Adopted Recommendation Included in Final Report — original pdf

SPECIAL EVENTS TASK FORCE - RECOMMENDATION 20221019-3 Seconded By: Ingrid Weigand Date: 10/19/2022 Subject: Recommended Changes to the Special Events Administrative Rules Motioned By: Laurel White Recommendation: Modify section Description of Recommendation to Council: The Task Force recommends updating the ACE Administrative Rules to describe how ACE accepts applications, processes application fees, performs completeness checks, and notifies applicants of the status of their application. This process should ensure that if a plan will not move forward with further review because the site or location is inappropriate that the applicant will be notified in a timely manner. Rationale: ACE began charging fees in October 2022. As such, the administrative rules should be updated to reflect this change. In addition, Tier 2 events currently do not require staff to provide preliminary approval within 10 days of submittal the way Tier 3 and Tier 4 events do. Staff have indicated that applications that have had a completeness check, and been accepted for review, have informal preliminary approval for these events. Meaning staff will work with the applicant to further modify the plan so that a permit will be issued. Codifying this process should provide Tier 2 applicants with re-assurance in their planning without modifying City Code. Furthermore, the Task Force has identified that staffing at AFD is critical to ensuring plans are appropriate for different sites, particularly if there is a change of use or if special events have not taken place at that location. Increasing staffing at AFD will help to ensure these applications can be reviewed in a timely manner so applicants know about the feasibility of their event sooner. The Special Events Task Force was shown administrative rules draft language drafted by ACE staff which will be the baseline language that moves through the rules process. Vote For: Laurel White, Ingrid Weigand, James Russell, Jeff Smith, Dan Carroll, Shelley Phillips, Frances Thompson Against: None 1 of 2 Abstain: Absent: Mandi Thomas, Heath Riddles-Sanchez, Cindy Lo Attest: Brydan Summers Brydan Summers Special Events Task Force Liaison Development Services Department 2 of 2