DMOs generally in 2015 (19%), with membership dues representing 16% of revenues on average. Approximately 39% of DMOs have dues-paying members, with the percentage increasing to nearly 60% for the larger DMOs (greater than $5 Million). Partnership revenue accounted for 12% of private source funding received by DMOs generally. Executive Summary 2015 DMO Organizational & Financial Profile Study 4 Annual Budget Allocations For 2015, reporting DMOs allocated just over half of their budget to specific marketing/promotions programs, with 37% invested in personnel costs, and just over 11% in administrative/general expenses. These broad allocations varied by DMO budget size – marketing/promotions programs generally increased as a percentage of overall expenses as DMO budgets grew, while personnel costs generally decreased as an overall percentage as DMO budgets rose. Administrative/general expenses fluctuated a little, yet were generally consistent in the range of 10% - 12% of overall expenses regardless of DMO budget category. DMO Budget Categories Executive Summary 2015 DMO Organizational & Financial Profile Study 5 Overall Staff Size Staff Size by DMO Budget Category More than one-third of DMO survey respondents added full-time staff in 2015. Only 8% reported a decrease, predominantly among the mid-sized DMOs. For the 2015 fiscal year, the median number of full-time equivalent employees among all reporting DMOs was 16. Staff Composition DMOs overall continue to deploy a staffing strategy that focuses on targeted marketing, business development, and visitor servicing efforts for their respective destinations. Of note, DMOs are increasingly dedicating more specialized staff to the sport/event market. The sport/event market now joins destination-level marketing and communications, convention sales, visitor servicing, and travel trade support as a core visitor market development activity specifically assigned to DMO staff. Executive Summary 2015 DMO Organizational & Financial Profile Study 6 Marketing / Promotions Program Allocations Market Sector Spending Online versus Offline Spending Geographic Markets On an individual basis, DMO respondents report a variety of marketing/promotions efforts that directly reflect their destination profile as a leisure destination, a business market destination, or a combination of both. Among all DMOs reporting on average, the largest program spending is generally focused on the leisure (direct consumer) market, followed by the meetings and conventions sector, the sport/event market, and then the travel trade sector. Marketing/promotions budgets overall are increasingly being allocated to online/digital activities, with continued spending reductions generally reported for offline/traditional activities. In 2015, 39% of budgeted spending by reporting DMOs overall is now dedicated to online/digital marketing and engagement strategies, with a new low of 61% allocated to offline/traditional marketing and promotions. On an overall basis, responding DMOs report that they are directing the vast majority (91%) of their marketing/promotions program budgets to their domestic markets in 2015. Executive Summary 2015 DMO Organizational & Financial Profile Study 7 DMO Membership Profile Thirty-nine percent of DMOs have dues-paying members currently, recording an 89% member retention rate going into the 2015 fiscal year. Membership by Industry Sector Membership representation by sector has remained relatively consistent in recent years, with the largest membership base still generally found in the accommodation sector, followed by restaurants, attractions/institutions, event services/suppliers and retail establishments. Destination Performance Averages Individual DMOs responding to the survey reported a variety of specific destination performance statistics that reflect their unique scale of operations, the characteristics of the destination they represent, and the composition of the markets they serve and specifically target. Yet, on an overall industry basis and as an average among all DMOs surveyed (median value), DMOs were directly involved in generating more than 2.4 Million overnight visitors and $466 Million in direct overnight visitor spending for the communities and destinations they served in 2014. This general level of business activity assisted in supporting more than 13,000 jobs in tourism as a community/destination average. Introduction Overview and Methodology 2015 DMO Organizational & Financial Profile Study 9 The 2015 DMO Organizational & Financial Profile Study is the most comprehensive benchmark study on DMO structures and organizational practices in the destination marketing sector today. The study focuses on trends and developments for a wide variety of organizational areas of interest. The goal of this study is to provide DMOs with a unique and invaluable information resource to assist in guiding the development, strategies, and management of their DMO. The study covers the following key areas and themes: Destination taxes and revenue distribution Public and private investment in the DMO Overall expenses allocation by DMO function Program expenses allocation DMO relationships with key funding stakeholders Financial policies and procedures Staff resources Destination performance A total of 246 DMOs responded to this year’s online survey. The data is broken out in six budget range categories in this report: Budget Range Number of DMO Respondents Less than $500,000 10 $500,000 - $999,999 21 $1,000,000 - $1,999,999 46 $2,000,000 - $4,999,999 69 $5,000,000 - $9,999,999 35 $10,000,000 or more 54 No budget provided 11 The 2015 DMO Organizational & Financial Profile Study is made available by the Destination Marketing Association International (DMAI), which protects and advances the success of official destination marketing organizations worldwide. DMAI thanks all of the respondents for their invaluable contribution to this study. Questions about these results or DMAI’s research program generally should be directed to or via telephone at + Guide to Using This Report 2015 DMO Organizational & Financial Profile Study 10 The 2015 DMO Organizational & Financial Profile Study is designed to help DMOs evaluate their performance to similar DMOs, and identify improvement opportunities. The information in this report represents broad performance metrics against which performance can be measured. DMOs can compare themselves with industry norms or other DMOs in their budget category. Spotting significant differences between a DMO’s data and industry composites can be the first step toward improving performance. It should be noted, however, that deviations from industry norms do not automatically call for action. To provide the most up-to-date information available, the 2015 DMO Organizational & Financial Profile Study includes data based on the most recently completed fiscal year of each respondent, as well as current fiscal year budget data (Note: The data in this report were collected from May to June 2015 and do not reflect any subsequent changes in DMO operations). For the purposes of reporting and interpretation, 24% of respondents close their fiscal years on June 30, and 54% close on December 31, so data predominantly reflects those time periods. THROUGHOUT THE REPORT, PLEASE NOTE: All currency figures are reported in U.S. dollars “N/A” indicates an insufficient sample size to provide meaningful data for that item How the Tables Are Organized The data have been reported in a manner consistent with the layout of the questionnaire, which is included in the back of the report. Each section of this report begins with an overview that includes charts highlighting key findings. Aggregated data for each question in that section follows. Average figures are shown for all respondents as well as for six budget categories based on total revenue. A list of the participants in each of the budget categories can be found in Appendix A and Appendix B. The number of respondents per question is indicated to the right of each line item. In some instances, results can appear skewed as a result of a low number of respondents. If the headings for a question appear unclear or you require further information, consult the questionnaire