Urban Transportation Commission - Feb. 4, 2025

Urban Transportation Commission Regular Meeting of the Urban Transportation Commission

Agenda original pdf

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REGULAR MEETING of the URBAN TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION TUESDAY FEBRUARY 04, 2025, at 5:00pm AUSTIN ENERGY HEADQUARTERS ASSEMBLY ROOM 4815 Mueller Blvd, AUSTIN, TEXAS Some members of the Urban Transportation Commission may be participating by videoconference. The meeting may be viewed online at: http://www.austintexas.gov/page/watch- atxn-live. Public comment will be allowed in-person or remotely by telephone. Speakers may only register to speak on an item once either in-person or remotely and will be allowed up to three minutes to provide their comments. Registration no later than noon the day before the meeting is required for remote participation. To register please call or email the staff liaison in advance at (512)-974-3428 or natalie.leone@austintexas.gov no later than noon on Monday February 3, 2024 with the following information: name, item number(s) to speak on, telephone number, and email address. CURRENT BOARD MEMBERS/COMMISSIONERS: Heather Buffo - (District 1) Melissa Ortiz-(District 2) Arlin Alvarez-(District 3) Susan Somers, Chair-(District 4) Daniel Kavelman-(District 5) Edward Smith- (District 6) Diana Wheeler- (District 7) Justin Jacobson- (District 8) Spencer Schumacher- (District 9) Ruven Brooks, Vice Chair-(District 10) Deshon Brown- (Mayoral Appointee) AGENDA CALL TO ORDER PUBLIC COMMUNICATION: GENERAL The first 10 speakers signed up prior to the meeting being called to order will each be allowed a three-minute allotment to address their concerns regarding items not posted on the agenda. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. Approve the minutes of the Urban Transportation Commission REGULAR MEETING on December 3, 2024. DISCUSSION ITEMS 2. Austin Light Rail Update Presenter: Austin Transit Partnership Staff DISCUSSION AND ACTION ITEMS 3. Discussion and approval of a Right of Way Vacation for 1114 W 5th Street Presenters: Joseph Fotinos, Christopher Bueckert, and Betty Nguyen, Transportation and Public Works 4. Discussion and recommendation responding to City Council Resolution 20241212-133 on the reorganization of certain Boards, Commissions & Associated Entities Facilitator: Spencer Schumacher COMMITTEE UPDATES 5. Update from Commissioner Schumacher from the Downtown Commission regarding actions taken at the January 15, 2025 meeting 6. Update from Commissioner Wheeler from the Joint Sustainability Commission regarding actions taken at the January 22, 2025 meeting 7. Update from Commissioner Schumacher from the Bicycle Advisory Council regarding actions taken at the January 21, 2025 meeting 8. Update from Commissioner Kavelman from the Pedestrian Advisory Council regarding actions taken at the February 3, 2025 meeting 9. Update from Chair Somers from the City Council Mobility Committee regarding actions taken at the January 23, 2025 meeting …

Scraped at: Jan. 31, 2025, 11:30 p.m.

02.01 Austin Light Rail Presentation original pdf

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Austin Light Rail Progress Update February 4, 2025 Austin Light Rail Benefits of Light RailBenefits of Light Rail Light Rail in Other Cities Paris, France Seattle, Washington Phoenix, Arizona Minneapolis, Minnesota Austin Light Rail Austin Light Rail Phase 1 Light rail is an expandable electric train system designed for metropolitan areas, serving as an integral part of the transit network by connecting people to essential destinations where they live, work and play. Facts 15 STATIONS connecting points north, south and east of downtown Austin 9.8 MILES of light rail transit ~28,000 DAILY TRIPS on an average weekday Access to: 136K current jobs 200K+ future jobs Artist conceptual visualization Aerial view near Pleasant Valley station, showing a new shaded walk and bike path and how the line extends from the city center to East Riverside. EAST RIVERSIDE A new shaded walk and bike path along the line on East Riverside, designed to improve walkability. Artist conceptual visualization Artist conceptual visualization LIGHT RAIL ON EAST RIVERSIDE Aerial view near Pleasant Valley station, showing a new shaded walk and bike path and how the line extends from the city center to East Riverside. Artist conceptual visualization THE DRAG The station at UT on a typical game day with a redesigned and pedestrian-centric Guadalupe Street. Artist conceptual visualization OLTORF AT H-E-B The station at Congress and Oltorf near H-E-B, showing a new public plaza with shade trees and native plants. Artist conceptual visualization Austin Light Rail Proposed Light Rail Timeline Environmental Analysis Topics What’s Next All comments on the Draft Environmental Impact Statement that are received by March 11, 2025, will be responded to in the Final Environmental Impact Statement. How can you comment? Call Us | (512) 389-7590 Email Us | input@atptx.org Visit Our Virtual Open House Send Mail | 203 Colorado St., Austin, TX 78701 austinlightrail.org/austinlightrailinput Ask for a presentation at input@atptx.org Thank You.

