Public Communication handout from Carlos Leon -3-7-22mtg — original pdf

1 Follow-up to BBB Complaint #16811494 March 5, 2022 Dear BBB, Feb. 26, 2022, I filed a BBB complaint (#16811494) against Starbucks Corporate. March 1, 2022, BBB’s electronic reply included the following suggestion: “should you desire to have your experience report publicly you may write a customer review by clicking "Get Involved" on “ However, there is NO “Get involved” to click on, though I do want to publicly report what I documented in Complaint #16811494. Also, the BBB response said I am “not seeking BBB assistance in obtaining a specific resolution to your claim”. However, I am now seeking BBB assistance in obtaining an official written letter from Starbucks rightly overturning its new (2/28/22), wrongful Customer Restriction against me so that I am welcome at ALL Starbucks. STARBUCKS CUSTOMER RESTRICTION LETTER Feb. 28, 2022, Starbucks District Manager Anthony Rose (; 512- 571-7216) verbally told me, in person at Starbucks #691 at 3300 Bee Cave Road , Austin, TX, at about 10:45 AM, that I am now BANNED from ALL Starbucks stores in Austin, TX. At the same time, Mr. Rose handed me a letter dated 2/28/22 that appeared to be from Starbucks Coffee Company, entitled “Customer Restriction”, that says the following: “Dear Carlos Leon Our stores are a neighborhood gathering place for meeting friends and family. We are committed to creating a culture of warmth and belonging for all who enter our store. When using a Starbucks space, we respectfully request that customers behave in a manner that maintains a warm and welcoming environment by being considerate and respectful of others, communicating with respect, using spaces as intended and acting responsibly. We take very seriously the safety of our customers and partners (employees). Your recent conduct, which included: 2 Abusing our Third Place repeatedly by using obscene, harassing, abusive language, not limited to hate speech and racial slurs. Displaying inappropriate behavior by throwing a gifted granola bar while in the store on year 2021 at various stores in Austin, Texas and via emails to our Starbucks Care Team was disruptive and/or threatening to your fellow customers and our partners (employees). This behavior is unacceptable, and we can no longer permit you to visit any of our Starbucks stores. Please understand that if you choose to ignore this notice and return to one of our locations, you will be considered a trespasser. In that instance, we may elect to call the police or take other legal steps to protect our stores, customers, and partners. If you have any questions concerning this notice, please contact our Customer Service Specialist at or at (800) 782 – 7282. Starbucks Coffee Company” STARBUCKS COMPLAINT #220304-011786 – PART 1 In response, on 3/4/22, addressed to the Regional Supervisor over District Manager Anthony Rose, I wrote up Starbucks Complaint #220304-011786 and electronically sent it to Starbucks Corporate, via their website, to rightly overturn the wrongful Starbucks “Customer Restriction” against me and hold District Manager Anthony Rose accountable, preferably by FIRING him. To set the record straight, Starbucks Complaint #220304-011786 started with my deconstruction of the 2/28/22 Starbucks “Customer Restriction” letter. I wrote the following: “I will now deconstruct this letter, line by line, to expose how its half-truths, lies, and omitted information are incorporated and organized to mislead and crybully the reader into misperceiving me as the attacking villain who should be banned, though specific guilty Starbucks employees wrongly targeting me with their unprofessional, unacceptable bullying and/or harassment words and actions should be FIRED. Line 1 - “Our stores are a neighborhood gathering place for meeting friends and family.” 3 Though true, Starbucks stores are also spaces for individual customers working on their laptops, evidenced by Starbucks’ free Wi-fi and the large number of individual customers silently working by themselves, like myself. Line 2 - “We are committed to creating a culture of warmth and belonging for all who enter our store.” Though the cited culture creation is a core Starbucks value, the guilty Starbucks employees and customers were wrongly and oppositely targeting me with their unprofessional, unacceptable bullying and/or harassment words and actions to DENY me such warmth and belonging, violating two other Starbucks core values: “Delivering our very best in all we do” and being “performance driven, through the lens of humanity.” (Starbucks Standards of Business Conduct – Our Values section) Line 3 - “When using a Starbucks space, we respectfully request that customers behave in a manner that maintains a warm and welcoming environment by being considerate and respectful of others, communicating with respect, using spaces as intended and acting responsibly.” Though these Starbucks behavior expectations for customers make sense, missing from Line 3 (as well as the entire letter) are Starbucks behavior expectations for ITS EMPLOYEES. When guilty Starbucks employees initially and repeatedly attacked me by being inconsiderate of and disrespectful to me, communicating disrespectfully to me, NOT using the Starbucks space as intended, and acting irresponsibly, they DENIED me a warm and welcoming environment – the EXACT OPPOSITE of how they should have spoken to and acted toward me. Line 4 - “We take very seriously the safety of our customers and partners (employees)” Though Line 4 sounds good in theory, in practice Starbucks has NOT taken seriously my safety, evidenced by Starbucks wrongly protecting, instead of rightly punishing the guilty employees and customers verbally, psychologically, and spiritually attacking me. Line 5a - “Your recent conduct, which included: Abusing our Third Place repeatedly by using obscene, harassing, abusive language, not limited to hate speech and racial slurs.” Though Starbucks claims I have repeatedly used “obscene, harassing, abusive language, not limited to hate speech and racial slurs” inside their cafes, NO specific examples are 4 cited and NO supporting evidence is provided, making Line 5a an unsubstantiated allegation. However, guilty Starbucks employees and customers have repeatedly harassed me with their abusive words and/or actions, already documented with Starbucks. Line 5b - “Displaying inappropriate behavior by throwing a gifted granola bar while in the store” Line 5b is a flat out LIE. I have NOT thrown anything inside Starbucks. I have appropriately shoved a food item off my table that I did NOT want, solicit, or pay for that a harassing customer inappropriately tried forcing on me against my will. That guilty customer was trying to treat me like a child by trying to feed me what the guilty customer wanted me to eat and to make me “owe” one, had I accepted the “gift”, to exert power over me the guilty customer does NOT have. That guilty customer was also trying to distract me from my laptop work to stop my forward work progress and wrongly refocus my attention away from my work onto the guilty customer. Line 5c - “on year 2021 at various stores in Austin, Texas and via emails to our Starbucks Care Team was disruptive and/or threatening to your fellow customers and our partners (employees).” By focusing only on 2021, the letter’s author is trying to ignore the documented harassment by Starbucks employees and customers from 2020 through 2022. Though only Starbucks knows what electronic communications Starbucks allegedly received from me through the Starbucks website, and what those e-communications allegedly said, I have appropriately described the seriousness and severity of the psychological warfare launched against me by guilty Starbucks employees and customers. Therefore, the Starbucks 2/28/22 Customer Restriction letter wrongly mislabels my lawful self-defense words and actions “disruptive” because I steadfastly refused to allow the attackers to abuse me, disrespect me, or put me down. Cambridge Dictionary (online at defines “disruptive” to mean “causing trouble and therefore stopping something from continuing as usual.” Starbucks Third Place Policy says “Loud or unreasonable noise, or behaviors that are disruptive to others are not tolerated.” Therefore, Starbucks Third Place Policy rightly 5 uses “disruptive” in that sentence to mean behaviors NOT considerate of Starbucks partners or other customers that stop business from continuing as usual inside the cafe. However, in each and every documented case, after I first followed Starbucks Third Place Policy to NOT be disruptive, the attacking Starbucks employee or customer responded by initiating disruptive behaviors against me, VIOLATING Starbucks Third Place Policy. Complaints #220224-009948 and #220226-004967 document the two most recent attacks against me, initiated 2/24/22 by Store Manager Morgan Bego (Store #49678 at 1200 Barton Springs Rd., Austin, TX) and 2/26/22 by Store Manager Jill Benton (Store #6284 – 504 W. 24th in Austin, TX), illustrating how guilty Starbucks employees act disruptively. Attack 1 - 2/24/22 by Store Manager Morgan Bego (Store #49678 at 1200 Barton Springs Rd., Austin, TX) After I had respectfully finished my in-person order inside the cafe AND PUT THE CASH AND COINAGE OWED, IN PLAIN VIEW, on the counter to rightly facilitate the business transaction, Bego disrespectfully, unnecessarily, and repeatedly asked me, “Is there anything else?” to wrongly NOT take the cash to wrongly NOT process the transaction to wrongly NOT do business – the EXACT OPPOSITE what he should have said and done. After rightly refusing to answer Bego’s unnecessary questions, I rightly asked him if he was having trouble processing the transaction. In response, Bego told me NOT to be “rude”, though Bego was being rude by NOT processing the transaction at hand and by trying to force me to answer his unnecessary questions before proceeding. So I rightly rejected Bego’s SICKO, ABUSIVE, PROJECTION attack, telling him he was being rude by NOT processing the transaction at hand and by trying to wrongly force me to answer his unnecessary, out-of-place questions. In response, Bego told me to leave, wrongly punishing me for rightly NOT allowing him to bully, gaslight, or otherwise mistreat me. Only AFTER he wrongly told me to leave because of HIS unprofessional, disruptive behavior that VIOLATED Starbucks Third Place Policy did I then publicly call out his HOMOSEXUAL HARASSMENT against me, a Straight Christian Male customer. See Starbucks Complaint #220224-009948 for full details. 6 Attack #2 - 2/26/22 by Store Manager Jill Benton (Store #6284 – 504 W. 24th in Austin, TX) Benton repeatedly tried forcing unnecessary and uninvited interactions with her on me to CONTROL and STALK me inside the cafe. She even tried making me accept an avocado spread she wanted me to eat (that I had NOT paid for), though I already had the avocado spread in hand that I had paid for at the counter, which she knew because she wrongly and unnecessarily placed herself next to me on the customer side of the counter while I was doing business with the male barista rightly standing on the employee side of the counter. Nonetheless, I peacefully defeated her unprofessional, unwanted attacks by silently ignoring her and them, until she unnecessarily approached me at my table, stood way too close to me, and refused to leave me alone. When I then told her to stop harassing me, stay away from me, and expect me to file a complaint against her with Starbucks Corporate, she called the police to remove me. That’s how disruptive SHE behaved. Though she likely told her district manager she was only trying to “help” me, Benton was clearly trying to hurt me by targeting me with her SICKO, REVERSE SEXIST, PREDATORY behavior, violating Starbucks Third Place policy. See Starbucks Complaint #220226-004967 for full details. Bottom line, both Bego and Benton repeatedly tried confusing and controlling me, a Straight Male Christian customer, to effeminate and emasculate me to gaslight and dominate me to mistreat me like an abused bitch - major violations of Starbucks Third Place Policy and Starbucks Standards of Business Conduct that are unacceptable and unprofessional. When I rightly refused to be abused by them, those Starbucks store managers wrongly called the cops to wrongly remove me. Worse, the misleading Starbucks 2/28/22 letter wrongly punishes me doing right and protects them doing wrong – the EXACT OPPOSITE how it should be. In addition, mislabeling my words and/or actions “threatening” is libel, because I have NEVER threatened any Starbucks employee or customer, per Texas law, because I have NEVER made a Starbucks employee or customer reasonably fear that they will suffer a bodily injury, reasonably fear for their life, or reasonably fear their property is in danger of harm. 7 However, it’s possible a Starbucks employee or customer has FELT threatened by me lawfully calling out and defending myself from their abusive/harassing words and/or actions. Line 6 - “This behavior is unacceptable and we can no longer permit you to visit any of our Starbucks stores.” Because “this behavior” refers to behavior in Line 5 that is NOT specific, NOT evidence-based, NON-occurring, and/or rightly did occur in self-defense to being wrongly attacked by a Starbucks employee or customer, Starbucks is apparently communicating that lawfully and rightly standing my ground against bullying/harassment is “unacceptable”. Another words, in your upside-down letter, Starbucks is wrongly banning me, a targeted individual, for rightly refusing to be a victim. In right-side up reality, the attacking Starbucks employees’ and customers’ behavior is unacceptable, and THEY should be banned from working or visiting Starbucks. Line 7 - “Please understand that if you choose to ignore this notice and return to one of our locations, you will be considered a trespasser.” Because Starbucks apparently cannot handle me NOT allowing myself to be bullied or harassed by guilty Starbucks employees or customers, Starbucks does NOT want me around to show Starbucks customers or employees how to lawfully defeat the satanic SICKO attackers and destroy their works. Therefore, Starbucks wants to wrongly label me (“trespasser”) for rightly returning to a Starbucks location in Austin, TX. Line 8 - “In that instance, we may elect to call the police or take other legal steps to protect our stores, customers, and partners.” Therefore, Starbucks wants to mislabel me (“trespasser”) to criminalize me, though Starbucks should call the police and take other legal steps to PROTECT ME against the guilty Starbucks employees and customers attacking me who should be removed. Line 9 - “If you have any questions concerning this notice, please contact our Customer Service Specialist at or at (800) 782 – 7282.” 8 Contacting Starbucks Customer Service Specialist is the WRONG way to proceed. The right way is to use the Starbucks website to file this new complaint against Starbucks District Manager Anthony Rose, who handed me the 2/28/22 Starbucks “Customer Restriction” letter in person on 2/28/22 at about 10:45 AM (Texas time) at Starbucks Store #691 at 3300 Bee Cave Road, Austin, TX and is its likely author though NO one signed it, because that online process generates an official complaint number I can reference.” STARBUCKS COMPLAINT #220304-011786 – PART 2 Then, in addition to the information above (the 2/28/22 letter and its deconstruction), I told Starbucks the following: “Bottom line, because Starbucks says, “All partners are entitled to work in an environment that is free of harassment, bullying and discrimination,” (Starbucks Standards of Business Conduct – The Workplace – How We Treat One Another), all Starbucks CUSTOMERS should be entitled to a store environment free of harassment, bullying and discrimination. In fact, Starbucks Third Place policy says, “we expect everyone in our third place community to treat others with respect and dignity, free of bias and discrimination.“ Therefore, since Starbucks employees and customers are part of “everyone” in the Starbucks third place community, Starbucks employees and customers are expected to treat me with respect and dignity, free of bias and discrimination. However, as Complaints #220224-009948 and #220226-004967 show, guilty Starbucks Store Managers Morgan Bego (Store #49678 at 1200 Barton Springs Rd., Austin, TX) and Jill Benton (Store #6284 – 504 W. 24th in Austin, TX) VIOLATED Starbucks Third Place Policy by disrespecting me with their indignity, full of bias and discrimination against me. Because “Starbucks does not tolerate retaliation against or the victimization of any partner who raises concerns or questions regarding a potential violation of the Standards of Business Conduct or any Starbucks policy that he or she reasonably believes to have occurred” (Starbucks Standards of Business Conduct - Living Our Values), Starbucks should NOT tolerate retaliation against or victimization of Starbucks customers, like me, for raising concerns regarding violations of the Starbucks Standards of Business Conduct and Starbucks Third Place Policy. Yet, the Starbucks 2/28/22 “Customer Restriction” letter addressed to me is a retaliation against me to wrongly victimize and punish me for rightly whistleblowing. 9 Though Starbucks Third Place Policy says, “Anyone not contributing to a safe and welcoming environment will be asked to change their behavior”, the documented guilty attacking/harassing employees and/or customers allegedly have NOT been asked to change their wrong behavior. Though Starbucks Third Place Policy says, “Anyone not changing their behavior may be asked to leave the store with possible assistance from law enforcement”, Starbucks apparently has NOT asked the guilty harassing/attacking employees or customers to leave the store, but instead wrongly banned me for rightly standing my ground against them. Therefore, since “holding ourselves accountable for results” is a Starbucks core value (Starbucks Standards of Business Conduct - Living Our Values), IMMEDIATELY overturn, in writing, the wrongful 2/28/22 “Customer Restriction” against me so that I have unfettered access to ALL Starbucks in Austin, TX and am treated with respect and dignity, free of bias and discrimination, by ALL Starbucks employees at ALL Starbucks locations. Send the rightful written overturn of the wrongful 2/28/22 “Customer Restriction” , as an attached PDF, to 2 . Otherwise, expect me to speak publicly and share written evidence about all this with the public at large to justify my public call to boycott all Starbucks stores in Austin, TX and crash your stock until you do.” EVIDENCE EXHIBITS FOR BBB Therefore, to facilitate BBB’s assistance in obtaining a specific resolution to my claim - an official written letter from Starbucks rightly overturning its 2/28/22 Customer Restriction against me (so that I am welcome at ALL Starbucks), I have included below Exhibits 1 – 35, in chronological order within each subsection, organized as follow: EXHIBIT 1: 2/28/22 STARBUCKS CUSTOMER RESTRICTION LETTER EXHIBITS 2 – 11: STARBUCKS STORE BANS AGAINST ME EXHIBITS 12 – 28: STARBUCKS EMPLOYEES HARASSING/BULLYING ME EXHIBITS 29 – 34: STARBUCKS CUSTOMERS HARASSING/BULLYING ME EXHIBIT 35: STARBUCKS EMPLOYEE RECOGNITION 10 Exhibits 2 – 34 are Starbucks Complaints against guilty employees and/or customers, documenting an unacceptable long-term systemic abuse pattern against me that violates Starbucks Standards of Business Conduct and Starbucks Third Place Policy. Exhibit 35 is an example of my unsolicited recognition of Starbucks employees treating me right, following Starbucks Standards of Business Conduct and Starbucks Third Place Policy. Note: On page 92, my brief CONCLUSION section follows the exhibits. [GO TO NEXT PAGE] 11 EXHIBIT 1 2/28/22 Starbucks Customer Restriction Letter 12 _______________________________________________________________________ STARBUCKS STORE BANS (10 TOTAL) _______________________________________________________________________ EXHIBIT 2 CARLOS LEÓN Follow-up to COMPLAINT #211227-016315 (12/27/21) [#220226-004967] . February 26, 2022 11:43 AM (Texas Time) To: Starbucks Corporate Office 2401 Utah Avenue South Seattle, WA 98134 CC: Ms. Susan Smith Nixon District Manager – downtown Austin (808) 936-1083 From: Mr. Carlos León Subj: Feb. 26, 2022, between 8:30 AM and 9:00 AM, at Store #6284 – 504 W. 24th in Austin, TX, guilty old White female store manager with “butch” short gray/white hair, allegedly named Jill Benton, again repeatedly, unacceptably, and wrongly acted unprofessionally and disrespectfully, like an UGLY, FAT, LOSER FEMINIST COUGAR STALKER/PREDATOR CUNT BITCH TROLL against me, a younger Straight Christian Male customer, all initiated by her (again). Recommended actions: IMMEDIATELY and PERMANENTLY FIRE guilty old White female Store Manager Jill Benton and IMMEDIATELY replace her with a much YOUNGER, HOTTER, PRETTIER STRAIGHT female store manager who’ll treat me professionally and courteously all the time – the way it should be always CHK: 724634 – 2/26/22 - 08:37 AM 13 Details: Guilty old White female store manager with “butch” short gray/white hair, allegedly named Jill Benton, launching multiple verbal and psychological attacks against me within two minutes of me peacefully entering Store #6284 – 504 W. 24th in Austin, TX. See Episodes 1 - 4 below. Episode 1 -.I was first peacefully organizing my gear in the southeast corner of the cafe, at my seat at the head of the long rectangular table, when guilty old White female Store Manager Jill Benton unnecessarily and intentionally approached me to unnecessarily verbally “praise” me for only taking up two seats with me and my gear. Know that at that time of the morning, there were several empty seats available at that long rectangular table, as well as throughout the cafe. Therefore, her unnecessary, uninvited, and unwanted visit to my seat, and unnecessary “praise”, were really artificial pretexts to try forcing an unnecessary interaction with me to try wrongly stopping me from what I was rightly doing, try wrongly redirecting my attention from what I was rightly doing onto her, and try wrongly and unnecessarily validating what I was already doing without her. That’s all about her wrongly and unnecessarily trying to exert POWER and CONTROL over me she doesn’t have. Therefore, I silently and peacefully defeated her verbal, psychological, and spiritual passive-aggressive attack by ignoring her and turning away from her, staying focused on getting settled in my seat to silently do my laptop work, like any other customer. She then rightly walked away from me. Episode 2 - A couple of minutes later, I was peacefully at the counter rightly doing business with a young male barista who was rightly treating me professionally and respectfully. He was correctly processing my order and payment for my one avocado spread and one small cup of ice only, with lid. See CHK 724634 – 2/26/22 – 08:37 AM for details. Because I already had my avocado spread in hand, which I showed the young male barista when I was ordering, he knew NOT to get one for me. However, uninvited and unwanted, guilty old White female Store Manager Jill Benton then unnecessarily put ANOTHER avocado spread on the counter, trying to either make me take a second avocado spread I had NOT paid for (to criminalize me) or replace my avocado spread that I had paid for and chosen for myself with hers, the one she had chosen for me. Again, that’s all about her wrongly and unnecessarily trying to exert POWER and CONTROL over me she doesn’t have Therefore, I defeated her second psychological and spiritual attack by rightly NOT touching the second avocado spread that she had wrongly and unnecessarily put on the counter. Then, as soon as the young male barista and I had successfully concluded doing business, I told him that the second avocado spread that she had wrongly put on the counter would go bad if it were not returned to the refrigeration section she had just taken it from. Then I peacefully walked away. going back to my seat. Episode 3 – Instead of rightly returning the second avocado spread to the refrigeration section where she had unnecessarily taken it from, she wrongly put it in her hand and wrongly followed me/STALKED me back to my seat, repeatedly trying to force another unnecessary, uninvited, unwanted interaction with me, repeatedly asking me “Sir? Sir? Didn’t you order an avocado spread? Didn’t you order an avocado spread?”, knowing I already had the one avocado spread I paid for, the one I chose, in hand with receipt. 