Agenda — original pdf

Special Meeting of the Urban Transportation Commission Friday, June 12, 2020 Meeting to be held with physical distancing modifications Public comment will be allowed via telephone; no in-person input will be allowed. All speakers must register in advance (Thursday, June 11 by Noon). All public comment will occur at the beginning of the meeting. To speak remotely at the June 12, 2020 Urban Transportation Commission meeting, residents must call or email the board liaison at (512) 974 2358 or no later than noon on Thursday, June 11 and provide the following information: speaker name, item number(s) they wish to speak on, whether they are for/against/neutral, and a telephone number or email address. Once a request to speak has been called in or emailed to the board liaison, residents will receive either an email or phone call providing the telephone number to call on the day of the scheduled meeting. Speakers must call in at least 15 minutes prior to meeting start in order to speak. Speakers will be placed in a queue until their time to speak. Late callers will not be accepted and will not be able to speak. Handouts or other information may be emailed to by Noon the day before the scheduled meeting. This information will be provided to Board and Commission members in advance of the meeting. If this meeting is broadcast live, residents may watch the meeting at URBAN TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION (UTC) FRIDAY JUNE 12, 2020 – 3:00 PM VIA VIDEOCONFERENCING MEETING AGENDA CALL TO ORDER 2. NEW BUSINESS 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: MAY 15, 2020 SPECIAL CALLED MEETING A. Urban Trails Plan and Sidewalk/ADA Transition Plan updates – Briefing Staff: Katie Wettick, Craig McColloch, and John Eastman, Public Works B. FY2020-21 Proposed Budgets for Austin Transportation and Public Works Departments – Discussion and Possible Action Staff: Rob Spillar and Peggy MacCallum, Austin Transportation and Richard Mendoza and Kristi Fenton, Public Works C. Street Impact Fee Study results and draft policy recommendation – Discussion and Possible Action Staff: Cole Kitten and Liane Miller, Austin Transportation 3. STAFF AND COMMITTEE REPORTS A. Downtown Commission D. Pedestrian Advisory Council B. Joint Sustainability Commission E. City Council Mobility Committee C. Bicycle Advisory Council F. Project Connect Advisory Network 4. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS Note: These topics will NOT be discussed by the commission as part of this agenda A. Austin Community Climate Plan update (Staff; August) ADJOURNMENT The City of Austin is committed to compliance with the American with Disabilities Act. Reasonable modifications and equal access to communications will be provided upon request. Meeting locations are planned with wheelchair access. If requiring Sign Language Interpreters or alternative formats, please give notice at least 2 days (48 hours) before the meeting date. Please call Emily Smith at the Austin Transportation Department, at 512-974-2358 for additional information; TTY users route through Relay Texas at 711. For more information on the Urban Transportation Commission please contact Emily Smith at 512-974- 2358 or