Scraped at: Jan. 31, 2025, 11:30 p.m.

02.02 Austin Light Rail Progress original pdf

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Provide Feedback and Stay Involved Meeting Dates and Locations JAN 16 JAN 25 Lively Middle School Montopolis Rec Center 201 E Mary St. 1200 Montopolis Dr. JAN 22 Baker Center 3908 Avenue B JAN 28 UT Quadrangle Room 2308 Whitis Ave. Proposed Light Rail Timeline A public review and comment period for the DEIS will be conducted from January 10 through March 11, 2025. Comments received during this period will be addressed in the Final Environmental Impact Statement. View the online public meeting information. Austin Light Rail PROGRESS UPDATE January 2025 Bridge Over Lady Bird Lake View from inside the train, crossing Lady Bird Lake. Artist conceptual visualization Austin Light Rail Phase 1 is underway. This momentous transportation investment will offer an all-new transit experience, running reliably every 5 to 10 minutes to connect people to major job centers, education hubs, and iconic Austin destinations. Key progress highlights Continuing the design Recommendations to: • Add a new downtown station near Wooldridge Square. • Extend the bridge over Lady Bird Lake and elevate the Waterfront Station. • Refine station locations on East Riverside. • Advance a Greenway concept along East Riverside, featuring a continuous bike/pedestrian corridor and creating tree canopy and shade. Hitting major milestones in the federal funding process Including: Release of the Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS). The DEIS is a critical step towards federal grant funding. Developing the contracting and delivery approach Including: Onboarding the Delivery Partner. Artist conceptual visualization Artist conceptual visualization East Riverside A new shaded walk and bike path along the line on East Riverside, designed to improve walkability. Benefits of Light Rail New Options to Get Places Easy, Reliable & Frequent Reduced Travel Times The line will integrate with cars, Light rail will have its own dedicated The line will allow riders to zip buses, trains and other modes — railway, intuitive directions, and run through the heart of Austin without giving people more choices when every 5-10 minutes — making it having to sit in traffic — significantly navigating between the core and the highly dependable and easy to use. reducing travel times to key larger metro area. Nature-forward Design An Engine for Jobs destinations. Keeps Austin Livable Shade trees, Texas plants, and new Light rail will create 10,000 jobs The line will help keep our city walk and bike paths will be integrated as a key part of city mobility accessible for …

Scraped at: Jan. 31, 2025, 11:30 p.m.

02.03 Draft EIS Topics original pdf

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Topics Studied in the Draft Environmental Impact Statement The Draft Environmental Impact Statement (or DEIS) provides a comprehensive analysis of Austin Light Rail in accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act and other applicable statutes. This handout contains summary information for key areas of interest that were identified during previous community input. Scan to access the full DEIS at atptx.org Wildlife and Water Resources What are the potential impacts on water and local wildlife? STUDY OUTCOMES KEY ATP PROPOSED MITIGATION MEASURES y Current drainage patterns will y Less than 2% overall change to y Manage lighting to avoid or minimize be maintained and will bridge impervious coverage because impacts on bats and birds during or culvert over water features the Project is largely within construction and operations. to limit disturbance. existing right-of-way. y Ensure compliance with Clean Water y No threatened or endangered y Lighting during construction Act by continuing coordination with the species or habitat will be and operations could affect the Army Corps of Engineers. impacted by the Project. bat colony and the new light rail bridge across Lady Bird Lake is in the bat flight path. y Continuing bridge design will seek to reduce impacts to water quality, plants and animals. Air Quality How would the construction and operation of light rail affect air quality? STUDY OUTCOMES KEY ATP PROPOSED MITIGATION MEASURES ATP will require contractors to implement best management practices to minimize dust and emissions that might be caused by construction. During construction: y Increase in dust from construction activities. y Increase in emissions from machinery used during construction. y Temporary emissions from cars due to traffic conditions. Reduced Vehicle Miles Traveled Annually, over 20 million fewer vehicle miles will be traveled, as more people transition to the newly available transit options. No Air Emissions During Operation Light rail vehicles are electric. Austin Prioritizes Clean Air The Austin area complies with all federal air quality standards designed to protect public health. 1 Trees What will happen to trees along the light rail? STUDY OUTCOMES KEY ATP PROPOSED MITIGATION MEASURES y A tree task force y Three-tiered strategy conducted an will be applied to inventory of trees trees within the limits to determine of construction, which y Removed trees y Continuing objective is to avoid tree removals or impacts Three Tiered Strategy for Trees: the potential for includes: preservation in the Project area. 245 Protected Trees 211 …

Scraped at: Jan. 31, 2025, 11:31 p.m.