14 Therefore, all her unnecessary questions were asked to try wrongly stopping me from what I was rightly doing, try wrongly redirecting my attention from what I was rightly doing with my gear/laptop, onto her, and try making me answer her unnecessary questions to accommodate and serve her when, where, and how she wanted, though it’s her job to answer my necessary Starbucks questions to accommodate and serve me when, where, and how I choose inside Starbucks. Therefore, for the third time, that was all about her wrongly and unnecessarily trying to exert POWER and CONTROL over me she doesn’t have Therefore, I again silently and peacefully defeated her verbal, psychological, and spiritual passive- aggressive attack by again ignoring her and turning away from her, staying focused on getting settled in my seat to silently do my laptop work, like any other customer. However, this time, she did NOT walk away. This time, however, she wrongly REFUSED to walk away from me, standing way too close to me (within two feet), telling me she was the store manager. At that point, I turned to face her, directly telling her to stop harassing me, stay away from me, and expect this complaint to filed against her with Starbucks Corporate. She then answered that she’d be filing a complaint against me. I told her to go for it. Then she finally walked away from me. Episode 4 - A few minutes later, when I was silently and peacefully sitting at my seat, working on my laptop to start writing this complaint against her, University of Texas/Austin police officers approached me at my seat, telling me they were called in by guilty old White female Store Manager Jill Benton to issue a Criminal Trespass Notification (CTN) against me. I told them how she had repeatedly targeted me, how I had lawfully defended myself against her attacks to NOT allow her to wrongly bully or control me, and that she had NEVER asked me to leave before. Therefore, as soon as I told the attending officers that this was the first time I had been asked to leave that Starbucks, and that I was willing to leave then and there because Texas law says that any private business can ask a customer to leave at any time, the officers had NO problem with me leaving without issuing me a CTN, because I had done nothing wrong. Guilty old White female Store Manager Jill Benton was doing everything wrong. So, in front of the officers, guilty old White female Store Manager Jill Benton then wrongly told me for the first time that I was no longer welcome at Store #6284 – 504 W. 24th in Austin, TX, though it’s guilty old White female Store Manager Jill Benton who should be IMMEDIATELY and PERMANENTLY removed from Store #6284 – 504 W. 24th in Austin, TX. In response, I told the officers to expect me to file this complaint with Starbucks Corporate to get this wrongful ban rightly overturned, in writing, by Starbucks Corporate. Then I left, but NOT before telling the officers to stay there until I exited the property so guilty old White female Store Manager Jill Benton could NOT falsely claim to Starbucks that I had not complied, when I had. Therefore, guilty old White female Store Manager Jill Benton wrongly and unnecessarily escalated the problems SHE wrongly and unnecessarily caused by wrongly and unnecessarily retaliating against me for rightly NOT allowing her to bully or control me, a younger Straight Christian Male customer, she is paid by Starbucks to professionally and respectfully accommodate and serve how, when, and where I choose inside Starbucks. See COMPLAINT #211227-016315 from 12/27/21 documenting how this is NOT the first time she’s tried such SHIT against me. 15 In fact, I have been wrongly banned from several Starbucks stores in Austin, TX for rightly not allowing myself to be wrongly bullied by Starbucks staff and/or customers. See Complaints #200918- 003769 – 9/18/20, #210121-006285 – 1/20/21, #210610-001052 – 6/9/21, #210707-011133 – 7/7/21, #210906-000330 – 9/5/21, #210927-012113 – 9/27/21, #211118-001408 – 11/17/21, and #220224-009948 – 2/24/22. Therefore, Starbucks has a MAJOR, SYSTEMIC MANAGEMENT PROBLEM across many Starbucks in Austin, TX that needs to be fixed YESTERDAY because while I follow your Third Place policy, several of your employees are violating it, including store managers Morgan Bego at Store #49678 at 1200 Barton Springs Rd., Austin, TX (#220224-009948 – 2/24/22) and Jill Benton at Store #6284 – 504 W. 24th in Austin, TX in the past three days. This is yet another example of SPIRITUAL WARFARE happening here and now in this fallen world. This is what happens in the UPSIDE-DOWN (like from Netflix’s “Stranger Things”) when evil pushes their catastrophic, destructive BIG LIES (i.e., Biden won the 2020 election, the deadly MRNA spike protein jab kill shot is a vaccine that will help you, abortion is planned parenthood). Unless and until Starbucks fixes this MAJOR, SYSTEMIC MANAGEMENT PROBLEM against me here in Austin, TX, expect me to spread the word about it to use the court of public opinion against you. Carlos León ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- God Bless healthy, normal, STRAIGHT patriarchal America. God Bless President Trump, who truly won the 2020 election in a landslide, counting each and every legal, legitimate vote one time only, with equal weighting only. MAGA. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________ EXHIBIT 3 CARLOS LEÓN FOLLOW-UP TO COMPLAINT #220121-007775 (1/21/22) [#220224-009948] To: Starbucks Corporate Office 2401 Utah Avenue South February 24, 2022 4:11 PM (Texas Time) 16 CC: District manager (Downtown Austin) Susan Smith Nixon Seattle, WA 98134 (808) 936-1083 From: Mr. Carlos León Re: 2/24/22, 7:55 AM – 8:10 AM, Store #49678 at 1200 Barton Springs Rd., Austin, TX Subj: 2nd Complaint against GUILTY, tall, older White male (allegedly Store manager Morgan Bego)’s continuing, escalating, unprofessional, abusive, upside-down, ass-backwards, ALIEN, SICKO HOMO TROLL STALKER/PREDATOR harassment behavior against me, a younger Straight Male Christian customer Recommended action: IMMEDIATELY and PERMANENTLY FIRE Store Manager Morgan Bego – a PUBLIC SAFETY THREAT Details: Between 7:55 AM and 8:10 AM at Store #49678 at 1200 Barton Springs Rd., Austin, TX, I peacefully approached the counter to order. GUILTY, tall, older White male (allegedly Store Manager Morgan Bego) saw me and chose to take my order, though there were many Starbucks baristas behind the counter who could and should have done so. Therefore, Store Manager Morgan Bego allegedly intentionally forced an unnecessary interaction with me. Nonetheless, I ordered one avocado spread (in hand) and one small cup of ice only, with lid. I put the owed $1.35 in cash and coinage on the counter in front of him and told him yes to receipt. He then asked me my name – a standard Starbucks question for a drink order, to distinguish one customer’s drink from another, but NOT for a small cup of ice only...which he should know. So I told him he didn’t need my name. However, instead of just moving forward without my name to process the cash transaction (like a normal, healthy human being), he apparently became angry because I did NOT give him what he wanted (my name) and because I did NOT answer his unnecessary question to NOT accommodate or serve him when, where and how he wanted, though it’s his job to answer my necessary Starbucks questions to accommodate and serve me, the paying customer, when, where, and how I choose. So he then asked me a second unnecessary question, something like “Is there anything else?” (that I wanted to order), though the $1.35 was already in front of him in plain view and I had already told him “yes to receipt” to clearly and respectfully communicate that I was done ordering. Therefore, I defeated his verbal, psychological, and spiritual attack by silently looking him in the eye to NOT answer, respond, or acknowledge his BULLSHIT question. In return, he not only continued NOT processing the business transaction but he stupidly repeated himself, again asking something like, “Is there anything else?” 17 Therefore, Store manager Morgan Bego apparently was wrongly thinking that if he stupidly repeated himself, his second asking of the same question would signal an increased importance to his unnecessary question that would somehow impel me to answer it, though I rightly didn’t answer it the first time; Therefore, Bego foolishly acted like Demi Moore in “A Few Good Men” (1992), when she, an attorney, first objects in a court of law, gets overruled by the judge, then, like a moron, strenuously objects , acting as if her strenuous objection would then change the judge’s mind, which it didn’t. Instead, she horribly embarrassed herself and her legal team. Therefore I defeated Bego’s newest verbal, psychological, and spiritual attack by again NOT acknowledging, answering, or responding to it to NOT allow Bego to confuse and control me to effeminate and emasculate me to gaslight and dominate me to mistreat me like an abused bitch, which was Bego’s overall tacit objective. In fact, because Bego was wrongly acting like an ABUSIVE BITCH, I then rightly refocused him on the business at hand, asking him if he was having trouble processing the transaction - the transaction he was wrongly, intentionally, and unnecessarily refusing to finish. Instead of rightly answering my relevant question, Bego wrongly tried telling me to NOT be “rude”, though Bego was being rude by NOT processing the transaction at hand and by trying to wrongly force me to answer his unnecessary, out-of-place questions. Therefore Bego was trying to PROJECT his SICKO, ABUSIVE BULLSHIT behavior onto me. HELL NO. So I called out his SICKO, ABUSIVE BULLSHIT to his face, telling him he was being rude by NOT processing the transaction at hand and by trying to wrongly force me to answer his unnecessary, out-of- place questions. In response, he told me to leave, apparently because I would NOT allow him to bully, gaslight, or otherwise mistreat me. So I then told him loud and clear in from of his fellow employees that his HOMOSEXUAL HARASSMENT against me, a Straight MAN, would NOT be tolerated, and that I’d be filing this complaint against him with Starbucks Corporate. I then asked him HIS name for this complaint. Bego REFUSED to provide it, saying he’d give me his business card, which he did NOT do, making him a LIAR, which I made clear loud and proud, then and there, to his fellow employees. Only after that did a sensible young white female barista provide me Morgan Bego’s business card. I took it from her and told her I was leaving, because though I TOTALLY REJECT ALL of Bego’s BULLSHIT, I was NOT going to be issued a CTN (Criminal Trespass Notification) and/or be arrested by the Austin Police Department (APD) for Criminal Trespass after management had told me to go, which was Bego’s apparent goal because he was then on the phone, apparently calling for APD to remove me. Still, before I left, I let the baristas there know loud and clear that Bego’s behavior was ALL WRONG, and therefore should NOT be followed. Also, Bego was also apparently wrongly retaliating against me for the first complaint I rightly filed against him for wrongly HOMOSEXUALLY 18 HARASSING/STALKING me, a Straight Christian male customer, at Store #49678, documented in Complaint #220121-007775 from 1/21/22. In fact, this is NOT the first time a HOMOSEXUAL Male Starbucks store manager has WRONGLY tried bullying me and WRONGLY told me to leave for NOT allowing him to HOMOSEXUALLY HARASS/BULLY me, a Straight Christian Male customer. See Complaints #200918-003769 – 9/18/20, #210707-011133 – 7/7/21, and #210906-000330 – 9/5/21. In addition, I have also been wrongly banned from other Starbucks stores for rightly NOT allowing Starbucks baristas and/or customers to wrongly BULLY/HARASS me. See Complaints #210121-006285 – 1/20/21; #210610-001052 – 6/9/21; #210927-012113 – 9/27/21; and #211118- 001408 – 11/17/21. Bottom line, many Starbucks stores in Austin are wrongly run by store managers who wrongly target and/or discriminate against me, a Straight Christian Male customer, for rightly NOT allowing myself to be BULLIED/HARASSED. This is yet another example of SPIRITUAL WARFARE happening here and now in this fallen world. This is what happens in the UPSIDE-DOWN (like from Netflix’s “Stranger Things”) when evil pushes their catastrophic, destructive LIES (i.e., Biden won the 2020 election, the deadly MRNA spike protein jab kill shot is a vaccine that will help you, abortion is planned parenthood). Carlos León ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- God Bless healthy, normal, STRAIGHT patriarchal America. God Bless President Trump, who truly won the 2020 election in a landslide, counting each and every legal, legitimate vote one time only, with equal weighting only. MAGA. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- __________________________________________________________________________________ EXHIBIT 4 Complaint #211202-001434 December 1, 2021 - 8:29 PM To: Starbucks Corporate Office 2401 Utah Avenue South Seattle, WA 98134 From: Mr. Carlos León CC: Store manager Emily Pruitt 19 CC: District manager Susan Smith Nixon Downtown Austin (808) 936-1083 Re: Being wrongly banned from Starbucks Store# 06319 at 5th and Lamar in Austin, TX, 78703 Requested Action: Immediately overturn this BULLSHIT ban Details: November 29, 2021, between 10:00 AM and 10:20 AM, a Black male security guard approached me at my table inside Starbucks Store# 06319 at 5th and Lamar (Austin, TX) and told me I had to leave. I peacefully and silently complied. As I was leaving, he told me Starbucks Store# 06319 at 5th and Lamar (Austin, TX) did NOT want me to come back. However, NO Starbucks employee ever approached me or spoke to me prior to the arrival of the Black male security guard. Though NO Starbucks employee ever told me or warned me of any problem, the security guard said he’d caught me “sleeping” inside Starbucks, a violation of Starbucks Third Place Policy. Though I appeared to be sleeping, I was NOT sleeping; I was in “sleep mode” imposed on me by an external entity attacking me wirelessly. About 10 – 15 minutes before the security guard told me I had to leave, my wireless laptop connection to Starbucks Wi-Fi was repeatedly cut off, though the Starbucks Wi-Fi was working and very strong (5 bars). There did NOT appear to be a problem with the Starbucks server or the network itself because NO other Starbucks customer reported any Wi-Fi problems appeared to have or report any problems at that time. Because my laptop was working fine, the strong, working Starbucks Wi-Fi connection to my laptop appeared to be repeatedly hacked/attacked wirelessly by an external entity ALIEN to this realm. The hacker/attacker, which seemed to be ALIEN, INTERDIMENSIONAL and/or SUPERNATURALLY EVIL in nature, was repeatedly blocking me from viewing online conservative Christian, Pro-Trump content and the truth about MRNA spike protein shots. After rightly reconnecting again each and every time I was wrongly cut off, the enemy finally wirelessly attack MY MIND and BODY by making my eyes so heavy, I could NOT keep them open though I was actually NOT tired, was NOT bored, and do NOT suffer from sleep apnea. Within 10 seconds of the attack, I was forced into “sleep mode” though I wanted to be awake. Though it looked like I was sleeping, I was NOT; I was being kept from being awake – HUGE DIFFERENCE. Therefore, I was allegedly targeted by a satanic, low-frequency, psycho-electronic attack. See Civil Action 92-0449 at [Point 1 – Psycho-Electronic Weapons Effects] for details. Therefore, I, a whistleblower, a targeted individual, was set up to be removed from Starbucks Store# 06319 at 5th and Lamar (Austin, TX) by someone or something that did NOT want me to be there any more. Because NO Starbucks employee ever warned me about “sleeping”, or politely asked me what was going on, almost certainly one or more Starbucks employees at Starbucks Store# 06319 at 5th and 20 Lamar (Austin, TX) that morning is the guilty attacker and/or collaborated with the attacker. Find out which Starbucks employee summoned the security guard without first speaking to me. Bottom line: Because I was appropriately using the coffee shop space (silently working on my laptop) and following Starbucks Third Place Policy (except for temporarily being in a “sleep mode” that was NOT my choice), I should NOT have been banned. Therefore, immediately overturn this BULLSHIT ban. God Bless America. God Bless President Trump, who truly won the 2020 election in a landslide, counting each and every legal, legitimate vote one time only, with equal weighting only. Respectfully, Carlos León ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- __________________________________________________________________________________ EXHIBIT 5 Complaint – Follow-up to #211110-003722 and #211027-012376 (#211118-001408 ) November 17, 2021 - 9:20 PM To: Starbucks Corporate Office 2401 Utah Avenue South Seattle, WA 98134 From: Mr. Carlos León CC: District manager (NW Austin/Killeen) Anthony Rose Store Manager “Beth” wrongly banned me from the Starbucks located at 3317 Northland Drive, Re: Austin, TX 78731 Requested Action: Immediately overturn this BULLSHIT ban and punish Store Manager “Beth” Details: Today, November 17, 2021, around 10:00 AM, Store Manager “Beth” approached me at the Starbucks located at 3317 Northland Drive, Austin, TX 78731 and told me I had to leave and NOT come back because staff and customers felt “threatened” by me. I was silent, sitting at the long rectangular table, in the seat at the northwest corner, facing east, focused on my laptop screen, with earbuds on, when Store Manager “Beth” approached me and told me I had to leave and NOT come back because staff and customers felt “threatened” by me. However, no specific examples were told to me, even after I asked, though Store Manager “Beth” claimed to have observed some. 21 I do know that the morning of November 17, 2021, when I respectfully ordered a small cup of ice only with NO lid, the overweight (Hispanic?) female barista brought me a small cup of ice with a lid firmly pressed down on the lip of the cup. So I took the lid OFF the cup of ice, left the lid with her, and walked back to my seat at the table. I did NOT get angry with her or say anything to her about it, though she likely put the lid on my cup of ice to NOT fully fill my order the way I wanted, to try forcing the lid on me to bully me into accepting the order the way she wanted, to accept her unwanted, uninvited, unacceptable alteration to my order to passive-aggressively attack me. Therefore, she allegedly put the NOT-ordered lid on my cup of ice to try confusing and controlling me to effeminate and emasculate me to gaslight and dominate me to mistreat me like an abused bitch, which I DON’T allow. If NOT allowing her to mistreat me makes her feel “threatened,” SHE’S the problem to be banned, NOT me. I also know that immediately before Store Manager “Beth” approached me and told me to leave, I had just returned from the restroom. When I went to the one available customer restroom (the other is currently being used for product storage), I tried opening the door once, but found it locked. So I backed up and waited 8 – 10 feet from the door so that I was NOT obstructing the path from the restroom to the main seating/working area. When the door opened, a female barista left the restroom (different from the overweight female barista who put the lid on my cup of ice). I looked her in the eye and she looked me in the eye as she left and walked by me. I did NOT say anything to her, stand near her, obstruct her, follow her, or touch her as she walked by me. I then went to the restroom by myself. A couple minutes later I exited the restroom, returned to my seat, and refocused on my laptop screen. A minute or two later, Store Manager “Beth” approached me and told me to leave. I also know that a couple different female customers, wearing dark sunglasses INSIDE the store, tried staring me down at my seat – an attempted power/intimidation move I defeated by putting my dark sunglasses on and staring back at them until they stopped and/or walked away from me. After that, I kept my dark sunglasses on to stare at my laptop screen to be left alone to focus on my computer work. I also often wear earbuds in my ears to listen to audio through my laptop at Starbucks. Therefore, if those attacking female customers felt “threatened” by me NOT allowing them to intimidate or psychologically bully me with their dark sunglasses/staring tactics, then they’re the problem to be banned, NOT me. Bottom line: Though I left when Store Manager “Beth” told me to leave, I should NOT have been banned. Lawful self-defense against attack should be rewarded, NOT punished. Therefore, immediately overturn this BULLSHIT ban and punish Store Manager “Beth” God Bless America. God Bless President Trump, who truly won the 2020 election in a landslide, counting each and every legal, legitimate vote one time only, with equal weighting only. Respectfully, Carlos León ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 22 __________________________________________________________________________________ EXHIBIT 6 CARLOS LEÓN COMPLAINT #210927-012113 September 27, 2021 1:20 PM (Texas Time) To: Starbucks Corporate Office 2401 Utah Avenue South Seattle, WA 98134 CC: Ms. Susan Smith Nixon District Manager – downtown Austin (808) 936-1083 From: Mr. Carlos León Subj: On Sept. 26, 2021, between 3:45 PM and 5:35 PM, at 38th and Guadalupe Starbucks Store (#09612), located at 3706 Guadalupe Street, Austin, TX 78705, White female store manager Sarah wrongly BANNED me for one year from that store for rightly and lawfully defending myself against an ABUSIVE, HOMOSEXUAL/TRANS DEMON HOMELESS STALKER “customer”, allegedly named ”Patrick”, who has repeatedly followed me into that store solely to stare at me (a Straight Christian Male Customer) to try distracting me from my work (on my laptop), try interacting with me (though I have previously, explicitly, and directly told “Patrick” to stay away from me), and force me to directly push back against all that SICKO STALKER SHIT behavior because ignoring “Patrick” only encourages “Patrick”, and because store manager Sarah wrongly refuses to ban “Patrick” to wrongly harbor and protect that SICKO, ABUSIVE, STALKING HOMOSEXUAL/TRANS DEMON HOMELESS PIECE OF SHIT TROLL who belongs only in the state mental hospital across the street. Requested Actions: 1) Immediately OVERTURN/RESCIND Sarah’s ass-backwards, upside-down BANNING of me 2) Immediately coach, reprogram, and retrain White female store manager Sarah to rightly punish ABUSIVE STALKING TROLL behavior from “customers” who DON’T belong there for violating Starbucks Third Place policy, and rightly protect otherwise peaceful customers like me who consistently follow your Starbucks Third Place policy. 23 3) Immediately BAN “Patrick” from 38th and Guadalupe Starbucks Store (#09612), located at 3706 Guadalupe Street, Austin, TX 78705 Details: On Sept. 26, 2021, at approximately 3:45 PM, ABUSIVE, HOMOSEXUAL/TRANS DEMON HOMELESS STALKER “customer”, allegedly named “Patrick,” entered Starbucks on 38th and Guadalupe, Store #09612, located at 3706 Guadalupe Street, Austin, TX 78705. “Patrick” sat at a table along the Guadalupe-side window, about 12 - 15 feet away from me sitting in the booth closest to the counter, facing that Guadalupe-side window. Because “Patrick” was initially NOT approaching me, staring at me, speaking to me, or HOMOSEXUALLY harassing me, a Straight Christian Male customer, I said nothing to “Patrick” or Starbucks staff; I simply ignored ‘Patrick” and stayed focused on the baptist preaching sermon I was watching/hearing on my laptop. However, “Patrick” then repeatedly tried getting my attention in obvious ways that did NOT violate Starbucks Third Policy, repeatedly (8 – 10 times) walking back and forth in front of me (about 10 feet away from me) to throw some tiny piece of trash into the trash receptacle closest to the store entrance. In response, I continued ignoring him, staying focused on the baptist sermon on my laptop. So “Patrick” then would repeatedly (about 3 times) walk part way to the trash receptacle, stop in front of me (about 10 feet away from me), and start stretching (reaching for the ceiling) to try getting my attention. In response, I continued ignoring him, staying focused on the baptist sermon on my laptop. Then “Patrick” walked to the counter closest to me (about 6 feet away from me) for no apparent reason, but to get my attention. In response, I continued ignoring him, staying focused on the baptist sermon on my laptop. Then, at about 4:55 PM (5 minutes before closing that day), “Patrick” unnecessarily walked to the booth area I was sitting in and sat down in the opposite corner (about 6 feet away from me). Because a regular Black Male customer was sitting between me and ‘Patrick” in the booth area and because I was putting away my laptop and getting ready to leave, I continued ignoring “Patrick.” However, as soon as that buffering Black Male customer got up to leave, “Patrick” violated Starbucks Third Place policy by moving closer to me (within 6 feet), repeatedly waving at me to try getting my attention, and talking to me, saying stuff like “Good to see you again….” Therefore, only then, at closing time (they closed early, 5 PM, that day), with the store nearly empty, did I then actively and lawfully defend myself from Patrick’s escalating, continuing, ABUSIVE, STALKING SHIT behavior by loudly, angrily, and clearly yelling at “Patrick,” something like, “I ALREADY TOLD YOU TO STAY AWAY FROM ME, YOU SICKO TRANS DEMON STALKING PIECE OF SHIT!” Of course, “Patrick” already knew this because of the last two times “Patrick” tried similarly STALKING and HARASSING me at Starbucks on 38th and Guadalupe, Store #09612, located at 3706 Guadalupe Street, Austin, TX 78705. Both times I told Starbucks staff/management, who said they’d speak to “Patrick” about it and handle it. Yet, despite whatever they said to “Patrick,” “Patrick” continues HOMOSEXUALLY STALKING and HARASSING me, a Straight Christian Male Customer at Starbucks. 24 In addition, “Patrick” has similarly stalked me OUTSIDE that Starbucks at nearby bus stops [38th and Lamar; Rosedale Station]. Each and every time I ignored “Patrick” until he got within 6 feet of me and started trying to get my attention/speaking at me. Then I lawfully defended myself by using loud, strong language and visible anger to make ‘Patrick” get away and stay from me, because it was clear each and every time “Patrick” was at the bus stop to STALK me, not to catch a bus. In fact, the “Patrick” problem started several weeks ago at a different bus stop, where and when, not knowing “Patrick”, I briefly spoke with Patrick like a human being. In return, Patrick started saying all kinds of CRAZY SHIT to me, including: 1) he and I should go to go Colorado together to heal workers from the EXXON Valdes (ship that spilled all that oil into the ocean); and 2) he sleeps behind Lone Star Kolaches (on 38th and Lamar) When he then asked for my number to “stay in touch”, I simply walked away from “Patrick” and walked to Starbucks to get some work done (on my laptop), figuring him to be a homeless nut job released/escaped from the nearby State mental Hospital to avoid. However, less than an hour later, ‘Patrick” followed me to Starbucks Store (#09612 - 38th and Guadalupe) to start STALKING me. Yet, despite all this, store manager Sarah wrongly punished me and protected “Patrick”, allegedly because she didn’t like me lawfully defending myself by using my loud voice and angry demeanor against ABUSIVE ATTACKER “Patrick.” Sarah said Starbucks was now closed, to leave, and that I was no longer welcome there. Then Sarah called the Austin Police Department (APD), claiming I was being “disruptive” to get officers to come to the property. In response, I angrily and loudly told her I’d go and wait for the cops outside (off property), and to expect this complaint because I will NOT be wrongly punished for doing right and will NOT be targeted or bullied by “Patrick” - that ABUSIVE HOMELESS HOMO/TRANS PIECE OF SHIT STALKER. I then got my gear together, left the store/property, and waited outside on the nearby public sidewalk for APD to arrive to get their assistance to lawfully stop STALKER “Patrick.” Though Sarah officially banned me for a year in front of APD Officers Wolfe (#8927) and Carr (#9215), the two officers spent the majority of the time speaking with me, officially documenting “Patrick’s” HARASSMENT and STALKING behaviors against me inside and outside Starbucks, for APD Case No. 212691106. Though one female barista at Store #09612 once crazily described ‘Patrick”’s ABUSIVE STALKING TROLL behavior as “friendly”, the officers rightly recognized it as the exact opposite. In fact, her INSANE, UPSIDE-DOWN, ASS-BACKWARDS mindset is NOT limited to the Starbucks on 38th and Guadalupe (Store #09612). Your OBSESSION with making Starbucks a “safe space” for homo/trans/bi etc. and feminists has made many Starbucks environments DANGEROUS space/NO GO zone for us Straight Christian Male customers, resulting in me being wrongly banned for one year from other Starbucks stores: 25 See Complaint #210906-000330 about what happened 9/5/21 at Starbucks Store #06328 located at 45th and Lamar, Austin, TX, 78756 See Complaint #210707-011133 about what happened 7/7/21 at Starbucks Store #19801 - 3rd and Lavaca, Austin, TX See Complaint #210610-001052 about what happened 6/9/21 at Starbucks #06227 located at 2727 Exposition Blvd, Austin, TX 78703-1228 See Complaint #210121-006285 about what happened 1/20/21 at Starbucks #06251 (at HWY 183 & Breaker Ln (Randalls)) located at 10900 Research Lane, Austin, TX 78759 See Complaint #200918-003769 about what happened 9/14/20 at Starbucks located at 3317 Northland Drive, Austin, TX 78731. In addition, sometimes the SICKO, HOMOSEXUAL HARASSMENT behavior against me, a Straight Christian Male customer, comes from your baristas/management: See Complaint #210927-005527 documenting what happened 9/24/21 at 5th and Lamar Starbucks Store (#06319), located at 907 W. 5th St. Austin, TX 78703 See Complaint #210917-008840 documenting what happened 9/17/21 at Starbucks – Brodie Oaks Center on S. Lamar (Store #06388) located at 4006 S Lamar Blvd, Austin, TX 78704 See Complaint #210909-000309 documenting what happened 9/8/21 at 38th and Guadalupe Starbucks Store (#09612), located at 3706 Guadalupe Street, Austin, TX 78705, See Complaint #210906-000330 documenting what happened 9/5/21 at Starbucks Store #06328 (45th and Lamar, Austin, TX, 78756). See Complaint #210730-006749 about what happened 7/29/21 at Starbucks at Far West Blvd. at Hart Ln, located at 3637 Far West Blvd., Austin, TX 78731. See Complaint #210707-011133 about what happened 7/7/21 at Starbucks at 3rd & Lavaca (in downtown Austin). See Complaint #210626-008372 about what happened 6/25/21 at Starbucks at 3rd & Lavaca (in downtown Austin). See Complaint #210519-008927 about what happened 5/9/21 at Starbucks at Brodie Oaks Center on S. Lamar (Store #06388), located at 4006 S Lamar Blvd, Austin, TX 78704. See Complaint #200918-003769 about what happened 9/14/20 at Starbucks located at 3317 Northland Drive, Austin, TX 78731. 