SETF Recommendations Not Yet Sent to Council — original pdf

SETF Recommendations Not Sent to Council as of 7/20/2022 April 20, 2022 Recommendation #1: 4‐20‐43 (G) (2): (G) Unless Subsections (F) or (G) apply, ACE may approve the use of sound equipment between 10:00 a.m. and: (1) 10:30 p.m. Sunday through Wednesday; or (2) 11:00 p.m. on Thursday or Independence Day if it falls on a Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, or Wednesday; or (3) 12:00 midnight on: (a) Friday, (b) Saturday, or (c) the night before New Years' Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, or Labor Day. Recommendation #2: 4‐20‐43 (J) & (K) (J) ACE may approve the use of sound equipment for no more than four consecutive days or non‐ consecutive days during a 30‐day period. (K) A premises may be the subject of only one approval to use sound equipment at a special event during a 30‐day period, which begins the day after the approval associated with the premises expires. Revise to combined J & K: ACE may approve the use of sound equipment for no more than four consecutive days or non‐consecutive days during a 30‐day period, the initial 30‐day period begins on the 1st day approved for the use of sound equipment associated with the premises and the next 30‐ day period begins 31 days later. (L) The City will only allow a premises to be the subject of an approval to use sound equipment at a special event for up to 19 days per calendar year. May 18, 2022 Recommendation #1: Amend Section 4‐20‐32 (C) to: Except as otherwise provided, when multiple Tier 3 and Tier 4 events are requested for the same day and location, ACE will prioritize applications based on the number of years a special event has been conducted in the City. When two or more special events have been conducted for the same number of years, applications will be reviewed on a first come, first serve basis. the event that is requesting its traditional date will have first priority on that date. Recommendation #2: amend 4‐20‐33 (C) to: In addition to the notice required under Subsection (A), an event organizer shall provide notice to interested persons and neighborhood associations within 10 calendar days after ACE issues a preliminary recommendation if a special event: no later than 120 days prior to the event start date if a special event: (1) is a Tier 3 or 4 special event; and (2) requires a closure permit under Chapter 14‐8 (Temporary Closure for Special Events and Block Parties). Recommendation #3: amend 4‐8‐28 (E) to: A special event that has been held for 10 5 or more years and has not received a violation or changed its character, nature, location, or route shall be approved under Subsection (A). The Special Event Task Force encourages City Council and ACE departments to increase funding, as needed, for positions that support special event permit application reviews and on‐site staffing for special events. June 15, 2022 Recommendation #1: Recommendation #2: Amend the Special Events Ordinance to include the following: 4‐20‐37 Post‐Event Reporting (A) ACE will collect data on Tier 3 and Tier 4 events in a centralized system for the purposes of reporting. (B) Information about these events will be made available to the public within 60 days of the final day of the event. (C) The implementation of this reporting requirement shall take place before 2025. (D) The collected information should accurately reflect the event details and assist in planning for future events. The following data points must be collected by ACE and included in the administrative rules: a. Event history, including years in existence, and the year it was established b. Name of the event producer and/or production company c. The number of attendees per event day and in total for ticketed events, and best estimate for non‐ ticketed events d. Time of the event, including which days and times of the day e. Length of the event in days and hours, including load in and load out f. Whether or not barricades were required, information on any road closures that took place in connection to the event, and the length of time that road closures and barricades were in place, including load in and load out dates. g. Whether or not the event was open or required a ticket. h. Whether or not the event had amplified sound. i. Whether or not a parking plan was required. j. Whether or not alcohol was available to the general public k. Which ACE departments and agencies provided services or resources. l. Complaints received via 311 m. Any comments from ACE departments for recommended or required changes