Urban Transportation CommissionMarch 9, 2021

Chalmers Ave Right-of-Way Vacation Application Memo — original pdf

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M E M O R A N D U M Kaycie Alexander, Urban Transportation Commission and Mobility Committee Liaison, TO: FROM: DATE: January 28, 2021 SUBJECT: Street Right-of-Way Vacation Application for Chalmers Stephany Roy, Senior Property Agent, Land Management Development Services Department Avenue (F#10245-2002) Attached are the departmental comments and other information pertinent to the referenced right of way vacation. The owner, Housing Authority City of Austin (HACA) is asking for the vacation to further enhance their affordable housing project, provide a more continuous play area for the children, and increase pedestrian and bicycle connectivity in the neighborhood. HACA is tearing down the older buildings and increasing their unit count from 158 to 398. The proposed vacation tract is currently associated with an active site plan, # SP-2020-0004C. All affected departments and private utility franchise stakeholders have reviewed the request and recommend approval, subject to the conditions on the Master Comment Report. A Public Utility Easement (PUE) and Access Easement will be retained over the entirety of the ROW vacation area. Land Management is requesting that this item be submitted for placement on the February 9, 2021 Urban Transportation Commission Agenda for their consideration. Staff contact: Mashell Smith landmanagement@austintexas.gov Applicant: Meg Greenfield, Dunaway Associates and Stephany Roy at or ; Property Owner: Housing Authority of Austin (HACA) Stephany Roy, Senior Property Agent Land Management Development Services Department Attachment - UTC Packet: Master Comment Report, Intro letter, Application, Survey, Location Map