Robert Mueller Municipal Airport Plan Implementation Advisory CommissionJune 11, 2024

Item 6. Draft recommendation to City Council to amend the Mueller MDA related to the Browning Hangar disposition — original pdf

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BOARD/COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION Robert Mueller Municipal Airport Plan Implementation Advisory Commission Recommendation Number (20240611-006): Concerning the Disposition of the Mueller Browning Bow-Trussed Hangar WHEREAS the Browning Bow-Trussed Hangar (the Hangar) is scheduled for reuse by the Mueller Master Development Agreement (MDA); WHEREAS the Hangar is treated as historic (although not officially designated as such), primarily due to the exposed wood bow-trusses and the over 80-year history of the facility; WHEREAS the Mueller Redevelopment and Reuse Plan (2000) identified the Hangar for community activities and/or publicly oriented commercial uses; WHEREAS the Hangar structure has, at considerable expense, been stabilized and a new roof covering installed (in 2007-2008); WHEREAS the Hangar, since 2008, has been utilized mostly for free by the public, small groups, and Mueller Lake Park patrons (in addition to paid users, with reservations through the POA) – contributing to the great success of the park, with the Hangar a widely recognized public amenity; WHEREAS the Hangar is closely associated by the public with Mueller Lake Park, due to its proximity to the Park and over 15 years of being free and publicly accessible; and there is a community effort dedicated to preserving the Hangar as a public amenity and gathering space (and there is concern of over-commercialization of the Hangar, including concerns of it not being free and open to the public); WHEREAS the Master Development Agreement states, in Article 8.9(a), that the Long-Term Plan for the Hangar “may include the sale or lease of the Bow-Trussed Hangar.” NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the RMMA PIAC recommends the Austin City Council amend the Master Development Agreement (MDA), Article 8.9(a) Bow-Trussed Hangar as follows: • That the long-term plan will include the lease, but not the sale, of the Bow-Trussed Hangar and property. • That the existing Public Easement found on Lake Park (Exhibit T to the MDA) be extended to include the property between the Bow-Trussed Hangar and Lake Park (Mueller Boulevard), an easement extension equal to the width of the Hangar facing Lake Park; and with the Public Easement also extended to include 25% of the interior space of the current Hangar as a public recreational facility. And the opportunity for a Concession providing food and beverages at the Hangar be considered as part of the Long-Term Plan for the Browning Bow-Trussed Hangar. And that formal designation of the Hangar as a Historic Landmark be pursued with the City of Austin Historic Landmark Commission. Date of Approval: _____________________________ Record of the vote: ____________________________ Attest: _______________________________________