in the back of the report, which contains instructions and explanations that may answer your question. In addition, ratio definitions can be found on pages 4 and 5. In most instances, average (mean) figures are used. In select cases, medians are used to eliminate the skewing of extreme responses and are so indicated. For example, average staff count is expressed as a median because the response of a single large DMO with a much higher number of staff would skew the overall average. DMAI has made no independent verification of the information contained in this report and makes no representations, assurances, guarantees or warranties, express, or implied with respect to the accuracy or completeness of the provided information. DMAI is not liable to any persons or entities for any inaccuracies, errors, omissions or unfavorable comparisons contained in this report. Ratio Definitions 2015 DMO Organizational & Financial Profile Study 11 While it is important to analyze financial information in dollar figures, percentages and ratios must be used to compare the data with past performance or industry standards. For example, while monitoring annual payroll expenses is crucial, it is more important to compare those expenditures with the value they produce. Useful measures of payroll-expense effectiveness include personnel expenses per full-time equivalent employee, or payroll as a percentage of total expenditures. Such ratios can be useful in determining how efficiently a DMO uses its payroll dollars over time or compared with other DMOs in general. It is recommended that ratios should not be used in isolation. In combination with actual financial data, ratios can give an accurate overall picture of a DMO’s financial performance and financial position. Financial performance refers to how well a DMO performs over a period of time (generally one year), and financial position refers to financial strength at a given point in time. Ratio Calculation* Uses First Seen on Page #: COLLECTION PERCENTAGES Room Tax Collections & Usage (City, County, and State/Province) Room Tax Category (Q3ba -Q3bh) expressed as a percentage of Total Room Tax Collected and Allocated to the City, County, or State/Province Illustrates the various allocations of the collected Room Tax. 16 Hotel Assessments/Fees-Collections & Usage Hotel Assessments/Fees categories (Q3ba -Q3bh) expressed as a percent of the Total Assessments/Fees Collected Reflects the various allocations of the collected Total Assessments/Fees. 18 Special Restaurant Tax – Collections & Use Special Restaurant Tax Category (Q4ca-Q4ch) expressed as a percent of Total Special Restaurant Tax Collected Reflects the various allocations of the collected Special Restaurant Tax. 18 Car Rental Tax – Collections & Use Car Rental Tax Category (Q5ba-Q5bh) expressed as a percent of Total Car Rental Tax Collected Reflects the various allocations of the collected Car Rental Tax at the destination’s primary airport. 19 FUNDING RATIOS Funding per Full-Time Equivalent Employee Total Funding (Q14c) Number of Full-Time Equivalent Employees (Q9i) A productivity measure. Measures a DMO’s effectiveness of labor resources (full-time equivalent employees) based on the amount of total funding. 34 *Q = Survey question number Ratio Definitions 2015 DMO Organizational & Financial Profile Study 12 Ratio Calculation* Uses First Seen on Page #: EXPENSE SECTION Line Item Expense Schedule & Program Expense Schedule All of these items are expressed as percentages of total expenditures unless otherwise noted 35 Personnel Costs per Full-Time Equivalent Employee Total Personnel Costs (Q18a) Number of Full-Time Equivalent Employees (Q9i) A productivity measure. Measures the DMO’s effectiveness of labor resources based on the amount spent on labor expenses. 36 Expenditures per Full-Time Equivalent Employee Total Line Item Expenses (Q18d) Number of Full-Time Equivalent Employees (Q9i) An employee productivity measure that illustrates the effectiveness of labor resources for dollars spent. 36 Revenue per Full-Time Equivalent Employee Total Gross Revenue (Q18) Number of Full-Time Equivalent Employees (Q9i) An employee productivity measure that monitors the effectiveness of labor resources for dollars received. 36 *Q = Survey question number About DMAI 2015 DMO Organizational & Financial Profile Study 13 ABOUT DESTINATION MARKETING ASSOCIATION INTERNATIONAL As the global trade association for official destination marketing organizations (DMOs), Destination Marketing Association International (DMAI) protects and advances the success of destination marketing worldwide. DMAI’s membership includes over 600 official destination marketing organizations (DMOs), also known as tourism boards or Convention and Visitor Bureaus (CVBs), in over 15 countries that command more than $2.5 billion in annual budgets. As the world’s largest and most reliable resource for DMOs, it provides more than 3,500 individual members – professionals, industry partners, educators and students – the most innovative and relevant educational resources, networking opportunities and marketing intelligence worldwide. Summary Results by Budget Size (Gross Revenue/Funding) Destination Taxes and Assessments 2015 DMO Organizational & Financial Profile Study 15 The average total hotel room tax, including occupancy taxes, sales taxes, BID/TID assessments, etc. is 13.1%. Hotel Room Tax — Collections & Use Hotel room/occupancy taxes are often allocated for tourism-related purposes. The chart below shows the various allocations of these taxes for city, county, and state/province data sets. The municipality general fund is the most prominent use for the city collections, investing directly in the DMO is the most prominent use for the county collections, while state/provincial collections are primarily allocated to general funding or for other purposes. Note: The figures reported are the averages for only those destinations that reported the specific allocation of the hotel room tax. For example, for those destinations where a percentage of the city room tax was allocated to the DMO, that average allocation was 51.2%. As a result, the figures in the chart above do not add to 100%. 51.2%59.5%40.4%25.6%21.4%14.6%60.7%34.2%51.1%24.3%34.4%20.1%42.9%63.4%29.7%68.1%28.3%5.3%DMO FundingMunicipalityGeneral FundConv. Ctr. Operations,Construction, or Debt Serv.Other (Visitor &Non-Visitor Purposes)Arenas &Sports FacilitiesArtsOrganizationsCityCountyState/Province Destination Taxes and Assessments BUDGET SIZE All Less Than $500,000 to $1,000,000 to $2,000,000 to $5,000,000 to $10,000,000 Respondents $500,000 $999,999 $1,999,999 $4,999,999 $9,999,999 or More Count Average Count Average Count Average Count Average Count Average Count Average Count Average 2015 DMO Organizational & Financial Profile Study 16 TOTAL TAXES AND ASSESSMENTS ON A HOTEL ROOM Total Hotel Taxes and Assessments (%) 235 13.09% 10 12.57% 19 12.60% 45 12.44% 68 12.77% 33 13.36% 50 14.39% Total Hotel Taxes and Assessments ($) 14 $3.00 0 $0.00 0 $0.00 0 $0.00 6 $2.00 2 $4.00 5 $4.00 Room Tax -- City (%) 142 5.52% 6 4.63% 10 5.10% 23 5.31% 42 5.01% 20 5.81% 33 6.93% Room Tax -- City ($) 2 $2.00 0 $0.00 0 $0.00 0 $0.00 1 $1.00 0 $0.00 1 $2.00 Room Tax -- County (%) 117 4.74% 4 3.25% 9 4.12% 27 4.75% 37 4.53% 14 4.68% 21 5.50% Room Tax -- County ($) 1 $5.00 0 $0.00 0 $0.00 0 $0.00 0 $0.00 0 $0.00 1 $5.00 Room Tax -- State/Province (%) 68 4.56% 5 5.09% 6 6.15% 11 3.91% 15 4.07% 13 3.78% 13 5.52% Room Tax -- State/Province ($) 0 $0.00 0 $0.00 0 $0.00 0 $0.00 0 $0.00 0 $0.00 0 $0.00 General Sales Tax -- City (%) 60 3.05% 3 3.28% 4 4.01% 4 4.64% 21 2.84% 10 2.71% 16 2.69% General Sales Tax -- City ($) 0 $0.00 0 $0.00 0 $0.00 0 $0.00 0 $0.00 0 $0.00 0 $0.00 General Sales Tax -- County (%) 84 2.73% 4 3.57% 9 2.86% 14 3.37% 28 3.03% 10 1.57% 17 1.96% General Sales Tax -- County ($) 0 $0.00 0 $0.00 0 $0.00 0 $0.00 0 $0.00 0 $0.00 0 $0.00 General Sales Tax -- State/Province (%) 170 5.72% 6 5.24% 13 5.99% 28 5.76% 56 5.51% 26 5.70% 35 5.87% General Sales Tax -- State/Province ($) 1 $6.00 0 $0.00 0 $0.00 0 $0.00 0 $0.00 0 $0.00 1 $6.00 General Sales Tax -- National (%) 17 5.65% 2 9.00% 3 5.00% 1 8.00% 6 5.00% 2 5.00% 2 5.00% General Sales Tax -- National ($) 0 $0.00 0 $0.00 0 $0.00 0 $0.00 0 $0.00 0 $0.00 0 $0.00 Other Tax (%) 48 2.81% 2 3.05% 5 3.08% 11 4.02% 9 1.71% 4 1.53% 15 2.32% Other Tax ($) 7 $2.00 0 $0.00 0 $0.00 0 $0.00 1 $5.00 3 $2.00 3 $2.00 Tourism Improvement District (TID)/Marketing District Assessment/Voluntary Mktg. Fee (%) 32 2.29% 0 0.00% 3 0.53% 3 2.67% 5 2.18% 8 3.47% 13 1.93% District Assessment/Voluntary Mktg. Fee ($) 8 $2.00 0 $0.00 0 $0.00 0 $0.00 4 $2.00 1 $2.00 2 $2.00 *All currency figures are reported in U.S. dollars. Destination Taxes and Assessments BUDGET SIZE All Less Than $500,000 to $1,000,000 to $2,000,000 to $5,000,000 to $10,000,000 Respondents $500,000 $999,999 $1,999,999 $4,999,999 $9,999,999 or More Count Average Count Average Count Average Count Average Count Average Count Average Count Average 2015 DMO Organizational & Financial Profile Study 17 TOURISM DISTRICT ASSESSMENT (TID) When was this TID enacted? Before 2013 52 80.00% 1 50.00% 5 100.00% 7 87.50% 11 78.57% 14 87.50% 14 77.78% 2013 7 10.77% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 1 12.50% 1 7.14% 0 0.00% 4 22.22% 2014 3 4.62% 1 50.00% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 1 6.25% 0 0.00% 2015 3 4.62% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 2 14.29% 1 6.25% 0 0.00% HOTEL ROOM TAX -- COLLECTIONS & USAGE -- CITY Total Hotel Room Tax Collected ($) 130 $18,935,297 6 $715,748 11 $1,507,551 22 $2,596,327 39 $4,438,873 18$10,160,759 29 $66,621,428 Percent of City hotel room tax allocated to: DMO Funding 115 51.18% 5 60.60% 11 61.05% 20 59.37% 30 57.29% 20 41.34% 24 35.06% Convention Center (operations, construction or debt service) 53 40.41% 2 27.50% 0 0.00% 4 33.30% 15 42.24% 14 35.79% 16 46.31% Arts Organizations 28 14.55% 0 0.00% 1 25.00% 3 18.61% 8 7.21% 6 10.39% 6 10.86% Sports Facilities (stadiums, arenas, etc.) 13 21.42% 1 18.00% 0 0.00% 1 20.00% 4 16.59% 2 31.00% 5 22.43% Municipality General Fund 60 59.53% 2 70.50% 5 47.80% 12 74.21% 19 52.24% 10 49.60% 11 64.79% Other 69 25.58% 3 27.67% 6 27.42% 7 44.71% 21 22.91% 10 15.18% 21 25.12% HOTEL ROOM TAX -- COLLECTIONS & USAGE -- COUNTY Total Hotel Room Tax Collected ($) 108 $15,723,453 4 $226,123 7 $1,107,161 23 $2,496,578 38 $4,763,791 12 $7,794,288 21 $63,634,776 Percent of City hotel room tax allocated to: DMO Funding 94 60.69% 4 82.75% 6 82.74% 24 63.87% 32 64.21% 12 46.75% 14 45.58% Convention Center (operations, construction or debt service) 27 51.07% 0 0.00% 1 54.29% 6 51.93% 7 43.84% 3 57.05% 8 58.26% Arts Organizations 16 20.09% 0 0.00% 1 4.00% 2 52.65% 6 17.90% 4 19.25% 3 9.23% Sports Facilities (stadiums, arenas, etc.) 16 34.39% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 4 33.92% 5 28.40% 7 38.93% Municipality General Fund 35 34.18% 2 34.50% 2 11.15% 6 50.47% 14 37.96% 5 19.06% 5 34.06% Other 76 24.32% 0 0.00% 3 7.67% 13 26.72% 27 24.59% 12 29.46% 19 22.39% Destination Taxes and Assessments BUDGET SIZE All Less Than $500,000 to $1,000,000 to $2,000,000 to $5,000,000 to $10,000,000 Respondents $500,000 $999,999 $1,999,999 $4,999,999 $9,999,999 or More Count Average Count Average Count Average Count Average Count Average Count Average Count Average 2015 DMO Organizational & Financial Profile Study 18 HOTEL ROOM TAX -- COLLECTIONS & USAGE -- STATE/PROVINCE Total Hotel Room Tax Collected ($) 42 $18,437,573 4 $377,329 0 $0 6 $2,096,747 9$10,900,426 9$17,250,500 12 $42,153,250 Percent of City hotel room tax allocated to: DMO Funding 17 42.89% 2 100.00% 0 0.00% 1 33.00% 3 53.77% 4 33.30% 6 30.82% Convention Center (operations, construction or debt service) 5 29.70% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 2 4.85% 1 53.30% 2 42.75% Arts Organizations 1 5.30% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 1 5.30% Sports Facilities (stadiums, arenas, etc.) 3 28.33% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 1 31.00% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 2 27.00% Municipality General Fund 18 63.37% 1 100.00% 0 0.00% 3 58.33% 4 79.50% 3 81.67% 6 36.55% Other 26 68.13% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 4 77.00% 6 51.83% 7 66.93% 8 68.88% HOTEL ASSESSMENTS/FEES -- COLLECTIONS & USAGE Total Hotel Room Tax Collected ($) 34 $6,783,437 1 $1,286,143 0 $0 6 $775,513 6 $1,602,623 8 $3,039,618 12 $15,647,079 Percent of City hotel room tax allocated to: DMO Funding 30 94.10% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 4 99.25% 8 97.00% 9 85.56% 8 97.50% Convention Center (operations, construction or debt service) 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% Arts Organizations 1 50.00% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 1 50.00% 0 0.00% Sports Facilities (stadiums, arenas, etc.) 1 100.00% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 1 100.00% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% Municipality General Fund 1 2.00% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 1 2.00% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% Maintenance/Upkeep of District 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% Other 9 71.23% 1 100.00% 0 0.00% 1 3.00% 3 74.00% 2 90.00% 2 60.00% TAX RATE FOR RESTAURANT DINING Is there a Special Restaurant Tax (other than general sales tax)? Yes 42 17.28% 1 10.00% 3 14.29% 8 17.78% 10 14.49% 8 23.53% 12 22.22% No 201 82.72% 9 90.00% 18 85.71% 37 82.22% 59 85.51% 26 76.47% 42 77.78% Destination Taxes and Assessments BUDGET SIZE All Less Than $500,000 to $1,000,000 to $2,000,000 to $5,000,000 to $10,000,000 Respondents $500,000 $999,999 $1,999,999 $4,999,999 $9,999,999 or More Count Average Count Average Count Average Count Average Count Average Count Average Count Average 2015 DMO Organizational & Financial Profile Study 19 Special Restaurant Tax Rate (% or $) Percent Rate (%) 40 2.92% 0 0.00% 2 0.03% 8 3.43% 10 2.93% 8 2.31% 12 3.46% Set Amount ($) 0 $0.00 0 $0.00 0 $0.00 0 $0.00 0 $0.00 0 $0.00 0 $0.00 SPECIAL RESTAURANT TAX-- COLLECTIONS & USAGE Percent of Special Restaurant Tax (excluding sales tax) allocated to: DMO Funding 12 59.25% 0 0.00% 1 60.00% 4 79.25% 0 0.00% 2 90.00% 5 30.80% Convention Center (operations, construction or debt service) 11 72.27% 0 0.00% 1 100.00% 0 0.00% 1 99.00% 3 64.33% 6 67.17% Arts Organizations 2 8.00% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 1 1.00% 1 15.00% Sports Facilities (stadiums, arenas, etc.) 4 51.75% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 1 50.00% 1 26.00% 2 65.50% Municipality General Fund 13 84.62% 1 100.00% 0 0.00% 2 100.00% 5 70.20% 3 95.00% 2 82.00% Other 17 63.00% 0 0.00% 1 40.00% 5 56.60% 4 100.00% 2 57.50% 5 46.60% CAR RENTAL TAX RATE-- COLLECTIONS & USAGE Car Rental Tax Rate at Primary Airport (% or $) Percent Rate (%) 114 12.11% 4 11.50% 5 8.96% 13 6.36% 35 9.29% 19 14.97% 31 13.75% Set Amount ($) 27 $8.00 0 $0.00 0 $0.00 1 $6.00 3 $6.00 7 $7.00 13 $3.00 Percent of Car Rental Tax (EXCLUDE sales tax) allocated to: DMO Funding 6 94.45% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 2 100.00% 2 83.35% 1 100.00% 1 100.00% Convention Center (operations, construction or debt service) 5 63.83% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 1 100.00% 0 0.00% 1 3.00% 3 72.04% Arts Organizations 6 29.57% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 1 100.00% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 5 15.49% Sports Facilities (stadiums, arenas, etc.) 12 48.05% 0 0.00% 1 25.00% 0 0.00% 2 58.31% 2 62.50% 6 46.17% Municipality General Fund 47 83.48% 3 100.00% 3 91.67% 3 100.00% 16 91.74% 9 52.45% 12 86.06% Airport (oper. const. or debt service) 24 80.04% 0 0.00% 1 100.00% 3 100.00% 8 79.59% 5 66.38% 5 77.08% Other 49 73.87% 0 0.00% 2 100.00% 1 100.00% 12 76.01% 10 83.30% 19 60.54% DMO Profile 2015 DMO Organizational & Financial Profile Study 20 Gross Revenue and Personnel DMO budgets continue an upward trend since 2011, reaching their highest level at $3.39 M in 2015. Significant growth in DMO budgets was recorded between 2013 and 2014. More than one-third of DMOs added full-time staff in 2015. Only 8% reported a decrease, predominately among the mid-sized DMOs. For the 2015 fiscal year, the median number of full-time equivalent employees at participating DMOs was 16. 