PSC Draft Minutes for December 7, 2020 — original pdf

` William Kelly Rocky Lane Daniela Nunez PUBLIC SAFETY COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES Monday, December 7, 2020 The Public Safety Commission convened a videoconferencing meeting Monday, December 7, 2020 at City Hall 301 W. 2nd Street in Austin, Texas. Vice Chair Rebecca Webber called the Board Meeting to order at 3:05p.m, and informed the board Chair Rebecca Gonzales is absent today due to COVID-19 and the impact on her family. Board Members in Attendance: Rebecca Webber Kathleen Hausenfluck Nelly Ramirez Rebecca Bernhardt Board Members Absent: Rebecca Gonzales Staff in Attendance: Troy Gay, Chief of Staff, Austin Police Department Jasper Brown, Chief of Staff, Austin/Travis County Emergency Medical Services Rob Vires, Chief of Staff, Austin Fire Department Public Communications - Citizens signed up to speak on agenda items only: There were no citizens signed up to speak. 1. Approval of Minutes – Commissioner Webber asked for comments/edits of the November 2, 2020 Public Safety Commission meeting minutes. Hearing no edits or corrections to the minutes, Commissioner Webber deemed the minutes approved. 1 2. Public Safety Departments Quarterly Report – Austin Police Department - Troy Gay, Chief of Staff, Austin Police Department - Rick Randall, Director of Health and Wellness, Austin Police Department -Citywide-Crime Against Persons -Citywide-Crime Against Property -Citywide-Crimes Against Society Commissioner Webber called for Troy Gay to begin his quarterly presentation. Chief of Staff, Troy Gay begin the presentation with comments concerning APD’s transition to a new reporting structure, NIBRS (National Incident-Based Reporting System), per the FBI reporting requirements. One reason mentioned for APD switching from the UCR (Uniform Crime Report) crime reporting structure to NIBRS is the crime analysis is vaster with using NIBERS structure. COS Gay introduced Dr. Jonathan Kringen and asked him to begin the presentation of APD’s quarterly crime data. Dr. Kringen presented data for Dr. Kringen presented data in the different categories and explained that NIBRS reporting structure counts all of the crimes committed in one incident, whereas the UCR(Uniformed Crime Reporting) structure of reporting crimes only counts the highest crime committed in an incident; this contributes to the vast reporting by NIBRS. The 2019 crime data was compiled using the NIBRS standard. There was discussion by the board on APD transitioning to the new reporting structure (NIBRS): Commissioner Kelly commented he would rather the smaller numbers not be reported as it causes for a higher percentage increase to be reported that is not always an accurate picture of crime increasing. Commissioner Webber questioned why this data was submitted and why APD felt this is the most important data to start with today (December 7, 2020). COS, Gay responded he thought this was a good time to share with the board the changes being finalized regarding moving away from UCR (Uniformed Crime Reporting) to NIBRS (National Incident Based Reporting System). COS, Gay offered to omit reporting, this data in the future if the board preferred not to have the data during quarterly reports. Commissioner Webber responded she appreciated receiving as much data as Austin Police Department wanted to share however, she was accustomed to receiving this particular crime data in an annual report. Commissioner Bernhardt inquired about the rate of crime/s being solved, and requested this be included as a new category for future reporting. Commissioner Ramirez asked if there could be parsing showing Family vs Non Family Violence when next data is presented and could this be done for numbers of murders as well. The response was yes to parsing of the future data requested. There was an additional question for data on number of personal crimes with guns and whether the gun/s was lawful or unlawful? Chief of Staff, Gay presented the APD citywide response times and calls for service. The target response time was eight minutes and 10 seconds unfortunately APD did not meet the target time, but was very close to the target time with 8:34seconds response time in July 2020. 2 The overtime data presented included staffing update of 42 cadets from 143rd Cadet Class graduated on October 23, 2020. Rick Randall, APD Director of Wellness Department presented COVID-19 update for Austin Police Officers. At this time, no APD staff has had to use personal sick time for COVID illness. Rick Randall presented the breakdown of numbers on APD sworn and civilian employees diagnosed with COVID-19. Mr. Randall reported there are 69% COVID cases on the sworn side and 57% civilian COVID cases. Per Rick Randall 73% of the COVID-19 cases are work related. APD employees have used FMLA and Emergency Leave during their COVID illness. Austin Police Department has a FMLA Specialist on staff to assist employees who need assistance when applying for Workman’s Compensation should they qualify for the service. Commissioner Ramirez- asked have any APD employees had to resign due to COVID-19, and the response was no. Commissioner Lane–had a question concerning the upcoming vaccinations and who/which department determines who gets the vaccination. Rick Randall replied the State of Texas makes the final decision on the prioritizing the order of vaccinations. 