Meeting Minutes — original pdf

SPECIAL EVENTS TASK FORCE REGULAR CALLED MEETING MEETING MINUTES 10, OCTOBER 2022 The Special Events Task Force convened in a regular meeting on 10, October 2022, at 6310 Wilhelmina Delco Drive in Austin, Texas. Chair Russell called the Special Event Task Force Meeting to order at 2:04 p.m. Task Force Members in Attendance: Co-Chair James Russell, Co-Chair Jeff Smith, Laurel White, Ingrid Weigand, Frances Thompson, Laurel White, Cindy Lo, Dan Carroll Board Members/Commissioners in Attendance Remotely: Shelley Phillips, Bobby Garza PUBLIC COMMUNICATION: GENERAL No public communication was offered. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The minutes from the meeting of 9/21/2022 were approved on Member Thompson’s motion, Co-Chair Smith’s second, and on a unanimous vote. DISCUSSION AND ACTION ITEMS Update from Organizers Currently Planning Events – SETF Member RoundTable on Their Experiences Co-Chair Russell shared that he had two events in the review process, the Veteran’s Day Parade and Trail of Lights. He did not have any concerns. Member White explained her venue gets a lot of billing emails now with the new fees, but is probably a unique situation. Member Carroll stated that they are having difficulty getting law enforcement staffing for their events, they have a large multi-county event this weekend. Discuss and Possible Action on Recommendations to Codify Tier 2 Completeness Checks and Notifications in the Administrative Rules Mr. Summers explained the history of the Task Force trying to address providing preliminary approval for Tier 2 events, and that the proposed recommendation language will 1. 2. 3. 1 direct ACE to update the administrative rules to accomplish this. The Task Force requested that the paragraph in the recommendation’s rationale related to AFD be also included in the staffing section of the final report. Member White asked if the proposed administrative rule language would be included in the recommendation. Mr. Summers explained the administrative rules process and suggested it may not be appropriate for Council to take action on administrative rules language as that is not how the rules process is intended to work. The Task Force decided to add the following language to the recommendation: “The Special Events Task Force was shown administrative rules draft language drafted by ACE staff which will be the baseline language that moves through the rules process.” Member White motioned to approve the recommendation as amended, Co-Chair Russell seconded, it passed unanimously. Discuss and Possible Action on the Final Report to Mayor and Council Member Carroll asked what would happen after adoption of the report? Mr. Summers explained which recommendations had already been sent to Council and that the remaining recommendations would be sent in the final report and it is up to Council to take action on them. Co-Chair Russell said the Task Force should ask Council to adopt the final report in its totality, as opposed to individual pieces. Member Weigand suggested that efforts should be made to bring this before Council seats change in January. Member White suggested combining letters (a) and (b) under the 4-20-37 (D) Reporting. To read: “(a) Event history, including years in existence; if the event has taken place multiple years, the year it was established” Member White motioned to update the recommendation to that language, Member Weigand seconded, it passed unanimously. Co-Chair Smith discussed his concern with the way the second paragraph on the High Capacity venue section read. Member Weigand recommended putting the word “assembly” in parenthesis. William Manno suggested the inclusion of the word occupancy to describe the use type. To read: Under current City Code, these venues are not required to submit special event applications as their activities are in alignment with the designated occupancy/use type for the properties: “assembly”. Co-Chair Smith motioned to approve the report as amended, including the signatures of the co-chairs in the executive summary, and to include the paragraph about AFD staffing in the staffing section along with the administrative section. Member Thompson seconded. The motion passed unanimously. 2 4. 5. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS The Task Force was charged by City Council to return its final report by October 31, 2022 and then it will dissolve. There will be no future meetings of the Special Events Task Force. ADJOURNMENT – Motioned by Member Weigand second by Member Carroll, unanimous vote. For more information on the Special Events Task Force please contact Brydan Summers at 512- 974-4854, 3