Tourism CommissionJune 12, 2024

Texas Association of Museums Presentation — original pdf

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The Texas Association of Museums 1. 2. Museums & Cultural Sites as Tourism 3. TAM Annual Conference 4. TAM 2025 Austin Texas Association of Museums 1939 1974 2024 TAM MISSION STATEMENT The Texas Association of Museums strengthens the Texas museum community through collaborations, connections, professional development, and advocacy. Texas Association of Museums ● 2,000 + Museum Professionals in the State ● 400+ Museums ○ Art ○ History ○ Science ○ Children’s ○ Specialized (Railroad, Maritime, Aviation, Etc.) ○ Virtual ● 30 Businesses ● 5 Academic Institutions Texas Association of Museums ● Advocacy ● Promote Excellence in the Field ● Networking Events ● Professional Development ● Annual Conference ● 76% of all US leisure travelers participate in cultural or Museums as Economic Engines heritage activities such as visiting museums. These travelers spend 60% more money on average than other leisure travelers. ● Museums and other nonprofit cultural organizations return more than $5 in tax revenues for every $1 they receive in funding from all levels of government. ● Museums support more than 726,000 American jobs. ● Museums contribute $50 billion to the US economy each year. ● The economic activity of museums generates more than $12 billion in tax revenue, one-third of it going to state and local governments. Each job created by the museum sector results in $16,495 in additional tax. ● Every direct job at a museum supports an additional job in the economy. This is a higher rate than many other TAM Annual Conference TAM Annual Conference ● According to the Destination Marketing Association International Economic Impact Calculator, based on an average daily hotel room rate of $139 in 2019, the TAM conference yields a minimum direct economic impact of $270,000 for any host city. ○ This impact figure does not include indirect or induced impacts or assumptions. ● The conference typically takes place during the week, which is a higher need time for hotels, restaurants, and retail. TAM Annual Conference TAM 2025 | AUSTIN | 50th Anniversary ● Call for Proposals Open until July 15, 2025 ● Hotel Room Block In Process ● Local Host Committee Assembled Thank you for being a part of the community _