3. Anti-Transgender Violence Discussion -Mateo de la Torre, Transgender Education Network of Texas -Ms. Amazinghead, Founder of Austin Queer Cultural Center -Rainey Frazier, -Devyn Harris, SAFE Alliance -CC Flores, Out Youth Program -Naomi Wilson, Black Tran Leadership Austin Speakers: Commissioner Webber asked Commissioner Lane to proceed with the introduction of this topic (Transgender Violence) and the speakers. Commissioner Lane commented speakers would introduce themselves and state the name of which organization they were representing. Commissioner Lane invited all commissioners to feel free to forward any questions they have that are not answered during presentations due to the limited amount of time for everyone to speak/address the board. There was difficulty with the audio portion of a video that was to be viewed by the board during the meeting and in the essence of time; the link to the video was emailed to all board members for viewing later at their convenience. Rainey Frazier kicked off the discussion and spoke on the different types of abuse and discrimination the transgender community faces daily in Austin. Rainey listed several areas in the city where support is needed to assist the Transgender community, such as direct housing assistance, police assistance (many do not feel comfortable asking police for assistance), and shared some statistics on Black and Brown transgender people particularly being targeted by police. Per Rainey, 60% of Black and other Transgender people of color do not feel comfortable asking police for assistance. However one of the greatest challenges before the Trans community currently in Austin is to be included in the decision making bodies of city government such as the Re-Imagining Public Safety Task Force. They (Transgender population) have recommendations for supporting their daily efforts to make our lives better and asked to be heard/included. 3 -Need for improved and different Mental Health services for the young Transgender rely on police assistance for mental health calls/issues. -Why are pro-cop groups on the Re-Imagine Public Safety Task Force and people who are -Need for safe places to shower -Prevent housing discrimination against Transgender population (most religious institutions turns a Transgender person away when they apply for their services) -Impact from COVID has caused less safe spaces to be created/identified by the Transgender CC Flores, Devin Harris, Naomi Wilson and Ms. Amazinghead all scheduled speakers shared the challenges the Transgender community deals with daily and recommendations for the City of Austin to consider improving: community community, and a need to observe Mental Health models in other cities and states that do not directly impacted are not on the task force? -Need for the City of Austin to work with us (Transgender community) and not just have police to clean up the streets by moving people around and not engaging with us in any type of way. Commissioner Webber paused the discussion for a time check and announced Ms. Farah Muscadin suggested her presentation scheduled for today be rescheduled to a later day so the Transgender topic/discussion could continue without the speakers feeling the need to rush with their comments. Final speaker, Ms. Amazinghead commented since moving back to the City of Austin, an observation is there is no representation for me by me. I am a part of the Urban Queer Community and we have no resources in this city. “To know the community you need to be in the community and there is no one that can represent us (the culture) better than us”. Ms. Muscadin was asked by Webber to share thoughts on these comments and Commissioner Webber asked if someone could still be added to the Re-Imagine Public Safety Task Force? Ms. Muscadin responded the taskforce has completed by-laws and indicated it is a possibility to add, but stressed this taskforce is not the only avenue for their community to be heard. Farah offered herself as a first place to start by having a conversation and she is willing to hear the issues/challenges and take it to the taskforce. Commissioner Webber motioned to recommend the city council add a transgender person to the Re-imagine Public Safety Taskforce and Commissioner Bernhardt seconded. Commissioner Lane asked if he should recuse himself from the vote and Commissioner Webber responded there was no need for him to recuse himself. Commissioner Kelly commented he doesn’t know what the most strategic way is to go about getting the concerns/issues heard and maybe Farah Muscadin’s offer may be the better way for the community to be heard. Commissioner Webber called for a vote: VOTE – Unanimous FOR: (Commissioners Webber, Bernhardt, Ramirez, Kelly, Lane, Nunez, and Hausenfluck) Abstain- Zero Against – Zero Absent: Commissioner Rebecca Gonzales 4 December 7, 2020 Commissioner Rebecca Webber Commissioner Rebecca Bernhardt PUBLIC SAFETY COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION 20201207-003 Date: Subject: Recommendation regarding appointment to the Re-imagining Public Safety Task Force Motioned by: Seconded by: Recommendation: Given the particular intersection of vulnerabilities among the trans community including disproportional interactions with Austin police, the Public Safety Commission recommends that the City Council direct the City Manager to appoint a trans Austinite to the Re-imagining Public Safety Task Force. Vote: For: Commissioner Rocky Lane, William Kelly, Daniela Nunez, Kathleen Hausenfluck, Rebecca Bernhardt, Nelly Ramirez and Rebecca Webber Against: Zero Abstain: Zero Absent: Rebecca Gonzales Attest: __________________________________ [Staff or board member can sign] 5 4. Legislative Update -Electing a new House Speaker -Republicans will control House and Senate in the 87th Session -Brie Franco, Office of Intergovernmental Relations, City of Austin Ms. Franco shared with the commissioners the focus of this year’s 87th State Legislative agenda is increasingly focused on cities. The presentation-listed shared stats that 182% more City related bills were passed between 2009 and 2019. Per, Ms. Franco the trend of the 87th session has an anti-city tone that is shared by Governor Abbott and Lt. Governor Dan Patrick. Ms. Franco went on to present: -Post-election update -Austin/Travis Delegation Held Seats -Issues that will influence the 87th Session -Redistricting -School Finance & Budget -COVID-19 (how transparent will the legislative session be in 2021) -City-Related Priority Issues (Police Reform Preemption is a big concern for Austin) -Employees’ Rights and Benefits (Intergovernmental Affairs considers this a very important agenda item) Ms. Franco elaborated on the City of Austin’s legislative agenda: Preserving The Community’s Values and shared a resolution that she is asking the Public Safety Commission’s support. A copy of the resolution was given to the PSC board and Ms. Franco committed to keeping the Public Safety Commission updated if their support is needed at the Capitol concerning city policing. 6. Future Agenda Items: Commissioner Webber asked the commissioners to email any future agenda items. Adjourned @ 5pm 6