26 Therefore, stop bending over for the abusive, toxic, demonic LGBTQ mafia and man-hating feminists and start standing up for a healthy, normal, straight, traditional, God-fearing patriarchal America because I will NOT be targeted by them or dragged down into their satanic, upside-down, ass- backwards hell. This upside-down Matrix evil, which appears to be happening because the Kamala the Whore/Traitor Biden/Kenyan Obama cabal illegally stole the election from President Trump and is gaslighting America into believing their BULLSHIT(the true big lie), must be defeated and its works destroyed. President Trump won the 2020 election in a landslide, counting each and every legal, legitimate vote once only, with equal weighting. THIS IS SPIRITUAL WARFARE. TRUTH defeats lies. JUDGMENT’S COMING. GOD BLESS AMERICA. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN. ROMANS 12:19. LEVITICUS 20:13. Thanks in advance for your anticipated prompt accountability and corrective actions re: these matters -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- _________________________________________________________________________________ EXHIBIT 7 CARLOS LEÓN COMPLAINT (#210906-000330) September 5, 2021 6:45 PM (Texas Time) To: Starbucks Corporate Office 2401 Utah Avenue South Seattle, WA 98134 CC: Ms. Susan Smith Nixon District Manager – downtown Austin (808) 936-1083 From: Mr. Carlos León Subj: At Starbucks Store #06328 (45th and Lamar, Austin, TX, 78756) on 9/5/21, approximately between 2:10 and 2:20 PM, White Male Starbucks manager Tim wrongly targeted me after I rightly defended myself against a verbal, psychological, and spiritual attack by an older White Male customer harassing me, violating Starbucks Third Place policy. Requested Actions: 27 1) Immediately FIRE White Male Starbucks manager Tim 2) Immediately put this complaint in White Male Starbucks manager Tim’s personnel file and keep it there permanently to follow him wherever he goes 3) IMMEDIATELY overturn this store ban, and ALL the other store bans, against me because NONE of them should have been issued Details: At Starbucks Store #06328 (45th and Lamar, Austin, TX, 78756) on 9/5/21, approximately between 2:10 and 2:20 PM there was targeted, disrespectful HOMOSEXUAL HARASSMENT TROLL behavior by the guilty older homosexual White Male customer against me, a Straight Christian Male customer, going out of his way to try confusing and controlling me to effeminate and emasculate me to gaslight and dominate me to mistreat me like an abused bitch, though he acted like AN ABUSIVE BITCH who should be BANNED from Starbucks.. Specifically, I was peacefully and silently sitting at my table, by myself, listening to/watching a Christian sermon, with my earbuds plugged in - clearly communicating to the world to leave me alone because I was busy being in God’s word on Sunday. My bible was next to my laptop. However, guilty older homosexual White Male customer then violated your Third Place Policy by trying to distract me, by approaching me, which was unnecessary, uninvited, and unwelcome, by unnecessarily, unwelcomely, and repeatedly tapping MY bible with his finger, and unnecessarily and unwelcomely telling me MY Bible is “a good book”. Only an attacking demon acts that way, because any true Christian knows NOT to disturb another believer while He is focused on God’s word, which I was obviously was. Clearly, guilty older homosexual White Male attacking customer was trying to disturb and distract me from my peaceful and silent focus on/devotion to God’s word. Him wrongly touching/tapping my Bible was him trying to redirect my attention away from the sermon I was listening to/watching on my laptop on to him, because the attacking sicko homo POS older White Male customer wanted my personal attention, which I was giving solely to God at that time and space. Also, attacking sicko homo POS older White Male customer was repeatedly tapping MY Bible to “cross the line”, inappropriately and wrongly touching MY private property to try marking it as his, crossing my personal space boundary, to see if I’d allow it or not. That’s how attacking sicko homo POS sex offenders/predators behave. In addition, his unnecessary, uninvited, and unwelcome opinion about MY Bible (”good book”) was his demonic attempt to “validate” God’s word and act like a Christian, like he’s a friend, a brother in Christ; However, the truth is, based on what he did and said, when, where, and how, attacking sicko homo POS older White Male customer is an ENEMY. He also said those words and did those actions to try initiating a personal conversation with me to homosexually flirt with me, a Straight Christian Man. HELL NO. So I defeated his verbal, psychological, and spiritual attack by immediately looking him in the eye and telling him loud and clear to his face NOT to touch my private property ever again, to stay away from 28 me, and to expect me to go store management if he does not immediately comply because he’s violating Starbucks Third Policy. Attacking sicko homo POS older White Male customer refused to walk away at first, trying to silently stare me down for 10 – 15 seconds to try intimidating me and getting me to back down, which FAILED. I kept staring at him until he walked away from my table, which he should NEVER have approached to begin with. Though he was trying to stand over me, I remained seated in my chair showing store management I was in the right place at the right time doing the right thing and he was in the wrong place at the wrong time doing the wrong thing. After the attacking sicko homo POS older White Male customer finally walked away from me and my table, I went back to listening to/watching my video sermon, figuring that was the end of that. Yet, I was then approached by White Male Starbucks manager Tim. However, at first, I ignored him because he appeared to be another White Male stranger trying to mess with me, NOT a Starbucks employee. After walking away, Tim then returned to my table about five minutes later, claiming to be one of the store managers. So I gave him my attention. He told me he had observed the attack against me by sicko homo POS older White Male customer and my self-defense reaction. Tim then told me I had to lower my voice when speaking to other customers, or I’d be asked to leave, wrongly backing the abusive, older, homosexual White Male attacker’s aggressive, predatory, homosexual harassment behavior against me, the Straight Male customer, and wrongly punishing my righteous self-defense behavior that rightly stopped the attacking customer’s sicko, homo, bullying behavior in its tracks. So I immediately told Tim, who also appears to be homosexual based on his upside-down, ass- backwards mindset, that I would NOT be lowering my voice when standing up for God’s word and/or defending myself from attack because I will NOT be targeted by any of these sicko stalking trolls, whether they be sicko homos or feminist filth, both of whom have repeatedly stalked and attacked me at Starbucks Store #06328 (45th and Lamar, Austin, TX, 78756), as well as at other Starbucks stores. See Complaint #210829-005906 documenting the most previous incident at Starbucks Store #06328 (45th and Lamar, Austin, TX, 78756), taking place on 8/29/21. See Complaint #210730-006749 about what happened 7/29/21 at Starbucks at Far West Blvd. at Hart Ln, located at 3637 Far West Blvd., Austin, TX 78731. See Complaint #210707-011133 about what happened 7/7/21 at Starbucks at 3rd & Lavaca (in downtown Austin). See Complaint #210626-008372 about what happened 6/25/21 at Starbucks at 3rd & Lavaca (in downtown Austin). See Complaint #210610-001052 about what happened 6/9/21 at Starbucks at 2727 Exposition Blvd, Austin, TX 78703-1228. See Complaint #210519-008927 about what happened 5/9/21 at Starbucks at Brodie Oaks Center on S. Lamar (Store #06388), located at 4006 S Lamar Blvd, Austin, TX 78704. See Complaint #210328-009689 about what happened 3/28/21 at Starbucks – Walsh Tarlton and Bee Caves located at 3300 Bee Cave Road, Ste 250, Austin, TX 78746. 29 See Complaint #210121-006285 about what happened 1/20/21 at Starbucks at 10900 Research Blvd., Austin, TX 78759 HWY 183 & Breaker Ln (Randalls) (Store #06251). See Complaint #200918-003769 about what happened 9/14/20 at Starbucks located at 3317 Northland Drive, Austin, TX 78731. Other attacks were shared directly with on-site Starbucks staff, without filing an official complaint with Starbucks. Therefore, I then asked Tim for his name because I told him I’d be writing him up to Starbucks Corporate for his “blame the target” store mismanagement against me. Tim told me his name. I went back to my laptop at my table to start writing this complaint. In retaliation, Tim apparently called the Austin Police Department, because while I was silently typing up this complaint against him at my table, two White Male APD officers (Haworth #8909 and Criss #9057) showed up, telling me Tim was going to CTN (Criminal Trespass Notification) me in front of them, banning me from that property for one year. See APD Case #212480897. Therefore, Tim’s behavior was total BULLSHIT. If an older straight Male customer had done the same to a younger female customer that the attacking older homo Male customer did to me, Tim would almost certainly be praising her for “self- empowerment” and NOT telling her to lower her voice. He would NOT have called the cops on her. In fact, he’d likely be telling her to immediately come to him to CTN (Criminal Trespass Notification) any straight Man who harasses her at Starbucks. This upside- down, ass-backwards anti-Straight Male double standard promoted by Tim, and other Starbucks staff at Store #06328 (45th and Lamar, Austin, TX, 78756) as well as other Starbucks stores, is unprofessional and unacceptable. Systemically, there’s allegedly something wrong with Starbucks employee training because there are way too many Starbucks employees allowing, supporting, and/or rewarding such ABUSIVE, SICKO TROLL PREDATORY behavior against me, and punishing me for rightly and legally NOT taking any of it. Another words, some of your employees are wrongly attacking and/or removing me for rightly NOT being a victim. That’s INSANE because I follow your Third Place Policy rules, though my attackers don’t. This upside-down Matrix evil, which appears to be happening because the Kamala the Whore/Traitor Biden/Kenyan Obama cabal illegally stole the election from President Trump and is gaslighting America into believing their BULLSHIT(the true big lie), must be defeated and its works destroyed. President Trump won the 2020 election in a landslide, counting each and every legal, legitimate vote once only, with equal weighting. THIS IS WAR. TRUTH defeats lies. JUDGMENT’S COMING. GOD BLESS AMERICA. MAGA. ROMANS 12:19. LEVITICUS 20:13. Expect me to speak publicly about all this within seven days and share the evidence with the world. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 30 ___________________________________________________________________________________ EXHIBIT 8 COMPLAINT (#210707-011133) July 7, 2021 To: Starbucks Corporate Office 2401 Utah Avenue South Seattle, WA 98134 From: Mr. Carlos León Cc: Ms. Susan Smith Nixon District Manager – downtown Austin (808) 936-1083 Following up complaint #19801 - 3rd & Lavaca) wrongly called APD on me (Case No. 21-1880419) to wrongly CTN (Criminal Trespass Notification) me to wrongly ban me from Store #19801 (3rd & Lavaca) to wrongly retaliate against me for rightly filing Complaint #210626-008372 against him for wrongly NOT removing a sicko, stalking older White female (cougar) customer repeatedly harassing me in front of him : Today (7/7/21), store manager Michael Oseguera (Store #210626-008372 Requested Actions: 1) Immediately overturn my wrongful ban from Store #19801 - 3rd and Lavaca 2) Immediately put this complaint in Store Manager Michael Oseguera’s personnel file and keep it there for his next evaluation 3) Immediately ban Store Manager Michael Oseguera from Store #19801 Details: This morning (7/7/21, approx. 9:00 AM to 9:30 AM), I was peacefully and silently working on my laptop at my table inside Store #19801 - 3rd and Lavaca, when APD and Store Manager Michael Oseguera approached me together to tell me I was no longer welcome at Store #19801 - 3rd and Lavaca, though I had NOT violated your Third Place Policy. Therefore, Store Manager Michael Oseguera was wrongly “punishing me” for rightly NOT allowing a sicko, stalking older White female (cougar) customer to wrongly and repeatedly harass me June 25, 2021 at Store #19801 - 3rd and Lavaca, and for rightly filing Complaint #210626-008372 against him for wrongly NOT removing her. 31 Therefore, Store Manager Michael Oseguera’s SICKO, UPSIDE-DOWN, ASS-BACKWARDS HOMOSEXUAL HARASSMENT behavior against me, a strong, straight Christian Man, is unprofessional and unacceptable. If I was running Starbucks, I’d IMMEDIATELY FIRE mentally ill Michael Oseguera and replace him with a healthy thinking, right-side up STRAIGHT Male manager who consistently treats me right. Though I followed the law by leaving Store #19801 - 3rd and Lavaca, I told APD what was being done to me and why. Do right by immediately overturning my wrongful ban from Store #19801 - 3rd and Lavaca, putting this complaint in Store Manager Michael Oseguera’s personnel file, and keeping it there for his next evaluation, and banning Store Manager Michael Oseguera from Store #19801. If this wrongful ban is NOT overturned by July 14, 2021, expect true negative publicity about Oseguera and Store #19801 - 3rd and Lavaca to go viral. Thanks in advance for your anticipated corrective actions. Conclusion: Respectfully, Carlos León God Bless President Trump – our true President who truly won the 2020 election in a landslide. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- _________________________________________________________________________________ EXHIBIT 9 COMPLAINT (#210610-001052) June 9, 2021 To: Starbucks Corporate Office 2401 Utah Avenue South Seattle, WA 98134 From: Mr. Carlos León Re: Older White female manager wrongly telling me I am no longer welcome at the Starbucks 16560 located at 2727 Exposition Blvd, Austin, TX 78703-1228. 32 Requested Actions: 1) Immediately overturn this unwarranted ban 2) Immediately put this complaint in the older White female manager’s personnel file and keep it there permanently 3) Immediately coach and retrain older White female manager Details: At approximately 1:00 PM on June 9, 2021, I peacefully entered Starbucks Store 16560 (2727 Exposition Blvd, Austin, TX 78703-1228) with my work gear in tow and sat down at an empty, available table to work on my laptop, like normal. However, as soon as I walked in, the older White female manager approached me, telling me I was no longer welcome at “her cafe” because she claimed to have received three calls about me, alleging I chased female customers in the parking lot and got their driver’s licenses. Another words, she was implying I was stalking and harassing female customers in the parking lot, violating Starbucks policy. However, the truth is the EXACT OPPOSITE. I regularly go to that Starbucks to silently work on my laptop. I do NOT harass anyone there. In fact, I usually don’t talk to anyone there, which she and the Starbucks staff there know. The reality is a network of evil, loser feminist women have targeted me there, approaching me there multiple times to STALK and HARASS ME, which I report to staff as soon as it happens. Their modus operandi is almost always the same: I am sitting by myself, silently working on my laptop, when one of them approaches me and tries getting my attention to distract me from and interrupt my work. In return, I ignore her. A normal, healthy woman knows to leave me alone at that point. However, the female attacker either continue standing by my table to try forcing an unwanted interaction with me, or worse, she’ll try soliciting my attention with unwanted, unneeded money, food, or a Starbucks card, to try making me her bitch. When I continue ignoring her and her disrespectful solicitation, she’ll try forcing her solicitation on me by placing the cash, Starbucks card, or food on or by my table, though she knows I did NOT ask for it, DON’T need it, and do NOT want it. Because she does that to try marking and controlling MY territory (my table), at that point I angrily knock her cash/Starbucks card/food off my table, tell her she’s violating Starbucks Third Place policy, and to stay away from me. Then she’ll usually walk quickly away and go to her car when everyone starts looking at her. I’ll then get up and walk outside to copy down the license plate of the vehicle she’s driving, in case I need to provide that info to the Austin Police Department to legally hold her accountable for stalking and harassing me. As soon as I copy down the plate, I walk back inside and report what she said and did and why to Starbucks staff. I do NOT chase her, or any other female customers in the parking lot, or anywhere else, and I do NOT force them to show me their driver’s license. I legally defend myself from THEIR stalking and harassment,until it stops. When they try staring me down inside Starbucks, a 33 regularly attempted intimidation tactic, I stare back until they stop staring at me. Then I refocus my gaze back on the work on my computer screen. Those no-life, female feminist attackers are clearly trying to psychologically bully and control me to effeminate and emasculate me to gaslight and dominate me to mistreat me like a abused bitch, though THEY are acting like abusive bitches. Because their tactics failed, they flipped on their proverbial backs to play the victim, crybullying Starbucks into banning me by exaggerating and lying; THEY are the attackers who should be banned; THEY are the ones violating your Starbucks Third Place policy by NOT using the space as intended. Make NO mistake. This is NO misunderstanding. This network of no-life female stalkers/attackers is NOT being “friendly” or “helpful”; they are enemies trying to hurt me. There is NO negotiation with such domestic terrorists because any accommodations only encourage and escalate their attacks. Therefore, you have until June 19, 2021 to overturn this upside-down, unwarranted ban. After that, expect me to truthfully speak out negatively and publicly about being wrongly banned from Starbucks 16560, located at 2727 Exposition Blvd, Austin, TX 78703-1228. Thanks in advance for your anticipated corrective action. Respectfully, Carlos León God Bless President Trump – our true President who truly won the 2020 election in a ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- landslide, EXHIBIT 10 COMPLAINT (#210121-006285) January 20, 2021 To: Starbucks Corporate Office 2401 Utah Avenue South Seattle, WA 98134 From: Mr. Carlos León Serious REVERSE SEXISM VIOLATIONS and ABUSES OF OFFICIAL CAPACITY by two Re: White female baristas against me at Starbucks located at 10900 Research Blvd., Austin, TX 78759 HWY 183 & Breaker Ln (Randalls) (Store #06251). 34 Requested Actions: 1) IMMEDIATELY OVERTURN the store ban wrongly issued against me by the two guilty White female baristas; 2) IMMEDIATELY FIRE the two guilty White female baristas; 3) IMMEDIATELY REPLACE the two guilty White female baristas with baristas who do NOT target or harass me; Dear Starbucks, On January 20, 2021 at Starbucks #06251 (at HWY 183 & Breaker Ln (Randalls)) located at 10900 Research Lane, Austin, TX 78759, two White female baristas went out of their way to target and reverse sexually harass me, VIOLATING Starbucks policy. Between 7 PM and 8 PM, I was walking AWAY from the single Starbucks restroom, walking AWAY from the Starbucks main counter, when guilty White female barista #1 disrespectfully called out to me, “Hey sweetheart,” though there was NO professional reason to call out to me. Also, because there’s NO personal relation between me and ANY of those Starbucks employees, there was NO reason to call out to me or disrespectfully say “sweetheart.” And even if there was an actual, professional reason to initiate a necessary, relevant, professional conversation with me, a Starbucks employee should address me as “SIR.” Therefore, guilty White female barista #1 unnecessarily, intentionally,and disrespectfully called out to me to try getting my attention to initiate a disrespectful, personal interaction between me and her, while on duty under color of uniform, WRONGLY mixing the personal with the professional in the workplace. She calling me sweetheart is ASS-BACKWARDS, DISRESPECTFUL, and WRONG, because a MAN calls a female girlfriend, “sweetheart”. Therefore, guilty White female barista #1 intentionally tried CONFUSING and CONTROLLING me to EFFEMINATE and EMASCULATE me to GASLIGHT and DOMINATE me to act like a man and treat me like a chick - HELL NO. Therefore, I directly told guilty, out-of-line White female barista #1 to NOT call me “sweetheart,” to NOT allow her disrespect or reverse sexually harass me. I then asked her if she was the same guilty White female barista who earlier had tried WRONGLY distracting me from my work at my table, just OUTSIDE Starbucks but INSIDE Randalls, by trying to force a hot chocolate on me I did NOT order that I did NOT pay for, need, or want (a psychological attack I defeated by silently ignoring her, staying focused on my work). DO NOT BE FOOLED. Though the two guilty White fermale baristas will likely claim they were only trying to “help” me, they were trying to HURT me by going out of their way to TARGET and HARASS me by trying to CONFUSE and CONTROL me to EFFEMINATE and EMASCULATE me to GASLIGHT and DOMINATE me. If I want a hot chocolate, I’ll approach the counter, order it, and pay for it - like any other Starbucks customer. 35 In return for RIGHTLY, VERBALLY, and APPROPRIATELY defending myself from guilty White female barista #1’s verbal, psychological, and spiritual attack, guilty White female barista #2, who was shorter and lighter than guilty White female barista #1, WRONGLY stepped in, told me to leave, closed the gate behind me, and called the Austin Police Department to villianize and crybully me for RIGHTLY NOT allowing guilty White female barista #1 to REVERSE SEXUALLY HARASS me . Had a Straight Male barista went out of his way, while on duty under color of uniform, to initiate an inappropriate, uninvited, unwanted personal interaction with a female customer by trying to interrupt her at her table OUTSIDE Starbucks to give her a hot chocolate she did NOT order [so that she’d “owe him” for it, creating an inappropriate personal power relation of him (barista) over her (customer)], and then call her “sweetheart,” would Starbucks WRONGLY punish her with a store ban for RIGHTLY ignoring him, then telling him directly to NOT call her “sweetheart”? NO, Starbucks wouldn’t; you’d call it “empowerment” and apologize to her. This FEMINIST BULLSHIT double standard must be DESTROYED YESTERDAY. This FEMINIST BULLSHIT highlights the two Americas - the true, healthy, normal Patriarchal right-side up real America, where President Trump legally and legitimately won re-election in a landslide and the false, mentally ill, upside-down, ass-backwards, feminist anti-reality America where illegitimate Biden illegally STOLE the 2020 election and was fraudulently inaugurated (Read Dr. Peter Navarro’s 3- volume report : The Immaculate Deception, the Art of the Steal, and Yes, President Trump Won, The Case, Evidence, and Statistical Receipts to familiarize yourself with the TRUTH). As your guilty White female baristas have shown, there is NO peaceful co-existence between the two Americas. There is NO unity or healing with the false, feminist, anti-reality, only its RIGHTFUL REJECTION, like how Jesus Christ RIGHTLY REJECTED satan (See Matthew 4:1-10,for example). Then, because of what your two guilty White female baristas said and did, a few minutes later a Black female Randalls manager approached me with two APD officers to tell me I was NO longer welcome at Randalls, though I’m a regular Randalls customer – MORE UPSIDE-DOWN, ASS-BACKWARDS FEMINIST BULLSHIT ANTI-REALITY THAT MUST BE REJECTED AND/OR DESTROYED. Just like the law was blatantly ignored and broken by the criminal cabal that stole the election for Biden, your guilty White female baristas blatantly ignored and broke Starbucks Third Place Policy. For example, though the policy says “we expect everyone in our third place community to treat others with respect and dignity, free of bias and discrimination. Behaviors that make anyone feel unwelcome...have no place on our store premises,” the guilty White female baristas did NOT treat me respectfully; I was targeted by their bias and discrimination to be forced out by their FEMINIST BULLSHIT, though you say such behaviors have “no place on our store premises.”: Because your policy says, “Anyone not contributing to a safe and welcoming environment will be asked to change their behavior. Anyone not changing their behavior may be asked to leave the store with possible assistance from law enforcement,” and because the two guilty White female baristas are the ones who did NOT change their ASS-BACKWARDS BULLSHIT behavior against me, THEY are the ones who law enforcement should have removed; THEY are the ones Starbucks and Randalls should ban, NOT ME. Therefore, IMMEDIATELY OVERTURN the Starbucks store ban wrongly issued against me, 36 IMMEDIATELY FIRE the two guilty White female baristas, and IMMEDIATELY REPLACE the two guilty White female baristas with baristas who do NOT target or harass me; Therefore, by February 1, 2021, email a written statement to that Starbucks manager and that Randalls manager overturning that Starbucks store’s ban. Otherwise, expect me to speak out publicly against the ban and that specific Starbucks. Thanks in advance for your anticipated corrective action. Respectfully, Carlos León Note: This BULLSHIT ban happened at a Starbucks under District Manager Anthony Rose, who allegedly can be reached at (512) 571-7216;; and Starbucks Coffee Company, 1109 N. Bell Blvd., Cedar Park, TX 78613. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ___________________________________________________________________________________ EXHIBIT 11 COMPLAINT (#200918-003769) September 18, 2020 To: Starbucks Corporate Office 2401 Utah Avenue South Seattle, WA 98134 From: Mr. Carlos León Re: District manager (NW Austin/Killeen) Anthony Rose’s unprofessional, abusive, ass-backwards behavior against me, resulting in him wrongly telling me I am no longer welcome at the Starbucks located at 3317 Northland Drive, Austin, TX 78731. Requested Actions: 1) Punish and retrain Anthony Rose to immediately and permanently stop his attempts to confuse and control me, a STRAIGHT CHRISTIAN MAN, to effeminate and emasculate me, to gaslight and dominate me, which are unprofessional and unacceptable. 2) Immediately put this complaint in Anthony Rose’s personnel file and keep it there permanently. 37 3) Immediately overturn Rose’s banning of me from the Starbucks located at 3317 Northland Drive, Austin, TX 78731 Details: The afternoon of September 14, 2020, I was sitting peacefully at a small open table closest to the restrooms, silently working on my laptop, when district manager Anthony Rose approached me. He told me he wanted to speak with me and asked if he could pull up a chair to my table. Though he was interrupting me and my work, which I do NOT allow from non-Starbucks employees, I stopped what I was doing to hear him. He told me he was concerned about complaints he had received about my behavior from “partners” alleging me previously raising my voice and using profanity inside that Starbucks. He then warned me if that behavior continued, he’d ask me NOT to return to the Starbucks at 3317 Northland Drive, Austin, TX 78731. Since I was being wrongly villianized and attacked, I started defending myself by providing him context for why I had raised my voice and to whom. The first time I had been standing outside that Starbucks when some older White woman I did not know, or want to know, pulled up and repeatedly started honking her horn at me to try getting my attention, though I did not want to interact with her. Yet, even after I turned away from her, giving her my back to clearly and non-verbally communicate to her to leave me alone, she continued honking at me. So I walked back in to Starbucks, telling the baristas that some crazy stalker lady outside keeps honking at me, and that if she follows me inside and approaches me, I’m going to let them know loud and clear to deal with it. Then I sat back down at my table and quietly went back to work. A minute later that same stalker woman entered Starbucks, walked up to my table (furthest from the door) and approached me, repeatedly trying to distract me from my work to hand me money I did NOT want, need, or solicit, to try confusing and controlling me to effeminate and emasculate me to gaslight and dominate me to treat me like her bitch. Though I silently ignored her at first, she continued harassing me at my table until I loudly told her to stay away from me and to NOT stalk me, loudly telling the baristas she was harassing me. That’s what it verbally took to make her walk away from me. Though she tried claiming she was “only trying to help” me, the truth was the opposite – she was trying to hurt me by disrespectfully trying to bully me into giving her personal attention; I did NOT use any profanity, though I may have called her behavior, “bullshit.” The second time, on a different day, I was sitting in the same spot inside Starbucks, but using an empty chair as a table because the available tables were already taken. I was again silently working, when a strange older White man tried distracting me from my work to get my personal attention as he was walking to the restroom. I silently ignored him, staying focused on what I was doing. However, instead of leaving me alone, like any healthy normal person would, the older White man returned to my spot after using the restroom, repeatedly trying to talk to me. So I continued silently ignoring him. However, when he stuck his hand in my face to block my view of my own laptop screen, preventing me from doing my work, he crossed the line. At that point I loudly and clearly told him to stay away from me and not bother me again; I loudly 38 told the baristas this was the second time he had approached me, and to deal with his harassment because it was not acceptable. Though he said he was only trying to “help” me by offering “his” table because he was leaving, the truth was he was homosexually flirting with/harassing me, a STRAIGHT CHRISTIAN MAN, which is sick, disgusting, and wrong. Read Leviticus 20:13 to find out what God says about that abomination. Him trying to offer “his” table was an excuse to approach me, then create a power imbalance of him over me so I’d “owe” him for his “generosity,” which I did NOT solicit, want, or need. A normal, healthy older straight man would simply have exited Starbucks without approaching me. Though I did NOT use any profanity, I may have said “bullshit” to describe him trying to control, effeminate, and emasculate me. Also, one evening one young male barista at this Starbucks, who seems homosexual, acted ass- backwards against me. When he saw me leaving with my work gear in tow, he wrongly stopped his duties to run across the entire store to get in front of me to try holding the door open for me, though I did NOT need, solicit, or want that “help.” Giving him the benefit of the doubt at first, I told him “no thanks,” respectfully signalling him to walk away from the door. However, he continued holding the door open for me, saying “Are you sure?,” a disrespectful passive- aggressive power/control move to try disregarding my clear, respectful communication to him to hold the door for me against my will to confuse and control me to effeminate and emasculate me to gaslight and dominate me, all of which is NOT acceptable. He also was trying to make me doubt and repeat myself, treating me like an abused bitch, which also is NOT acceptable. Because he was acting like an abusive bitch, I reported it to a female manager, who said she’d handle it; she appeared to understand all this. However, district manager Rose didn’t hear all this because he didn’t want to hear it; As soon as I started telling him about the harassment against me, he said there was no harassment. That’s how abusers try justifying their sicko, bullying behavior, dismissing it when explicitly called out to protect themselves to continue psychologically attacking the target (me) by trying to gaslight the target (me) to try overwriting my sane right-side up reality with their insane, upside-down anti-reality, which I REJECT. When I defeated Rose’s psych warfare attack by rejecting his false claim, Rose retaliated by crybullying me, fretting because I was raising my voice, which I may have been doing to convey my anger against what the attacking older female cougar, older male homo, and Rose were trying to do to me. Rose then communicated he was not OK with me raising my voice, unacceptably trying to control the volume and tone of my voice, another abuser move. In fact, Rose was expressing his problem with me rightly using an angry, raised voice to legally and non-physically defend myself from those attacks, wrongly punishing me for rightly standing up against them. Therefore, Rose also was trying to confuse and control me to effeminate and emasculate me to gaslight and dominate me, to treat me like an abused bitch, which is unprofessional and unacceptable, but speaks to Rose’s apparent homosexual bias against me, a strong, straight alpha male; That’s discrimination Starbucks claims NOT to tolerate. Rose also said that my small round table was not mine, though it is, to try tearing down my personal space boundary to wrongly try punishing me for rightly defending my “private” territory from attack; Another abuser move. Though Starbucks is a “welcoming public space… 39 (you) expect everyone who uses the third place to...treat each other with respect and dignity. Behaviors that make others feel unwelcome or unsafe...have no place in our stores.” [Starbucks Third Place Policy – 5/18] Me working silently and independently at my own table, NOT disturbing other customers, is me appropriately and respectfully using your third place. Repeatedly trying to bully a customer (me) to stop what I’m doing to force an unwanted interaction at my table is disruptive behavior, violating Starbucks Third Place Policy. Therefore, I rightly raise my voice at Starbucks to legally defend myself against others’ uninvited and unwanted attacks against me after they repeatedly and wrongly disregard me silently ignoring them. Normal, healthy non-abusers don’t try forcing themselves on me; they either don’t approach me while I’m busy (respecting me and my work) or they walk away after being ignored. Almost certainly, Rose would NOT similarly attack or ban a female customer who similarly and rightly defended herself against an older straight man or an older lesbian similarly approaching and harassing her. Therefore, Rose allegedly is unacceptably discriminating against me, violating Starbucks Third Place Policy. Though Starbucks claims to embrace diversity, diversity CANNOT be used as an excuse to justify reverse sexist and/or reverse homosexual harassment against us straight men, then wrongly punish us for rightly rejecting such harassment how us straight men do, loud and clear. The double standard is hypocritical and wrong, like Rose apparently being OK with a younger homosexual male barista there talking publicly about “awkward first date sex” the same afternoon he (Rose) is not OK with my voice’s volume and tone. Therefore, by September 25, 2020, email a written statement to store manager Elise Loomis (cc’d to Courtney) overturning Rose’s wrongful ban against me; Otherwise, expect me to speak out publicly against the ban, Rose, and that specific Starbucks. Thanks in advance for your anticipated corrective action. Respectfully, Carlos León Note: According to the Starbucks business card he handed me, at my request, Anthony Rose allegedly can be reached at (512) 571-7216;; and Starbucks Coffee Company, 1109 N. Bell Blvd., Cedar Park, TX 78613. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [GO TO NEXT PAGE] 40 __________________________________________________________________________________ STARBUCKS EMPLOYEE HARASSMENT (17 TOTAL) _______________________________________________________________________ EXHIBIT 12 CARLOS LEÓN COMPLAINT (#220131-004521) January 31, 2022 9:28 AM (Texas Time) To: Starbucks Corporate Office 2401 Utah Avenue South Seattle, WA 98134 From: Mr. Carlos León CC: Store manager Scott Hill (512) 571-7216 Starbucks Coffee Company 1109 N. Bell Blvd. Cedar Park, TX 78613 CC: District manager (NW Austin/Killeen) Anthony Rose Re: CHK 664964 - 1/31/22, 7:55 AM – 8:02 AM, Store #53861 at 3637 Far West Blvd., Austin, TX Subj: Complaint against GUILTY, young brunette White female barista (wearing a name tag that said “Kambria”) for her UGLY, UNPROFESSIONAL, UNACCEPTABLE, FEMINIST FILTH, REVERSE SEXIST, PASSIVE-AGGRESSIVE HARASSMENT behavior against me, a Straight Male Christian customer Details: After respectfully ordering one avocado spread in person at the inside counter, and after GUILTY, young brunette White female barista (wearing a name tag that said “Kambria”) had inputted 41 my avocado spread order into the register, I respectfully ordered “one small cup of ice only, with lid, no straw, nothing else.” GUILTY, young brunette White female barista (wearing a name tag that said “Kambria”) CLEARLY heard what I told her, evidenced by her first inputting in a cup of ice into the register (which I could see show up on the register screen that was customer-facing). I then said, “Yes to receipt and change...Here’s two bucks,” putting two one-dollar bills down in front of her. Though I treated her respectfully, ordering clearly and concisely, GUILTY, young brunette White female barista (wearing a name tag that said “Kambria”) then went into TROLL BITCH mode, by saying and doing the EXACT OPPOSITE of what I said. First, she REMOVED my small cup of ice only order from my CHK, evidenced by CHK 664964 - 01/31/2022, 07:56 AM NOT showing the small cup of ice order, though Starbucks protocol is to officially input that order, which she initially did. Because inputting the “small cup of ice only” order is standard operating procedure at Starbucks, GUILTY, young brunette White female barista (wearing a name tag that said “Kambria”) VIOLATED Starbucks protocol. She appeared to INTENTIONALLY VIOLATE Starbucks protocol to NOT record the “small cup of ice only” to try ERASING my “small cup of ice only” order from the official record to try CHANGING my order to what she wanted it to be. That’s why she then unnecessarily and intentionally said to me, “What size cup did you want?” Therefore, her question was evidence that she clearly heard my “small cup of ice only” order moments before. Therefore, she also asked her unnecessary, disrespectful question to act like she hadn’t heard my respectful order the first and only time I told her “small cup of ice only” and to try making me repeat myself and answer her unnecessary, disrespectful question to accommodate and serve her, though her job duties include correctly hearing me the first and only time I order, and answering MY necessary, respectful questions to accommodate and serve me, the PAYING CUSTOMER, how I choose. Know that I speak clearly, concisely, completely, and loudly to make the professional interaction between me (paying customer) and her (paid barista) as easy as possible. I split my order into two parts, avocado spread and order of small cup of ice only, to NOT confuse or overwhelm her. Therefore, to defeat GUILTY, young brunette White female barista’s verbal, psychological, and spiritual attack THAT SHE WRONGFULLY INITIATED AGAINST ME, I did NOT answer it to NOT allow her to FLIP the true POWER relation of ME (PAYING CUSTOMER) over her (paid employee). Instead, I defended myself against her attack by then asking her, “WHAT DID YOU HEAR?”to put her on the defensive, make her “hearing” the focus of the confrontation she initiated (instead of my speaking), and make her answer my necessary respectful question. In response, she said she had trouble hearing me, which I DON’T believe because I spoke clearly, concisely, completely, and loudly to her. Then she tried changing my small cup of ice order (what I wanted) into a “grande” (what she wanted me to have) to wrongly DENY me want was mine and force me to accept her unacceptable alternative. 42 Therefore, I defeated her secondary verbal, psychological, and spiritual attacks by REJECTING HER SICK TROLL BULLSHIT, asking her, “What sizes do you have?”, to make her answer my necessary respectful question and verbally list ALL my choices, which she then did. After that I told her, “Tall”, the Starbucks language equivalent of “small”, to NOT repeat myself. Though she then finished processing the business transaction, she practically threw the $0.65 change in coinage at my hand, which also is disrespectful and wrong. Though she then brought my cup of ice to me at the counter, there was NO LID, though I had just explicitly ordered a lid from her. Therefore, I did NOT allow her to shortchange me or DENY me what’s rightly mine, telling her, “Lid”, which prompted her to go back and bring me the lid she should have put on it from the start. Then she wrongly walked away from me WITHOUT having printed out my receipt, though I had just told her. “Yes to receipt.” Therefore, I continued standing there at the counter, at the front of the line, until she returned. Then I pointed to the receipt printer and asked her if it was working. Only then did she print out my receipt, which I then took, telling her, “You got it.” Then I returned to my table to get to my laptop work, including the writing and sending of this complaint. Bottom line, based on the evidence, GUILTY, young brunette White female barista (wearing a name tag that said “Kambria”) repeatedly tried confusing and controlling me to effeminate and emasculate me to gaslight and dominate me to mistreat me like an abused bitch, which is UNPROFESSIONAL, UNACCEPTABLE, DISRESPECTFUL, and WRONG. She acted like an ABUSIVE BITCH. Make NO mistake. There was NO misunderstanding. Her upside-down, ass-backwards, FEMINIST FILTH mindset, ANTI-Straight Male attitude, and BULLSHIT behavior are her problems that need to be immediately fixed. Recommended actions: Immediately PUNISH, COACH, REPROGRAM, AND RETRAIN GUILTY, young brunette White female barista (wearing a name tag that said “Kambria”) so she NEVER tries this SHIT ever again. If she is unwilling and/or unable to move forward the right way, then replace her with a hotter, younger, prettier female barista who consistently treats me respectfully and professionally,. Bad girls deserve less than nothing and to be kicked to the curb; Good girls are “keepers” who deserve the fruits. Thanks in advance for your anticipated prompt, corrective actions. Carlos León ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- God Bless healthy, normal, STRAIGHT patriarchal America. God Bless President Trump, who truly won the 2020 election in a landslide, counting each and every legal, legitimate vote one time only, with equal weighting only. MAGA. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 43 _____________________________________________________________________ EXHIBIT 13 CARLOS LEÓN COMPLAINT (#220126-008234) January 26, 2022 12:05 PM (Texas Time) To: Starbucks Corporate Office 2401 Utah Avenue South Seattle, WA 98134 From: Mr. Carlos León Re: CHK 725670 - 1/26/22, 10:08 AM – 10:18 AM, Store #6373 at 13450 Research Blvd., Austin, TX Subj: Complaint against GUILTY, young White female (with medium length dark hair) barista’s UGLY, UNPROFESSIONAL, UNACCEPTABLE, FEMINIST FILTH, REVERSE SEXIST, PASSIVE- AGGRESSIVE HARASSMENT behavior against me, a Straight Male Christian customer Details: After respectfully ordering (and scanning) at the counter one order of string cheese, I respectfully ordered “one small cup of ice only, with lid.” Though GUILTY, young White female (with medium length dark hair) barista CLEARLY heard what I respectfully told her, she did NOT input my order of “small cup of ice” into the register, evidenced by my receipt (CHK 725670) NOT showing the small cup of ice I ordered. Because inputting the “small cup of ice only” order is standard operating procedure at Starbucks, GUILTY, young White female (with medium length dark hair) barista VIOLATED Starbucks protocol. She appeared to INTENTIONALLY VIOLATE Starbucks protocol to NOT record the “small cup of ice only” to try ERASING my “small cup of ice only” order from the official record to try CHANGING my order to what she wanted it to be. That’s why she then unnecessarily and intentionally said to me, “Did you want a large cup of ice?” Therefore, not only was her question evidence that she clearly heard my “small cup of ice only” order, but evidence that she tried making it the OPPOSITE of what I had clearly told her only seconds before. 44 Therefore, she also asked her unnecessary, disrespectful question to act like she hadn’t heard my respectful order the first and only time I told her “small cup of ice only” and to try making me repeat myself and answer her unnecessary, disrespectful question to accommodate and serve her, though her job duties include answering MY necessary, respectful questions to accommodate and serve me, the PAYING CUSTOMER, how I choose. Therefore, to defeat her verbal, psychological, and spiritual attack, THAT SHE WRONGFULLY INITIATED AGAINST ME, I did NOT answer it to NOT allow her to FLIP the true POWER relation of ME (PAYING CUSTOMER) over her (paid employee). Instead, I defended myself against her attack by then asking her, “WHAT DID YOU HEAR?”to put her on the defensive, make her “hearing” the focus of the confrontation she initiated (instead of my speaking), and make her answer my necessary respectful question. In response, she stopped and looked at me – her realizing I knew the FEMINIST FILTH BULLSHIT she was trying to push on me that I was NOT allowing. So she then went into DUMB BITCH mode – acting like she hadn’t heard my order (though she clearly had), NOT answering my question, and asking me, “Did you want a medium or large?” though she already knew my order was “a small cup of ice only.” Therefore, she again was trying NOT to fill MY order as I wanted and to change my order to what she wanted it to be. She also was again trying me repeat myself and answer her unnecessary, disrespectful question to accommodate and serve her, though her job duties include answering MY necessary, respectful questions to accommodate and serve me, the PAYING CUSTOMER, how I choose. Therefore, I again defeated her verbal, psychological, and spiritual attack, THAT SHE WRONGFULLY INITIATED AGAINST ME, by NOT answering it to NOT allow her to FLIP the true POWER relation of ME (PAYING CUSTOMER) over her (paid employee). Instead, I told her that if she won’t fill the order, it’s time for me to speak to her manager. GUILTY, young White female (with medium length dark hair) barista then made and tried giving me a LARGE cup of ice only, which I IMMEDIATELY rejected, telling her, “That’s NOT what I ordered.” Seeing the confrontation was being escalated and extended by GUILTY, young White female (with medium length dark hair) barista, a different, hotter, younger, prettier White female barista with light brown hair then walked over, I then immediately and respectfully spoke ONLY to her (different, hotter, younger, prettier White female barista with light brown hair), explaining to her how my “small cup of ice only order” had yet to be filled. I then got my small cup of ice only (with lid) then and there. Then I went back to my table to start my laptop work. Bottom line, based on then evidence, GUILTY, young White female (with medium length dark hair) barista repeatedly tried confusing and controlling me to effeminate and emasculate me to gaslight and dominate me to mistreat me like an abused bitch, which is UNPROFESSIONAL, UNACCEPTABLE, DISRESPECTFUL, and WRONG. 45 Make NO mistake. There was NO misunderstanding. She was NOT being rushed, there was NO line behind me, and the store environment was peaceful and quiet. Her ANTI-Straight Male attitude and BULLSHIT behavior are the problems that need to be immediately corrected. Recommended actions: Therefore, I respectfully request you immediately PUNISH, COACH, REPROGRAM, AND RETRAIN GUILTY, young White female (with medium length dark hair) barista so she NEVER tries this SHIT ever again. I also respectfully request you immediately REWARD and PROMOTE different, hotter, younger, prettier White female barista with light brown hair who immediately solved the problem GUILTY, young White female (with medium length dark hair) barista created and continued. Bad girls deserve less than nothing and should be kicked to the curb; Good girls are “keepers” who deserve the fruits. Thanks in advance for your anticipated prompt, corrective actions. Carlos León --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- God Bless healthy, normal, STRAIGHT patriarchal America. God Bless President Trump, who truly won the 2020 election in a landslide, counting each and every legal, legitimate vote one time only, with equal weighting only. MAGA. