Urban Transportation CommissionJune 7, 2022

Item 2E UTC Backup Draft — original pdf

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BOARD/ COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION Urba n Tra ns portation Commis s ion Recommenda tion Number 202206YY-XXX: [Bike La ne Bounty progra m] WHEREAS, crea ting a phys ica l a nd cultura l environment in which s afe bicycle riding is critica l to a s ucces s ful tra ns porta tion s ys tem. To wit, • Wides prea d bicycle us e is a critical component in the effort to rea ch the Aus tin Strategic Mobility • Pla n goa l of 50/ 50 tra ns it mode s ha re In multiple s tudies a nd s urveys , a key rea s on people give for not choos ing to bicycle more often is the real a nd perceived da ngers created by a la ck of s a fe routes • Separated, protected, a nd obs truction-free bike la nes a re the number one method to ens ure the s a fety of us ers of bicycles , s cooters , a nd other a ctive tra ns porta tion methods • The 10s of million of dollars a lloca ted by 2020’s Prop B a ctive trans porta tion bond is effectively • Getting more people on bikes more regula rly effectively increa s es roa d ca pa city, reduces pollution, wa s ted when bike la nes are blocked fights climate cha nge, a nd increa s es joy WHEREAS, the city of Aus tin a nd other cities a lrea dy us e both citizen input a nd photo evidence to initiate cita tions , including s uch exa mples a s • Aus tin Tra ns porta tion, in pa rtners hip with Aus tin Police Department, trains volunteers to is s ue citations a nd warnings for illegally pa rked vehicles in des igna ted acces s ible pa rking s pa ces o https :/ / www.a us tintexa s .gov/ depa rtment/ a cces s ible-pa rking-enforcement-progra m • New York City’s s ucces s ful Clea n Air/ Idling Truck progra m o https :/ / jalopnik.com/ bounty-hunters -s eek-out-idling-trucks -in-nyc-for-a -cut-1848679863 o https :/ / www.cnbc.com/ 2022/ 03/ 31/ make-87point50-in-3-minutes -by-reporting-idling- trucks -in-new-york-city.html • Additiona l Legis la tive examples o https :/ / legis ta r.council.nyc.gov/ Legis lationDeta il.a s px?ID=4699482&GUID=0D2AA2FF- 6328-4781-ABF1-8D789CB876A8 • Unma nned s peed ca meras • Unma nned red light ca mera s • Unma nned s chool bus ca mera WHEREAS, there a re multiple des ira ble and a ttaina ble outcomes from this program, including • Fewer obs tructed bike la nes , res ulting in s a fer, more us a ble bike lanes , which encoura ges more wides prea d us e of bike la nes by ordina ry everyday bicycle a nd other micro-mobility us ers • Additiona l bike la ne us ers reduces overall conges tion by taking s ome drivers off the roa d, a nd getting the city clos er to its ASMP mode-s ha re goals • A new revenue s trea m for the city • A more inves ted community of citizens , a s they ca n both benefit from a nd unders ta nd how to improve their bicycling infra s tructure THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the Urban Tra ns portation Commis s ion recommends the Mobility Committee a nd Council members develop a nd implement a progra m which provides to a ny individual us ing the 3-1-1 mobile a pplication and s ys tem to provide current photo evidence of a vehicle blocking a bike la ne to receive 25% of the revenue collected by the city for tha t cita tion is s ued; BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, the Urba n Tra ns portation Commis s ion recommends the Mobility Committee a nd Council members , in order to ma ke citations for blocking a bike la ne a more effective and functional dis incentive, purs ue the follow a ctions : • • • to a lter a ny releva nt ordinances requiring a pos ted s ign explicitly ma king pa rking in the bike la ne a cita ble offens e, a nd ins tead to crea te as a defa ult the revers e pos ition of s a nctioned pa rking in a bike la ne ONLY where it is explicitly pos ted a s allowed to create a nd implement any required ordina nce a nd a warenes s ca mpa ign tha t no bike la nes a re to be blocked by vehicle unles s explicitly pos ted a s allowed, including bike la nes dema rcated by pa int, flex pos ts , bolla rds , curbs , pla nters or a ny other s ys tem to enga ge in a city-wide awa renes s ca mpa ign to create a general common knowledge tha t blocking a bike line will res ult in a cita tion, except where explicitly allowed by pos ted s ignage. Da te of Approva l: Record of the vote: Attes t: