Item 2B - ATD FY21 Proposed Budget - staff presentation — original pdf

FY2020-21 Budget Proposal Austin Transportation Department June 12, 2018 | City of Austin, Texas June, 2020 The Austin Transportation Department is... Transp. Eng. Design, Vision Zero Trans. System Develop, Planning, Demand Mgmt. Support Services Active Transp. & Street Design ATD Signs Markings Mobility Services & Technology Arterial Mgmt. Inspect. Review & Support Corridor Program Office • Strategic • Multimodal • Operations-minded • Regionally engaged • Publicly accountable 2 Rate and Revenue Highlights Total Revenue is project to decrease by ($5.4 million) vs. FY 2020 Budget: Mobility Fund ATD has proposed a $0.25 per month increase in Transportation User (TUF): $1.9 million Right of way permits, Traffic Impact Analysis (TIA) and other permits will increase: $4.9 million Parking & Mobility Services Fund Reduced revenue for parking meters, and permits: ($9.6 million) Reduced micro-mobility permit: ($2.2 million) 3 Rate and Revenue Forecast • 48% of ATD's revenue is collected through the Transportation User Fee (TUF) $29.5 million, a 6.8% increase with a $0.25(*) monthly fee increase • Right of Way revenue provides approximately 29% of ATD’s revenue, 17.8 million • Parking and micro-mobility revenue severely impacted by current economic downturn Click to add text 4 *ATD has proposed $0.40 and $0.50 increase in the TUF to fully fund Vision Zero and signal safety improvements FY 20 Impacts to Expenditures Parking Enterprise o Parking, mobility services and smart mobility have deferred new initiatives to reduce costs: ($3.6 million) o Freeze vacant positions to reduce costs o Utilization of available $2.7 million of parking fund balance to continue basic service levels for parking and micro-mobility Mobility Fund o Reduce programs utilizing consulting services to stabilize funding for the department : ($6.5 million). o Freeze vacant positions to reduce costs o Utilization of $4.5 million of mobility fund balance to continue basic service levels for the department 5 FY 21 Expenditure Highlights Parking Enterprise - Parking, mobility services and smart mobility have reduced the FY21 budget to align with lower revenue projections o Reduced enforcement activities based on transition to in-house temporary staffing model: ($0.65 million) o Reduce staff augmentation for field engineering services for kiosk installations: ($0.14 million) o Defer smart mobility project to reduce staff augmentation for engineering and policy development: ($0.64 million) o Defer mobility data and analytical services: ($0.60 million) Mobility Fund o Reduce programs utilizing consulting services to focus on bond and grant projects: ($2.9 million). regional agencies o Maintain current inter-local agreements with UT Austin, CapMetro, TxDOT and other o Continue to fund Vision Zero efforts with $0.85 million planned for increased enforcement and intersection safety improvements o Utilization of $6.4 million of mobility fund balance to continue basic service levels for the department 6 Sources of Revenue Funds Department Revenue: FY 20 Amended: $66.4 million FY 21 Proposed: $61.0 million ) s n o i l l i m $ ( 7 Uses of Funds Department Expenditures: FY 20 Amended: $77.5 million FY 21 Proposed: $68.3 million FY 2021 positions: 326 ) s n o i l l i m $ ( 8 Combined Fund Balances 9 Capital Highlights FY 2020 Spending Plan $60.1 million FY 2021 Spending Plan (excluding Encumbrances) $113.2 million Key Projects: • Speed Management Program • Vision Zero safety intersection improvements • Signals, pedestrian hybrid beacons, and investments in the city-wide traffic management system • Continued implementation of the 2016 Bond Strategic Mobility Corridors • 2016 & 2018 Bond-funded bicycle and pedestrian projects • CAMPO grant program* to leverage 2016 & 2018 bond programs design and construction *CAMPO Grant Program funding may change 10 Capital Highlights • The five year spending plan for capital improvements is projected at $687.2 million including: • Significant spending on the 9 corridors in the Corridor Construction Program Initial projects for the 2018 Bond and CAMPO Grant program* • • Regional Mobility partnerships with TxDOT and Travis County • Various bikeway and intersection safety improvement projects as part of the 2016 Mobility Bond. *CAMPO Grant Program funding may change 11