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- _______________________________________________________________________ EXHIBIT 14 CARLOS LEÓN Follow-up to COMPLAINT #220121-007775 (#220121-011280) January 21, 2022 2:38 PM (Texas Time) To: Starbucks Corporate Office 2401 Utah Avenue South Seattle, WA 98134 CC: Store manager Morgan Bego us1392691 CC: District manager (Downtown Austin) Susan Smith Nixon 46 (808) 936-1083 From: Mr. Carlos León Re: 1/21/22, 2:14 PM – 2:18 PM, Store #49678 at 1200 Barton Springs Rd., Austin, TX Subj: Second complaint against GUILTY, tall, older White male barista’s unprofessional SICKO HOMOSEXUAL HARASSMENT behavior against me, a younger Straight Male Christian customer Details: While I was sitting peacefully and silently in the southeast back corner table of the cafe of Store #49678 at 1200 Barton Springs Rd., Austin, TX, facing forward, working on my laptop, I had the other chair at my table (opposite me) turned about 45 degrees away from me, where I wanted it. I also had my right foot next to it so GUILTY, tall, older White male barista couldn’t mess with it. Yet, GUILTY, tall, older White male barista unnecessarily and intentionally approached my table while I was sitting there and tried moving the other (opposite) chair at my table to where he wanted it to be (facing straight) – another SICKO FAGGOT FLIRTING CONTROL MOVE initiated by GUILTY, tall, older White male barista against me, a Straight Christian Male customer. So I did NOT allow GUILTY, tall, older White male barista to move the other chair at my table (opposite me) away from where I wanted to where he wanted it. Because NO ONE was sitting around me, the other (opposite) chair at my table was in NOBODY’S way. Therefore, I told him it was where I wanted it to be, meaning leave it and me alone. Yet, in response and retaliation, GUILTY, tall, older White male barista tried moving it a bit MORE THAN 45 DEGREES in the direction I wanted it to be, to again try CONTROLLING where MY chair was – that’s how SICKO and CONTROLLING GUILTY, tall, older White male barista’s FAGGOT FLIRTING is against me, a Straight Christian Male customer. Make NO mistake. There is NO misunderstanding. Guilty, tall, older White male barista, who looks and acts like a SICKO HOMO TROLL, repeatedly tried controlling the other (opposite) chair at my table to effeminate and emasculate me to gaslight and dominate me to mistreat me like an abused bitch, which I do NOT allow. It’s tall, older White male barista who continues unprofessionally and unacceptably acting like AN ABUSIVE BITCH. PULL STORE VIDEO to visually verify GUILTY, tall, older White male barista’s SICKO HOMOSEXUAL HARASSMENT/FAGGOT FLIRTING behavior against me, a Straight Christian Male customer, for yourself. There is NO justification for GUILTY, tall, older White male barista’s unprofessional behavior because there is NO personal history between me and him, inside or outside Starbucks. Him mixing his apparent ALIEN personal desire to FUCK ME, a targeted Straight Christian Male customer, while at work, on duty, under the color of uniform, is unacceptable and wrong. Recommended actions: Because I will NOT be targeted by him, or any other SICKO HOMO REPROBATE, immediately make him STOP HIS SICKO FAGGOT FLIRTING SHIT against me and stay away from me, a Straight Christian Male customer. Immediately send him to psychological 47 counseling to heal his MENTAL ILLNESS. Immediately show him LEVITICUS 20:13 and ROMANS 12:19 to warn him what GOD has in store for him, before it’s too late for him. If he is unable and/or unwilling to control himself, Starbucks should straight-jacket him and set him straight. This is yet another Starbucks LGBTQ employee attacking me, a Straight Christian Male customer – an Austin-wide Starbucks problem that has been repeatedly documented in writing with Starbucks corporate. Therefore, this is yet another example of SPIRITUAL WARFARE happening here and now in this fallen world. This is what happens in the UPSIDE-DOWN (like from Netflix’s “Stranger Things”) when evil pushes their catastrophic, destructive BIG LIES (Biden won the 2020 re-election of President Trump; the deadly MRNA spike protein jab kill shot is a vaccine that will help you; abortion, the first degree murder of the most innocent human life on the planet, is planned parenthood, etc. ). Thanks in advance for your anticipated prompt, corrective actions. Carlos León ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- God Bless healthy, normal, STRAIGHT patriarchal America. God Bless President Trump, who truly won the 2020 election in a landslide, counting each and every legal, legitimate vote one time only, with equal weighting only. MAGA. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- _______________________________________________________________________ EXHIBIT 15 CARLOS LEÓN COMPLAINT #220121-007775 January 21, 2022 11:42 AM (Texas Time) To: Starbucks Corporate Office 2401 Utah Avenue South Seattle, WA 98134 CC: Store manager Morgan Bego us1392691 CC: District manager (Downtown Austin) Susan Smith Nixon (808) 936-1083 48 From: Mr. Carlos León Re: 1/21/22, 10:55 AM – 11:05 AM, Store #49678 at 1200 Barton Springs Rd., Austin, TX Subj: Complaint against GUILTY, tall, older White male barista’s unprofessional SICKO HOMOSEXUAL HARASSMENT behavior against me, a younger Straight Male Christian customer Details: While I was sitting peacefully and silently in the southeast back corner table of the cafe of Store #49678 at 1200 Barton Springs Rd., Austin, TX, facing forward, working on my laptop, tall, older White male barista repeatedly tried STARING ME DOWN the multiple times he WALKED AT ME under the guise of going outside, taking out the trash from the trash can immediately across for me, and messing with nearby chairs. Make NO mistake. There is NO misunderstanding. Guilty, tall, older White male barista, who looks and acts like a SICKO HOMO TROLL, repeatedly tried STARING ME DOWN to try intimidating me to effeminate and emasculate me to gaslight and dominate me to mistreat me like an abused bitch, which I do NOT allow. It’s tall, older White male barista who unprofessionally and unacceptably acted like AN ABUSIVE BITCH. Therefore, I defeated tall, older White male barista’s psychological and spiritual attacks by STARING RIGHT BACK AT HIM, EYE TO EYE, until he stopped staring at me. Then, I wenr back to my laptop work. PULL STORE VIDEO to see GUILTY, tall, older White male barista’s SICKO HOMOSEXUAL HARASSMENT/FAGGOT FLIRTING behavior against me, a Straight Christian Male customer, for yourself. There is NO justification for GUILTY, tall, older White male barista’s unprofessional behavior because there is NO personal history between me and him, inside or outside Starbucks. Him mixing his apparent ALIEN personal desire to FUCK ME, a targeted Straight Christian Male customer, while at work, on duty, under the color of uniform, is unacceptable and wrong. Recommended actions: Because I will NOT be targeted by him, or any other SICKO HOMO REPROBATE, immediately make him STOP STARING AT ME to STOP HIS SICKO FAGGOT FLIRTING SHIT against me, a Straight Christian Male customer. Immediately send him for psychological counseling to heal his MENTAL ILLNESS. Immediately show him LEVITICUS 20:13 and ROMANS 12:19 to warn him what GOD has in store for him, before it’s too late for him. This is yet another example of SPIRITUAL WARFARE happening here and now in this fallen world. This is what happens in the UPSIDE-DOWN (like from Netflix’s “Stranger Things”) when evil pushes their catastrophic, destructive LIES (i.e., Biden won the 2020 election, the deadly MRNA spike protein jab kill shot is a vaccine that will help you, abortion is planned parenthood). Carlos León ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 49 God Bless healthy, normal, STRAIGHT patriarchal America. God Bless President Trump, who truly won the 2020 election in a landslide, counting each and every legal, legitimate vote one time only, with equal weighting only. MAGA. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- __________________________________________________________________________________ EXHIBIT 16 CARLOS LEÓN COMPLAINT (#220103-009297) January 3, 2022 12:30 PM (Texas Time) CC: District manager (NW Austin/Killeen) Anthony Rose To: Starbucks Corporate Office 2401 Utah Avenue South Seattle, WA 98134 (512) 571-7216 Starbucks Coffee Company 1109 N. Bell Blvd. Cedar Park, TX 78613 From: Mr. Carlos León Re: 1/3/22, 11:05 AM, CHK 720022, Store #6203 at 9722 Great Hills Trail. Austin, TX Subj: Complaint against guilty young Asian female barista who wrongly, unprofessionally, and unacceptably attempted to disrespect and gaslight me to mistreat me like an abused bitch, after I, the Straight Christian Male customer, had treated her professionally and respectfully. Details: Though I had clearly told her “Yes to receipt” when ordering, she initially tried DENYING me my receipt and changing my mind, telling me “No receipt”. Therefore, she tried saying and doing the EXACT OPPOSITE of what I rightly and clearly communicated to her and try making me repeat myself, though I expect her to clearly hear me the first and only time I tell her what I want. 50 So I defeated her verbal, psychological, and spiritual attack by NOT repeating myself. Instead, I told her, “You haven’t printed it, yet”, pointing to the receipt printer. Though she printed my receipt after that, she first said, “I got you,” though she does NOT have me, which I then told her to defeat that verbal, psychological, and spiritual attack by her against me. Make NO mistake. There is NO misunderstanding. Based on her tone, body language, eye contact, and in-person attitude, what she said and tried to do were passive-aggressive attacks against me I do NOT tolerate. Requested actions: Immediately punish, coach, reprogram, and retrain guilty young Asian female barista so she NEVER tries that SHIT against me ever again. Thanks in advance for your anticipated prompt punitive and corrective actions in this matter. Carlos León ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- God Bless America. God Bless President Trump, who truly won the 2020 election in a landslide, counting each and every legal, legitimate vote one time only, with equal weighting only. MAGA. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- _________________________________________________________________________________ EXHIBIT 17 CARLOS LEÓN (#211231-007223) December 31, 2021 11:20 AM (Texas Time) To: Starbucks Corporate Office 2401 Utah Avenue South Seattle, WA 98134 CC: Store manager Scott Hill CC: District manager (NW Austin/Killeen) Anthony Rose (512) 571-7216 Starbucks Coffee Company 1109 N. Bell Blvd. 51 Cedar Park, TX 78613 From: Mr. Carlos León Re: 12/30/21, 19:00 (07:00 PM) – 19:15 (07:15 PM), Store #53861 at 3637 Far West Blvd. Austin, TX Subj: Complaint against guilty old White female barista who wrongly attempted to disrespectfully harass/bully me, when I, a younger Straight Christian Male customer, was silently and peacefully reading God’s word Details: I was silently and peacefully reading God’s word by myself at my table, when I was unnecessarily and intentionally approached by guilty old White female barista, with a chair in her hands. Because the cafe did NOT close until 8:00 PM, she should NOT have approached me at that time with a chair in her hands; She should have brought that chair over to “my” table AFTER I had left, prior to closing, like good baristas do. Therefore, guilty old White female barista intentionally and wrongly STARTED THE SHIT against me. Next, she asked me if she could put the chair at my table. Though my table had an available space for that chair, she should NOT have asked me that question then and there because: 1) I was busy reading God’s word; 2) she was trying to interrupt me while I was reading God’s word; 3) she was trying to distract me from reading God’s word; 4) she was trying to refocus my attention away from God’s word unto her; 5) she asked me an unnecessary, uninvited, unwelcome question because she was going to put that chair at my table regardless of what I would have answered, had I responded; 6) after wrongly approaching me, she asked me that unnecessary, uninvited, unwelcome question to wrongly try making me answer it to accommodate and serve her, though it’s her job to rightly answer MY necessary questions to accommodate and serve me (the paying customer) after I rightly approach her; Therefore, per reasons 1-6, guilty old White female barista tried confusing and controlling me to effeminate and emasculate me to gaslight and dominate me to unacceptably mistreat me like an abused bitch, which ain’t happening; So I defeated her disrespectful verbal, psychological, and spiritual attack by NOT giving her the personal attention she wanted from me by NOT allowing her to interrupt or distract me from reading God’s word by silently NOT answering, responding to, or acknowledging her or her LOSER, BULLSHIT question. In return, guilty old White female barista stupidly doubled down on her DISRESPECTFUL, OLD, UGLY, COUGAR, FEMINIST FILTH TROLL BULLSHIT behavior by REPEATING her DUMB-ASS 52 question to wrongly try bullying me into answering it to personally interact with her when, where, and how she wanted, which is UPSIDE-DOWN, ASS-BACKWARDS, and WRONG; if I choose to professionally interact with her, I’ll initiate, control, and end it when, where, and how I choose inside Starbucks within Starbucks Third Place Policy parameters. Therefore, I again defeated her disrespectful verbal, psychological, and spiritual attack by NOT giving her the personal attention she wanted from me by NOT allowing her to interrupt or distract me from reading God’s word, silently ignoring her by NOT answering, responding to, or acknowledging her or her LOSER, BULLSHIT question. After about 10 more seconds, she finally left the chair at my table and walked away. I did NOT say anything to her later to NOT give her the personal attention she was WRONGLY and DISRESPECTFULLY seeking from me; I also DID not retaliate against her. I simply continued reading God’s word silently and peacefully at my table until I later left. Requested actions: Carlos León Immediately punish, coach, reprogram, and retrain guilty old White female barista to fix her broken, LOSER, Crooked Hillary mindset and correct her behavior moving forward so she stops acting like an ABUSIVE TROLL BITCH LOSER, while on duty under color of uniform at Starbucks, and starts thinking and acting like a female winner by getting into God’s word and behaving appropriately submissive. Thanks in advance for your anticipated prompt punitive and corrective actions in this matter. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- God Bless America. God Bless President Trump, who truly won the 2020 election in a landslide, counting each and every legal, legitimate vote one time only, with equal weighting only. MAGA. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________________________________________________________________________ EXHIBIT 18 CARLOS LEÓN Follow-up to COMPLAINT #211228-005613 (#211230-006634) December 30, 2021 10:25 AM (Texas Time) 53 To: Starbucks Corporate Office 2401 Utah Avenue South Seattle, WA 98134 CC: Store manager Scott Hill (512) 571-7216 Starbucks Coffee Company 1109 N. Bell Blvd. Cedar Park, TX 78613 From: Mr. Carlos León CC: District manager (NW Austin/Killeen) Anthony Rose Re: 12/30/21, 09:25 AM – 09:30 AM, Store #53861 at 3637 Far West Blvd. Subj: Second complaint against the medium-build White/Hispanic male barista wearing glasses who wrongly responded to harassment/bullying behavior by an older White female customer against me, a younger Straight Christian Male customer. Details: I was peacefully working on my laptop, with my earbuds in my ears, when a stranger, older White female customer wrongly approached me to wrongly interrupt me to wrongly try forcing me to accept a Starbucks gift card from her I did NOT want, need, or solicit. In fact, on my table was my receipt, my avocado spread that I had already paid for, and my cup of ice that I had already finished. Because she rudely, wrongly, and repeatedly shoved her Starbucks gift card in front of my laptop screen to obstruct my line of sight to my laptop screen, I directly told her NOT to disturb me, keep that gift card away from me, and stay away from me, making clear I had NO interest in her or her gift card. However, she refused to walk away, trying again to force me to accept her “gift”, which I REFUSED to do. Therefore, only after her SICKO BULLYING/STALKING BULLSHIT was clear, I told her she was violating Starbucks Third Place Policy. In response, she LIED, saying she wasn’t, though she was. Therefore, only after all that did I raise my volce from my seat at my table, telling Starbucks employees that stranger, older White female customer was harassing me, violating Starbucks Third Place Policy, which all the customers could hear and see for themselves. In response, medium-build White/Hispanic male barista wearing glasses loudly, repeatedly, and wrongly said, “SIR” to try quieting me down, yelling over me, and villianizing me, which ain’t happening. So I did NOT quiet down, telling him loud and clear that she was wrong because she approached me to try messing with me, which all the customers could see and hear for themselves. Only after all that, when everyone was looking at and listening to her SICKO, BULLYING BULLSHIT against me, did she finally walk away from me, keeping her unwanted gift card. After she walked away 54 from me and medium-build White/Hispanic male barista wearing glasses stopped trying to quiet me down, did I go back to silently and peacefully working at my laptop, which I was doing before she wrongly approached me and repeatedly tried to mess with me, Make NO mistake. Do NOT be fooled. There is NO misunderstanding. Stranger, older White female customer was NOT trying to help me; she was trying to HURT me by trying to interrupt and bully me to effeminate and emasculate me to gaslight and dominate me to unacceptably mistreat me like an abused bitch, which ain’t happening. Requested actions: Immediately coach, reprogram, and retrain medium-build White/Hispanic male barista to rightly see that stranger, older White female customer as the harasser/problem violating Starbucks Third Place Policy who needs to be told by him (male barista) in that situation, “Ma’am, walk away from him and stay away from him.” Had I approached a younger female customer at her table and repeatedly tried forcing her to accept an unwanted Starbucks gift card from me after she clearly communicated to me she wasn’t interested in my company or “gift”, and she rightly complained to Starbucks staff about me wrongly harassing her, violating Starbucks Third Place Policy, medium-build White/Hispanic male barista almost certainly and immediately would have rightly told me, “Sir, walk away from her and stay away from her.” Thanks in advance for your anticipated prompt corrective actions in this matter. Carlos León ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- God Bless healthy, normal patriarchal America. God Bless President Trump, who truly won the 2020 election in a landslide, counting each and every legal, legitimate vote one time only, with equal weighting only. MAGA. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- _________________________________________________________________________________ EXHIBIT 19 CARLOS LEÓN 2nd follow up to Complaint #211215-013488 (#211225-002307) December 25, 2021 – 4:43 PM (Texas Time) To: Starbucks Corporate Office 2401 Utah Avenue South Seattle, WA 98134 55 From: Mr. Carlos León CC: Store manager Diego De La Jara u s 2630420 CC: District manager (NW Austin/Killeen) Anthony Rose Re: Continued disrespectful, abusive, gaslighting troll behavior again initiated by overweight/obese LGBTQ White female barista with short, dark (used-to-be-orange) hair against me, the Straight Christian Male customer, at Starbucks Store # 06330 at 2900 W. Anderson Ln, Austin, TX, 78757 Requested Action: Immediately punish and correct overweight/obese LGBTQ White female barista with short, dark hair’s disrespectful, abusive, feminist, gaslighting troll behavior Details: December 25, 2021, at 1:59 PM, at Starbucks Store # 06330 at 2900 W. Anderson Ln, Austin, TX, 78757, I was peacefully leaving with my gear because that Starbucks cafe closed at 2:00 PM on Christmas Day. Holding the front door open was overweight/obese LGBTQ White female barista with short, dark hair. My first impression was she was trying to be helpful because I had my gear in my hands. However, because I don’t appreciate any woman holding the door for me because I, the STRAIGHT MAN, hold the door for women, I did NOT go through the open door. Instead, I stopped at the door and respectfully told her, “No thanks. I hold the door for myself.” Had her intentions been genuinely helpful, she would have immediately let go of the door to accommodate me how I chose because I, the customer, am always right (Business 101). However, initially, she intentionally chose NOT to accommodate me how I chose. Instead, she then wrongly tried FORCING me to exit through the open door she continued holding open for me, AGAINST MY WILL, to accommodate her. Therefore, I took control of the struggle session she wrongly created by telling her loud and clear to IMMEDIATELY let go of the door for me to exit how I choose because it’s time to go. Only after hearing that did she finally relent and let go of the door. I then immediately pushed the door open for myself and exited with my gear. Therefore, just like last time (12/15/21 - Complaint #211215- 013488), overweight/obese LGBTQ White female barista with short, dark hair was intentionally trying to confuse and control me to effeminate and emasculate me to gaslight and dominate me to mistreat me like an abused bitch, which is unprofessional and unacceptable. Therefore, she again VIOLATED the following Starbucks principles, from Starbucks Third Place Policy: 1) “expect(ing) everyone in our third place community to treat others with respect and dignity, free of bias and discrimination” 2) “Behaviors that make anyone feel unwelcome...have no place on our store premises.” 56 3) “harassing, abusive language...or actions are unacceptable.” 4) “We strive to eliminate discrimination and implicit bias from every aspect of our business, including the experiences of our...customers at Starbucks.” Because your policy also says, “These principles will continue to guide Starbucks and we will hold ourselves accountable to them.”, I expect Starbucks to stay true to its word so that, in practice, “Together, we can create and maintain a welcoming third place environment, where every individual is treated with humanity, dignity and respect.” Though I will NOT be harassed or targeted by any Starbucks employee (LGBTQ or Straight), this is the third such incident in the past 10 days at Starbucks Store # 06330 at 2900 W. Anderson Ln, Austin, TX, 78757. See Complaints 12/15/21 - #211215-013488 and 12/18/21 - #211218-006065 for details. Each and every time, Starbucks employees initiate and continue their unnecessary and uninvited verbal and psychological attacks until they are defeated. Overall, there is a long-term pattern of similar UPSIDE-DOWN, ASS-BACKWARDS LGBTQ harassment and discrimination against me, a Straight Christian Male Customer. by Starbucks employees across several Starbucks cafes throughout Austin, TX. See Complaints #211225-001391 (12/24/21), #211214-012694 (12/14/21), #211118-001408 (11/17/21), #210927-005527 (9/27/21), #210917-008840 (9/17/21), #210909-000309 (9/8/21), #210906-000330 (9/5/21), #210730-006749 (7/30/21), #210707-011133 (7/7/21), Complaints #210626-008372 (6/25/21), and #210519-008927 (5/19/21) for examples. If Starbucks is unwilling and/or unable to stop this LGBTQ Starbucks employee harassment against me, expect me to use the court of public opinion and/or court of law to lawfully stop it. This upside-down Matrix evil, which appears to be happening because the Kamala the Whore/Traitor Biden/Kenyan Obama cabal illegally stole the election from President Trump and is gaslighting America into believing their BULLSHIT (the true big lie), must be defeated and its works destroyed. President Trump won the 2020 election in a landslide, counting each and every legal, legitimate vote once only, with equal weighting only. THIS IS SPIRITUAL WARFARE. TRUTH defeats lies. JUDGMENT’S COMING. GOD BLESS AMERICA. GOD BLESS PRESIDENT TRUMP. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN. ROMANS 12:19. Thanks in advance for your anticipated prompt punitive and corrective actions in this matter. Respectfully, Carlos León ___________________________________________________________________________________ 57 EXHIBIT 20 Follow-up to Complaint #211214-012694 (#211225-001391) December 25, 2021 12:09 PM (Texas Time) To: Starbucks Corporate Office 2401 Utah Avenue South Seattle, WA 98134 From: Mr. Carlos León Re: Continuing DISRESPECTFUL, HOMOSEXUAL HARASSMENT and STALKING BEHAVIOR by young, short, White female barista (who dresses like a guy to look like a guy) against me, a Straight Christian Male Customer, on 12/24/21 between 3:30 PM and 3:45 PM at Starbucks – Brodie Oaks Center on S. Lamar (Store #06388) located at 4006 S Lamar Blvd, Austin, TX 78704 Requested Actions: IMMEDIATELY FIRE guilty young, short, White female barista (who dresses like a guy to look like a guy) Dear Starbucks, On December 24, 2021 at Starbucks Brodie Oaks Center on S. Lamar (Store #06388) at 4006 S Lamar Blvd, Austin, TX 78704 between 3:30 PM and 3:45 PM, guilty young, short, White female barista (who dresses like a guy to look like a guy) INTENTIONALLY and UNNECESSARILY HOMOSEXUALLY HARASSED me, a Straight Christian Male Customer. I had just peacefully entered the store and went to the Southwest seating area of the cafe (closest to Sprouts) to get something out of my gear, when guilty young, short, White female barista (who dresses like a guy to look like a guy) INTENTIONALLY and UNNECESSARILY approached me and asked me if she could buy me a cup of coffee, which she should NOT have done because: 1) approaching the counter, ordering a cup of coffee from a Starbucks employee, and paying for are MY responsibilities; Therefore, guilty young, short, White female barista (who dresses like a guy to look like a guy) INTENTIONALLY tried taking my responsibilities from me; 2) the counter is the right place to take a wanted order of coffee initiated by me (the paying customer), meaning the seating area is the WRONG place for guilty young, short, White female barista (who dresses like a guy to look like a guy) to WRONGLY try taking an unwanted order of coffee WRONGLY started by her; 58 3) guilty young, short, White female barista (who dresses like a guy to look like a guy) INTENTIONALLY and UNNECESSARILY approaching me in the seating area was her STALKING me, which is ILLEGAL and unprofessional, especially after her previous STALKING behavior against me documented in complaint #211214-012694; 4) guilty young, short, White female barista (who dresses like a guy to look like a guy) INTENTIONALLY tried FORCING a personal, unprofessional interaction with me that was unwanted, uninvited, and unwelcome. 5) guilty young, short, White female barista (who dresses like a guy to look like a guy) tried making me follow her personal mislead when, where, and how she wanted, though it’s her job to follow my professional lead when, where, and how I choose, following Starbucks policy and procedure. 6) guilty young, short, White female barista (who dresses like a guy to look like a guy) tried wrongly and unnecessarily interrupting me and distracting me from what I rightly was doing for myself to wrongly give her the personal attention she was seeking from me; 7) guilty young, short, White female barista (who dresses like a guy to look like a guy) tried wrongly and unnecessarily mixing the personal with the professional in the workplace with a customer who clearly wants NOTHING to do with or from her, though the personal should be kept separate from and out of the professional workplace. 