Public Safety CommissionAug. 2, 2021

Citizen Communication from Carlos Leon -for 8-2-2021 PSC Mtg — original pdf

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Page 1 of 2 pages vaccine-mandates/ Physician Group Rejects AMA Support For Vaccine Mandates July 30, 2021 ADI Staff Reporter The Association of American Physicians and Surgeons is rejecting the Joint Statement by the American Medical Association (AMA) and others supporting mandatory COVID-19 vaccination for all health care workers. American Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS) president Paul Kempen, M.D., Ph.D. outlined the reasons the group believes the mandate is not only a violation of individual rights, but wholly unnecessary: • As of mid-July, 30 million people have recovered from COVID-19 in the U.S. and have natural immunity. Vaccination of these persons confers only risk with little to no benefit, yet these mandates do not exempt them. • Serious side effects have been identified, including paralysis and inflammation of the heart muscle, which may not resolve and may cause death. • As variants multiply, “booster” shots may be required, with increasing risk of allergic phenomena. AAPS statement in opposition: “The Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS) declares that all human beings have the right to liberty, which they do not forfeit when they serve the sick or the disabled. The ethical commitment to protect others does not require workers to surrender their bodily integrity and self-determination…. “Risks and benefits differ in individual patients and differing circumstances. Achieving a stamp of approval from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA)—premature because studies are not scheduled to be complete before the end of 2022—does not confer safety or effectiveness. FDA-approved products have frequently been withdrawn…. “The Joint Statement recognizes only a medical exemption, and omits mention of a religious exemption though many workers object to receiving these products based on their religious beliefs. Medical exemptions are virtually never recognized for the COVID vaccines because there is improper denial that they cause harm to anyone. “Long-term effects of these novel, genetically engineered products cannot possibly be known at this point. These could include autoimmune disorders, antibody-enhanced disease, infertility, cancer, or birth defects…. “AAPS favors insistence on fully informed, truly voluntary consent for all medical intervention. This includes full disclosure of all risks, and a diligent effort to identify and track risks…. Our medical organizations should be advocating for free and open discussion and opposing censorship…. “Without freedom, there is no safety for either workers or our patients.” On Wednesday, nearly 200 people gathered at the Arizona Capitol to protest forced vaccinations of healthcare workers. Hospital workers were joined by supporters who object to the demand by Banner Health and HonorHealth that their employees get fully vaccinated by November. The two large healthcare systems are likely just the first of many that will require their employees to get the vaccine or have their employment terminated. Smaller health care organizations will likely follow suit.