Urban Renewal BoardOct. 17, 2022

Item5_URB-update-on-11th & 12th-NCCD — original pdf

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From: Hartnett, Lauren To: Banker, Courtney Subject: URB update on 11th & 12th NCCD Date: Monday, September 19, 2022 2:47:59 PM Attachments: image001.png On Sept. 15, Council approved 3rd reading of the 12th street NCCD and the Urban Renewal Plan. CM Harper-Madison’s motion was to pass the Urban Renewal Board’s recommendation with changes requested by OCEAN (reinstate all existing uses currently permitted by the NCCD), and conditional use for cocktail lounge limited to 3500 sf. The inclusion of conditional use for cocktail lounge was in response to community feedback the District 1 office received from residents and stakeholders involved with the African American Cultural Heritage District. For a conditional use permit, a property owner must first submit a site plan to staff detailing what they propose to do – and then they have to take that site plan to the planning commission where the community can weigh in. The commission can then add any number of conditions – or can even outright reject it. In the event the neighborhood doesn’t agree with Planning Commission’s decision, they have the opportunity to appeal to council. It is a full public process, with multiple checkpoints – and CM Harper-Madison felt this approach struck the right balance between protecting our neighborhoods from potential nuisances while also allowing the flexibility to support the AACHD’s goals and create walkable neighborhoods with amenities for all residents. Council received testimony from residents both in support and against permitting conditional use for cocktail lounge within the NCCD. In order to further strike a balance with the broad range of opinions expressed at Council, CM Harper-Madison worked with staff to introduce an amendment that further limited conditional use for cocktail lounge to only one permit every 200’. This limited the possibility of the number of potential permits to about 10. However, given the churches on the street, there is only one potential site that could receive a CUP for Cocktail Lounge without Council also granting a waive, so while CM Harper-Madison kept the door open for the possibility to open an establishment that would require a cocktail lounge use permit, it would still be a challenging, multi-step process for a new bar or indoor live music venue to open on 12th Street. The majority of the individuals who testified in opposition to CUP for Cocktail Lounge raised concerns regarding enforcement issues with existing establishments. In response, the District 1 office is working in collaboration with Code Department in an attempt to address the concerns that were raised. Lauren Hartnett, Policy Director District 1 | Council Member Natasha Harper-Madison Austin City Hall 301 W Second St | Rm 2109 | Austin, TX | 78701 Main | 512-978-2101 | Direct | 512-978-2136 lauren.hartnett@austintexas.gov NOTE: All individuals who would like to schedule a meeting with Mayor Pro Tem Harper-Madison or her staff are requested to complete the Request to Check for Schedule Availability form. Please allow ten business days to process your request. All individuals who have scheduled a meeting with Mayor Pro Tem Harper-Madison or her staff as asked to complete the Visitor Sign-in Form to comply with the City's Lobbying Ordinance. This form is not for requesting meetings with Mayor Pro Tem Harper-Madison or her staff. Thank you.