Special Events Task ForceAug. 17, 2022

Approved Minutes — original pdf

Approved Minutes
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SPECIAL EVENTS TASK FORCE REGULAR CALLED MEETING MEETING MINUTES 17, AUGUST 2022 The Special Events Task Force convened in a regular meeting on 17, August, 2022, at 6310 Wilhelmina Delco Drive in Austin, Texas. Chair Russell called the Special Event Task Force Meeting to order at 2:04 p.m. Task Force Members in Attendance: Mandi Thomas, Frances Thompson, Laurel White, Cindy Lo Board Members/Commissioners in Attendance Remotely: Co-Chair James Russell, Co-Chair Jeff Smith, Health Riddles-Sanchez, Bobby Garza, Dan Carroll, Ingrid Weigand PUBLIC COMMUNICATION: GENERAL No public communication was offered. 1. 2. 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The minutes from the meeting of 6/15/2022 were approved on Member Thompson’s motion, Member White second, and on a unanimous vote. DISCUSSION AND ACTION ITEMS Update for Organizers Currently Planning Events – SET Member RoundTable on Their Experiences Nothing was discussed for this topic. Discuss and Review Previously Approved Recommendations That Have Not Yet Been Sent to Council and Recommended Steps To Expedite Recommendations if Desired Mr. Summers explained some recommendations that have been voted on by the Task Force have not yet been sent to Council, as members had indicated they might want to submit recommendations all at once when the final report is sent to Mayor and Council. Mr. Summers provided a summary of the recommendations not yet sent to Council. Task Force members discussed that items related to the budget would not likely be considered by Council as the budget adoption process was taking place this week. Mr. 1 Summers provided the Task Force with a list of the remaining agenda topics that have been identified for discussion. Co-Chair Russell asked to revisit the topic later in the meeting after other agenda items were discussed. When this item was re-visited it was determined that all recommendations would be submitted to Council along with the final report in October or November. Discuss and Possible Action on Recommendations to the Sale of Goods Section of Chapter 4-20 Member Lo asked if packaged items that are not for sale, but given away, need an ACE permit. Mr. Manno (ACE) replied no, unless there are requirements for a special event permit met, and explained ACE advises applicants not to block rights-of-way. Mr. Maurer (PARD) replied that if goods are given away in parks that would require a permit, though not necessarily a special event permit, as that is an activity they would want to be informed of. There was not further discussion or action on this item. Discuss and Possible Action on Recommendations to an Expedited Process for Special Event Permitting Mr. Summers spoke on the proposed ACE late application fee, which allows applicants to submit applications later than the application deadlines in the Special Events Ordinance. Staff explained the current process for ACE and AFD, and how it’s anticipated to work under the new fee schedule. Chief Prior (AFD) said AFD cannot provide expedited reviewers during the busiest special event seasons. Mr. Manno stated its possible for ACE to update its messaging that when an application has been accepted it has preliminary approval, as the expectation at that point is the application is complete, appropriate, and staff will work with them to ensure the event meets City Code. Member Weigand stated she does not believe there should be an expedited process if special event departments are short staffed, as it will be unfair to organizers unable to pay the expedited fee who then be prioritized lower for their normal applications. Task Force members and staff discussed the differences between how this late fee covers cost of service for staff time where previously late applications were processed free of charge. Co-Chair Russell suggested that members Lo and White draft recommendations in conjunction with Mr. Summers and Chief Prior to bring back to the group for the September meeting. ACE Regulations of High-Capacity Venues Mr. Summers explained that there have been three new high-capacity venues that have opened since the pandemic started that require extensive city resources, particularly traffic control and public safety staffing. There is currently no requirement in City Code that these venues notify the City or submit an application, and there have been questions of whether or not the City should require something more formal. These venues and events submit one ACE application per year and then submit information through Formsite for each individual event. The Law Department advised that it may make more sense to use Chapter 4-18 (Transportation Code) as that would allow the City to deny road closures, Chapter 4-20 may not have enforcement because these events do not require special event permits. 2 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. The Task Force discussed the appropriateness of this problem being regulated through the Special Events ordinance. Mr. Manno stated it’s the ACE work units that service both these venues and special events. Member White asked for guidance from the Law Department on if the City can require different terms or conditions when granting a public assembly use type. Mr. Summers committed to bringing back an answer on the question. Chief Prior suggested that venues might develop agreements with the City to pay for staff from public safety departments that provide services at their events, although this would not solve issues with plan review staff. The Task Force agreed that this issue should be explained in the final report to Mayor and Council but there would not be action on recommending changes to the Special Events Ordinance. Discussion on Changes to Special Event Fees Mr. Summers displayed and explained in detail the two new primary ACE fees, the application processing fee and the permitting fee. Member White reminded the Task Force there are fees from the partner departments that also have increases. Mr. Summers committed to consolidating fee information for ACE and partner departments and putting it on the website. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS Member Lo motioned to instruct Mr. Summers to prepare a draft for the Task Force’s consideration at the September meeting. Member White seconded, it was unanimously agreed with Co-Chair Russell asking that he and Co-Chair Smith be consulted during development of the draft. The Task Force will re-visit the topic of an expedited review process and updates from organizers currently planning events. ADJOURNMENT – Motioned by Member White, second by Member Lo, unanimous vote. For more information on the Special Events Task Force please contact Brydan Summers at 512- 974-4854, Brydan.summers@austintexas.gov The minutes were approved at the September 21, 2022 meeting on Member Weigand’s motion, Member Lo’s second and a unanimous vote. 3