03.01 ROW Vacation Presentation original pdf

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A STREET AND ALLEY RIGHT-OF-WAY VACATION APPLICATION OF SAYERS STREET ABUTTING PROPERTIES 1114 WEST 5TH STREET AND 1134 SAYERS STREET Urban Transportation Commission February 4th 2025 Item # 3 File #2024-128390 LM District 9 Abutting property owner: Anchor Equities Ltd, a Texas limited partnership 1114 West 5th Street and 1134 Sayers Street Paved/Developed right- of-way Street/Alley View  Vacation tract is approximately 4,516 square feet  All property owners within 300 feet of the vacation area were sent public notices on December 5th, 2024.  Some objections have been received; please see provided documentation.  All affected City Departments and external stakeholders have reviewed and recommend approval of this right-of-way vacation application, subject to the conditions on the Master Comment Report submitted with this presentation Is the City retaining easements? If so, list the easements – or any other pertinent information outside of normal for an example. The City will retain a Drainage and Public Utility Easement over the entire vacation area. How do you plan to develop the area to be vacated?  It is unknown at this time how the right of way vacation area would be developed.  Is there a site plan? If so, list site plan number if not the state: No active site plan I am happy to answer your questions regarding the right of way process The applicant can answer your questions regarding the abutting property and the proposed development. Thank you for your time! Christopher Bueckert, 512-974-1780

Scraped at: Jan. 31, 2025, 11:31 p.m.

