Public Safety CommissionFeb. 3, 2025

Recommendation 20250203- 007 - Collective Sex Crimes Response Model Aggregated Sexual Assault Case Data Reporting — original pdf

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PUBLIC SAFETY COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION 20250203-007 February 3, 2025 Date: Subject: Reporting Motioned by: Commissioner Smith Seconded by: Commissioner Nguyễn Recommendation: The Public Safety Commission recommends Collective Sex Crimes Response Model Aggregated Sexual Assault Case Data WHEREAS, the Austin Public Safety Commission is tasked with providing WHEREAS, in September 2019, the City Manager’s Office contracted the Police WHEREAS, on November 14, 2022, the final PERF report was released, and the Austin WHEREAS, sexual assault lawsuits were filed and settlements were approved for Smith recommendations to the Austin City Council; Executive Research Forum (PERF), in conjunction with the Women’s Law Project and the Wellesley Centers for Women, to undertake a comprehensive assessment of the way sexual assaults reported to the Austin Police Department (APD) are investigated and processed; and et. al. vs City of Austin and Senko et. al. vs City of Austin; and Police Department (APD) Review and Reported Sexual Assault Comprehensive Evaluation included comprehensive findings and over one hundred recommendations; and Sexual Assault Response and Resource Team (SARRT) to address the PERF recommendations and take actions, including revisions to APD policies and procedures; and early 2023 to coordinate the full response to the PERF report, and includes representatives from APD, SARRT, nonprofit and community organizations, survivors and survivor advocates; and WHEREAS, the Collective Sex Crimes Response Model (CSCRM) project scope item 15.9 instructs the CSCRM to utilize the Public Safety Commission to review aggregated sexual assault case data; WHEREAS, the Collective Sex Crimes Response Model (CSCRM) was established in WHEREAS, the Austin Police Department is working with the Austin/Travis County WHEREAS, stakeholders from the CSCRM, APD and the Public Safety Commission recognize that the Public Safety Commission’s central role in providing a home for aggregated sexual assault case data is temporary and that a permanent, more appropriate home needs to be identified and funded for this purpose; and WHEREAS, the Public Safety Commission’s meetings are publicly accessible via broadcast on ATXN, archived video, archived transcripts, and backup documentation available on the City of Austin’s website; BE IT RECOMMENDED BY THE PUBLIC SAFETY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF AUSTIN THAT: Austin Police Department, SAFE Alliance, and Travis County District Attorney’s office submit sexual assault case data on a quarterly basis for review and discussion at Public Safety Commission meetings with data sets and presentations available in meeting backup documentation. Representatives of the respective stakeholders shall be present to answer questions about data and provide insight on trends over time. BE IT FURTHER RECOMMENDED BY THE PUBLIC SAFETY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF AUSTIN THAT: The CSCSRM, in cooperation with the city manager’s office and council develop a proposed budget and cost analysis for the posting of quarterly sexual assault to a third party and/or neutral organization to improve accessibility to and provide a permanent repository for the data. Vote: For: Chair Ramírez, Vice Chair Ruttan, Commissioners Bernhardt, Duran, Holmes, Nguyễn, Sierra-Arévalo, and Smith Absent: Commissioner Orr Attest: Christi Vitela Public Safety Commission Staff Liaison