2.782.862.802.792.892.913.003.313.3920072008200920102011201220132014201516. RespondentsLess Than $500,000$500,000-$999,999$1,000,000-$1,999,999$2,000,000-$4,999,999$5,000,000-$9,999,999$10,000,000 or MoreFull-Time Equivalent Employees$millions DMO Profile BUDGET SIZE All Less Than $500,000 to $1,000,000 to $2,000,000 to $5,000,000 to $10,000,000 Respondents $500,000 $999,999 $1,999,999 $4,999,999 $9,999,999 or More Count Average Count Average Count Average Count Average Count Average Count Average Count Average 2015 DMO Organizational & Financial Profile Study 21 PERIPHERAL OPERATIONS Does your DMO have peripheral operations? Yes 41 17.23% 2 20.00% 4 20.00% 6 13.64% 11 15.94% 6 17.65% 11 20.75% No 197 82.77% 8 80.00% 16 80.00% 38 86.36% 58 84.06% 28 82.35% 42 79.25% If yes, please indicate peripheral operations: Convention center 15 36.59% 0 0.00% 1 25.00% 0 0.00% 4 36.36% 4 66.67% 5 45.45% Parking facility 5 12.20% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 1 9.09% 1 16.67% 2 18.18% Sports facility 3 7.32% 0 0.00% 1 25.00% 0 0.00% 1 9.09% 0 0.00% 1 9.09% Museum/Cultural institution 3 7.32% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 2 18.18% 0 0.00% 1 9.09% Visitor Information Center 18 43.90% 0 0.00% 1 25.00% 5 83.33% 6 54.55% 2 33.33% 4 36.36% Other 17 41.46% 2 100.00% 1 25.00% 1 16.67% 2 18.18% 2 33.33% 8 72.73% ORGANIZATION STRUCTURE 501(c)(6) 147 60.49% 6 60.00% 12 57.14% 28 60.87% 44 63.77% 20 57.14% 33 61.11% 501(c)(3) 6 2.47% 0 0.00% 1 4.76% 1 2.17% 1 1.45% 1 2.86% 1 1.85% 501(c)(4) 1 0.41% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 1 1.45% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% Non-Profit (non-US) 20 8.23% 1 10.00% 4 19.05% 3 6.52% 6 8.70% 2 5.71% 3 5.56% City Gov't Agency 15 6.17% 2 20.00% 1 4.76% 0 0.00% 3 4.35% 5 14.29% 3 5.56% County Gov't Agency 14 5.76% 1 10.00% 0 0.00% 5 10.87% 2 2.90% 1 2.86% 4 7.41% State/Provincial Gov't Agency 5 2.06% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 2 2.90% 0 0.00% 3 5.56% Chamber of Commerce 6 2.47% 0 0.00% 2 9.52% 1 2.17% 2 2.90% 1 2.86% 0 0.00% Authority 11 4.53% 0 0.00% 1 4.76% 2 4.35% 2 2.90% 1 2.86% 5 9.26% Private/Public Sector Partnership 2 0.82% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 1 2.17% 1 1.45% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% Other 16 6.58% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 5 10.87% 5 7.25% 4 11.43% 2 3.70% ENDING MONTH OF FISCAL YEAR March 1 0.44% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 1 1.49% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% April 1 0.44% 0 0.00% 1 4.76% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% May 1 0.44% 0 0.00% 1 4.76% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% June 54 23.68% 2 20.00% 1 4.76% 7 16.28% 17 25.37% 14 41.18% 13 25.00% July 17 7.46% 2 20.00% 0 0.00% 5 11.63% 4 5.97% 0 0.00% 6 11.54% August 1 0.44% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 1 1.49% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% September 16 7.02% 0 0.00% 1 4.76% 1 2.33% 6 8.96% 2 5.88% 6 11.54% October 15 6.58% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 3 6.98% 4 5.97% 2 5.88% 6 11.54% December 122 53.51% 6 60.00% 17 80.95% 27 62.79% 34 50.75% 16 47.06% 21 40.38% DMO Profile BUDGET SIZE All Less Than $500,000 to $1,000,000 to $2,000,000 to $5,000,000 to $10,000,000 Respondents $500,000 $999,999 $1,999,999 $4,999,999 $9,999,999 or More Count Average Count Average Count Average Count Average Count Average Count Average Count Average 2015 DMO Organizational & Financial Profile Study 22 REVENUES & EXPENSES (Medians)* ($ and % of Total Funding) NOTE: The revenue and expense figures reported below are medians. On the following page, the revenue and expense figures are reported as means (averages). Medians represent the mid-point, with one-half of DMOs reporting figures above it and one-half below. It is often helpful to look at both the median and average (mean) figures, as the median is not distorted by a few exceptionally high or low values that may exist due to a DMO’s specific scale of operations, or other factors. 2013 Funding from Public Sources (%) 224 92.08% 10 100.00% 21 97.65% 44 94.76% 68 90.96% 33 93.45% 48 82.59% Funding from Public Sources ($) 224 $2,496,922 10 $298,433 21 $609,958 44 $1,210,724 68 $2,567,951 33 $4,917,533 48 $12,059,717 Revenue from Private Sources (%) 224 8.18% 10 0.00% 21 2.35% 44 5.24% 68 9.04% 33 6.55% 49 17.92% Revenue from Private Sources ($) 224 $276,748 10 $169,721 21 $38,390 44 $139,153 68 $255,972 33 $543,460 49 $2,484,000 Total Funding/Revenue ($) 227 $2,999,380 10 $357,926 21 $690,000 44 $1,334,923 68 $2,886,294 33 $5,663,400 51 $14,589,953 Total Expenses ($) 215 $3,093,343 10 $365,146 18 $650,361 40 $1,215,314 64 $2,853,366 32 $5,065,729 50 $13,364,869 2014 Funding from Public Sources (%) 229 91.92% 10 100.00% 21 96.61% 44 95.47% 69 91.85% 35 94.45% 50 84.08% Funding from Public Sources ($) 229 $2,795,285 10 $300,939 21 $670,000 44 $1,277,178 69 $2,745,944 35 $5,649,383 50 $13,101,739 Revenue from Private Sources (%) 229 8.08% 10 0.00% 21 3.39% 44 4.54% 69 8.15% 35 5.55% 50 15.93% Revenue from Private Sources ($) 229 $300,000 10 $180,314 21 $43,985 44 $141,000 69 $280,677 35 $631,944 50 $2,459,163 Total Funding/Revenue ($) 231 $3,306,212 10 $384,718 21 $719,938 44 $1,476,694 69 $3,056,381 35 $6,216,984 52 $16,006,144 Total Expenses ($) 221 $3,316,591 10 $375,288 18 $665,872 40 $1,398,082 67 $2,918,429 34 $5,617,446 51 $14,863,240 2015 (Current FY, Budgeted) Funding from Public Sources (%) 232 92.87% 10 100.00% 21 96.68% 46 96.07% 69 91.84% 35 94.86% 51 85.84% Funding from Public Sources ($) 232 $3,000,000 10 $306,529 21 $685,920 46 $1,249,000 69 $2,779,925 35 $5,425,251 51 $14,621,000 Revenue from Private Sources (%) 232 7.20% 10 0.00% 21 3.32% 46 3.93% 69 8.16% 35 5.14% 51 14.25% Revenue from Private Sources ($) 232 $316,685 10 $126,307 21 $46,291 46 $127,122 69 $293,525 35 $435,705 51 $2,368,805 Total Funding/Revenue ($) 232 $3,386,434 10 $403,565 21 $723,240 46 $1,453,550 69 $3,234,377 35 $6,478,000 51 $16,155,060 Total Expenses ($) 225 $3,511,644 10 $379,901 19 $722,168 42 $1,464,281 67 $3,265,929 35 $6,148,232 51 $15,840,516 *Does not include Las Vegas and Visit Florida. All currency figures are reported in U.S. dollars. DMO Profile BUDGET SIZE All Less Than $500,000 to $1,000,000 to $2,000,000 to $5,000,000 to $10,000,000 Respondents $500,000 $999,999 $1,999,999 $4,999,999 $9,999,999 or More Count Average Count Average Count Average Count Average Count Average Count Average Count Average 2015 DMO Organizational & Financial Profile Study 23 REVENUES & EXPENSES (Means)* ($ and % of Total Funding) 2013 Funding from Public Sources (%) 224 87.23% 10 83.75% 21 89.77% 44 91.67% 68 87.22% 33 86.96% 48 83.00% Funding from Public Sources ($) 224 $4,929,256 10 $314,722 21 $640,225 44 $1,224,388 68 $2,575,026 33 $4,852,811 48 $14,550,910 Revenue from Private Sources (%) 224 13.15% 10 16.26% 21 10.23% 44 8.33% 68 12.78% 33 13.04% 48 18.70% Revenue from Private Sources ($) 224 $1,194,899 10 $225,815 21 $97,174 44 $158,685 68 $406,010 33 $1,027,701 48 $3,562,247 Total Funding/Revenue ($) 224 $6,088,845 10 $405,048 21 $705,008 44 $1,343,402 68 $2,945,212 33 $5,631,372 48 $18,001,820 Total Expenses ($) 215 $5,754,464 10 $377,575 18 $646,297 40 $1,280,867 64 $2,881,095 32 $5,379,799 50 $16,253,710 2014 Funding from Public Sources (%) 229 87.30% 10 84.18% 21 90.07% 44 90.90% 69 87.89% 35 87.50% 50 82.62% Funding from Public Sources ($) 229 $5,400,845 10 $313,978 21 $664,672 44 $1,303,325 69 $2,780,916 35 $5,366,316 50 $15,652,903 Revenue from Private Sources (%) 229 12.70% 10 15.82% 21 9.93% 44 9.10% 69 12.11% 35 12.50% 50 17.38% Revenue from Private Sources ($) 229 $1,225,231 10 $165,285 21 $101,469 44 $190,909 69 $405,620 35 $1,085,372 50 $3,655,828 Total Funding/Revenue ($) 229 $6,589,244 10 $380,092 21 $732,317 44 $1,446,507 69 $3,151,266 35 $6,172,592 50 $19,342,527 Total Expenses ($) 221 $6,239,971 10 $355,493 18 $673,498 40 $1,382,208 67 $3,035,602 34 $5,817,573 51 $17,753,685 2015 (Current FY, Budgeted) Funding from Public Sources (%) 231 88.33% 10 86.73% 21 89.47% 46 92.66% 68 87.87% 35 88.26% 51 84.92% Funding from Public Sources ($) 231 $5,898,913 10 $339,232 21 $669,390 46 $1,321,523 68 $2,864,255 35 $5,900,980 51 $17,315,796 Revenue from Private