03.02 ROW Vacation Packet with Approved Surveys original pdf

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Right of Way Vacation Transmittal Letter LandManagementROW@AustinTexas.gov | Phone: 311 (or 512-974-2000 outside Austin) Forsubmittal and feeinformation, see www.austintexas.gov/department/land-management Provideareasonforthevaca�onbyansweringthefollowingques�ons:1.PropertyType:Residen�alCommercial2.Howwasheareaobevacaeddedicaed?PlaSeparaeInstrument3.DidheCiypurchaseheareaobevacaed?(i.e.,bySreeDeed)YesNo4.Arebohheareaobevacaedandyourproperyinhesame“subdivision”?(Theymusbohbeinhesamesubdivisionobeeligible.)YesNo5.Isheareaobevacaeda:Func�onalrigh-of-wayOnlydedicaedonpaper6.Arehereanyu�liylineswihinheareaobevacaed?YesNoIfyes,whaareyourplansforheu�li�es?___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Applicansshouldbeadvisedhaeasemenswillbereainedoproecexis�ngu�li�es,evenifu�liyreloca�onisproposed.Alsobeadvisedhanosrucuresmaybebuilon,overorunderheeasemenswihoualicenseagreemen,insurance,andannualfee.7.Howdoyouplanodevelopheareaobevacaed?_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________8.Hasasieplanbeensubmittedonyourprojec?YesNo9.IsyourprojecaUnifiedDevelopmen?YesNo10.IsyourprojecaS.M.A.R.T.HousingProjec?YesNo11.Whendoyouan�cipaesar�ngconsruc�onofhedevelopmen?________________________12.Whaishecurrenzoningonheadjacenproper�es?_________________________________13.Whaishecurrensausofheadjacenproper�es?__________________________________14.Whaypeofparkingfacili�escurrenlyexis?________________________________________15.Willyourparkingrequiremensincreasewihheexpansion?YesNo16.Howwillheincreasebehandled?__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Utilities will stay in place. Property owner acknoweasments will be retained as partof Deed without WarrantyIt is unknown at this time how theright of way vacation area would be developedUnknownCS MU CO NP and CS MU V CO Small retail storesPaved parking lotN/A Right of Way Vacation Transmittal Letter LandManagementROW@AustinTexas.gov | Phone: 311 (or 512-974-2000 outside Austin) Forsubmittal and feeinformation, see www.austintexas.gov/department/land-management 17.Haveanyagreemensoreasemensbeenexecuedwihadjacenlandowner(s)orindraform?YesNoIfyes,pleaseprovideuswihacopy.18.DoesheareaobevacaedliewihinheAus�nDownownPlan(DAP)?YesNoIfyes,doesimeeDAPcrieria?YesNo19.DoesheareaobevacaedliewihinUTboundaries:EasofLamarBoulevard,wesofIH35,norhofMar�nLuherKingBoulevard,andsouhof45hSree?YesNo20.Doesheproposedvaca�onsupporhePrioriyProgramsandpolicydirec�vesseforhinheImagineAus�nComprehensivePlan?YesNoIfyes,how__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________If you have questions; please email Land Management Department: LandManagementROW@AustinTexas.gov Continue to grow Austin's economy by investing in our workforce,education systems, entrepreneurs, and local businesses Right of Way Vacation Transmittal Letter LandManagementROW@AustinTexas.gov | Phone: 311 (or 512-974-2000 outside Austin) Forsubmittal and feeinformation, see www.austintexas.gov/department/land-management Provideareasonforthevaca�onbyansweringthefollowingques�ons:1.PropertyType:Residen�alCommercial2.Howwasheareaobevacaeddedicaed?PlaSeparaeInstrument3.DidheCiypurchaseheareaobevacaed?(i.e.,bySreeDeed)YesNo4.Arebohheareaobevacaedandyourproperyinhesame“subdivision”?(Theymusbohbeinhesamesubdivisionobeeligible.)YesNo5.Isheareaobevacaeda:Func�onalrigh-of-wayOnlydedicaedonpaper6.Arehereanyu�liylineswihinheareaobevacaed?YesNoIfyes,whaareyourplansforheu�li�es?___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Applicansshouldbeadvisedhaeasemenswillbereainedoproecexis�ngu�li�es,evenifu�liyreloca�onisproposed.Alsobeadvisedhanosrucuresmaybebuilon,overorunderheeasemenswihoualicenseagreemen,insurance,andannualfee.7.Howdoyouplanodevelopheareaobevacaed?_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________8.Hasasieplanbeensubmittedonyourprojec?YesNo9.IsyourprojecaUnifiedDevelopmen?YesNo10.IsyourprojecaS.M.A.R.T.HousingProjec?YesNo11.Whendoyouan�cipaesar�ngconsruc�onofhedevelopmen?________________________12.Whaishecurrenzoningonheadjacenproper�es?_________________________________13.Whaishecurrensausofheadjacenproper�es?__________________________________14.Whaypeofparkingfacili�escurrenlyexis?________________________________________15.Willyourparkingrequiremensincreasewihheexpansion?YesNo16.Howwillheincreasebehandled?