8) it’s me who pays for the coffee of a STRAIGHT female date I choose, NOT an LGBTQ Starbucks employee trying to buy me coffee to target me with her SICKO DEMONIC INSANITY; Therefore, EVERYTHING guilty young, short, White female barista (who dresses like a guy to look like a guy) said and did while on duty under color of uniform was UPSIDE-DOWN, ASS- BACKWARDS, and WRONG, to try exerting power over me she does NOT have to try confusing and controlling me to effeminate and emasculate me to gaslight and dominate me to mistreat me like an abused bitch, which is unprofessional, unacceptable, and wrong; SHE acted like a SICK, ABUSIVE TROLL BITCH. I defeated her verbal, psychological, and spiritual attack by NOT stopping what I was doing and NOT acknowledging or responding to her or what she said; I simply ignored her until she went away. Still, in total, she VIOLATED the following Starbucks principles, from Starbucks Third Place Policy: 1) “expect(ing) everyone in our third place community to treat others with respect and dignity, free of bias and discrimination” 2) “Behaviors that make anyone feel unwelcome...have no place on our store premises.” 3) “harassing, abusive language...or actions are unacceptable.” 4) “We strive to eliminate discrimination and implicit bias from every aspect of our business, including the experiences of our...customers at Starbucks.” 59 Because your policy also says, “These principles will continue to guide Starbucks and we will hold ourselves accountable to them.”, I expect Starbucks to stay true to its word so that, in practice, “Together, we can create and maintain a welcoming third place environment, where every individual is treated with humanity, dignity and respect.” Therefore, guilty young, short, White female barista (who dresses like a guy to look like a guy) appears and acts like she’s part of the Starbucks LGBTQ mafia trying to target me, a Straight Christian Male Customer, which she did 12/14 (#211214-012694) at the same Starbucks at Brodie Oaks Center on S. Lamar (Store #06388) at 4006 S Lamar Blvd, Austin, TX 78704. Similar attacks have most recently occurred by two other female Starbucks employees at Starbucks Store #6330 at 2900 W. Anderson Ln, Austin, TX, 78757 on 12/15/21 (#211215-013488) and 12/18/21 (#211218-006065). Overall, there is a long-term pattern of similar LGBTQ harassment and discrimination against me, a Straight Christian Male Customer. by Starbucks employees across several Starbucks cafes throughout Austin, TX. See Complaints #210917-008840 (9/17/21) and #210519-008927 (5/19/21) for details. See Complaints #210626-008372 (6/25/21), #210707-011133 (7/7/21), #210730-006749 (7/30/21), #210906-000330 (9/5/21), #210909-000309 (9/8/21), #210927-005527 (9/27/21), and #211118-001408 (11/17/21) for examples. However, I will NOT be harassed, targeted, or stalked by any Starbucks employee (LGBTQ or Straight). Do NOT be fooled. There was NO misunderstanding. Guilty young, short, White female barista (who dresses like a guy to look like a guy) was NOT trying be helpful, friendly, or in the Xmas spirit. Guilty young, short, White female barista (who dresses like a guy to look like a guy) was trying to HURT me by going out of her way to talk and act like a SICKO, STALKING LESBO ENEMY attacking me, a Straight Christian Male Customer. No matter what she says on record to Starbucks, she knows who she is, what she’s doing, and why. This upside-down Matrix evil, which appears to be happening because the Kamala the Whore/Traitor Biden/Kenyan Obama cabal illegally stole the election from President Trump and is gaslighting America into believing their BULLSHIT (the true big lie), must be defeated and its works destroyed. President Trump won the 2020 election in a landslide, counting each and every legal, legitimate vote once only, with equal weighting only. THIS IS SPIRITUAL WARFARE. TRUTH defeats lies. JUDGMENT’S COMING. GOD BLESS AMERICA. GOD BLESS PRESIDENT TRUMP. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN. ROMANS 12:19. Thanks in advance for your anticipated prompt punitive and corrective actions in this matter. __________________________________________________________________________________ 60 EXHIBIT 21 CARLOS LEÓN Follow-up to Complaint #211215-013488 (#211218-006065) December 18, 2021 – 10:46 AM (Texas Time) To: Starbucks Corporate Office 2401 Utah Avenue South Seattle, WA 98134 From: Mr. Carlos León CC: Store manager Diego De La Jara u s 2630420 CC: District manager (NW Austin/Killeen) Anthony Rose Re: CHK 660238 on 12/18/21 at 09:03 AM at Drawer 1 at Reg 2 at Store #6330 Subj: Disrespectful, abusive, gaslighting troll behavior initiated by overweight light-skinned Black female barista with short, dark hair against me, the Straight Christian Male customer, at Starbucks Store #6330 at 2900 W. Anderson Ln, Austin, TX, 78757 the morning of 12/18/21 Requested Action: Immediately punish and correct overweight light-skinned Black female barista with short, dark hair’s disrespectful, abusive, feminist, gaslighting troll behavior Details: December 18, 2021, between 9:00 AM and 9:05 AM, at Starbucks Store # 06330 at 2900 W. Anderson Ln, Austin, TX, 78757, I first respectfully ordered, in-person at the counter, “One avocado spread,” which overweight light-skinned Black female barista with short, dark hair correctly inputted into the computer terminal with no nonsense. However, when I then respectfully ordered “One small cup of ice only, no lid, no straw, nothing else,” she responded with, “What size cup?” So I then said, “Of what?” She said, “of ice.” Therefore, based on the evidence, 1) She clearly heard the size of cup of ice I clearly ordered; 2) There is NO other Starbucks cup size that sounds like “small”; 3) She was trying to generate her feminist chaos and confusion from my Straight Masculine clarity 4) She was trying to make me repeat myself, though I expect her to clearly and completely hear me the first and only time I order; 61 5) She was trying to make me answer her unnecessary, uninvited, unwelcome question to accommodate and serve her when, where, and how she chose to follow her mislead, though it’s her job to answer my necessary professional questions to accommodate and serve me when, where, and how I choose to follow my right lead because I’m the paying customer and she’s the paid employee; 6) She was trying to take over the professional interaction that I, the paying customer, initiate and control; Therefore, I did NOT answer her BULLSHIT question. Instead, I retook control by making her answer MY question (“Of what?”), which I would NOT have asked had she done her job right the first time and had NOT verbally, psychologically, and spiritually attacked me. When she said “of ice”, I had made her answer MY question. So then I asked her, “What sizes do you have?,” another question I would NOT have asked had she done her job right the first time and had NOT verbally, psychologically, and spiritually attacked me. She answered MY question, saying “Small, medium, and large.” Therefore, not only did I make her answer another question, but I made her voice the different available sizes, including the one (“small”) I had initially told her. So I then said, “The first one,” to clearly indicate to her to put the ice in a small cup, without again saying “small” to NOT repeat myself. In return, she went further into passive-aggressive war mode against me (which she initiated) by NOT inputting the small cup of ice I ordered into the computer terminal, though inputting it is standard Starbucks protocol, evidenced by my printed receipt (CHK 660238) NOT showing the ordered small cup of ice only, no lid. In fact, she went even further into passive-aggressive war mode against me (which she initiated) when processing my payment for CHK 660238. Though I clearly told her, “Since I owe you $1.35, here’s $20.35,” handing her a $20 bill and $0.35 in coinage, she inputted into the computer terminal that I had only paid her $1.35. However, she did give me back my full change ($19.00) in cash. Nonetheless, her officially recording on CHK 660238 that I had only given her $1.35, and had received NO change back, was her trying to overwrite the truth with HER LIES to try overwriting what I and she had actually done during the transaction of payment. That’s all about her trying to exert power over me to confuse and control me to effeminate and emasculate me to gaslight and dominate me to mistreat me like an abused bitch, which is unprofessional, unacceptable, and wrong. Therefore, in total, she VIOLATED the following Starbucks principles, from Starbucks Third Place Policy: 1) “expect(ing) everyone in our third place community to treat others with respect and dignity, free of bias and discrimination” 2) “Behaviors that make anyone feel unwelcome...have no place on our store premises.” 3) “harassing, abusive language...or actions are unacceptable.” 62 4) “We strive to eliminate discrimination and implicit bias from every aspect of our business, including the experiences of our...customers at Starbucks.” Because your policy also says, “These principles will continue to guide Starbucks and we will hold ourselves accountable to them.”, I expect Starbucks to stay true to its word so that, in practice, “Together, we can create and maintain a welcoming third place environment, where every individual is treated with humanity, dignity and respect.” Thanks in advance for your anticipated prompt punitive and corrective actions in this matter. Respectfully, Carlos León ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- God Bless America. God Bless President Trump, who truly won the 2020 election in a landslide, counting each and every legal, legitimate vote one time only, with equal weighting only. MAGA ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- _________________________________________________________________________________ EXHIBIT 22 CARLOS LEÓN (Complaint #211215-013488) December 15, 2021 – 2:58 PM (Texas Time) To: Starbucks Corporate Office 2401 Utah Avenue South Seattle, WA 98134 From: Mr. Carlos León CC: Store manager Diego De La Jara u s 2630420 CC: District manager (NW Austin/Killeen) Anthony Rose Re: Disrespectful, abusive, gaslighting troll behavior initiated by overweight White female barista with short, orange-colored hair against me, the Straight Christian Male customer, at Starbucks Store # 06330 at 2900 W. Anderson Ln, Austin, TX, 78757 Requested Action: Immediately punish and correct overweight White female barista with short, orange-colored hair’s disrespectful, abusive, feminist, gaslighting troll behavior 63 Details: December 15, 2021, between 1:35 PM and 1:45 PM, at Starbucks Store # 06330 at 2900 W. Anderson Ln, Austin, TX, 78757, I respectfully ordered, in-person at the counter, “One cup of ice only, no lid, no straw, nothing else.” The overweight White female barista with short, orange-colored hair took my order, standing right in front of me, facing me, after she had just asked me how she could help me. However, instead of just rightly processing my order, she wrongly replied something like, “Will that be a cold brew or latte?”, which she should NOT have asked because: 1) she tried introducing the idea of a cold brew or latte to try incepting those choices into my mind to try making me change MY order (cup of ice only) to what she wanted me to order (cold brew or latte); 2) she tried making me answer her unnecessary, uninvited, unwelcome question to make me accommodate and serve her (employee) how she wanted, though it’d her job to answer my necessary questions to accommodate and serve Me (customer) how I want; 3) she clearly heard what I ordered, evidenced by the sticker receipt (1:41:50 PM) on the cup saying “No Lid” Therefore, to defeat her verbal, psychological, and spiritual attack I did NOT answer her question. Instead, I told her what she was asking was all wrong. Then I asked her, ‘What did you hear?” She answered my question, saying only “A small cup of...”, as if she didn’t hear the part of “ice only,” though she did because she heard the “no lid” part immediately FOLLOWING “ice only”. Therefore, she was disrespectfully trying to make me repeat my order, though I expect her to hear me clearly and completely when I order. Because there was NOT a line behind me, the noise level inside the cafe was low, and she was NOT being distracted by anyone around her, there were NO apparent obstructions to clearly hearing and processing my easy, simple order, like Starbucks baristas typically do without problem. If she had made an honest mistake I wouldn’t be filing this complaint. However, based on the objective analysis of the factual evidence, as well as my subjective reading of her in-person attitude, body language, and eye contact, she was intentionally trying to confuse and control me to effeminate and emasculate me to gaslight and dominate me to mistreat me like an abused bitch, which is unprofessional and unacceptable. Therefore, she VIOLATED the following Starbucks principles, from Starbucks Third Place Policy: 1) “expect(ing) everyone in our third place community to treat others with respect and dignity, free of bias and discrimination” 2) “Behaviors that make anyone feel unwelcome...have no place on our store premises.” 3) “harassing, abusive language...or actions are unacceptable.” 64 4) “We strive to eliminate discrimination and implicit bias from every aspect of our business, including the experiences of our...customers at Starbucks.” Because your policy also says, “These principles will continue to guide Starbucks and we will hold ourselves accountable to them.”, I expect Starbucks to stay true to its word so that, in practice, “Together, we can create and maintain a welcoming third place environment, where every individual is treated with humanity, dignity and respect.” Thanks in advance for your anticipated prompt punitive and corrective actions in this matter. Respectfully, Carlos León ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- God Bless America. God Bless President Trump, who truly won the 2020 election in a landslide, counting each and every legal, legitimate vote one time only, with equal weighting only. MAGA ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________________________________________________________________________ EXHIBIT 23 Follow-up to Complaint #210917-008840 (#211214-012694) December 14, 2021 3:10 PM (Texas Time) To: Starbucks Corporate Office 2401 Utah Avenue South Seattle, WA 98134 From: Mr. Carlos León Re: DISRESPECTFUL, HOMOSEXUAL HARASSMENT BEHAVIOR by young, short, White female barista (who dresses like a guy to look like a guy) against me, a Straight Christian Male Customer, on 12/14/21 between 1:45 PM and 2:00 PM at Starbucks – Brodie Oaks Center on S. Lamar (Store #06388) located at 4006 S Lamar Blvd, Austin, TX 78704 Requested Actions: IMMEDIATELY coach, reprogram, and retrain young, short, White female barista (who dresses like a guy to look like a guy) 65 Dear Starbucks, On December 14, 2021 at Starbucks Brodie Oaks Center on S. Lamar (Store #06388) at 4006 S Lamar Blvd, Austin, TX 78704 between 1:45 PM and 2:00 PM, young, short, White female barista (who dresses like a guy to look like a guy) INTENTIONALLY and UNNECESSARILY HOMOSEXUALLY HARASSED me, a Straight Christian Male Customer. I was peacefully and respectfully picking up my order from her at the counter, when she called me “Carlos,” which she should NOT have done because: 1) I did NOT provide her my name when I ordered; 2) I do NOT give my name when I order; 3) I’ve NEVER personally introduced myself to her; 4) There’s NO personal history between me and her, inside or outside the store; 5) She and I are NOT on a first name basis; Therefore to defeat young, short, White female barista (who dresses like a guy to look like a guy)’s verbal, psychological, and spiritual attack, I said back to her, “What?!” After that, she called me “dude,” which also is disrespectful, unprofessional, and wrong. She should have addressed me as “SIR.” Then she said something about seeing me later, though I have NO plans to see her. Therefore, she is talking and acting like a STALKER, which also is disrespectful, unprofessional, and wrong, as well as ILLEGAL. Therefore, young, short, White female barista (who dresses like a guy to look like a guy) appears and acts like she’s part of the Starbucks LGBTQ mafia trying to target me, a Straight Christian Male Customer, which has happened before at Starbucks at Brodie Oaks Center on S. Lamar (Store #06388) at 4006 S Lamar Blvd, Austin, TX 78704. See Complaints #210917-008840 (9/17/21) and #210519- 008927 (5/19/21) for details. See Complaints #210626-008372 (6/25/21), #210707-011133 (7/7/21), #210730-006749 (7/30/21), #210906-000330 (9/5/21), #210909-000309 (9/8/21), #210927- 005527 (9/27/21), and #211118-001408 (11/17/21) for examples of similar LGBTQ harassment and discrimination against me, a Straight Christian Male Customer. by Starbucks employees. However, I will NOT be harassed, targeted, or stalked by any LGBTQ Starbucks employee. Do NOT be fooled. There was NO misunderstanding. This upside-down Matrix evil, which appears to be happening because the Kamala the Whore/Traitor Biden/Kenyan Obama cabal illegally stole the election from President Trump and is gaslighting America into believing their BULLSHIT(the true big lie), must be defeated and its works destroyed. President Trump won the 2020 election in a landslide, counting each and every legal, legitimate vote once only, with equal weighting only. 66 THIS IS SPIRITUAL WARFARE. TRUTH defeats lies. JUDGMENT’S COMING. GOD BLESS AMERICA. GOD BLESS PRESIDENT TRUMP. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN. ROMANS 12:19. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EXHIBIT 24 COMPLAINT (#210917-008840) September 17, 2021 To: Starbucks Corporate Office 2401 Utah Avenue South Seattle, WA 98134 From: Mr. Carlos León Re: DISRESPECTFUL, HOMOSEXUAL HARASSMENT BEHAVIOR by your young Black Male barista against me, a Straight Christian Male Customer, on 9/17/21 between 10:45 AM and 10:52 AM at Starbucks – Brodie Oaks Center on S. Lamar (Store #06388) located at 4006 S Lamar Blvd, Austin, TX 78704 Requested Actions: 1) IMMEDIATELY coach, reprogram, and retrain your young Black Male barista Dear Starbucks, On September 17, 2021 at Starbucks Brodie Oaks Center on S. Lamar (Store #06388) at 4006 S Lamar Blvd, Austin, TX 78704 between 10:45 AM and 10:52 AM, your young Black Male barista INTENTIONALLY and UNNECESSARILY HOMOSEXUALLY HARASSED me, a Straight Christian Male Customer. I was quietly exiting the store, facing AWAY from the counter, when your young Black Male barista, who was standing behind the counter, loudly called public attention to me leaving, saying something like, “Have a good day, Carlos!,” which he should NOT have said because: 1) There’s NO personal history between me and him, inside or outside the store; 2) Professionally, I did NOT interact with him today; In fact, I do not recall EVER interacting with him; 67 3) I’ve NEVER personally introduced myself to him and I do NOT give my name when I order; 4) I and he are NOT on a first name basis; 5) He was seeking my personal attention while on duty under color of uniform, though the personal should NOT be mixed with the professional at the workplace while under color of uniform; 6) He loudly said what he said to try distracting me, stopping my forward progress out of the store, and redirecting my attention away from rightly looking ahead of me to wrongly turning around to acknowledge him, to confuse and control me to effeminate and emasculate me to gaslight and dominate me to HOMOSEXUALIZE me by mistreating me like an abused bitch., though he acted like an ABUSIVE BITCH; Therefore to defeat your young Black Male barista’s verbal, psychological, and spiritual attack, I did NOT stop my exiting, turn around, or acknowledge him. I simply finished exiting without saying a word. However, AFTER I left the store, I put my gear down outside, then re-entered to let him know his unprofessional, HOMOSEXUAL HARASSMENT behavior against me was unacceptable and must be immediately terminated. Because he was attending to another customer then, I did NOT interrupt him. Instead, I quietly spoke with your on-duty young White female barista also behind the counter, explaining to her what he had just done wrong, why it must stop now, and that if he did it again I’d write him up to Starbucks Corporate. She understood and appeared to acknowledge she’d talk to him as soon as he was done. Though your young Black Male barista was attending to another customer, he appeared to hear/understand what I was telling young White female barista because as soon as I was done talking to her and had turned AWAY from them and the counter, and started walking out again, he AGAIN loudly, unnecessarily, and intentionally said “Have a good day, Carlos!,” to again intentionally and disrespectfully HOMOSEXUALLY HARASS and START SHIT with me, a Straight Christian Male customer. Therefore, at that point I stopped and told young White female barista I’d be writing young Black Male barista up to Corporate. Then I directly confronted your young Black Male barista, telling him loud and clear he and I are NOT on a first name basis, and that I am “SIR” to him. Only after I publicly called out and corrected his HOMOSEXUAL HARASSMENT behavior against me, a Straight Christian Male customer, did he then call me “SIR.” Then I left. Bottom line, do NOT be fooled. There was NO misunderstanding. Your young Black Male barista was NOT providing any needed or wanted customer service, or being professionally “friendly”; he was HOMOSEXUALLY FLIRTING with me, a Straight Christian Male Customer, at the workplace while on duty under color of uniform, based on the evidence you can see and hear, including the fact he did NOT wish every other exiting customer a good day and did NOT call them by their first name. He was TARGETING me. Unfortunately for Starbucks, this is NOT the first time ABUSIVE, SICKO PSYCHO HOMOSEXUAL Male Starbucks employees have verbally, psychologically, and spiritually attacked me like this: 68 See Complaint #210909-000309 documenting what happened 9/8/21 at Starbucks Store (#09612) at 38th and Guadalupe, located at 3706 Guadalupe Street, Austin, TX 78705 See Complaint #210906-000330 documenting what happened 9/5/21 at Starbucks Store #06328 (45th and Lamar, Austin, TX, 78756). See Complaint #210730-006749 about what happened 7/29/21 at Starbucks at Far West Blvd. at Hart Ln, located at 3637 Far West Blvd., Austin, TX 78731. See Complaint #210707-011133 about what happened 7/7/21 at Starbucks at 3rd & Lavaca (in downtown Austin). See Complaint #210626-008372 about what happened 6/25/21 at Starbucks at 3rd & Lavaca (in downtown Austin). See Complaint #210519-008927 about what happened 5/9/21 at Starbucks at Brodie Oaks Center on S. Lamar (Store #06388), located at 4006 S Lamar Blvd, Austin, TX 78704. See Complaint #200918-003769 about what happened 9/14/20 at Starbucks located at 3317 Northland Drive, Austin, TX 78731. This attacking ABUSIVE, SICKO PSYCHO behavior pattern across many Starbucks stores by HOMOSEXUAL Male Starbucks employees against me, a Straight Christian Male customer, is unacceptable. Therefore, based on the evidence, it’s past time to STOP celebrating oxymoronic gay pride and start training your homosexual male employees to stop their ABUSIVE, SICKO, PSYCHO BULLSHIT behavior against me, a Straight Christian Male customer, because I will NOT be targeted by them or dragged down into their satanic, upside-down, ass-backwards hell. Expect me to speak publicly about all this, because all these documented complaints have NOT stopped the HOMOSEXUAL HARASSMENT attacks against me, a Straight Christian Male customer, by your SICKO employees. This upside-down Matrix evil, which appears to be happening because the Kamala the Whore/Traitor Biden/Kenyan Obama cabal illegally stole the election from President Trump and is gaslighting America into believing their BULLSHIT(the true big lie), must be defeated and its works destroyed. President Trump won the 2020 election in a landslide, counting each and every legal, legitimate vote once only, with equal weighting. THIS IS SPIRITUAL WARFARE. TRUTH defeats lies. JUDGMENT’S COMING. GOD BLESS AMERICA. GOD BLESS PRESIDENT TRUMP. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN. ROMANS 12:19. LEVITICUS 20:13. _________________________________________________________________________________ 69 EXHIBIT 25 CARLOS LEÓN COMPLAINT (#210909-000309) September 8, 2021 6:46 PM (Texas Time) To: Starbucks Corporate Office 2401 Utah Avenue South Seattle, WA 98134 CC: Ms. Susan Smith Nixon District Manager – downtown Austin (808) 936-1083 From: Mr. Carlos León Subj: On Sept. 8, 2021, between 3:50 PM and 4:10 PM, at 38th and Guadalupe Starbucks Store (#09612), located at 3706 Guadalupe Street, Austin, TX 78705, young, short, thin Hispanic/White Male Starbucks barista, allegedly named Alejandro, disrespected and mistreated me, a Straight Christian Male customer, after I first treated him, an apparent HOMOSEXUAL, respectfully Requested Actions: 1) Immediately FIRE homosexual Hispanic/White Male Starbucks barista Alejandro 2) Immediately put this complaint in homosexual Hispanic/White Male Starbucks barista Alejandro’s personnel file so it follows him wherever he goes Details: On Sept. 8, 2021, between 3:50 PM and 4:10 PM, I, Carlos León, entered the 38th and Guadalupe Starbucks Store (#09612), located at 3706 Guadalupe Street, Austin, TX 78705, put my gear down at my table, and waited in line to respectfully say two things to the young, short, thin Hispanic/White Male Starbucks barista at the register, allegedly named Alejandro: 1) What’s today’s restroom code? 2) I want one small cup of ice, no lid, no straw, nothing else; I’ll get it at the pick-up counter. I asked “Alejandro” for today’s restroom code because 38th and Guadalupe Starbucks Store (#09612)’s two restrooms have electronic keypad locks requiring the correct code be inputted, followed by the pound sign, to open their doors. Typically, the electronic code is changed daily. 