Sources (%) 231 12.05% 10 13.27% 21 10.53% 46 7.34% 68 12.13% 35 11.74% 51 16.72% Revenue from Private Sources ($) 231 $1,260,375 10 $133,804 21 $106,324 46 $145,788 68 $419,826 35 $1,007,830 51 $3,765,572 Total Funding/Revenue ($) 232 $7,019,873 10 $413,033 21 $780,440 46 $1,452,719 69 $3,304,293 35 $6,861,320 51 $20,700,534 Total Expenses ($) 225 $6,721,739 10 $383,781 19 $722,214 42 $1,458,191 67 $3,264,321 35 $6,446,835 51 $19,124,911 *Does not include Las Vegas and Visit Florida. All currency figures are reported in U.S. dollars. DMO Profile BUDGET SIZE All Less Than $500,000 to $1,000,000 to $2,000,000 to $5,000,000 to $10,000,000 Respondents $500,000 $999,999 $1,999,999 $4,999,999 $9,999,999 or More Count Average Count Average Count Average Count Average Count Average Count Average Count Average 2015 DMO Organizational & Financial Profile Study 24 REVENUES & EXPENSES PERCENT CHANGE (Medians) 2014 VS. 2013 Total Funding from Public Sources 221 6.93% 10 3.26% 21 3.57% 44 7.12% 67 6.66% 33 9.83% 46 7.67% Total Revenue from Private Sources 178 4.86% 4 8.07% 13 6.71% 31 5.08% 61 1.08% 24 7.23% 45 5.81% Total Funding/Revenue 226 6.72% 10 3.81% 21 4.35% 44 7.12% 68 6.22% 33 9.82% 50 6.93% Total Expenses 213 6.07% 10 0.45% 18 6.84% 39 6.85% 64 5.33% 32 7.75% 49 7.23% 2015 VS. 2014 Total Funding from Public Sources 224 3.44% 10 4.18% 20 1.06% 42 3.14% 68 2.54% 35 3.97% 49 3.81% Total Revenue from Private Sources 178 0.23% 4 -9.39% 12 5.87% 31 2.87% 60 1.74% 26 -5.33% 45 -2.73% Total Funding/Revenue 228 2.05% 10 5.43% 20 1.78% 43 1.06% 68 1.85% 35 1.82% 52 2.53% Total Expenses 219 6.72% 10 9.33% 18 6.77% 39 4.87% 66 6.72% 34 6.15% 51 8.75% NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES ON STAFF (Medians) 2014 Total Full-Time Equivalent Employees 238 15.2 10 3.0 21 5.0 46 7.8 69 15.0 35 24.0 52 56.2 Part-Time On-call Staff Employees 120 4.0 2 1.3 9 2.0 24 2.0 32 5.0 19 5.0 29 9.0 Regularly Scheduled Volunteers 75 12.0 4 5.5 6 3.5 13 6.0 27 11.0 11 46.0 13 50.0 2015 (Current FY, Budgeted) Total Full-Time Equivalent Employees 232 16.0 10 3.0 20 5.0 44 8.0 68 15.2 35 25.0 51 60.0 Part-Time On-call Staff Employees 118 4.5 2 1.3 9 2.0 24 1.5 32 6.0 19 5.0 29 9.0 Regularly Scheduled Volunteers 69 15.0 3 4.0 5 1.0 9 6.0 28 10.5 11 52.0 13 50.0 DMO Profile BUDGET SIZE All Less Than $500,000 to $1,000,000 to $2,000,000 to $5,000,000 to $10,000,000 Respondents $500,000 $999,999 $1,999,999 $4,999,999 $9,999,999 or More Count Average Count Average Count Average Count Average Count Average Count Average Count Average 2015 DMO Organizational & Financial Profile Study 25 FULL TIME EQUIVALENT EMPLOYEES BY FUNCTION 2014 Percent of full-time equivalent employees allocated to: Convention Sales 193 22.35% 2 16.17% 13 22.97% 35 20.02% 64 20.20% 32 24.11% 44 26.64% Sport/Event Sales 156 11.09% 3 23.22% 12 18.61% 30 14.62% 48 10.53% 27 9.34% 33 5.65% Convention Services and Housing 123 9.76% 0 0.00% 3 15.00% 11 8.56% 43 9.27% 28 9.30% 37 10.60% Travel Trade 126 10.20% 4 20.81% 4 16.84% 17 10.04% 38 9.67% 15 8.36% 44 10.05% Marketing and Communications 235 25.51% 10 36.14% 21 28.14% 44 27.42% 69 24.99% 35 23.47% 51 22.10% Visitor Services 177 17.23% 4 24.63% 9 34.47% 33 22.91% 58 15.20% 30 15.54% 40 12.32% Membership Services 113 9.46% 1 23.81% 7 15.72% 14 10.20% 38 8.83% 15 8.98% 34 8.19% General Administration 233 21.68% 9 36.78% 20 22.72% 44 24.78% 69 20.20% 35 19.09% 51 19.64% 2015 (Current FY, Budgeted) Percent of full-time equivalent employees allocated to: Convention Sales 187 22.40% 2 16.45% 11 23.04% 33 20.52% 64 19.98% 32 24.30% 43 26.44% Sport/Event Sales 153 11.05% 3 21.52% 10 19.90% 29 14.83% 47 10.47% 28 9.40% 33 5.71% Convention Services and Housing 120 9.52% 0 0.00% 2 12.50% 11 8.27% 43 9.02% 27 9.29% 36 10.49% Travel Trade 123 10.14% 3 26.02% 4 17.09% 17 9.95% 39 9.26% 14 8.66% 43 10.03% Marketing and Communications 228 26.19% 10 36.88% 19 29.48% 42 28.88% 68 25.48% 35 23.99% 50 22.69% Visitor Services 173 16.88% 4 27.08% 8 33.01% 31 23.27% 57 14.89% 31 15.00% 40 12.08% Membership Services 110 9.43% 1 23.81% 7 15.38% 13 9.30% 38 9.14% 15 8.66% 33 8.42% General Administration 225 21.33% 9 35.95% 18 23.47% 41 23.83% 68 19.87% 35 18.65% 50 19.40% Note: Data reported for each line are based on all responses other than zero. As a result, the sum of the values will not equal 100%. CHANGES IN STAFFING Total Full-Time Equivalent Employees Remained the Same 127 54.98% 9 90.00% 16 84.21% 31 70.45% 35 51.47% 12 34.29% 21 41.18% Increased 86 37.23% 0 0.00% 3 15.79% 10 22.73% 27 39.71% 19 54.29% 27 52.94% Decreased 18 7.79% 1 10.00% 0 0.00% 3 6.82% 6 8.82% 4 11.43% 3 5.88% Number of full-time employees (FTEs) regularly telecommuting in DMO's main office and/or out-of-town/satellite office(s) Main Office 91 10.0 4 2.5 7 4.0 9 9.0 19 11.0 20 19.3 29 20.0 DMO Profile BUDGET SIZE All Less Than $500,000 to $1,000,000 to $2,000,000 to $5,000,000 to $10,000,000 Respondents $500,000 $999,999 $1,999,999 $4,999,999 $9,999,999 or More Count Average Count Average Count Average Count Average Count Average Count Average Count Average 2015 DMO Organizational & Financial Profile Study 26 Out-of-town/Satellite Office(s) 60 3.0 0 0.0 2 3.0 3 3.0 5 1.0 11 2.0 38 3.0 DMO CONTRACTS DMO has a Contract with Primary Funding Source/Entity 153 64.56% 7 70.00% 14 66.67% 28 63.64% 45 65.22% 19 54.29% 35 67.31% If Yes, How is the Contract Awarded? RFP 16 10.46% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 2 7.14% 6 13.33% 2 10.53% 5 14.29% Gov’t. Auth./No RFP 137 89.54% 7 100.00% 14 100.00% 26 92.86% 39 86.67% 17 89.47% 30 85.71% If Yes, What is the Term of the Contract? Annual 49 32.24% 4 57.14% 8 57.14% 7 25.00% 9 20.45% 10 52.63% 10 28.57% Multi-Year: 103 67.76% 3 42.86% 6 42.86% 21 75.00% 35 79.55% 9 47.37% 25 71.43% If Multi-Year contract, Number of Years: 75 6.2 1 25.0 5 7.2 14 5.2 24 5.3 6 6.2 22 6.6 If Yes, Does the Contract Have Quantifiable Performance Goals for the DMO? Room nights booked 47 30.72% 2 28.57% 3 21.43% 2 7.14% 10 22.22% 7 36.84% 22 62.86% Visitor spending generated by DMO efforts 24 15.69% 2 28.57% 1 7.14% 1 3.57% 5 11.11% 5 26.32% 9 25.71% Return on Investment (ROI) 33 21.57% 1 14.29% 3 21.43% 5 17.86% 10 22.22% 3 15.79% 10 28.57% No quantifiable performance goals 78 50.98% 5 71.43% 11 78.57% 17 60.71% 22 48.89% 7 36.84% 12 34.29% Other 37 24.18% 0 0.00% 1 7.14% 5 17.86% 11 24.44% 6 31.58% 13 37.14% PARTNERSHIPS/MEMBERSHIPS Does your DMO have: Dues-paying members 93 39.24% 1 10.00% 6 28.57% 11 24.44% 26 38.24% 13 37.14% 31 59.62% A partnership program 49 20.68% 2 20.00% 3 14.29% 9 20.00% 15 22.06% 9 25.71% 10 19.23% Neither 95 40.08% 7 70.00% 12 57.14% 25 55.56% 27 39.71% 13 37.14% 11 21.15% How many dues-paying members? 103 522 1 253 6 89 12 175 31 428 14 508 35 826 DMO Profile BUDGET SIZE All Less Than $500,000 to $1,000,000 to $2,000,000 to $5,000,000 to $10,000,000 Respondents $500,000 $999,999 $1,999,999 $4,999,999 $9,999,999 or More Count Average Count Average Count Average Count Average Count Average Count Average Count Average 2015 DMO Organizational & Financial Profile Study 27 % of members represented by: Accommodations 96 24.74% 1 29.00% 6 51.93% 10 32.98% 28 21.35% 14 22.62% 34 22.07% Restaurants 96 19.72% 1 9.00% 4 13.15% 11 23.18% 28 18.20% 14 19.02% 35 21.35% Retail establishments 95 9.58% 1 15.00% 5 9.40% 11 12.21% 27 10.36% 14 11.45% 34 6.92% Event services/suppliers 93 17.64% 1 5.00% 4 7.38% 11 16.78% 27 13.56% 14 17.38% 34 23.15% Attractions/cultural institutions 96 19.36% 1 22.00% 5 18.26% 11 20.80% 28 20.61% 13 16.29% 35 17.65% Other 78 20.80% 1 20.00% 4 17.00% 7 9.64% 21 31.89% 13 23.19% 31 14.91% % of members retained for current fiscal year 103 88.69% 1 92.00% 7 80.29% 12 92.58% 31 89.32% 14 89.24% 34 87.46% RESERVE POLICY Have a Formal Reserve Policy 147 61.51% 4 40.00% 10 47.62% 30 66.67% 42 60.87% 26 74.29% 31 58.49% If Yes, Designated reserve amount: % of Total Budget 80 25.05% 3 38.33% 6 36.67% 11 30.48% 24 20.38% 17 22.96% 18 24.28% Set Amount ($) 73 $1,356,434 2 $234,375 5 $220,800 19 $301,155 19 $578,158 11 $1,055,273 14 $4,871,929 DESTINATION PERFORMANCE MEASURES (Medians) Total number of overnight visitors annually 166 2,841,486 6 275,000 10 467,991 30 1,450,800 47 2,381,518 26 3,065,000 46 11,400,000 Total direct spending by overnight visitors annually (M$) 176 $466 M 7 $102 M 11 $25 M 35 $215 M 53 $471 M 27 $737 M 42 $3000 M Total number of jobs supported by tourism annually 182 13,285 8 1,326 11 3,300 35 5,401 57 11,000 27 22,800 43 63,000 Funding Sources 2015 DMO Organizational & Financial Profile Study 28 Investing in the DMO - Public and Private Sector Sources Most DMOs receive the vast majority of their funding from public sources. Smaller (less than $1,000,000) and mid-sized ($1,000,000 - $5,000,000) budget DMOs receive approximately 90% of their total funding from public sources. Over 87% of DMOs receive hotel room tax revenue, by far the leading source of public investment. Tourism Improvement District/Marketing District/Voluntary Assessments are rapidly growing as a revenue source, with 14% of DMOs receiving these funds. Thirty-nine percent of reporting DMOs have dues-paying membership bases, with the percentage increasing to nearly 60% for the largest DMOs ($10,000,000 or more). 