Public Safety CommissionDec. 2, 2024

Item #5 ATCEMS Demographics & Diversification Efforts Presentation — original pdf

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Emergency Medical Services Sworn Demographics & Diversification Efforts Wesley Hopkins, Chief of Staff 1 Sworn Ethnicity American Indian/Alaska Native, 1, 0% Asian, 12, 2% Black or African American, 10, 2% White, 413, 71% Choose Not To Disclose, 3, 0% Hispanic or Latino, 133, 23% Native Hawaiian/Pacific Isl, 3, 1% No Response, 2, 0% Two or more races, 5, 1% American Indian/Alaska Native Asian Black or African American Choose Not To Disclose Hispanic or Latino Native Hawaiian/Pacific Isl No Response Two or more races White 2 Sworn Gender No Response, 6, 1% Female, 155, 27% Male, 421, 72% Female Male 3 Communications Division Ethnicity by Rank White, 17 18 16 14 12 10 8 2 0 Hispanic or Latino, 10 White, 8 6 Hispanic or Latino, 2 4 Black or African American, 1 EMS Captain - Communications EMS Clinical Spec - Comm EMS Commander - Communications EMS Medic - Communications Black or African American Hispanic or Latino White, 5 White, 5 White Black or African American, 1 4 Communications Division Gender by Rank Female, 16 Male, 12 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 Female, 6 Male, 4 EMS Captain - Communications EMS Clinical Spec - Comm EMS Medic - Communications Female, 5 Male, 1 Male, 3 Female, 2 EMS Commander - Communications Female Male 5 Field Division Ethnicity by Rank White, 177 200 180 160 140 120 100 80 40 20 0 Black or African American, 5 Native Hawaiian/Pacific Isl, 3 Black or African American, 1 White, 89 American Indian/Alaska Native, 1 60 White, 65 Asian, 1 Hispanic or Latino, 8 Black or African American, 2 Hispanic or Latino, 56 Two or more races, 3 Choose Not To Disclose, 2 No Response, 1 Hispanic or Latino, 49 White White, 30 Choose Not To Disclose, 1 Asian, 4 No Response, 1 Two or more races, 2 Asian, 5 Hispanic or Latino, 8 Asian, 1 EMS Captain - Field EMS Clinical Spec - Field EMS Commander - Field EMS Medic - Field American Indian/Alaska Native Asian Black or African American Choose Not To Disclose Hispanic or Latino Native Hawaiian/Pacific Isl No Response Two or more races 6 Field Division Gender by Rank Male, 192 250 200 150 100 50 0 Male, 67 Female, 57 Male, 31 Female, 47 Female, 10 No Response, 3 Female, 8 No Response, 3 EMS Captain - Field EMS Clinical Spec - Field EMS Commander - Field EMS Medic - Field Male, 97 Female Male No Response 7 EMS Recruiting Diversity Efforts FY23/24 EMS Recruiting continues to increase overall diversity within our applications and hires. 43% 34% Recruiting Applications 42% 38% 41% 43% 33% 17% Female Applicants Diverse Applicants EMS Medic-Field EMS Medic-Comm Hired Diversity Overall Clinical Specialist-Field (Direct Hire) 8 50% 45% 40% 35% 30% 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% 0% ATCEMS Recruiting Efforts To attract diverse talent through inclusive department initiatives & culture by starting with a Diverse Recruitment Team. 9 ATCEMS Recruiting Initiatives • Implementing grassroot efforts like Coffee with a Recruiter and Ice Cream with a Recruiter located in diverse communities • Attend diverse community events Like Austin PRIDE and the Juneteenth Festival • Broadening our professional recruiting platforms • Attend Veterans Career Fairs • Attend career events that are outside of the box to build interest and educate prospects about the careers within ATCEMS • Attend EMS Conferences that attract EMS specifically qualified candidates from other 911 Services • Attending community stakeholder group events with ATCEMS Ambassadors 10 ATCEMS Explorer Post & Youth Demographic • Participate in High School career fairs where the student is population diverse • Wide participation in the AISD Advancement via Individual Determination (AVID) Program • ATCEMS Explorer Post 247 is our internal organization for youth to learn about careers in Emergency Medical Services • Increase our presence at College Career Fairs hosted by Historical HBCUs and TCUs and HISs • Participate in the City of Austin Summer Youth Program with high school age interns • Broadening our Social Circle and our Social Media posts related to recruiting 11