70 In response, “Alejandro” clearly told me,”7825#,” which I immediately wrote down on a piece of paper. Then he got me my small cup of ice. A couple of minutes later, I went to restroom #1, inputted “7825#” on the electronic keypad, and the lock repeatedly flashed red in response, meaning someone had locked it from the inside or it was wrong code. So I then inputted “7825#” on the electronic keypad of restroom #2, and that lock also repeatedly flashed red in response. Because the store was almost totally empty at that time, having both restrooms be simultaneously occupied then and there seemed improbable. Therefore, after waiting there for about a minute (for someone to exit either restroom), a young female barista allegedly named Jenna told me the code was actually “782#”. As soon as I inputted “782#” on the electronic keypad of restroom #1, the lock flashed green, unlocking the restroom door, meaning “782#” was the correct code. Therefore, “Alejandro” allegedly knowingly told me the WRONG code to make me think both restrooms were already occupied, when they were not, to make me unnecessarily wait to use one, to confuse and control me to effeminate and emasculate me to gaslight and dominate me to mistreat me like an abused bitch, though “Alejandro” acted like an ABUSIVE BITCH. Therefore, I did NOT speak to or interact with PSYCHO LOSER LIAR “Alejandro” again. Instead, I got his and Jenna’s names from the other female barista working there then to write and file this complaint with Starbucks Corporate to lawfully hold “Alejandro” accountable for unacceptable ABUSIVE, SICKO, PSYCHO HOMO BULLSHIT behavior. Unfortunately for Starbucks, this is NOT the first time ABUSIVE, SICKO PSYCHO HOMOSEXUAL Male Starbucks employees have verbally, psychologically, and spiritually attacked me like this. See Complaint #210906-000330 documenting what happened 9/5/21 at Starbucks Store #06328 (45th and Lamar, Austin, TX, 78756). See Complaint #210730-006749 about what happened 7/29/21 at Starbucks at Far West Blvd. at Hart Ln, located at 3637 Far West Blvd., Austin, TX 78731. See Complaint #210707-011133 about what happened 7/7/21 at Starbucks at 3rd & Lavaca (in downtown Austin). See Complaint #210626-008372 about what happened 6/25/21 at Starbucks at 3rd & Lavaca (in downtown Austin). See Complaint #210519-008927 about what happened 5/9/21 at Starbucks at Brodie Oaks Center on S. Lamar (Store #06388), located at 4006 S Lamar Blvd, Austin, TX 78704. See Complaint #200918-003769 about what happened 9/14/20 at Starbucks located at 3317 Northland Drive, Austin, TX 78731. 71 This attacking ABUSIVE, SICKO PSYCHO behavior pattern across many Starbucks stores by HOMOSEXUAL Male Starbucks employees against me, a Straight Christian Man, is unacceptable. Therefore, based on the evidence, it’s past time to STOP celebrating oxymoronic gay pride and start training your homosexual male employees to stop their ABUSIVE, SICKO, PSYCHO BULLSHIT behavior against me, a Straight Christian Male customer, because I will NOT be targeted by them or dragged down into their satanic, upside-down, ass-backwards hell. This upside-down Matrix evil, which appears to be happening because the Kamala the Whore/Traitor Biden/Kenyan Obama cabal illegally stole the election from President Trump and is gaslighting America into believing their BULLSHIT(the true big lie), must be defeated and its works destroyed. President Trump won the 2020 election in a landslide, counting each and every legal, legitimate vote once only, with equal weighting. THIS IS SPIRITUAL WARFARE. TRUTH defeats lies. JUDGMENT’S COMING. GOD BLESS AMERICA. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN. ROMANS 12:19. LEVITICUS 20:13. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________________________________________________________________________ EXHIBIT 26 CARLOS LEÓN COMPLAINT (#210730-006749) July 30, 2021 12:01 PM (Texas Time) CC: District manager (NW Austin/Killeen) Anthony Rose To: Starbucks Corporate Office 2401 Utah Avenue South Seattle, WA 98134 (512) 571-7216 Starbucks Coffee Company 1109 N. Bell Blvd. Cedar Park, TX 78613 From: Mr. Carlos León 72 Subj: Repeated, targeted HOMOSEXUAL HARASSMENT TROLL behavior by guilty young White Male homosexual Starbucks barista against me, a Straight Christian Male customer, at Far West Blvd. at Hart Ln. (Starbucks Store #53861), located at 3637 Far West Blvd., Austin, TX 78731, the evening of July 29, 2021 Requested Actions: 1) Punish and remove the guilty young White Male homosexual Starbucks barista 2) Immediately put this complaint in the guilty young White Male homosexual Starbucks barista’s personnel file and keep it there permanently Details: At the Starbucks at Far West Blvd. at Hart Ln. (Starbucks Store #53861), located at 3637 Far West Blvd., Austin, TX 78731, on the evening of July 29, 2021, guilty young White Male homosexual Starbucks barista repeatedly targeted me, a Straight Christian Male customer, with his repeated, HOMOSEXUAL HARASSMENT TROLL behavior meant to confuse and control me to effeminate and emasculate me to gaslight and dominate me to HOMOSEXUALIZE me to drag me down into his HOMOSEXUAL HELL. HELL NO. First, sometime around 7:30 or 8:00 PM. I approached the other Starbucks employee, the young female barista, and respectfully told her I wanted one small cup of ice, no lid, no straw, nothing else. However, though she was standing closer to the ice and was ready and available to serve me, guilty young White Male homosexual Starbucks barista quickly walked away from what he was doing to rush by her, telling her. “I’ll get it,” to try FORCING an interaction with me, and to stop me from interacting with her, like he was a jealous, spurned bitch. Then, when he filled the small cup with ice, but BEFORE handing it to me, guilty young White Male homosexual Starbucks barista asked me something like, “Just ice, right?” , which he should NOT have asked because: 1) guilty young White Male homosexual Starbucks barista already knew the answer to his unnecessary, uninvited, unwelcome question before he asked; 2) the store was NOT busy at that time (almost no customers were there then), meaning he clearly heard what I had told the young female barista; 3) guilty young White Male homosexual Starbucks barista asked his unnecessary, uninvited, unwelcome question to try making me repeat myself to answer him to accommodate and serve him, though he (Starbucks employee) is paid by Starbucks to answer my necessary questions to accommodate and serve me (the customer); 4) guilty young White Male homosexual Starbucks barista tried making me follow his mislead, though it’s his job to follow my (customer’s) lead; Therefore, to defeat guilty young White Male homosexual Starbucks barista’s verbal, psychological, and spiritual attack, I did NOT answer his unnecessary, uninvited, unwelcome question. Instead, I told him, “You heard correct.” In response. guilty young White Male homosexual Starbucks barista said, “I was just making sure,” which is a LIE because he already knew exactly what I had told her I wanted’ 73 The truth is he asked his unnecessary, uninvited, unwelcome question for the four reasons I just listed and he then LIED about why he asked it to try covering his ass and to get the last word. Because guilty young White Male homosexual Starbucks barista wrongly wanted my personal attention, I denied it to him, taking my cup of ice, walking back to my seat at my table, getting back to work on my laptop, and ignoring him. However, at 9:00 PM (closing time), guilty young White Male homosexual Starbucks barista repeatedly attacked me again. I was peacefully and silently walking out the east door with my work gear in tow (on luggage carts), when guilty young White Male homosexual Starbucks barista said he’d open the door for me, though I did NOT want, need, or request his assistance. In fact, guilty young White Male homosexual Starbucks barista should have stayed focused on doing his closing duties, having nothing to do with me. Therefore, because he was on the other side of the store, he was again trying to force an unwanted, unnecessary, uninvited interaction with me to again try confusing and controlling me to effeminate and emasculate me to gaslight and dominate me to HOMOSEXUALIZE me, because it’s we Straight Men who hold the doors for women. Therefore, to NOT allow guilty young White Male homosexual Starbucks barista to treat me like a bitch and NOT give him the attention he wanted for his disrespectful insult against me, I told him “No thanks” and continued on my way out the door I was holding for myself. However, guilty young White Male homosexual Starbucks barista then passive-aggressively retaliated against me for NOT allowing him to effeminate or emasculaste me, telling me,”Have a good night, HONEY,” which he should NOT have said because: 1) Calling me “HONEY” is unprofessional, especially because I have NO personal history with him inside or outside Starbucks; 2) Calling me “HONEY” is another insult, meant to disrespectfully rename me how he wants, to effeminate and emasculate me to gaslight and dominate me to HOMOSEXUALIZE me, because we Straight Men call our women “honey; 3) he said it to try getting the last word in over me; Therefore, I immediately stopped in the east doorway, turned around, looked guilty young White Male homosexual Starbucks barista in the eye (who was standing at least 15 feet away, by the bakery display case), and asked him angrily, “Did you just call me HONEY?” Guilty young White Male homosexual Starbucks barista then LIED again, saying he hadn’t, though he clearly had. At that point, I continued looking him in the eye when I told him loud and clear, “I’M SIR, you’re sir,” because that’s the professional way for Male customers and baristas to address one another, and to rightly get the last word in over him. Then I finished exiting. Bottom line, your guilty young White Male homosexual Starbucks barista blatantly ignored and broke Starbucks Third Place Policy. For example, though your policy says “we expect everyone in our third 74 place community to treat others with respect and dignity, free of bias and discrimination. Behaviors that make anyone feel unwelcome...have no place on our store premises,” your guilty young White Male homosexual Starbucks barista did NOT treat me respectfully; I was targeted by his unprofessional, unacceptable HOMOSEXUAL bias and discrimination against me, a Straight Christian Man, Though your current barista opening at Far West Blvd. at Hart Ln. (Starbucks Store #53861),, lists “Acts with integrity, honesty and knowledge that promote the culture, values and mission of Starbucks” as the first bulleted key responsibility, your guilty young White Male homosexual Starbucks barista repeatedly spoke and behaved the EXACT OPPOSITE against me. Bottom line, I will NOT be targeted or HOMOSEXUALLY HARASSED by this guilty young White Male homosexual Starbucks barista or any other Male homosexual Starbucks employee. Do NOT waste your time trying to coach or retrain him; he knows what he’s intentionally doing and why. However, if you want to help him, tell him to read LEVITICUS 20:13 to try to save him before GOD judges him because “VENGEANCE IS MINE; I WILL REPAY, saith the Lord” (ROMANS 12:19). ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EXHIBIT 27 COMPLAINT (#210519-008927) May 19, 2021 To: Starbucks Corporate Office 2401 Utah Avenue South Seattle, WA 98134 From: Mr. Carlos León Re: ABUSIVE, SATANIC, SICKO BITCH BEHAVIOR by White male supervisor, who said his name is “Tyrone”, at Starbucks – Brodie Oaks Center on S. Lamar (Store #06388) located at 4006 S Lamar Blvd, Austin, TX 78704 Requested Actions: 1) IMMEDIATELY FIRE “Tyrone” Dear Starbucks, 2) IMMEDIATELY REPLACE “Tyrone” with a supervisor who does NOT target or harass me; 75 On May 19, 2021 at Starbucks Brodie Oaks Center on S. Lamar (Store #06388) at 4006 S Lamar Blvd, Austin, TX 78704 between 11:55 AM and 12:00 PM, White Male Supervisor Tyrone INTENTIONALLY and UNNECESSARILY acted ABUSIVELY against me. I was sitting silently at my circular table, working on my laptop, when Tyrone respectfully approached me with a laptop bag in hand that looked like mine that I had apparently unintentionally left by a smaller rectangular table where I was sitting earlier in the morning. He showed me the laptop bag and asked me if it was mine, but intentionally and unnecessarily kept it far enough away from me to stop me from getting a closer look and making sure it was mine. When I told him it looked like mine and he could see I wanted it back, he then WALKED AWAY from me with it in hand, which he should NOT have done because: 1) he should have brought it CLOSER to me to help me visually confirm it was mine; 2) he INTENTIONALLY and OPPOSITELY took it further AWAY from me to try making me reach for it and/or chase him – that’s how MEAN GIRL TEENAGE BITCHES act; 3) he wanted to CONTROL my personal, private property; 4) he wanted to KEEP my personal, private property away from me; 5) he wanted to DENY me what is mine; Tyrone used the excuse that because someone had turned it in to him, he now had to bring it to the top of the customer counter to open it up and go through it, which is TOTAL BULLSHIT because: 1) there was plenty of space on my circular table to put my laptop bag down in front of me, which a normal, healthy supervisor would have done; 2) there was NO need to open it up or go through it because I could identify it WITHOUT having to do any of that, which is what a normal, healthy supervisor would have done; 3) Tyrone misused this “opportunity” to INVADE MY PERSONAL PRIVATE PROPERTY in front of me; 4) No one else was missing or claiming that laptop bag; Therefore, though I IMMEDIATELY told him he could put it down on my table, Tyrone did the OPPOSITE, INTENTIONALLY, UNNECESSARILY, and WRONGLY walking to the customer counter, putting it there, opening it up, and publicly going through my PERSONAL PRIVATE PROPERTY. Only after I told him there was NO cell phone in there but a small bottle of cleaning fluid for my laptop screen did he then give me back MY laptop bag. Clearly, Tyrone was trying to get me to accept him controlling and going through my PERSONAL PRIVATE PROPERTY to effeminate and emasculate me to mistreat me like an abused bitch, or make me initiate a verbal and/or physical confrontation with him for my laptop bag to use as an excuse to ban me from Store #06338 and/or call APD to remove me 76 from Store #06338. I REJECTED both of those lose-lose options. Instead, after MY laptop bag was back in MY possession, I then asked Tyrone his name and official position to fire off this complaint, following Starbucks feedback policy. He told me both. In addition, Supervisor Tyrone broke Starbucks Third Place Policy. Though the policy says “we expect everyone in our third place community to treat others with respect and dignity, free of bias and discrimination. Behaviors that make anyone feel unwelcome...have no place on our store premises,” Supervisor Tyrone did NOT treat me respectfully from the moment he walked AWAY from me with MY laptop bag, AFTER I said it looked like mine; I was targeted by Tyrone’s bias and discrimination, though you say such behaviors have “no place on our store premises.” In fact, not only does Tyrone’s ABUSIVE, SATANIC, SICKO BITCH BEHAVIOR has NO place at ANY Starbucks, it has NO place in ANY healthy, sane space ANYWHERE. Because your policy says, “Anyone not contributing to a safe and welcoming environment will be asked to change their behavior. Anyone not changing their behavior may be asked to leave the store...” Starbucks should remove Supervisor Tyrone IMMEDIATELY and PERMANENTLY because AFTER I gave him the opportunity to bring my laptop bag toward me and place it in front of me on my table to contribute to a safe, welcoming environment, Supervisor Tyrone INTENTIONALLY did the EXACT OPPOSITE to create an UNSAFE, UNWELCOMING, ABUSIVE, CONTROLLING environment. Thanks in advance for your anticipated corrective action. Respectfully, Carlos León ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EXHIBIT 28 COMPLAINT #210328-009689 March 28, 2021 To: Starbucks Corporate Office 2401 Utah Avenue South Seattle, WA 98134 From: Mr. Carlos León Re: Serious UPSIDE-DOWN, REVERSE SEXIST TROLL BITCH BEHAVIOR AND ABUSES OF OFFICIAL CAPACITY by Hispanic/White female barista who said her name is “Teresa”, against me at Starbucks – Walsh Tarlton and Bee Caves located at 3300 Bee Cave Road, Ste 250, Austin, TX 78746 (Store #11697). Requested Actions: 1) IMMEDIATELY FIRE “Teresa” 2) IMMEDIATELY REPLACE “Teresa” with a barista who does NOT target or harass me; 77 Dear Starbucks, On March 28, 2021 at Starbucks #11697 - Walsh Tarlton and Bee Caves, located at 3300 Bee Cave Road, Ste 250, Austin, TX 78746, Hispanic/White female barista “Teresa” intentionally targeted and reverse sexually harassed me, VIOLATING Starbucks policy. Between 4:25 PM and 4:35 PM, I peacefully walked in to Starbucks #11697 wearing my facial covering over my nose and mouth, like usual, following local Starbucks policy. I had my laptop in hand. Then “Teresa” initiated her UPSIDE-DOWN, ASS-BACKWARDS TROLL BITCH behavior against me. First, “Teresa” was wrongly standing on the CUSTOMER-SIDE of the counter, trying to act as a “greeter” instead of a barista, though COVID 6-foot social distancing rules are still in effect. Second, in plain view, I walked to a wall outlet furthest away from the counter, and her, to plug in and charge my laptop under one of the “temporary closed tables” so that my laptop would be out of the way and no one would step on it or mess with it – a common practice at Starbucks throughout Austin. However, “Teresa” unnecessarily asked me if I was sitting there, which she should NOT have asked because: 1) There were NO chairs there; 2) I clearly was NOT sitting there or anywhere inside Starbucks, following current Starbucks policy in Austin, TX; 3) She knew the answer to her own unnecessary question before she asked it; 4) She tried making me answer her unnecessary question to accommodate and serve her, though it’s she (the Starbucks employee) whose job it is to answer my (Customer’s) necessary questions to accommodate and serve me; 5) She initiated an unwarranted, unnecessary confrontation with me; Therefore, to defeat her verbal, psychological, and spiritual attack, and de-escalate the unnecessary confrontation she started, I did NOT answer, acknowledge, or respond; I simply ignored it and her. However, “Teresa” then wrongly continued the confrontation she started by unnecessarily telling me I could not sit there, though I clearly was NOT sitting there and NOT attempting to sit there. Therefore, I then told her “NO ONE CAN SIT THERE,” following Starbucks policy, because the table was clearly marked with a “temporarily closed” sign. Then I continued plugging in my laptop. So Teresa the Troll unnecessarily continued the unnecessary confrontation she started, telling me she was giving me permission to plug in, as if she was doing me a favor for which I now owed her, though I don’t need her permission or owe her anything to plug in because plugging in is an intended use of Starbucks space, per Starbucks Third Place Policy. So I ignored her again. 78 So Teresa the Troll then told me I could NOT be inside Starbucks unless she took and recorded my temperature, though I showed NO signs of any illness. Therefore, I then told Teresa the Troll that it’s SHE and her fellow Starbucks EMPLOYEES who have to take their temperatures and record them when they enter Starbucks, NOT US CUSTOMERS, following Starbucks EMPLOYEE COVID-19 policy. Therefore, because Teresa the Troll was intentionally and repeatedly trying to confuse and control me to effeminate and emasculate me to gaslight and dominate me to exert power over me she does NOT have, to treat me like an abused bitch, though it’s SHE who acted like an ABUSIVE BITCH, I then called out her BULLSHIT to her face and asked her her name for this complaint. She said it was “Teresa.” I then took my laptop and left, telling her to expect this complaint. As I was leaving, I saw her pulling the same BULLSHIT on a White Male senior citizen customer who stupidly and unnecessarily allowed her to take and record his temperature, meaning her REVERSE SEXIST BULLSHIT behavior was targeting MEN. This FEMINIST BULLSHIT double standard must be DESTROYED YESTERDAY. This FEMINIST BULLSHIT highlights the two Americas - the true, healthy, normal Patriarchal right-side up real America, where President Trump legally and legitimately won re-election in a landslide and the false, mentally ill, upside-down, ass-backwards, feminist anti-reality America where illegitimate Biden illegally STOLE the 2020 election (Read Dr. Peter Navarro’s 3-volume report : The Immaculate Deception, the Art of the Steal, and Yes, President Trump Won, The Case, Evidence, and Statistical Receipts, as well as watch the “Absolute Proof” documentary by Mike Lindellcto familiarize yourself with the TRUTH). As Teresa the Troll shows, there is NO peaceful co-existence between the two Americas. There is NO unity or healing with the false, feminist, anti-reality, only its RIGHTFUL REJECTION, like how Jesus Christ RIGHTLY REJECTED satan (See Matthew 4:1-10,for example). Just like the law was blatantly ignored and broken by the criminal cabal that stole the election for Biden, Teresa the Troll blatantly ignored and broke Starbucks Third Place Policy. Though the policy says “we expect everyone in our third place community to treat others with respect and dignity, free of bias and discrimination. Behaviors that make anyone feel unwelcome...have no place on our store premises,” Teresa the Troll did NOT treat me respectfully; I was targeted by her bias and discrimination, though you say such behaviors have “no place on our store premises.”: Because your policy says, “Anyone not contributing to a safe and welcoming environment will be asked to change their behavior. Anyone not changing their behavior may be asked to leave the store...” and because Teresa the Troll did NOT change her ASS-BACKWARDS BULLSHIT behavior against me, Starbucks should remove Teresa the Troll IMMEDIATELY and PERMANENTLY; Thanks in advance for your anticipated corrective action. Respectfully, Carlos León 79 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- STARBUCKS HARASSING CUSTOMERS (6 TOTAL) ___________________________________________________________________________________ EXHIBIT 29 CARLOS LEÓN COMPLAINT (#220117-011835) January 17, 2022 3:55 PM (Texas Time) CC: District manager (NW Austin/Killeen) Anthony Rose To: Starbucks Corporate Office 2401 Utah Avenue South Seattle, WA 98134 CC: Store manager Scott Hill (512) 571-7216 Starbucks Coffee Company 1109 N. Bell Blvd. Cedar Park, TX 78613 From: Mr. Carlos León Re: CHK 732780 - 1/17/22, 2:35 PM – 3:05 PM, Store #53861 at 3637 Far West Blvd., Austin, TX Subj: Complaint against GUILTY, ABUSIVE, SICKO, PSYCHO, HOMO, LOSER, NEGATIVE ENERGY, OLDER WHITE MALE CUSTOMER who tried STALKING me, a Straight Christian Man, and ATTACKING me verbally, psychologically, and spiritually on 1/17/22, 2:35 PM – 3:05 PM, at Store #53861 at 3637 Far West Blvd., Austin, TX Details: At first, GUILTY, ABUSIVE, SICKO, PSYCHO, HOMO, LOSER, NEGATIVE ENERGY, OLDER WHITE MALE CUSTOMER was sitting by himself inside the cafe at the northwest corner round table (closest to the middle school across the street) while I was sitting outside at one of the Starbucks picnic tables...before making my 2:38 PM purchase (CHK 732780). However, as soon as I came inside the cafe, GUILTY, ABUSIVE, SICKO, PSYCHO, HOMO, LOSER, NEGATIVE ENERGY, OLDER WHITE MALE CUSTOMER tried talking to me. So I 80 peacefully and silently ignored him, which GUILTY, ABUSIVE, SICKO, PSYCHO, HOMO, LOSER, NEGATIVE ENERGY, OLDER WHITE MALE CUSTOMER couldn’t handle. So GUILTY, ABUSIVE, SICKO, PSYCHO, HOMO, LOSER, NEGATIVE ENERGY, OLDER WHITE MALE CUSTOMER then wrongly approached me at my table (two tables away from his) and tried conversing with me again to try forcing me to interact with him. Because he was then standing too close to me, at MY table, I then told him loud and clear, “STAY AWAY FROM ME.” Though GUILTY, ABUSIVE, SICKO, PSYCHO, HOMO, LOSER, NEGATIVE ENERGY, OLDER WHITE MALE CUSTOMER immediately complied by walking away from me and staying away from me, he then started repeatedly spewing all this NEGATIVE HATER SHIT to try punishing me, acting like a SPURNED BITCH who can’t handle REJECTION, including: 1) “You’re gonna die alone”; 2) “You have no girlfriend”; 3) “You’re homeless” Therefore, GUILTY, ABUSIVE, SICKO, PSYCHO, HOMO, LOSER, NEGATIVE ENERGY, OLDER WHITE MALE CUSTOMER was trying to PROJECT HIS UGLY, LOSER, SELF onto me to try dragging me down into his hell. HELL NO to that LEECH SHIT. So I just kept ignoring his SICKO, HOMO, ALIEN BULLSHIT until he left. This is yet another SICKO DEMON stalking me at Starbucks throughout Austin. This is yet another example of SPIRITUAL WARFARE happening here and now in this fallen world. This is what happens in the UPSIDE-DOWN (like from Netflix’s “Stranger Things”) when evil pushes their catastrophic, destructive lies (i.e., Biden won the 2020 election, the deadly MRNA spike protein jab kill shot is a vaccine that will help you, abortion is planned parenthood). Carlos León ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- God Bless healthy, normal patriarchal America. God Bless President Trump, who truly won the 2020 election in a landslide, counting each and every legal, legitimate vote one time only, with equal weighting only. MAGA. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- __________________________________________________________________________________ [GO TO NEXT PAGE] 81 EXHIBIT 30 CARLOS LEÓN (#220115-006205) (#220115-006718 made clear this happened 1/15/22) January 15, 2022 – 11:26 AM (Texas Time) To: Starbucks Corporate Office 2401 Utah Avenue South Seattle, WA 98134 From: Mr. Carlos León CC: Store manager Diego De La Jara u s 2630420 CC: District manager (NW Austin/Killeen) Anthony Rose Re: CHK 726401 on 1/15/22 betweem 10:15 AM and 10:23 AM at Store #6330, located at 2900 West Anderson Lane, Austin, TX Subj: Disrespectful, abusive, gaslighting troll behavior continuing to be initiated by an apparent network of older (cougar), predatory, white female GANGSTALKER SICKO CUNT BITCH SHIT customers, who continue following and harassing me, a Straight Christian Man, at different Starbucks locations throughout Austin. Details: I was peacefuly and silently sitting at my back (southwest) corner table, working at my laptop, when unknown SICK WHITE FEMALE COUGAR BITCH #1, wearing dark sunglasses INSIDE the cafe, walked at me (NOT wearing sunglasses inside the cafe) while trying to STARE ME DOWN, to try intimidating me and/or START SHIT with me. Therefore, I non-violently and silently defeated her psychological and spiritual attack by staying seated at my table and staring back at her until she made a turn away from me and left the cafe (with her coffee in hand). Understand that she also unnecessarily wore the dark sunglasses INSIDE the cafe to intentionally see my eyes but NOT allow me to see hers. Her CUNT BITCH behavior is all about her trying to create upside-down POWER imbalances in her favor to exert POWER over me she does NOT have and/or incite an in-store response from me that would prompt store management to ban me and/or call APD (Austin Police Department) on me. Then, about a couple minutes later, unknown SICK, SELFISH, WHITE FEMALE COUGAR CUNT BITCH #2 approached me at my table to try distracting me from my laptop work, redirect my attention away from my laptop work onto her, and waste my time. So I told her to stay away from me, and that, if she didn’t immediately go, I’d report her to on-site Starbucks staff/management then and there. 