__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Utilities will stay in place. Property owner acknoweasments will be retained as partof Deed without WarrantyIt is unknown at this time how theright of way vacation area would be developedUnknownCS MU CO NP and CS MU V CO Small retail storesPaved parking lotN/A Right of Way Vacation Transmittal Letter LandManagementROW@AustinTexas.gov | Phone: 311 (or 512-974-2000 outside Austin) Forsubmittal and feeinformation, see www.austintexas.gov/department/land-management 17.Haveanyagreemensoreasemensbeenexecuedwihadjacenlandowner(s)orindraform?YesNoIfyes,pleaseprovideuswihacopy.18.DoesheareaobevacaedliewihinheAus�nDownownPlan(DAP)?YesNoIfyes,doesimeeDAPcrieria?YesNo19.DoesheareaobevacaedliewihinUTboundaries:EasofLamarBoulevard,wesofIH35,norhofMar�nLuherKingBoulevard,andsouhof45hSree?YesNo20.Doesheproposedvaca�onsupporhePrioriyProgramsandpolicydirec�vesseforhinheImagineAus�nComprehensivePlan?YesNoIfyes,how__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________If you have questions; please email Land Management Department: LandManagementROW@AustinTexas.gov Continue to grow Austin's economy by investing in our workforce,education systems, entrepreneurs, and local businesses PropertyProfileROWvacationrequestSayersSt.LegendPropertyAddressesJurisdictionFULLPURPOSEJurisdictionsFillJurisdictionFULLPURPOSENotesBetween1134SayersSt.and1114W.5th0150300ftThisproductisforinformationalpurposesandmaynothavebeenpreparedfororbesuitableforlegal,engineering,orsurveyingpurposes.Itdoesnotrepresentanon-the-groundsurvey.ThisproducthasbeenproducedbytheCityofAustinforthesolepurposeofgeographicreference.NowarrantyismadebytheCityofAustinregardingspecificaccuracyorcompleteness.9/21/2024 P:\01924\Metes&Bounds&Certifications\01924_NORTH.docxPage1of19/26/24TBPLSFirm#10174300POBox90876Austin,TX78709512.537.2384www.4wardls.comEXHIBIT“______”(Right-Of-WayVacation)LegalDescriptionBEINGADESCRIPTIONOFATRACTOFLANDCONTAINING0.0517ACRE(2,253SQUAREFEET),BEINGAPORTIONOFSAYERSSTREET,A40’RIGHT-OF-WAYANDSHOWNASAPORTIONOFACALLED40’STREETINMAPOFSURVEYMADEFORG.FLURYOFLOT#1&PARTOFLOTS#2-3&4BLOCK#10,OUTLOT#11DIVISIONZ,CITYOFAUSTIN,AMAPOFSURVEYRECORDEDINVOLUME3,PAGE171OFTHEPLATRECORDSOFTRAVISCOUNTY,TEXAS(P.R.T.C.T.),SAID0.0517ACREBEINGMOREPARTICULARLYDESCRIBEDBYMETESANDBOUNDSASFOLLOWS:BEGINNING,ata1/2-inchironpipefoundintheeastlineofLot18,Block1,LauraP.Duval’sSubdivisionoftheeasthalfofLotNo.1,Division“Z”oftheOutlotsAdjoiningtheCityofAustin,asubdivisionofTravisCounty,TexasrecordedinVolume1,Page23(P.R.T.C.T.),forthesouthwestcornerofacalled0.303acretractdescribedas“Tract1”alsobeingthesouthwest120feetx100feetofLot4,Block10,Raymond’sPlateau,asubdivisionofTraviscounty,Texas,recordedinVolume1,Page30,(P.R.T.C.T.)conveyedtoAnchorEquities,LTD.InDocumentNo.2013206747oftheOfficialPublicrecordsofTravisCounty,Texas(O.P.R.T.C.T.),beingthenorthwestterminusofsaidSayersstreetandPOINTOFBEGINNINGhereof,fromwhicha1/2-inchironpipefoundinthewestlineofsaidAnchorEquities“Tract1”,forthenortheastcornerofsaidLot18bears,N21°50’59”E,adistanceof51.85feet;THENCE,withthenorthright-of-waylineofsaidSayersStreetandthesouthlineofsaidAnchorEquities“Tract1”,S67°45'43"E,adistanceof112.03feettoacalculatedpointforthenortheastcornerhereof,fromwhicha1/2-inchironrodfoundforthesoutheastcornerofsaidAnchorEquities“Tract1”andananglepointinthewestlineofLot1,ElmSquareAddition,asubdivisionofTravisCounty,Texas,recordedinVolume85,Page74C(P.R.T.C.T.)bears,S67°45'43"E,adistanceof7.30feet;THENCE,leavingthecommonlineofsaidSayersstreetandsaidAnchorEquities“Tract1”,overandacrosssaidSayersstreetthefollowingtwo(2)coursesanddistances:1)S22°16'54"W,adistanceof20.07feettoacalculatedpointforthesoutheastcornerhereof,2)N67°43'45"W,adistanceof112.90feettoacalculatedpointintheeastlineofLot19,ofsaidBlock1,LauraP.Duval’sSubdivisionandthewestright-of-waylineofsaidSayersstreetforthesouthwestcornerhereof,THENCE,inpartwiththeeastlinesofsaidLot18andsaidLot19,Block1,LauraP.Duval’sSubdivision,andthewestright-of-waylineofsaidSayersstreetN24°45'13"E,adistanceof20.02feettothePOINTOFBEGINNINGandcontaining0.0517Acre(2,253SquareFeet)ofland,moreorless.Notes:AllbearingsarebasedontheTexasStatePlaneCoordinateSystem,GridNorth,CentralZone(4203);alldistanceswereadjustedtosurfaceusingacombinedscalefactorof1.000060558237.Seeattachedsketch(referencedrawing:01924_NORTH.dwg.)