88.0% 86.7% 89.5% 92.7% 88.0% 88.3% 83.4% 12.0% 13.3% 10.5% 7.3% 12.0% 11.7% 16.7% AllRespondentsLess Than$500,000$500,000-$999,999$1,000,000-$1,999,999$2,000,000-$4,999,999$5,000,000-$9,999,999$10,000,000or MorePublic SectorPrivate SectorBudget Categories 87.1% 88.8% 84.5% 91.7% 94.9% 82.4% 76.8% 39.0% 11.1% 26.4% 21.7% 41.8% 41.2% 59.7% AllRespondentsLess Than$500,000$500,000-$999,999$1,000,000-$1,999,999$2,000,000-$4,999,999$5,000,000-$9,999,999$10,000,000 or More% Receiving Room Tax Funding% Receiving Membership DuesBudget Categories Funding Sources 2015 DMO Organizational & Financial Profile Study 29 Hotel Room Tax, 73.2%TID/Mktg District Assess./Voluntary Mktg Fee, 9.0%Secondary State/Province Funding, 2.7%Special Restaurant Tax, 2.5%Secondary City Funding, 1.7%Other*, 10.8%Investing in the DMO - Public and Private Sector Sources In total, 73% of all reported public investment came from hotel room tax with assessments a distant, but stable, 9%. Membership dues remain the prevalent form of private revenue, at 16%, with advertising (both print and cooperative sources) at a combined 19%. Partnership revenue accounted for 12% of private funding. Public Sources of Funding as a % of Total Public Investment Dollars (All Respondents) Private Sources of Funding as a % of Total Private Investment Dollars (All Respondents) *Includes: Other City Tax Funds 1.6% Other State/Province Tax Funds 1.5% Other County Tax Funds 1.5% Other National Tax Funds 0.6% Secondary County Funding 0.5% Car Rental Tax 0.2% Donated (non-cash) Products & Services 0.1% Secondary National Funding 0.1% Sales Tax 0.1% Other Public Funding 4.8% *Includes: Corporate Sponsorships 3.9% Event Hosting 3.9% Visitor Information Center(s) 3.5% Donated (non-cash) Products & Services 3.4% Convention Center Revenue (Does NOT include Building Revenue) 3.3% Promotional Participation 3.3% Service Fees 2.6% Publication Sales 1.9% Chamber of Commerce 1.2% E-Commerce 1.1% Convention Registration 0.8% Investment Income 0.6% Building Revenue (Does NOT include Convention Center Building Revenue) 0.4% Other Revenue 19.2% Membership Dues, 15.7%Partnership Revenue, 11.6%Print Advertising, 10.3%Cooperative Advertising, 8.6%DMO Website Advertising/Links, 4.6%Other*, 49.2% Funding Sources BUDGET SIZE All Less Than $500,000 to $1,000,000 to $2,000,000 to $5,000,000 to $10,000,000 Respondents $500,000 $999,999 $1,999,999 $4,999,999 $9,999,999 or More DMO FUNDING/REVENUE SCHEDULE Count Average Count Average Count Average Count Average Count Average Count Average Count Average 2015 DMO Organizational & Financial Profile Study 30 FUNDING SCHEDULE* ($ and % of Total Funding) Funding from Public Sources (%) 231 88.01% 10 86.73% 21 89.47% 46 92.66% 68 87.87% 35 88.26% 51 84.92% Funding from Public Sources ($) 231 $5,898,913 10 $339,232 21 $669,390 46 $1,321,523 68 $2,864,255 35 $5,900,980 51 $17,315,796 Revenue from Private Sources (%) 231 12.01% 10 13.27% 21 10.53% 46 7.34% 68 12.13% 35 11.74% 51 16.72% Revenue from Private Sources ($) 231 $1,260,375 10 $133,804 21 $106,324 46 $145,788 68 $419,826 35 $1,007,830 51 $3,765,572 Total Funding/Revenue ($) 232 $7,019,873 10 $413,033 21 $780,440 46 $1,452,719 69 $3,304,293 35 $6,861,320 51 $20,700,534 *Does not include Las Vegas and Visit Florida. Based on Current Fiscal Year. The percentages below are based ONLY on those respondents who receive funding from the source listed. For example, 203 DMOs receive room tax funding that comprises, on average, 77.5% of their TOTAL funding (public and private funding combined). FUNDING FROM PUBLIC SOURCES* ($ and % of Total Funding) TOTAL PUBLIC FUNDING (%) 231 88.01% 10 86.73% 21 89.47% 46 92.66% 68 87.87% 35 88.26% 51 84.92% TOTAL PUBLIC FUNDING ($) 231 $5,898,913 10 $339,232 21 $669,390 46 $1,321,523 68 $2,864,255 35 $5,900,980 51 $17,315,796 Hotel Room Tax (%) 203 77.50% 9 85.25% 18 86.42% 42 78.06% 65 80.58% 29 74.17% 40 68.59% Hotel Room Tax ($) 203 $4,495,636 9 $331,433 18 $642,917 42 $1,139,257 65 $2,674,302 29 $4,996,854 40 $13,299,154 TID/Marketing District Assessment/Voluntary Marketing Fee (%) 32 59.89% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 6 70.57% 7 53.52% 8 61.53% 11 57.46% TID/Marketing District Assessment/Voluntary Marketing Fee ($) 32 $6,537,199 0 $0.00 0 $0.00 6 $721,981 7 $1,731,155 8 $3,973,501 11 $13,433,404 Special Restaurant Tax (%) 12 44.60% 0 0.00% 1 22.12% 4 59.46% 1 1.63% 2 46.13% 4 45.58% Special Restaurant Tax ($) 12 $2,814,798 0 $0.00 1 $210,000 4 $841,889 1 $60,000 2 $2,455,778 4 $7,471,224 Other National Tax Funds (%) 3 36.92% 0 0.00% 1 22.75% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 2 44.01% Other National Tax Funds ($) 3 $7,593,375 0 $0.00 1 $160,000 0 $0.00 0 $0.00 0 $0.00 2 $11,310,063 Other County Tax Funds (%) 13 23.55% 0 0.00% 1 65.60% 1 1.98% 4 27.39% 1 89.06% 6 3.28% Other County Tax Funds ($) 13 $1,064,818 0 $0.00 1 $574,000 1 $21,000 4 $1,043,788 1 $5,578,232 6 $485,886 *Does not include Las Vegas and Visit Florida. If included, total funding average would be $7,117,536 for all respondents and $22,023,252 for budgets of $10,000,000 or more. Funding Sources BUDGET SIZE All Less Than $500,000 to $1,000,000 to $2,000,000 to $5,000,000 to $10,000,000 Respondents $500,000 $999,999 $1,999,999 $4,999,999 $9,999,999 or More DMO FUNDING/REVENUE SCHEDULE Count Average Count Average Count Average Count Average Count Average Count Average Count Average 2015 DMO Organizational & Financial Profile Study 31 Other City Tax Funds (%) 18 19.45% 2 66.28% 0 0.00% 1 0.40% 3 26.01% 4 18.14% 8 4.61% Other City Tax Funds ($) 18 $703,665 2 $260,694 0 $0.00 1 $5,000 3 $636,696 4 $1,204,117 8 $667,616 Other State/Province Tax Funds (%) 18 17.72% 2 6.65% 1 32.54% 2 4.27% 1 1.37% 6 24.75% 6 20.81% Other State/Province Tax Funds ($) 18 $2,253,174 2 $20,437 1 $228,800 2 $45,000 1 $55,100 6 $1,954,000 6 $5,173,202 Secondary State/Province Funding (%) 41 14.05% 0 0.00% 3 15.68% 4 31.55% 14 13.46% 6 7.05% 14 11.36% Secondary State/Province Funding ($) 41 $1,100,849 0 $0.00 3 $143,861 4 $572,140 14 $444,772 6 $467,837 14 $2,490,837 Secondary City Funding (%) 27 13.91% 1 2.14% 2 53.50% 2 24.77% 8 10.05% 6 15.75% 8 3.73% Secondary City Funding ($) 27 $607,780 1 $9,000 2 $353,680 2 $381,320 8 $302,356 6 $1,078,564 8 $799,774 Car Rental Tax (%) 3 11.37% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 2 11.15% 0 0.00% 1 11.82% Car Rental Tax ($) 3 $638,072 0 $0.00 0 $0.00 0 $0.00 2 $337,108 0 $0.00 1 $1,240,000 Secondary County Funding (%) 13 8.45% 1 0.36% 0 0.00% 3 15.87% 4 5.41% 3 3.12% 2 22.40% Secondary County Funding ($) 13 $426,440 1 $1,500 0 $0.00 3 $243,920 4 $128,983 3 $181,333 2 $3,324,087 Donated (non-cash) Products & Services (%) 4 6.48% 1 8.08% 2 6.32% 1 5.21% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% Donated (non-cash) Products & Services ($) 4 $50,443 1 $28,000 2 $51,885 1 $70,000 0 $0.00 0 $0.00 0 $0.00 Secondary National (%) 2 2.65% 0 0.00% 1 2.61% 1 2.69% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% Secondary National Funding ($) 2 $31,380 0 $0.00 1 $24,750 1 $38,010 0 $0.00 0 $0.00 0 $0.00 Sales Tax (%) 2 2.10% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 1 3.44% 0 0.00% 1 0.75% 0 0.00% Sales Tax ($) 2 $43,750 0 $0.00 0 $0.00 1 $37,500 0 $0.00 1 $50,000 