Proposed Recommendation - Fee-Paid Event Language — original pdf

SPECIAL EVENTS TASK FORCE - RECOMMENDATION 20220922-6 Seconded By: Date: 9/21/2022 Subject: Recommended Changes to the Special Events Ordinance Motioned By: Recommendation: Modify section Description of Recommendation to Council: The Task Force recommends amending the ACE Administrative Rules to remove the definition of a Fee Paid Event Fee-Paid Event means a right-of-way event that is in a fixed or stationary location and requires the payment of a gate fee to access the public right-of- way Rationale: References to Fee Paid Events have been removed from Chapter 14-8. This removes language in the rules that appears no where else and can be confusing. Events Vote For: Against: Abstain: Absent: Attest: Brydan Summers Special Events Task Force Liaison Development Services Department 1 of 1