Item 2B - PWD FY21 Proposed Budget - staff presentation — original pdf

Urban Transportation Commission Public Works Department FY 2021 Proposed Budget June 12, 2020 | City of Austin, Texas Department Overview Mission: We build and maintain a better community by delivering services to every corner of Austin Key Performance Data FY 19 Actual FY 20 Estimate Projected FY 21 Percentage of street network lane miles in fair to excellent condition 73.8 74.1 Percentage of major bridges in good to excellent condition Percentage of existing sidewalks that are functionally acceptable Percent of sidewalk and urban trail networks completed Percent of PWD CIP projects in the right-of-way coordinated across departments Percent of projects that pass one-year warranty inspection without significant construction deficiencies Overall employee job satisfaction in the City’s annual Listening to the Workforce (LTW) survey Percent variance between actual and budgeted expenses and revenues 88 37.3 14.3 0 81.4 8 89 38.8 15.6 100 80 11 100 100 74.8 90 40.3 16.1 100 85 80 10 Service Areas Asset and Facility Management Bridge Maintenance Capital Project Delivery Safe Routes to School Community Services (Neighborhood Partnering & Urban Trails) Right-of-Way Maintenance Sidewalk Infrastructure Program Street Preventive Maintenance Street Repair Support Services Transfers and Other Requirements 2 Council Priority Outcomes MOBILITY - Getting us where we want to go, when we want to get there, safely and cost-effectively (69% of Department Budget) Goal 1: Proactively maintain City-owned transportation-related infrastructure and assets. Goal 2: Provide equitable access to transportation options by planning, building, and maintaining sustainable multi-modal infrastructure. GOVERNMENT THAT WORKS FOR ALL - Believing that city government works effectively and collaboratively for all of us – that it is equitable, ethical, and innovative (29% of Department Budget) Goal 3: Proactively coordinate the maintenance, repair, and placement of assets in the right of way. Goal 4: Deliver high quality capital projects on time, and on budget. Goal 5: Establish a workplace culture of excellence, inclusiveness, continuous improvement, safety, and human-centered innovation and learning. Goal 6: Ensure Public Works services are financially affordable and sustainable services. 3 Budget Highlights FY 2020-21 Proposed Budget FY 2020 Budget $124.9 M Cost Drivers $3.5 M New Invest. $1.7 M FY 2021 Budget $130.1 M 5-Year Outlook Highlights 124.9 130.1 130.6 132.3 134.8 137.5 5-Year annual budget growth = 2% positions ✓ Maintain current levels of service; no new 58.2 57.6 56.3 61.8 45.6 8.68 2020 8.68 2021 10.59 2022 Budget ($ millions) Typical Rate Payer 11.28 2023 11.47 2024 CIP ($ millions) Typical Rate Payer data reflects monthly rate in dollars (PWD-portion only) 9.2 11.81 2025 ✓ One-time transfers to CIP: Urban Trails/Sidewalk Master Plan Update; PWD Service Center Improvements ✓ No longer General Fund support for Child Safety Fund (replaced by TUF) ✓ Capital budget spending on 2016 and 2018 Bond Programs will be finished by FY25 4 Sources and Uses PW Transportation Fund 69% Street Preventive Maintenance 21% Capital Projects Mgmt Fund 29% Street Repair 17% Right of Way Maintenance 3% Child Safety Fund 2% Other Programs 7% PWD FY21 Operating Budget ($130.1M) PW Transportation Fund $90.2 Cap Projects Mgmt Fund $37.0 Child Safety Fund $ 2.9 Total Operations $130.1 Transfers/City Requirements 17% Support Services 13% Capital Projects Delivery 20% School Crossing Guards & Safety 2% 5 Sources of Funds Department Revenue: FY20 Amended: $111.0 million FY 21 Proposed: $113.4 million $57.6 $57.7 $36.9 $34.8 $70.0 $60.0 $50.0 ) s n o i l l i m n i ( $40.0 $30.0 $20.0 $10.0 $0.0 6 $12.5 $12.5 $2.6 $2.0 $0.7 $1.3 $2.8 $3.0 Transportation User Fee Capital Project Management Utility Cut Repair Fee Sidewalk & Concrete Other Child Safety Repair (CIP) FY20 Amended FY21 Proposed Uses of Funds Department Expenditures: FY 20 Amended: $124.9 million FY 21 Proposed: $130.1 million $27.8 $26.0 $26.3 $26.0 $21.9 $21.4 $21.8 $19.1 ) s n o i l l i m n i ( $30.0 $25.0 $20.0 $15.0 $10.0 $5.0 $0.0 FY 2021 positions: 593.25 No new positions $16.8 $16.5 $12.8 $12.9 $2.8 $2.9 Street Prev. Maintenance Capital Delivery Street Repair Transfers & Other Reqs Support Services Other Child Safety Operations* FY20 Amended FY21 Proposed * Other Operations includes: Sidewalk Infrastructure, Bridge Maintenance, Asset and Facility Management, Right-of-Way Maintenance, Community Services 7 Transportation Fund FY 2020-21 Highlights Revenue: ➢ No increase to Public Works portion of Transportation User Fee (TUF) FY 2021 positions: 352.00 No new positions ➢ Additional TUF revenue from customer growth: $0.1 million ➢ Forecasted monthly TUF increases (Public Works portion): Expenditures: replacement ➢$1.3M increase for scheduled vehicle/equipment ➢$1.1M for Public Works facility improvements (one-time) ➢$0.6M for Urban Trails Plan and Sidewalks/ADA Transition Plan Updates (one-time) 8 Capital Projects Management Fund FY 2020-21 Highlights FY 2021 positions: 227.00 No new positions Revenue: ➢ Increase of $2.1 million from capital project delivery services: ➢ $1.5 million from allocation (non-billable costs) ➢ Indirect rate increasing from 135% to 145% (estimated) Expenditures: ➢ No new positions ➢ $0.1M increase for scheduled vehicle replacement 9 FY 2021 positions: 14.25 No new positions Child Safety Fund FY 2020-21 Highlights Revenue: ➢ Transportation Fund replaces annual General Fund transfer ($1.5M) Expenditures: ➢ No new positions ➢ Crossing guards continue to provide safe crossings at all Austin-area elementary schools 10 Capital Highlights Projects include street reconstruction and rehabilitation, bridges and structures, urban trails, sidewalks, Safe Routes to Schools, Neighborhood Partnering, vehicles and equipment, and PWD facilities. FY 2021 Appropriation $62.5 million FY 2021 Spending Plan $57.6 million Key Projects Completed in FY 2020 • ADA and Sidewalk improvements • • Safe Routes To School Infrastructure Plan Sabine Street Promenade Key Projects in FY 2021 • Redbud Trail Bridge over Lady Bird Lake (Design) • • Bus Lane Conversion from Asphalt to Concrete (Group 1) • Copperfield Elementary School Trail Connectors (Safe Stassney Ln Reconstruction (Preliminary) Routes to Schools) Public Works Facility Improvements • 11 For More Information QUESTIONS? 12