0 $0.00 Other Public Funding (%) 42 24.66% 2 14.42% 2 43.57% 8 16.13% 14 21.02% 8 18.22% 8 43.89% Other Public Funding ($) 42 $1,815,821 2 $70,049 2 $315,360 8 $216,998 14 $650,839 8 $1,094,527 8 $7,226,970 Note: Data reported for each line are based on all responses other than zero. The number of respondents varies from line to line. As a result, the sum of the values will not equal the TOTAL line. Funding Sources BUDGET SIZE All Less Than $500,000 to $1,000,000 to $2,000,000 to $5,000,000 to $10,000,000 Respondents $500,000 $999,999 $1,999,999 $4,999,999 $9,999,999 or More DMO FUNDING/REVENUE SCHEDULE Count Average Count Average Count Average Count Average Count Average Count Average Count Average 2015 DMO Organizational & Financial Profile Study 32 FUNDING FROM PRIVATE SOURCES ($ and % of Total Funding) TOTAL PRIVATE FUNDING (%) 231 12.01% 10 13.27% 21 10.53% 46 7.34% 68 12.13% 35 11.74% 51 16.72% TOTAL PRIVATE FUNDING ($) 231 $1,260,375 10 $133,804 21 $106,324 46 $145,788 68 $419,826 35 $1,007,830 51 $3,765,572 Convention Center Revenue (Does NOT include Building Revenue) (%) 11 8.32% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 2 5.17% 1 2.84% 8 10.01% Convention Center Revenue (Does NOT include Building Revenue) ($) 11 $5,965,632 0 $0 0 $0 0 $0 2 $250,000 1 $150,000 8 $8,429,474 Chamber of Commerce (%) 6 6.09% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 1 10.85% 1 0.62% 2 6.07% 2 6.84% Chamber of Commerce ($) 6 $367,619 0 $0.00 0 $0.00 1 $165,000 1 $30,000 2 $393,765 2 $855,563 Membership Dues (%) 91 4.82% 1 12.44% 6 7.03% 10 2.92% 29 5.58% 14 3.59% 31 4.63% Membership Dues ($) 91 $435,778 1 $43,075 6 $48,080 10 $40,670 29 $168,129 14 $238,328 31 $986,237 Partnership Revenue (%) 73 4.45% 3 22.50% 7 4.08% 8 2.78% 18 2.88% 13 8.55% 24 1.53% Partnership Revenue ($) 73 $262,965 3 $97,570 7 $33,083 8 $39,630 18 $99,657 13 $561,341 24 $375,294 Print Advertising (%) 77 3.75% 1 20.20% 1 13.29% 11 4.19% 30 4.18% 10 2.03% 24 2.46% Print Advertising ($) 77 $257,473 1 $69,950 1 $75,200 11 $58,624 30 $142,926 10 $125,388 24 $553,278 Donated (non-cash) Products & Services (%) 27 3.56% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 3 2.17% 4 6.07% 6 3.03% 14 3.27% Donated (non-cash) Products & Services ($) 27 $545,622 0 $0.00 0 $0.00 3 $31,987 4 $221,088 6 $186,388 14 $874,543 Cooperative Advertising (%) 72 3.33% 1 2.67% 5 4.22% 10 2.17% 28 3.83% 9 3.34% 19 2.99% Cooperative Advertising ($) 72 $790,822 1 $9,254 5 $26,425 10 $30,017 28 $114,042 9 $228,252 19 $2,719,248 Publication Sales (%) 18 2.99% 0 0.00% 3 3.26% 2 9.33% 3 2.25% 2 0.49% 8 1.75% Publication Sales ($) 18 $163,799 0 $0.00 3 $22,233 2 $152,500 3 $53,159 2 $25,000 8 $294,943 Corporate Sponsorships (%) 54 2.03% 1 0.63% 4 1.63% 10 1.64% 14 1.94% 4 4.18% 21 1.95% Corporate Sponsorships ($) 54 $198,158 1 $2,240 4 $11,500 10 $25,417 14 $58,953 4 $268,741 21 $400,154 Funding Sources BUDGET SIZE All Less Than $500,000 to $1,000,000 to $2,000,000 to $5,000,000 to $10,000,000 Respondents $500,000 $999,999 $1,999,999 $4,999,999 $9,999,999 or More DMO FUNDING/REVENUE SCHEDULE Count Average Count Average Count Average Count Average Count Average Count Average Count Average 2015 DMO Organizational & Financial Profile Study 33 Service Fees (%) 39 1.89% 1 22.16% 0 0.00% 2 0.74% 7 1.35% 7 0.82% 22 1.48% Service Fees ($) 39 $158,014 1 $93,150 0 $0.00 2 $8,269 7 $52,257 7 $57,233 22 $238,192 DMO Website Advertising/Links (%) 71 1.82% 2 0.85% 4 1.11% 13 3.70% 25 1.43% 8 1.73% 19 1.31% DMO Website Advertising/Links ($) 71 $128,561 2 $3,000 4 $7,933 13 $57,767 25 $45,635 8 $118,249 19 $331,034 Event Hosting (%) 64 1.71% 1 1.24% 4 9.75% 6 1.45% 27 1.69% 6 0.89% 20 0.77% Event Hosting ($) 64 $99,538 1 $4,300 4 $61,700 6 $24,320 27 $50,712 6 $54,747 20 $214,772 Promotional Participation (%) 64 1.43% 1 1.15% 4 1.64% 6 1.25% 21 1.54% 8 1.41% 24 1.36% Promotional Participation ($) 64 $176,640 1 $4,000 4 $11,700 6 $16,166 21 $43,341 8 $88,136 24 $392,791 Convention Registration (%) 16 1.52% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 2 0.12% 3 0.51% 11 2.00% Convention Registration ($) 16 $315,407 0 $0.00 0 $0.00 0 $0.00 2 $5,951 3 $36,800 11 $433,020 Visitor Information Center(s) (%) 82 1.18% 2 0.78% 8 1.48% 11 1.20% 29 1.39% 10 0.37% 22 1.21% Visitor Information Center(s) ($) 82 $89,245 2 $2,730 8 $9,721 11 $17,772 29 $45,753 10 $28,409 22 $245,380 Building Revenue (Does NOT include Convention Center Building Revenue) (%) 12 1.03% 0 0.00% 1 0.05% 0 0.00% 4 0.44% 3 2.34% 4 0.85% Building Revenue (Does NOT include Convention Center Building Revenue) ($) 12 $92,608 0 $0.00 1 $300 0 $0.00 4 $14,625 3 $191,253 4 $128,708 E-Commerce (%) 33 0.95% 0 0.00% 1 0.03% 3 0.14% 11 0.88% 6 0.30% 12 1.61% E-Commerce ($) 33 $118,572 0 $0.00 1 $200 3 $1,642 11 $20,851 6 $18,320 12 $295,628 Investment Income (%) 109 0.16% 1 1.47% 6 0.16% 12 0.13% 45 0.13% 15 0.17% 30 0.19% Investment Income ($) 109 $15,359 1 $5,075 6 $1,216 12 $1,730 45 $4,346 15 $9,258 30 $43,389 Other Revenue (%) 127 4.24% 0 0.00% 7 5.73% 20 2.68% 39 3.65% 19 1.10% 42 3.90% Other Revenue ($) 127 $1,141,075 0 $0.00 7 $70,817 20 $39,671 39 $117,789 19 $102,116 42 $3,239,081 Note: Data reported for each line are based on all responses other than zero. The number of respondents varies from line to line. As a result, the sum of the values will not equal the TOTAL line. Funding Sources BUDGET SIZE All Less Than $500,000 to $1,000,000 to $2,000,000 to $5,000,000 to $10,000,000 Respondents $500,000 $999,999 $1,999,999 $4,999,999 $9,999,999 or More DMO FUNDING/REVENUE SCHEDULE Count Average Count Average Count Average Count Average Count Average Count Average Count Average 2015 DMO Organizational & Financial Profile Study 34 FUNDING RATIOS (Medians) 2014 Funding per Full-Time Equivalent Employee 231 $208,981 10 $117,116 21 $144,000 44 $187,513 69 $194,879 35 $244,193 52 $293,192 2015 (Current FY, Budgeted) Funding per Full-Time Equivalent Employee 226 $208,441 10 $134,522 19 $131,658 44 $184,945 67 $196,611 35 $266,204 51 $292,407 Expenses by Line Items and Program Expenses 2015 DMO Organizational & Financial Profile Study 35 Comparison of Major Expenses by Line Items For 2015, reporting DMOs allocated just over half of their budget to specific marketing/promotions programs, with 37% invested in personnel costs, and just over 11% in administrative/general expenses. These broad allocations varied by DMO budget size – marketing/promotions programs generally increased as a percentage of overall expenses as DMO budgets grew, while personnel costs generally decreased as an overall percentage as DMO budgets rose. Administrative/general expenses fluctuated a little, yet were generally consistent in the range of 10% - 12% of overall expenses regardless of DMO budget category. Due to rounding, categories do not always total 100%. 11.5%12.9%10.6%15.7%11.3%9.1%10.1%51.5%41.0%47.2%45.6%50.4%57.4%57.1%37.1%46.1%42.2%38.7%38.3%33.6%32.8%All RespondentsLess Than$500,000$500,000-$999,999$1,000,000-$1,999,999$2,000,000-$4,999,999$5,000,000-$9,999,999$10,000,000or MoreAdministrative/General ExpensesProgram ExpensesPersonnel CostsBudget Categories Expenses by Line Items and Program Expenses 2015 DMO Organizational & Financial Profile Study 36 Productivity Measures per Full-Time Equivalent Employee The chart below shows the median personnel cost (salaries and wages, payroll taxes, and benefits) per full-time equivalent employee (FTE), which includes part-time employees. Also shown are expenditures per FTE and revenue per FTE. $75,111 $56,416 $55,480 $68,469 $73,735 $81,795 $96,947 $209,272 $131,442 $131,658 $181,590 $193,069 $253,721 $304,740 $208,441 $134,522 $131,658 $184,945 $196,611 $266,204 $292,407 All RespondentsLess Than $500,000$500,000-$999,999$1,000,000-$1,999,999$2,000,000-$4,999,999$5,000,000-$9,999,999$10,000,000 or MorePersonnel Costs/Full-Time Equivalent EmployeeExpenditures/Full-Time Equivalent EmployeeRevenues/Full-Time Equivalent Employee Expenses by Line Items and Program Expenses 2015 DMO Organizational & Financial Profile Study 37 Currently, DMOs allocate a greater percentage of their program budget to traditional or offline media (61%). Yet, there was a much stronger growth in online media expenditures relative to traditional or offline media spending over the past three years. Ninety-one percent of DMO’s program expenses were invested in their domestic markets. The two dominant market sectors for DMOs were leisure (consumer) markets and meetings and conventions, with DMOs allocating more than half of their program expenses to leisure marketing and almost one-quarter to meetings and conventions on average. Program Expenses by Media Type (All Respondents) Program Expenses by Market Sector (All Respondents) Program Expenses by Geographic Markets (All Respondents) 39.0%61.0%Online/digital activitiesTraditional/offline activities9.2%90.9%International MarketsDomestic MarketMeetings and Conventions , 22.8%Sport/Event Market, 12.3%Travel Trade (incl. tour operators, travel agents, incentive travel org., etc.) , 8.1%Leisure (incl. consumer marketing and promotions), 51.2%Other Market Sector, 5.5% Expenses by Line Items and Program Expenses 2015 DMO Organizational & Financial Profile Study 38 LINE ITEM EXPENSE SCHEDULE ($ and % of Total Line Item Expenses) 2013 Total Personnel Costs (%) 213 37.83% 10 47.43% 18 41.77% 39 38.98% 64 37.90% 32 35.46% 49 34.89% Total Personnel Costs ($) 213 $1,983,696 10 $183,566 18 $262,851 39 $492,126 64 $1,082,572 32 $1,927,237 49 $5,374,438 Total Program Expenses (%) 213 49.98% 10 38.26% 18 45.69% 39 46.95% 64 49.94% 32 53.09% 49 54.37% Total Program Expenses ($) 213 $3,091,700 10 $139,096 18 $305,572 39 $618,286 64 $1,455,699 32 $2,849,579 49 $9,030,552 Total Admin./General Oper. Expenses (%) 213 12.19% 10 14.30% 18 12.54% 39 14.07% 64 12.16% 32 11.46% 49 10.74% Total Admin./General Oper. Expenses ($) 213 $613,673 10 $54,914 18 $82,455 39 $173,505 64 $342,824 32 $622,434 49 $1,621,190 2014 Total Personnel Costs (%) 220 37.13% 10 49.07% 18 43.98% 40 37.77% 67 37.37% 34 34.02% 50 33.50% Total Personnel Costs ($) 220 $2,075,462 10 $175,653 18 $289,250 40 $525,175 67 $1,126,771 34 $1,994,223 50 $5,654,591 Total Program Expenses (%) 220 50.68% 10 36.11% 18 43.83% 40 46.48% 67 50.75% 34 55.71% 50 55.81% Total Program Expenses ($) 220 $3,406,289 10 $125,271 18 $306,534 40 $644,233 67 $1,554,572 34 $3,243,279 50 $10,032,347 Total Admin./General Oper. Expenses (%) 220 12.19% 10 14.82% 18 12.19% 40 15.74% 67 11.88% 34 10.27% 50 10.69% Total Admin./General Oper. Expenses ($) 220 $665,783 10 $54,569 18 $82,286 40 $215,235 67 $354,258 34 $597,648 50 $1,821,139 2015 (Current FY, Budgeted) Total Personnel Costs (%) 226 37.07% 10 46.12% 19 42.24% 42 38.69% 67 38.32% 35 33.55% 52 32.83% Total Personnel Costs ($) 226 $2,246,527 10 $177,371 19 $298,810 42 $566,480 67 $1,242,801 35 $2,172,082 52 $6,088,516 Total Program Expenses (%) 226 51.46% 10 41.00% 19 47.21% 42 45.57% 67 50.41% 35 57.35% 52 57.11% Total Program Expenses ($) 226 $3,801,863 10 $155,046 19 $351,070 42 $661,773 67 $1,659,745 35 $3,700,487 52 $11,185,982 Total Admin./General Oper. Expenses (%) 226 11.47% 10 12.89% 19 10.55% 42 15.74% 67 11.27% 35 9.10% 52 10.06% Total Admin./General Oper. Expenses ($) 226 $682,407 10 $51,365 19 $80,844 42 $229,938 67 $361,776 35 $591,158 52 $1,850,412 PROGRAM ALLOCATIONS BY MEDIA TYPE ($ and % of Total Program Expenses) 2013 Online/digital activities (%) 198 30.88% 10 25.20% 18 38.00% 40 29.90% 59 29.80% 28 29.46% 42 31.16% Online/digital activities ($) 198 $947,181 10 $29,804 18 $92,733 40 $190,900 59 $438,453 28 $877,153 42 $2,928,692 Traditional/offline activities (%) 198 69.12% 10 74.80% 18 62.00% 40 70.10% 59 70.20% 28 70.54% 42 68.84% Traditional/offline activities ($) 198 $2,047,335 10 $109,292 18 $212,857 40 $443,657 59 $1,048,867 28 $1,963,413 42 $6,160,389 Expenses by Line Items and Program Expenses 2015 DMO Organizational & Financial Profile Study 39 2014 Online/digital activities (%) 202 35.10% 10 31.10% 18 41.25% 40 36.45% 60 34.81% 30 33.03% 43 32.79% Online/digital activities ($) 202 $1,127,386 10 $33,479 18 $106,968 40 $219,161 60 $576,671 30 $1,128,212 43 $3,373,501 Traditional/offline activities (%) 202 64.90% 10 68.90% 18 58.75% 40 63.55% 60 65.19% 30 66.97% 43 67.21% Traditional/offline activities ($) 202 $2,161,522 10 $91,792 18 $214,109 40 $426,960 60 $997,525 30 $2,116,057 43 $6,604,657 2015 (Current FY, Budgeted) Online/digital activities (%) 208 39.02% 10 37.30% 19 45.45% 43 40.46% 61 38.70% 31 36.06% 43 36.52% Online/digital activities ($) 208 $1,336,325 10 $61,519 19 $142,439 43 $250,343 61 $652,105 31 $1,363,916 43 $4,116,887 Traditional/offline activities (%) 208 60.98% 10 62.70% 19 54.55% 43 59.54% 61 61.30% 31 63.94% 43 63.48% Traditional/offline activities ($) 208 $2,203,781 10 $93,527 19 $208,922 43 $414,865 61 $1,031,795 31 $2,229,950 43 $6,840,388 PROGRAM ALLOCATIONS BY GEOGRAPHIC MARKET ($ and % of Total Program Expenses) 2013 Domestic Market (%) 199 91.91% 10 97.00% 18 97.17% 38 94.66% 60 91.37% 29 93.32% 43 85.73% Domestic Market ($) 199 $3,759,455 10 $144,802 18 $315,001 38 $576,672 60 $1,401,748 29 $2,700,052 43 $12,666,778 International Markets (%) 199 8.13% 10 3.00% 18 2.83% 38 5.49% 60 8.63% 29 6.68% 43 14.27% International Markets ($) 199 $922,733 10 $14,282 18 $25,732 38 $77,887 60 $187,757 29 $334,181 43 $2,414,422 2014 Domestic Market (%) 203 91.51% 10 99.00% 18 96.44% 38 95.25% 61 90.70% 31 91.58% 44 85.42% Domestic Market ($) 203 $4,096,301 10 $129,819 18 $313,533 38 $594,505 61 $1,456,090 31 $3,033,261 44 $13,888,189 International Markets (%) 203 8.49% 10 1.00% 18 3.56% 38 4.75% 61 9.30% 31 8.42% 44 14.58% International Markets ($) 203 $899,775 10 $2,380 18 $26,770 38 $59,858 61 $215,464 31 $457,411 44 $2,428,602 2015 (Current FY, Budgeted) Domestic Market (%) 210 90.85% 10 99.00% 19 96.74% 42 93.85% 62 89.70% 32 90.83% 44 85.01% Domestic Market ($) 210 $4,377,578 10 $159,833 19 $343,739 42 $625,090 62 $1,547,235 32 $3,431,857 44 $15,154,699 International Markets (%) 210 9.15% 10 1.00% 19 3.26% 42 6.15% 62 10.30% 32 9.17% 44 14.99% International Markets ($) 210 $1,024,360 10 $23,625 19 $32,632 42 $78,093 62 $242,052 32 $566,935 44 $2,760,755 Expenses by Line Items and Program Expenses 2015 DMO Organizational & Financial Profile Study 40 PROGRAM ALLOCATIONS BY MARKET SECTOR* ($ and % of Total Program Expenses) 2013 Meetings and Conventions (%) 178 25.14% 5 12.00% 14 21.50% 34 22.48% 55 22.72% 27 32.16% 42 28.98% Meetings and Conventions ($) 178 $796,577 5 $19,480 14 $62,699 34 $125,392 55 $323,751 27 $878,699 42 $2,204,010 Sport/Event Market (%) 149 15.45% 8 17.88% 12 24.17% 30 19.30% 46 15.10% 24 14.60% 29 8.46% Sport/Event Market ($) 149 $374,112 8 $31,168 12 $37,730 30 $121,830 46 $237,205 24 $417,503 29 $1,020,402 Travel Trade (incl. tour operators, travel agents, incentive travel org., etc.) (%) 158 10.69% 7 11.14% 12 15.83% 28 9.72% 48 10.92% 24 8.37% 38 11.03% Travel Trade (incl. tour operators, travel agents, incentive travel org., etc.) ($) 158 $391,727 7 $14,964 12 $47,109 28 $72,779 48 $163,902 24 $231,439 38 $1,183,014 Leisure (incl. consumer marketing and promotions) (%) 189 54.18% 10 68.90% 15 54.07% 38 56.18% 56 53.52% 26 52.42% 43 50.37% Leisure (incl. consumer marketing and promotions) ($) 189 $2,094,910 10 $92,102 15 $201,966 38 $344,195 56 $796,875 26 $1,520,301 43 $6,697,022 Other Market Sector (%) 51 17.51% 2 15.00% 2 4.00% 6 24.95% 14 16.78% 8 14.68% 19 18.56% Other Market Sector ($) 51 $1,198,135 2 $9,225 2 $10,311 6 $153,142 14 $259,747 8 $460,286 19 $2,717,916 Note: Data reported for each line are based on all responses other than zero. The number of respondents varies from line to line. As a result, the sum of the values will not equal the TOTAL line. 2014 Meetings and Conventions (%) 179 25.28% 5 11.00% 14 21.57% 34 22.00% 56 23.17% 28 33.00% 41 28.86% Meetings and Conventions ($) 179 $911,360 5 $13,165 14 $61,555 34 $138,169 56 $355,853 28 $1,021,515 41 $2,615,492 Sport/Event Market (%) 158 15.17% 8 17.25% 13 22.15% 30 21.05% 48 14.74% 28 13.31% 31 8.36% Sport/Event Market ($) 158 $386,230 8 $25,424 13 $42,070 30 $128,298 48 $233,993 28 $431,926 31 $1,048,302 Travel Trade (incl. tour operators, travel agents, incentive travel org., etc.) (%) 161 10.36% 7 10.71% 11 15.82% 28 10.04% 49 10.75% 26 8.08% 39 10.17% Travel Trade (incl. tour operators, travel agents, incentive travel org., etc.) ($) 161 $398,085 7 $12,764 11 $46,230 28 $68,827 49 $178,108 26 $242,648 39 $1,183,623