Approved Minutes for September 11, 2024 meeting — original pdf
Approved Minutes

TOURISM COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES 11, SEPTEMBER 2024 The TOURISM COMMISSION convened in a REGULAR meeting on 11, SEPTEMBER 2024, at 301 w. Second St. in Austin, Texas. Chair, Daniel Ronan called the TOURISM COMMISSION Meeting to order at 2:32 p.m. Board Members/Commissioners in Attendance: Commissioners Ed Bailey, Greg Chanon, Bishop Chappell, Stefani Mathis, Anna Panossian, John Riedie, and Daniel Ronan Board Members/Commissioners in Attendance Remotely: Commissioners Christian Tschoepe Board Members/Commissioners Absence: Commissioners Aileen Bazan APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. Approve the minutes of the TOURISM COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING on July 15, 2024. The minutes from the meeting of 7/15/2024 were approved on Commissioner Panossian’s motion and Vice Chair Ed Bailey’s second on a 6-0 vote. Commissioners Ed Bailey, Bishop Chappell, Stefani Mathis Anna Panossian, Daniel Ronan, and Christian Tschoepe approved the vote. Commissioners Aileen Bazan was absent. Commissioner Greg Chanon and John Riedie was off the dais. STAFF BRIEFINGS 2. Staff Liaison, Felicia Ojeda briefed the board on the upcoming meetings, and vacancy for District 4 and reminder of the Texas Open Meetings Act policy and procedures. DISCUSSION ITEMS variety of items Laura Esparza, Executive Director of A3 (formerly Arts Alliance of Austin), presented on an update on Doherty Arts Center Project and its tourism potential. Discussion regarding the vacancy of District 4. 3. 4. 1 5. Discussion regarding the Tourism Commission Road Map on upcoming topics. a. Commissioner Panossian recommends having a December 11, 2024, meeting to discuss 2025 Road Map of Agenda topics only. No Speakers. i. Commissioner Mathis seconds the suggestion to meet without speakers. b. Commissioner Chappell seconds Commissioner Panossian’s recommendation to meet in December to discuss Health inspections for restaurants to be displayed for the public safety and awareness. c. Commissioner Riedie also recommends meeting in December and to invite the Black Cultural District (Six Square) d. Vice Chair Bailey suggest reviewing our Future Agenda conversation from our July 15, 2024, meeting. Also to invite Visit Austin to report an annual briefing regarding future planning for events in Austin, Marketing plan, and Budget. e. Chair Ronan seconds the idea of Visit Austin and include the City of Austin Financial Department to discuss distributions on city programs. i. Commissioner Panossian agrees to revisiting with the City of Austin Financial Department. f. Chair Ronan mentions 2025 calendar schedule. i. Commissioners agree to keep the schedule as is. ii. 2nd Wednesday of each month from 2:30pm- 4:30pm DISCUSSION AND ACTION ITEMS 6. Discussed and made a recommendation to reestablishment of the Short- Term Rental Work Group and its potential priorities and next steps. a. Commissioner Chanon motions to reestablish the Short-Term Rental Group with Commissioner Tschoepe’s second. b. Working Group includes the following Commissioners: Greg Chanon, Bishop Chappell, Stefani Mathis, Anna Panossian and Christian Tschoepe. c. Motion to reestablish the Short-Term Working Group passes unanimously. 7. Discussion and possible action to reestablishment of Parks & Environment Work Group and its potential priorities and next steps. a. Postponed to another meeting date Chair Daniel Ronan adjourned the meeting at 3:52pm. The minutes were approved at the October 9, 2024 meeting on Commissioner Chappell’s motion, Commissioner Panossian’s second on a 8-0 vote. 2 TOURISM COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES (11, September, 2024) 3