82 However, unknown SICK WHITE FEMALE COUGAR CUNT BITCH #2 PIECE OF SHIT did NOT leave me alone. Instead, she annoyingly said she was trying “to give me a gift” that I did NOT want, need, or solicit, while physically trying to OBSTRUCT my path to walk to the counter to make me go around her to report her to management. Therefore, I defeated her verbal, psychological, physical, and spiritual attack then and there by NOT accepting her “gift”, getting out of my seat, and making bodily physical contact with her as I walked STRAIGHT by/through her to NOT go around her to go straight to the counter to immediately report her to Starbucks staff/management. By the time I got to the counter and started ID’ing her/reporting her SICKO CUNT BITCH behavior to Starbucks staff, she started walking away from my table to head for the exit and leave. To their credit, Starbucks staff heard and understood what I said. They also rightly agreed to go straight back to them if anyone else approached me at my table to try harassing or disturbing me (Starbucks Third Place Policy violations) while I was peacefully, individually, and silently working on my laptop. Understand also that whatever SICK WHITE FEMALE COUGAR CUNT BITCH #2 PIECE OF SHIT was offering was NOT “a gift”, but something to hold over my head in the future had I accepted it. However, she does NOT own me, rent me, or have any claim on me whatsoever. Bottom line, those SICK WHITE FEMALE COUGAR CUNT BITCH PIECES OF SHIT continue trying to effeminate and emasculate me to gaslight and dominate me, which ain’t happening. When SICK WHITE FEMALE COUGAR CUNT BITCH PIECE OF SHIT #2 tried obstructing me, she tried mistreating me like an abused bitch, which also ain’t happening. Those two predatory SICK WHITE FEMALE COUGAR CUNT BITCH PIECES OF SHIT spoke and acted like ABUSIVE BITCHES from the UPSIDE-DOWN because everyone knows it’s the older man who hunts the younger chick, NOT the other way around. Recommended actions: Make Starbucks staff aware of the SICK, PREDATORY, WHITE FEMALE COUGAR CUNT BITCH customer SHIT going on at Store #6330, located at 2900 West Anderson Lane, Austin, TX, and following my righteous lead in having ZERO tolerance for it. Thanks in advance for your anticipated prompt punitive and corrective actions in this matter. Respectfully, Carlos León ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- God Bless America. God Bless President Trump, who truly won the 2020 election in a landslide, counting each and every legal, legitimate vote one time only, with equal weighting only. MAGA ______________________________________________________________________________ 83 EXHIBIT 31 Complaint (#220113-007022) January 13, 2022 11:43 AM (Texas Time) To: Starbucks Corporate Office 2401 Utah Avenue South Seattle, WA 98134 From: Mr. Carlos León Re: Continuing SICKO, STALKING, DISRESPECTFUL, HOMOSEXUAL HARASSMENT BEHAVIOR by guilty older Black Male customer, allegedly named Thomas Z. (Zellers?) against me, a targeted Straight Christian Non-Black Male Customer, on 1/13/22 between 9:42 AM and 9:53 AM at Starbucks – Brodie Oaks Center on S. Lamar (Store #06388) located at 4006 S Lamar Blvd, Austin, TX 78704 Receipt: CHK 712282 – 01/13/22, 09:20 AM, Drawer 1, Reg 1 Requested Actions: Details: IMMEDIATELY and PERMANENTLY ban guilty older Black Male customer, allegedly named Thomas Z. (possibly Zellers, who drives an older Black Mazda pick-up), from Starbucks – Brodie Oaks Center on S. Lamar (Store #06388) located at 4006 S Lamar Blvd, Austin, TX 78704 for repeatedly violating Starbucks Third Place Policy On January 13, 2022 at Starbucks Brodie Oaks Center on S. Lamar (Store #06388) at 4006 S Lamar Blvd, Austin, TX 78704 between 9:42 AM and 9:53 AM, guilty older Black Male customer, allegedly named Thomas Zellers (who drives an older Black Mazda pick-up), yet again intentionally initiated SICKO, STALKING, DISRESPECTFUL, HOMOSEXUAL HARASSMENT BEHAVIOR against me, a targeted younger Straight Christian Non-Black Male Customer, on 1/13/22 between 9:42 AM and 9:53 AM at Starbucks – Brodie Oaks Center on S. Lamar (Store #06388) located at 4006 S Lamar Blvd, Austin, TX 78704 Specifically, when I was sitting at my table, closest to the coffee/beverage pick-up area, guilty older Black Male customer allegedly named Thomas Z. (possibly Zellers, who drives an older Black Mazda pick-up) got up from his table, closest to the napkins/condiments bar (by the restrooms), stood BEHIND that napkins/condiments bar to be as close possible to the restrooms without going in, to stand behind and on the left side of me (my “8 o’clock” because I was facing forward, meaning southward), and pointed his camera in my direction, though I NEVER have given him my consent to 84 point any camera at me or take my picture. In fact, he knows NOT to do that to me because when he’s done it before inside this same Starbucks cafe, I’ve called him on it to his face and to Starbucks staff and management, documented in writing with Starbucks Corporate. Another words, this is a MULTI- YEAR problem Starbucks has yet to correctly address. More on that later. So, when I caught his SICKO “peeping tom” behavior against me, I immediately stood up and faced him. When he continued pointing the camera in my direction, I immediately went to Starbucks staff who were standing behind the counter, observing what was going on. I immediately told them he was pointing his camera my way - a violation of Starbucks Third Place Policy. They immediately called for shift supervisor Jess to deal with Thomas Z.’s Starbucks Third Place Policy violation. Being caught, with everyone looking at him, guilty older Black Male customer, allegedly named Thomas Z. (possibly Zellers, who drives an older Black Mazda pick-up) quickly hid in the bathroom. Shift supervisor Jess appeared. I told her what had just happened and that Thomas Z. (possibly Zellers, who drives an older Black Mazda pick-up) was hiding in the bathroom to try avoiding being held accountable for his SICKO STALKER actions. Thomas Z. (possibly Zellers, who drives an older Black Mazda pick-up) then exited the bathroom and LIED to Jess, telling her he was pointing his camera outside. Look at the inside cafe video evidence to visually verify Thomas Z.’s LIE to Jess. Then, when I called out his LIE to his face and told him his STALKING, HARASSMENT behavior against me is unacceptable, in front of Jess, Thomas Z. invited me to step outside, implying he wanted to wrongly initiate a physical confrontation against me for rightly NOT allowing him to stalk or harass me or lie to me (or Jess) – typical of how ABUSERS act when their verbal, psychological, and spiritual attacks FAIL to intimidate and/or control the target. However, since guilty older Black Male customer, allegedly named Thomas Zellers (who drives an older Black Mazda pick-up) does NOT control me, I stood my ground inside the cafe, by my table. Jess then said she didn’t want the back and forth between me and him, so she walked Thomas Z. outside, sat him down out there, and talked to him out there. Then, after that, and after Thomas Z. left the property, Jess came back to me at my table, and asked to speak to me outside. I agreed to do so and followed her outside. Jess said she understood how Thomas Z. pointing a camera my way was a problem. She said that to solve that problem moving forward, Thomas Z. would keep his camera under a handkerchief when inside the cafe. However, previous Starbucks management at Brodie Oaks Center on S. Lamar (Store #06388) located at 4006 S Lamar Blvd, Austin, TX 78704 had already previously told Thomas Z. to do that, meaning that NOT only has Thomas Z. NOT changed his SICKO, STALKING, HARASSING behavior against me inside the Starbucks at Brodie Oaks Center on S. Lamar (Store #06388) located at 4006 S Lamar Blvd, Austin, TX 78704, but he has also repeatedly NOT covered his camera under a handkerchief when inside the cafe to NOT do what previous Starbucks management had already rightly told him to address the problems that he, Thomas Z., continues creating. Therefore, based on his long- term behavior pattern, Thomas Z. CANNOT BE trusted. Jess also said that Thomas Z. claimed he quickly disappeared in the bathroom with his camera when his SICKO, STALKING, HARASSING behavior was called out by me because he was afraid someone would knock his camera off his table if he left it there while using the restroom. However, Thomas Z.’s ex post facto excuse to try rewriting the truth with his LIES to cover his GUILTY ass do NOT hold 85 because he was NOT heading to the restroom when he was caught. Thomas Z. was clearly standing BEHIND that napkins/condiments bar to stand behind and on the left side of me to point his camera my way without being seen by me, to either take my picture and/or film me WITHOUT my consent. Though Jess told me that Thomas Z. communicated to her he was NOT taking my picture and/or filming me, for what other normal, healthy purposes do you point a camera at someone? Therefore, if Thomas Z. told her the truth, for what SICKO STALKING reasons was he pointing his camera in my direction WITHOUT my (initial) knowledge or consent? If Thomas Z. LIED again to Jess, how many LIES is Jess going to swallow from Thomas Z. trying to gaslight her? The problem might be that Jess and/or other Starbucks staff may be wrongly giving Thomas Z. the benefit of the doubt because he’s “friendly” to them and/or because he has previously taken pictures of them with their consent, evidenced by the big photo Jess showed me of her and several other Starbucks female staff, allegedly taken by Thomas Z. (possibly Zellers) based on the writing on the back of the photo. I also believe they are making a HUGE mistake allowing Thomas Z. (possibly Zellers) to photograph them, especially on Starbucks property (outside the cafe), because I believe they have NO idea what he’s likely doing with copies of their images and for whom. They seem to have NO idea how out-of- bounds his behavior his, who they are dealing with, or how long he’s been doing this at Brodie Oaks Center on S. Lamar (Store #06388) located at 4006 S Lamar Blvd, Austin, TX 78704. In fact, when I told Jess that this is a multi-year problem that has been going on for far too long, she said she is unaware of Thomas Z.’s previous history because she has NOT been at Brodie Oaks Center on S. Lamar (Store #06388) located at 4006 S Lamar Blvd, Austin, TX 78704, which Thomas Z. (possibly Zellers) also knows because he has far more history and longevity there than they do – a fact Thomas Z. (possibly Zellers) appears to be leveraging against them. Though Jess recommended I ignore Thomas Z. (possibly Zellers) whenever he and I are in the cafe at the same time, I will NOT ignore Thomas Z.’s SICKO STALKING HARASSMENT behavior against me if he initiates against me again. Jess did acknowledge that difference/trigger point, saying if Thomas Z. does it again to immediately tell Starbucks staff/management on site. There should NOT be a next time. IMMEDIATELY and PERMANENTLY ban guilty older Black Male customer, allegedly named Thomas Z. (possibly Zellers, who drives an older Black Mazda pick-up), from Starbucks – Brodie Oaks Center on S. Lamar (Store #06388) located at 4006 S Lamar Blvd, Austin, TX 78704 for repeatedly violating Starbucks Third Place Policy. Removing him would be addition by subtraction. Thanks in advance for your anticipated prompt punitive and corrective actions in this matter. Bottom line: Respectfully, Carlos León ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 86 EXHIBIT 32 FYI (#211230-005120) December 30, 2021 Texas Time (9:15 AM) To: Starbucks Corporate Office 2401 Utah Avenue South Seattle, WA 98134 From: Mr. Carlos León (512) 571-7216 Starbucks Coffee Company 1109 N. Bell Blvd. Cedar Park, TX 78613 CC: District manager (NW Austin/Killeen) Anthony Rose Re: SICKO HOMO HARASSMENT by older White HOMO STALKER male customer against me, a younger Straight Christian Male customer, at Starbucks #54430 located at 2711 Breaker Lane, Austin, TX 78758. Requested Actions: Advise staff and management to inform, warn, then remove older White HOMO STALKER male customer if he, or anyone else, tries that SICKO HARASSMENT SHIT ever again Dear Starbucks, On December 29, 2021 at Starbucks #54430 located at 2711 Breaker Lane, Austin, TX 78758, at about 8:00 PM, an older White HOMO STALKER male customer entered the cafe and sat down at a table closest to me, though there were many other empty tables/seats throughout the cafe at that time because almost NO other customers were inside the cafe at that time. Then, older White SICKO HOMO STALKER male customer repeatedly was STARING at me like he wanted to FUCK me, which is SICK, WRONG, and AIN’T HAPPENING. Older White SICKO HOMO STALKER male customer also repeatedly tried to initiate verbal conversation with me to get my personal attention, though he could clearly see I was busy and focused on my laptop work. For example, he told me, “You have quite a load,” which sounded like a double entendre because though I did have my outside work gear with me inside the cafe (which is none of his business), he seemed to be trying to tacitly talk about my DICK. Though I defeated his SICKO HOMO verbal, psychological, and spiritual attacks by ignoring him by NOT responding to or acknowledging them, he continued staring at me when I later exited (about 8:50 87 PM). Therefore, older White SICKO HOMO STALKER male customer repeatedly tried effeminating and emasculating me to gaslight and dominate me and/or provoke a response from me that would have violated Starbucks Third Place Policy to prompt Starbucks management to remove me and/or call the police, though it’s older White SICKO HOMO STALKER male customer who should be banned because he violated Starbucks Third Place policy with his SICKO HOMO HARASSMENT/STALKER behavior against me. Therefore, if he, or any other customer, tries that (or any other similar) SICKO HARASSMENT/STALKER SHIT behavior against me there again, expect me to go to Starbucks management to inform, warn, then remove the guilty perp then and there. Thanks in advance for your anticipated prompt action to correctly address this SICKO HOMO HARASSMENT/STALKER SHIT customer problem following me, a targeted Straight Christian Male customer, across several Starbucks locations throughout Austin, TX; GOD’s word, is clear how wrong that SICKO SHIT behavior is (LEVITICUS 20:13) and that GOD’S going to make the SICKOS pay for it (ROMANS 12:19). Respectfully, Carlos León ___________________________________________________________________________________ EXHIBIT 33 FYI – Follow-up to #211027-012376 (#211110-003722) November 10, 2021 - 7:30 AM To: Starbucks Corporate Office 2401 Utah Avenue South Seattle, WA 98134 From: Mr. Carlos León CC: District manager (NW Austin/Killeen) Anthony Rose Re: New, unwritten policy WORKING to deal with disrespectful, sicko troll customers violating Starbucks Third Place Policy, harassing customer Carlos León at the Starbucks located at 3317 Northland Drive, Austin, TX 78731. Requested Action: Continue following this new, unwritten policy Details: Between 6:15 AM and 6:30 AM on November 10, 2021, I, Carlos León, a STRAIGHT Christian Man, entered the Starbucks located at 3317 Northland Drive, Austin, TX 78731, put my work 88 gear down at the individual small table furthest east, and went to the restroom. When I returned, there was a $5 bill on top of my gear, my personal, private property, apparently put there by a guilty SICKO, SATANIC HOMO TROLL male customer (still inside the store) who I have NO personal or professional history with, inside or outside Starbucks. The guilty SICKO, SATANIC HOMO TROLL male customer (still inside the store) should NEVER have done that because: 1) he had NO business approaching MY table, especially when I was NOT there; 2) he had NO business approaching MY personal, private property, especially when I was NOT there; 3) he had NO business placing ANYTHING on MY personal, private property, especially when I was NOT there; 4) he had NO business placing a $5 bill that was NOT mine on MY personal, private property, especially when I was NOT there; 5) had I accepted that $5 bill that was NOT mine, he might have later falsely claimed I’d stolen the $5 bill from him; 6) he was showing through his actions that MY gear is NOT safe while I’m NOT attending it; Though the guilty SICKO, SATANIC HOMO TROLL male customer (still inside the store) would likely tell you he was only trying to “help” me, he actually was trying to HURT me by trying to make me his BITCH by trying to get me to accept his unwanted, uninvited, unwelcome “gift,” for which he’d falsely believe I’d owe him. Therefore, I followed the new, unwritten policy by NOT raising my voice or directly confronting the guilty SICKO, SATANIC HOMO TROLL male customer (still inside the store). Instead, I calmly spoke with a white female staff member about the new, unwritten policy. She then followed me to my gear, where I showed her the $5 bill was still sitting. I told her that $5 was NOT mine, that someone had wrongly put it there while I was in the restroom, and to remove it immediately. She immediately took it away. While this interaction between me and her was going on, the alleged guilty SICKO, SATANIC HOMO TROLL male customer (still inside the store) was closely watching and listening, after having walked close to me and her to stand close to me and her. Then I moved my gear to the southern-most seat at the long rectangular table. However, after she took the $5 bill away and returned back back behind the counter, the alleged guilty SICKO, SATANIC HOMO TROLL male customer (still inside the store) tried telling me I’d left a wallet or bag at the individual small table furthest east, though I had NOT left a wallet or bag there. The guilty SICKO, SATANIC HOMO TROLL male customer (still inside the store) should NEVER have said that to me because: 89 1) MY stuff is MY business, NOT his; 2) He was trying to make me look back and go back to where I had just came from; 3) He was trying to force an unwanted, uninvited, unwelcome interaction with me after I’d just “rejected” his BITCH “offering”; Though the guilty SICKO, SATANIC HOMO TROLL male customer (still inside the store) would likely tell you he was again only trying to “help” me, he actually was again trying to HURT me by again trying to confuse and control me to effeminate and emasculate me to gaslight and dominate me to mistreat me like an abused bitch, though he repeatedly acted like an ABUSIVE BITCH. F*CK THAT SH*T. Therefore, at that point, I told him directly MY stuff was MY business and that I’d handle it. Then he left, but only after saying more SH*T I wasn’t accepting. Then I told the white female staff member that if anyone other customer tried anything else like this, the answer is NO. She said she knew that. I then told her I was returning to my seat (at the rectangular table) to peacefully and silently work on my laptop by myself, following Starbucks Third Place Policy. She understood. Therefore, so far, the new, unwritten policy appears to be working. Respectfully, Carlos León __________________________________________________________________________________ EXHIBIT 34 FYI (#211027-012376) October 27, 2021 To: Starbucks Corporate Office 2401 Utah Avenue South Seattle, WA 98134 From: Mr. Carlos León CC: District manager (NW Austin/Killeen) Anthony Rose Re: New, unwritten policy to deal with sicko customers violating Starbucks Third Place Policy, harassing customer Carlos León at the Starbucks located at 3317 Northland Drive, Austin, TX 78731. Requested Actions: 1) Ensure staff/management at Starbucks located at 3317 Northland Drive, Austin, TX 78731 follow this new, unwritten policy 90 Details: The morning of October 27, 2021, I, Carlos León, a STRAIGHT Christian Man, was sitting peacefully at a corner seat (closest to the window) at the long rectangular table, silently working on my laptop with my plugged-in earbuds in my ears, when a harassing White homosexual Male customer entered the store. He looked at me and made a beeline to that long rectangular table, though there were many other available open tables/seats. The harassing White homosexual Male customer then went to the other same-side corner seat (furthest from the window) and asked me if it was OK to sit there, which he should NOT have done because: 1) his question was unnecessary, uninvited, and unwelcome – everyone sighted can see the big long rectangular table has many spots/seats to accommodate whoever chooses to sit there, unlike the small circular tables that are made for one or two customers only. At Starbucks throughout Austin, customers just sit down at an open seat at such big, long rectangular tables. The only customers who ask if it’s OK to sit at such open big long rectangular tables are customers trying to interrupt and bother everyone else already there peacefully and silently working; 2) he knew the answer to his his unnecessary, uninvited, and unwelcome question before he asked; 3) his unnecessary, uninvited, and unwelcome question was meant to distract me from my laptop work; 4) his unnecessary, uninvited, and unwelcome question was meant to refocus my attention away from my laptop work onto him; Therefore, he tried confusing and controlling me to effeminate and emasculate me to gaslight and dominate me to HOMOSEXUALIZE me to mistreat me like an abused bitch, though he acted like an ABUSIVE BITCH. Therefore, I defeated his verbal, psychological, and spiritual attack by silently ignoring his question and him. Then, as expected, he sat down at that same-side corner seat (furthest from the window) with his stuff. I continued ignoring him. However, later, when he was exiting Starbucks, he walked by me and PUT SOME CASH ON THE TABLE in front of me, looking at me like he wanted to FUCK me, though I’m a STRAIGHT Christian Man, trying to treat me like his bitch. HELL NO; he’s the SICK BITCH. Therefore, at that point, I directly and loudly confronted him, telling him that money was NOT mine, to take it off the table, and NOT disrespect me like that again. He took back his money and left, but his face and body language clearly showed this was NO misunderstanding; Though the Starbucks manager on duty later claimed the SICKO HARASSING HOMO customer was only “trying to help” me, the SICKO HARASSING HOMO customer was trying to HURT me by trying to SOLICIT me. Though the Starbucks manager on duty appeared to understand why I was so angry, I was told that if I was going to be loud like that to customers, I’d be asked to leave. So, the Starbucks manager on duty and I calmly agreed to a new, unwritten policy to handle such customer harassment against me without me having to yell. From now on, if any customer tries that or any similar attempted solicitation (i.e., buying me food, “gifting” me a Starbucks card), which has repeatedly happened before there, the Starbucks manager on duty and I agreed for me to just leave the solicitation on the table and calmly tell Starbucks management/staff to remove it. 91 Thanks in advance for your anticipated corrective action Respectfully, Carlos León ________________________________________________________________________________ STARBUCKS EMPLOYEE RECOGNITION (1 TOTAL) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EXHIBIT 35 RECOGNITION (#220213-004870) February 13, 2022 Texas Time (12:12 PM) To: Starbucks Corporate Office 2401 Utah Avenue South Seattle, WA 98134 From: Mr. Carlos León CC: Store Manager Elise Loomis District Manager Courtney Michels CHK: 723486 – 2/13/2022 – 09:50 AM Dear Starbucks, Re: Recognition for young Hispanic female baristas Atziri and Yareli at Starbucks #54430 located at 2711 Breaker Lane, Austin, TX 78758. Requested Actions: Place this unsolicited recognition letter in the personnel files of Atziri and Yareli. On February 13, 2022 at Starbucks #54430 located at 2711 Breaker Lane, Austin, TX 78758, between 9:45 AM and 9:55 AM, young Hispanic female baristas Atziri and Yareli served me professionally, promptly, and positively – the way it should be always. I first told Atziri that if she had an avocado spread to sell, I’d buy it right now. She immediately told me she did. After that, she also correctly took the rest of my order (small cup of ice with lid). Then she quickly brought me my avocado spread. I paid her $1.35 in cash and coinage. She then printed my 92 receipt No nonsense. No problems. Throughout the brief professional interaction she and I had, she looked me in the eye, treated me respectfully, had good energy, and gave me her undivided attention. As soon as Atziri and I finished doing business, I went to the product pickup area to get my small cup of ice with lid that Yareli immediately made correctly for me. The wait time was ZERO. In fact, Yareli handed me my cup of ice, an appropriate, appreciated professional touch to conclude business the right way. Yareli also looked me in the eye, treated me respectfully, had good energy, and gave me her undivided attention when quickly and correctly producing my cup of ice. These details matter. Carlos León ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thanks in advance for your anticipated prompt assistance in obtaining the specific resolution to my claim - an official written letter from Starbucks addressed to me, Carlos León, rightly overturning its wrongful 2/28/22 Customer Restriction against me so that I am again welcome at ALL Starbucks. Respectfully, CONCLUSION Carlos León _________________________________________________________________________________- ========================================================================= ========================================================================= ========================================================================= ========================================================================= ========================================================================= ========================================================================= ========================================================================= ========================================================================= ========================================================================= ========================================================================= ========================================================================= ========================================================================= ========================================================================= ========================================================================= ========================================================================= ========================================================================= ========================================================================= ========================================================================= ========================================================================= =========================================================================