_______________________________JasonWard,RPLS#58114WardLandSurveying,LLC12/09/24 SAYERSSTREET(40'R.O.W.)W5THSTREET(R.O.W.VARIES)POBox90876,AustinTexas78709INFO@4WARDLS.COM(512)537-2384TBPELSFIRM#10174300ALimitedLiabilityCompany0.0517ACRER.O.W.VACATIONCityofAustinTravisCounty,Texas 0.0517ACRER.O.W.VACATIONEASEMENTTravisCounty,TexasPOBox90876,AustinTexas78709INFO@4WARDLS.COM(512)537-2384TBPELSFIRM#10174300ALimitedLiabilityCompany P:\01924\Metes&Bounds&Certifications\01924_SOUTH.docxPage1of2TBPLSFirm#10174300POBox90876Austin,TX78709512.537.2384www.4wardls.comEXHIBIT“______”(Right-Of-WayVacation)LegalDescriptionBEINGADESCRIPTIONOFATRACTOFLANDCONTAINING0.0520ACRE(2,263SQUAREFEET),BEINGAPORTIONOFSAYERSSTREET,A40’RIGHT-OF-WAY,THESOUTH20’BEINGDEDICATEDANDSHOWNASA20’ALLEYINBLOCK10,SAYERSSUBDIVISION,ASUBDIVISIONRECORDEDINVOLUME1,PAGE29OFTHEPLATRECORDSOFTRAVISCOUNTY,TEXAS(P.R.T.C.T.),SAID0.0520ACREBEINGMOREPARTICULARLYDESCRIBEDBYMETESANDBOUNDSASFOLLOWS:COMMENCING,ata1/2-inchironpipefoundinthenorthright-of-waylineofW.5thstreet(right-of-wayvaries),forthesoutheastcornerofacalled0.174acretractdescribedas“Tract2”alsobeingthenorth66.7feetofLots8and9,Block1,SayersSubdivision,asubdivisionofTravisCounty,Texas,recordedinVolume1Page29(P.R.T.C.T.)andconveyedtoAnchorEquities,LTD.InDocumentNo.2013206747,oftheOfficialPublicRecordsofTravisCounty,Texas(O.P.R.T.C.T.),forthesouthwestcornerofacalled3,333.5squarefeettractoflandtobededicatedasSayersstreet,conveyedtotheCityofAustininVolume8271,Page812,oftheDeedRecordsofTravisCounty,Texas(D.R.T.C.T),fromwhicha1/2-inchironrodfoundforananglepointinthenorthlineofsaidW.5thstreet,alsobeingintheeastlineofLot20,Block1,LauraP.Duval’sSubdivisionoftheeasthalfofLotNo.1,Division“Z”oftheOutlotsAdjoiningtheCityofAustin,asubdivisionofTravisCounty,TexasrecordedinVolume1,Page23(P.R.T.C.T.)andbeingthesouthwestcornerofsaidAnchorEquities“Tract2”bears,N67°52’12”W,adistanceof113.94feet;THENCE,withthecommonlineofsaidAnchorEquities“Tract2”andsaidCityofAustintract,N22°14'01"E,adistanceof66.56feettoacalculatedpointforthecommonnorthcornerofsaidAnchorEquities“Tract2”andsaidCityofAustintract,forananglepointinthesouthright-of-waylineofsaidSayersstreet,forthePOINTOFBEGINNINGhereof,THENCE,withthecommonlineofsaidSayersstreetandsaidAnchorEquities“Tract2”,N67°41'49"W,adistanceof113.79feettoa1/2-inchironrodfoundintheeastlineofLot19,ofsaidBlock1,LauraP.Duval’ssubdivision,forthesouthwestterminusofsaidSayersstreetandforthenorthwestcornerofsaidAnchorEquities“Tract2”forthesouthwestcornerhereof,THENCE,withthecommonlineofsaidLot19,andsaidSayersstreet,N24°45'13"E,adistanceof19.95feettoacalculatedpointforthenorthwestcornerhereof,fromwhicha1/2-inchironpipefoundintheeastlineofLot18,ofsaidBlock1,LauraP.Duval’sSubdivision,forthesouthwestcornerofacalled0.303acretractdescribedas“Tract1”alsobeingthesouthwest120feetx100feetofLot4,Block10,Raymond’sPlateau,asubdivisionofTraviscounty,Texas,recordedinVolume1,Page30,(P.R.T.C.T.)conveyedtoAnchorEquities,LTD.InDocumentNo.2013206747(O.P.R.T.C.T.),beingthenorthwestterminusofsaidSayersstreetbears,N24°45'13"E,adistanceof20.02feet,THENCE,leavingtheeastlineofsaidLot19,overandacrosssaidSayersstreetthefollowingtwo(2)coursesanddistances: P:\01924\Metes&Bounds&Certifications\01924_SOUTH.docxPage2of29/26/241)S67°43'45"E,adistanceof112.90feettoacalculatedpointforthenortheastcornerhereof,2)S22°11'23"W,adistanceof20.00feettothePOINTOFBEGINNINGandcontaining0.0520Acre(2,263SquareFeet)ofland,moreorless.Notes:AllbearingsarebasedontheTexasStatePlaneCoordinateSystem,GridNorth,CentralZone(4203);alldistanceswereadjustedtosurfaceusingacombinedscalefactorof1.000060558237.Seeattachedsketch(referencedrawing:01924_SOUTH.dwg.)_______________________________JasonWard,RPLS#58114WardLandSurveying,LLC12/09/24 W5THSTREET(R.O.W.VARIES)SAYERSSTREET(40'R.O.W.)POBox90876,AustinTexas78709INFO@4WARDLS.COM(512)537-2384TBPELSFIRM#10174300ALimitedLiabilityCompany0.0520ACRER.O.W.VACATIONCityofAustinTravisCounty,Texas POBox90876,AustinTexas78709INFO@4WARDLS.COM(512)537-2384TBPELSFIRM#10174300ALimitedLiabilityCompany0.0520ACRER.O.W.VACATIONCityofAustinTravisCounty,Texas PID 106497 | 1114 W 5 ST Property Summary Report | 2024 Online Services | Travis Central Appraisal District 106497 0108010326 R CS NASSOUR PROPERTY TAX 0.1745 AC OF LOT 8-9 BLK 10 OLT 11 DIV Z SAYERS SUBD OWNER Name: Secondary Name: Mailing Address: ANCHOR EQUITIES LTD 3839 BEE CAVE RD STE 200 WEST LAKE HILLS TX 78746-6400 Owner ID: % Ownership: Exemptions: 1340077 100.00 GENERAL INFO ACCOUNT Property ID: Geographic ID: Type: Zoning: Agent: Legal Description: Property Use: 30 LOCATION Address: 1114 W 5 ST, TX 78703 Market Area: Market Area CD: Map ID: CEN 010208 PROTEST Protest Status: Informal Date: Formal Date: VALUES CURRENT VALUES Land Homesite: Land Non-Homesite: Special Use Land Market: Total Land: Improvement Homesite: Improvement Non-Homesite: Total Improvement: Market: Special Use Exclusion (-): Appraised: Value Limitation Adjustment (-): Net Appraised: VALUE HISTORY Year 2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 $1,520,000 $1,140,000 $1,140,000 $950,000 $950,000 $136,600 $284,075 $210,000 $330,000 $548,000 VALUE HISTORY $0 $1,520,000 $0 $1,520,000 $0 $136,600 $136,600 $1,656,600 $0 $1,656,600 $0 $1,656,600 Land Market Improvement Special Use Exclusion Appraised Value Limitation Adj (-) Net …

