PSC backup - #4 88th Legislative Session - Brie Franco -1-8-2024 mtg — original pdf

88TH STATE LEGISLATURE Intergovernmental Relations Office – Brie L. Franco, Officer WHERE WE STARTED: 2022 PRE-FILED LEGISLATION • Multiple Austin-specific and General City bills were pre-filed in 2022, indicating a tough session ahead for Austin and Cities in general. • Austin Specific • District of Austin – HB 714 by Patterson • DPS Takeover of Austin Police Department – HB 880 by Slawson • Guaranteed Income Preemption – HB 553 by Troxclair • Paid Sick Leave Preemption – SB 130 by Campbell; HB 121 by Vasut • City Specific • Intra-state Commerce Preemption • Municipal Permitting • Community Advocacy (i.e. taxpayer funded lobbying) • By the time the Session began, additional bills concerning significant issues impacting Cities had been filed, such as ETJ regulation, permitting, anddisannexation. 1 88TH REGULAR SESSION STATISTICS • A total 8,153 bills and joint resolutions were filed in the 88th Regular Session, with 1,020 bills and joint resolutions filed on the final day of filing alone. • For context, a total of 7,148 bills and joint resolutions were filed in the 87th Regular Session in 2021. • IGRO tracked 1,678 bills • IGRO identified 81 priority bills that would have had a highly negative impact on City. By the end of the 88th Session, 75 of the priority negative bills failed to pass and 6 finally passed. • Governor Abbott vetoed 76 bills, many of which he said could be taken up again in a special session. 2 88TH SPECIAL SESSIONS: STATISTICS 1st Called Session 2nd Called Session 3rd Called Session • May 29 – June • June 27 – July 27 Filed. 13 Filed • Oct. 9 – Nov. 7 JRs Filed • 66 Bills and JRs • 94 Bills and JRs • 287 Bills and • No bills passed • 3 bills passed • 2 bills passed 4th Called Session* • Nov. 7 – Dec. 5 • 161 Bills and JRs Filed • 2 bills passed * First time a Texas governor has called a fourth special session the same year as the regular session 3 88TH SPECIAL SESSION(S) • The Governor called a total of four Special Sessions on a range of topics, including: • Cutting property-tax rates • Increasing or enhancing the penalties for criminal conduct involving the human smuggling or the operation of a stash house • Border security infrastructure and border wall funding • Creating a criminal offense for illegal entry into or illegal presence in the state • School vouchers, teachers pay raise and school security. • COVID-19 vaccine mandates 4 88TH PASSED BILLS: POSITIVE FOR THE CITY COAERS Pensions SB 1444 (Zaffirini, Bucy) HOT Flexibility HB 5012 (Clardy) Save MUNY HB 2867 (Howard) Effective Sept. 1, 2023 Effective Sept. 1, 2023 Effective June 10, 2023 Omnibus Bracket Bill HB 4559 (Darby) Effective Sept. 1, 2023 • City of Austin Population: 961,855 • Travis County Population: 1,290,188 2020 Census Update Austin Bracket Seen in Legislation this Session “(1) with a population of 750,000 or more; and (2) primarily located in a county with a population of 1.5 million or less.” 5 88TH PASSED BILLS: NEGATIVE FOR CITY ETJ Regulation SB 2038 (Bettencourt) Disannexation HB 3053 (Dean) Super Preemption HB 2127 (Burrows) Effective Sept. 1, 2023 Effective Sept. 1, 2023 Effective Sept. 1, 2023 Parkland Dedication HB 1526 (Harris) Building Regulations HB 14 (Harris) Effective June 10, 2023 Effective Sept. 1, 2023 Subdivision Regulation HB 3699 (Wilson) Effective Sept. 1, 2023 6 88TH BILLS FAILED TO PASS: POSITIVE FOR CITY Project Connect HB 3899 (Troxclair) Convention Center HOT HB 4090 (Troxclair) Streaming Fees SB 1117 (Hancock) Haven for Hope SB 2529 (Parker) Community Advocacy SB 175 (Middleton) HB 170 (Spiller) SB 2330 (Bettencourt) Drag Queen Story Time SB 1601 Hughes 7 88TH BILLS FAILED TO PASS: POSITIVE FOR CITY Preemption Bills Commercial Activity Preemption SB 149 (Springer) Licensing Preemption HB 2350 (Harris) Licensing Preemption HB 2266 (Leach) Ashe Juniper Regulation HB 2239 (Troxclair) Guaranteed Income HB 553 (Troxclair) SB 2498 (Middleton) 8 88TH BILLS FAILED TO PASS: POSITIVE FOR CITY Austin Energy Bills AE Rate Review SB 853 (Hancock) Vegetation: GFT Restriction HB 4207 (Troxclair) AE Governance HB 4208 (Troxclair) Dispatchable Generation Prohibition HB 4213 (Troxclair) MOU Wholesale Prohibition HB 4211 (Troxclair) Customer Choice HB 4212 (Troxclair) GFT Restriction: Rate Increases SB 1110 (Schwertner) 9 88TH BILLS FAILED TO PASS: POSITIVE FOR CITY Disannexation & ETJ Statewide Disannexation SB 369 (Campbell) West Rim Disannexation HB 1307 (Toth) ½ Mile ETJ Area HB 1279 (Tepper) ETJ Services / Permit Denial HB 4175 (Harris) Max ETJ Size HB 4215 (Bell, Keith) SB 1545 (Bettencourt) Subdivision Regulations SB 2037 (Bettencourt) 10 88TH BILLS FAILED TO PASS: POSITIVE FOR CITY Zoning & Housing ADU Regulation HB 2789 (Holland) SB 1412 (Hughes)* *House Vote Failed 68-70 STR Regulations HB 2665 (Gates) HB 2367 (Lozano) Building Heights HB 2198 (Hefner) SB 491 (Hughes) Size / Density HB 3921 (Goldman) SB 1787 (Bettencourt) Sound Preemption SB 577 (Springer) HB 1247 (Harris) No Permit Time Frame HB 3826 (Toth) SB 560 (Springer) Eviction Regulation HB 2035 (Slawson) SB 986 (Creighton) Permitting Pre-Application SB 259 (Springer) 11 88TH BILLS PASSED: PUBLIC SAFETY Telecommunicator Mental Health Leave Removing Property From Roadways HB 1486 (Gerdes) SB 1413 (Johnson) Effective Sept. 1, 2023 Effective Immediately Crime Victim Notification Grant Racing Vehicle Impoundment SB 2085 (Whitmire) HB 2899 (Plesa) Effective September 1, 2023 Effective Immediately 12 88TH BILLS FAILED TO PASS: PUBLIC SAFETY Police Oversight SB 2209 (Hancock) Died on House Calendar District of Austin HB 714 (Patterson) HB 880 (Slawson) No Hearing Paramedic Tuition HB 683 (Cole) No Knock Warrants HB 504 (Wu) Passed Senate Subcommittee Passed the House 13 QUESTIONS? Brie L. Franco Intergovernmental Relations Officer Agenda: cfm?id=347683 14 Thank you 15