Revised Approved Minutes July 20, 2022 — original pdf
Approved Minutes

TOURISM COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES (20, JULY 2022) TOURISM COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES 20, JULY 2022 The TOURISM COMMISSION convened in a REGULAR meeting on 20, JULY 2022, at 301 W. SECOND ST. In Austin, Texas. Chair MAGEE called the TOURISM COMMISSION Meeting to order at 3:04 p.m. Board Members/Commissioners in Attendance: Chair Rachel Magee, Vice Chair Ken Smith, Commissioners Ed Bailey, Bill Bunch, Mike Cannatti, Greg Chanon, John Riedie, Daniel Ronan Board Members/Commissioners in Absence: Commissioners Alta Alexander and Lois Rodriguez PUBLIC COMMUNICATION: GENERAL No public communications DISCUSSION ITEMS variety of items 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Presentation by Professor Heywood Sanders regarding convention center expansions 2. Approve the minutes of the TOURISM COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING on JUNE 15, 2022. The minutes for the regular meeting of 6/15/2022 were approved with the following amendments on Commissioner Chanon’s motion, VICE CHAIR SMITH second on a 7-1 vote. Commissioner Cannatti abstained off the dais of absent. The amendments were: correcting Chair Magee as present for the votes 1 TOURISM COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES DISCUSSION AND ACTION ITEMS a variety of items 3. Discussion and possible action on Annual Internal Review and Report (20, JULY 2022) The motion to postpone until next meeting due to remaining time for the scheduled meeting was approved on Chair Magee’s motion, Vice Chair Smith second on a unanimous vote. No Update from the Parks and Environment Working Group No Update from the TPID Working Group WORKING GROUP/COMMITTEE UPDATES 4. 5. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS 6. Commissioner Ronan request more information about the current working groups by this Board to offer his time and perspective Commissioner Bunch request to follow-up discussion from Professor Sanders presentation and possible take action on a resolution passed by the Downtown Commission board Commissioner Riedie request to discuss all the information regarding the convention center expansion and downtown commission resolution mentioned by Commissioner Bunch Vice Chair Smith would like to have the Austin Convention Center staff and the HVS Consultant follow-up discussion regarding the convention center expansion Commissioner Ronan requests to invite the city clerk’s office to discuss and possible take action on board’s bylaws 7. 8. 9. 10. Chair Magee adjourned the meeting at 5:04 p.m. without objection. The minutes were approved at the 8/17/2022 meeting on Commissioner Bailey’s motion, Commissioner Riedie second on a unanimous vote 2 TOURISM COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES (20, JULY 2022) 3