Scraped at: Jan. 31, 2025, 11:31 p.m.

03.03 ROW Vacation Public Notice Objection Response original pdf

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Bueckert, Christopher From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Tyler Grooms <tgrooms@manifoldre.com> Sunday, December 15, 2024 3:37 PM Bueckert, Christopher Stefanie and Stephen Griffith; rsuttle@abaustin.com; Amanda Hendrix; amorrow@abaustin.com; Mila Santana Sayers Street Vacation - (2024-128390 LM) at 1114 West 5th Street You don't often get email from tgrooms@manifoldre.com. Learn why this is important External Email - Exercise Caution Christopher, I’m writing to request that the vacation of Sayer’s Street be removed from the agenda for Planning Commission on Tuesday. We were surprised to learn about this process only through the notification process to go to planning commission. Our understanding is that according to §311.008 Transportation Code, the city may vacate, abandon, or close a street by ordinance if a petition signed by all owners of real property abutting the street is submitted to the governing body. We are unaware of this petition and the owners have never signed such a petition. Per the included backup for Planning Commission, the owner’s property clearly abuts and takes access to Sayers Street (both Lot 19 and 18 abut Sayers Street). The owners of the property are copied on this email as well (Stefanie and Stephen Griffith of Griffith Properties) who object to the vacation of Sayers Street. Currently their tenants at 503 and 505 Walsh Street (tenants of their family’s partnership Walsh Street Venture 2, LLC) make regular use of Sayers Street. Marc Fray (the tenant at 503 and 505 Walsh Street) depends (and has depended for a decade) on Sayers Street to have furniture delivered to his business. Sayers Street is the only access point to this property for large trucks as access via Walsh Street is too steep and narrow for trucks. It is important to note that Sayers Street is so crucial to Mr. Fray's business that the Griffiths are in breach of contract if Sayers is vacated and Mr. Fray loses access to his business (see section 4 in below attachment). Therefore, as directly adjoining property owners having small local business tenants whose existence has depended for decades on Sayers Street, the Griffith’s object fully and strongly to vacating Sayers Street. Finally, we are working on developing the Griffith’s property. Our plans submitted to the city (SP-2024-0428) demonstrate the continued and necessary use of Sayers Street for fire access, utility access, vehicular access and loading access as a vital part of the development plan. 1 Tyler Grooms | Principal | Manifold …

Scraped at: Jan. 31, 2025, 11:32 p.m.

03.04 Memo original pdf

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TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: M E M O R A N D U M Urban Transportation Commission Christopher Bueckert, Real Estate Services Agent, Land Development Engineering, Transportation and Public Works Department January 7, 2025 F# 2024-128390 LM (1114 West 5th Street) Street & Alley Right-of-Way Vacation approximately 4,516 square foot portion of land abutting 1114 West 5th Street & 1134 Sayers Street Attached is the Application Packet and Master Comment Report pertaining to the street and alley right-of-way vacation application for an approximately 4,516 square foot portion of land, being the paved/developed right-of-way. Said right- of-way is comprised of a north segment and a south segment, being a paved 40 ft wide right-of-way, commonly known as Sayers Street, in the City of Austin, Travis County, Texas. North segment is an approximately 2,253 square foot tract of land, a portion of Sayers Street, a 40’ right-of-way and shown as a portion of a called 40' street in Map of Survey made for G. Flury of Lot #1 & part of Lots #2 - 3 & 4 Block #10, Out Lot #11 Division Z, City of Austin, a Map of Survey recorded in Volume 3, Page 171 of the Plat Records of Travis County, Texas, abutting 1134 Sayers Street. South segment is an approximately 2,263 square foot tract of land, being a portion of Sayers Street, a 40’ Right-of-way, and also shown as 20’ Alley in Block 10, Sayers Subdivision, a subdivision recorded in Volume 1, Page 29 of the Plat Records of Travis County, abutting 1114 West 5th Street. The proposed vacation tract will be added to the abutting parcels. The abutting properties are owned by Anchor Equities Ltd, a Texas limited partnership. Per the transmittal letter dated September 21, 2024, received by the City of Austin, the applicant states, “How do you plan to develop the area to be vacated? Response: It is unknown at this time how the right of way vacation area would be developed.” All affected departments and private utility franchise stakeholders have reviewed the application and recommend approval, subject to the reviewers’ conditions shown on the attached Master Comment Report. Per City Code §14-11-71 – Notice to Interested Property Owners Public notice will be sent to owners within 300’ of the area to be vacated. The director of the Public Works Department may approve the application after the 10th day that the notice is issued; and …

Scraped at: Jan. 31, 2025, 11:32 p.m.

