Recommendation for Consideration by SETF - Post-Event Reporting — original pdf

SPECIAL EVENTS TASK FORCE - RECOMMENDATION 20220615-2B Seconded By: Date: 6/15/22 Subject: Recommendation to Include Post-Event Reporting in the Special Events Ordinance Motioned By: Description of Recommendations to Council: Recommendation to include a requirement in the Special Events Ordinance that City staff collect data on large events, which is then made available to the public. RECOMMENDATION Amend the Special Events Ordinance to include the following: 4-20-37 Post-Event Reporting (A) ACE will collect data on Tier 3 and Tier 4 events for the purposes of reporting. (B) Information about these events will be made available to the public within 60 days of the final day of the event. (C) The implementation of this reporting requirement shall take place before 2026. (D) Information that will be collected and reported includes: a. Event history, including years in existence. b. If the event has taken place multiple years, the first year it was established c. Name of the event producer and/or production company d. The number of attendees per even day and in total e. Time of the event, including which days and times of the day f. Length of the event in days and hours g. Length of time for the set-up/take down h. Whether or not neighborhood barricades were required. i. Information on any road closures that took place in connection to the event. j. Length of time that road closures and barricades were in place, including set- up/take down time. k. Whether or not the event was free or required a ticket purchase. l. Whether or not the event had amplified sound. m. Whether or not a parking plan was required. n. Whether or not alcohol was served o. Which of the following City resources were needed: Police, Fire, EMS, Solid Waste Services, Parks and Recreation Department, Entertainment Services Division. p. Complaints received via 311 1 of 2 q. Whether or not ACE departments would recommend approving the event again under the same application, including any comments or changes that are recommended or required. Rationale: The Task Force believes that post-event reporting is necessary to promote transparency, accountability, continuity, and a reliable basis for future decisions on events. The reporting should be consolidated and accessible to interested members of the public. Recognizing that such reporting places an additional burden on staff, the task force recommends that the necessary additional resources be provided to implement this important task. Vote For: Against: Abstain: Absent: Attest: Brydan Summers Special Events Task Force Liaison Development Services Department 2 of 2