Proposed Recommendation - Tier 1 Definition — original pdf

SPECIAL EVENTS TASK FORCE - RECOMMENDATION 20220922-4 Seconded By: Date: 9/21/2022 Subject: Recommended Changes to the Special Events Ordinance Motioned By: Recommendation: Modify section 4-20-21 (A) (2) Description of Recommendation to Council: (2) is moving and consists exclusively of people completely contained in a police-escorted bubble; or Rationale: ACE occasionally receives applications for small parades in which streets are not barricaded, examples include neighborhood 4th of July parades and high school homecoming parades. The original Tier 1 definition only includes people escorted in a police bubble. Adding floats will allow for these types of events to be classified as Tier 1, which is appropriate given their scale and impact, and provides greater flexibility for applicants in terms of the application deadline. Events Vote For: Against: Abstain: Absent: Attest: Brydan Summers Special Events Task Force Liaison 1 of 2 Development Services Department 2 of 2