04 Draft Recommendation: Response to Resolution 20241212-133 original pdf

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BOARD/COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION Urban Transportation Commission Recommendation Number 20250204-004: Response to City Council Resolution 20241212-133 D R A F T WHEREAS, City Council Resolution 20241212-133 Appendix A proposes merging the Bicycle Advisory Council (BAC) and Pedestrian Advisory Council (PAC) into the Urban Transportation Commission (UTC), to be renamed the Urban Mobility Commission; WHEREAS, City Council Resolution 20241212-133 purports to take action to reduce redundancies and increase efficiency among the City of Austin’s boards and commissions, task forces, council corporations, and intergovernmental bodies; WHEREAS, the BAC and PAC are not, nor have they ever sought to be, a City of Austin board, commission, task force, council corporation, or intergovernmental body; WHEREAS, the BAC and PAC’s status as citizen-led associated entities would make a merger with a sovereign commission like the UTC infeasible and would likely lead to conflicts with existing city code and state law; WHEREAS, the BAC and PAC have not suffered from frequent cancellations or lack of a quorum, with all cancellations since 2021 having been to accommodate either a Joint BAC PAC meeting or for an off-site field visit where no action was taken; WHEREAS, the BAC and PAC do not place the burden of appointing members on City Council Offices and regularly have 50+ applications for fewer than a dozen positions, which are thoroughly and anonymously reviewed by a subcommittee that makes recommendations to the full membership; WHEREAS, the BAC and PAC are highly effective and actively engaged organizations, with the Auditor’s Special Report finding that Boards & Commissions averaged 7.5 recommendations from 2021–2022; meanwhile, during the same period, the BAC passed 18 recommendations and the PAC passed 9; WHEREAS, the BAC and PAC recommendations serve unique functions that have proved helpful for City staff, the Urban Transportation Commission (UTC), and the City Council (see BAC Recommendation 20250122-04 Appendix A); WHEREAS, the citizen-led nature of the BAC and PAC allows the bodies to function as an important resource for feedback for City staff on bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure, leaning on members' lived experiences using bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure across the City; WHEREAS, the UTC’s status as a sovereign commission makes it ill-suited to provide feedback on individual projects and designs, and the UTC taking on the role of the BAC and PAC in providing that feedback would overburden the UTC’s agendas, members, staff liaisons, and monthly reports to the Mobility Committee; WHEREAS, the City Council acknowledged the BAC’s …

Scraped at: Jan. 31, 2025, 11:32 p.m.

Recommendation 20250204-004: Response to City Council Resolution 20241212-133 original pdf

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BOARD/COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION Urban Transportation Commission Recommendation Number 20250204-004: Response to City Council Resolution 20241212-133 WHEREAS, City Council Resolution 20241212-133 Appendix A proposes merging the Bicycle Advisory Council (BAC) and Pedestrian Advisory Council (PAC) into the Urban Transportation Commission (UTC), to be renamed the Urban Mobility Commission; WHEREAS, City Council Resolution 20241212-133 purports to take action to reduce redundancies and increase efficiency among the City of Austin’s boards and commissions, task forces, council corporations, and intergovernmental bodies; WHEREAS, the BAC and PAC are not, nor have they ever sought to be, a City of Austin board, commission, task force, council corporation, or intergovernmental body; WHEREAS, the BAC and PAC’s status as citizen-led associated entities would make a merger with a sovereign commission like the UTC infeasible and would likely lead to conflicts with existing city code and state law; WHEREAS, the BAC and PAC have not suffered from frequent cancellations or lack of a quorum, with all cancellations since 2021 having been to accommodate either a Joint BAC PAC meeting or for an off-site field visit where no action was taken; WHEREAS, the BAC and PAC do not place the burden of appointing members on City Council Offices and regularly have 50+ applications for fewer than a dozen positions, which are thoroughly and anonymously reviewed by a subcommittee that makes recommendations to the full membership; WHEREAS, the BAC and PAC are highly effective and actively engaged organizations, with the Auditor’s Special Report finding that Boards & Commissions averaged 7.5 recommendations from 2021–2022; meanwhile, during the same period, the BAC passed 18 recommendations and the PAC passed 9; WHEREAS, the BAC and PAC recommendations serve unique functions that have proved helpful for City staff, the Urban Transportation Commission (UTC), and the City Council (see BAC Recommendation 20250122-04 Appendix A); WHEREAS, the citizen-led nature of the BAC and PAC allows the bodies to function as an important resource for feedback for City staff on bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure, leaning on members' lived experiences using bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure across the City; WHEREAS, the UTC’s status as a sovereign commission makes it ill-suited to provide feedback on individual projects and designs, and the UTC taking on the role of the BAC and PAC in providing that feedback would overburden the UTC’s agendas, members, staff liaisons, and monthly reports to the Mobility Committee; WHEREAS, the City Council acknowledged the BAC’s citizen-led structure in Resolution No. …

Scraped at: Feb. 14, 2025, 9 p.m.