Public Safety CommissionJan. 4, 2021

Backup document - Item#3-APD racial profiling presentation — original pdf

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The Office of Police Oversight, the Equity Office and the Office of Innovation Present: Joint Report: Analysis of APD’s 2019 Racial Profiling Data Public Safety Commission| December 7, 2020 Strategic Direction 2023 Kim Olivares, Chief Performance Officer Council Direction • Resolution No. 20200611-050 established zero racial disparity goals for the Safety outcome, including in motor vehicles stops, in citations and arrests resulting from motor vehicle stops, and in use-of-force incidents • The resolution directed staff to utilize the Joint Analysis on APD Racial Profiling Data to serve as the baseline measurement of metric S.D.1a-c and use future reports as the baseline for use-of-force incidents and officer-involved deaths Our Process • Assembled leadership and supporting staff from Office of Police Oversight, Equity Office, Innovation Office, Austin Police, and Office of Performance Management to collaborate on dashboard content and visualizations • Mainly utilized the SD23 performance dashboard measure design template to guide development of S.D.1a-c to maintain consistency with other SD23 measures • Incorporated key information from the Reimaging Public Safety website, Council resolutions, and Racial profiling reports and access raw data • Viewers can learn about measure background, breakdowns by outcome of motor vehicle stops, What’s Next? • Addition of 2019 Joint Analysis Report data and updated data visualizations/trending information • Development and updates to remaining/existing related SD23 measures Report Overview • The Office of Police Oversight, Office of Innovation, and Equity Office examined APD motor vehicle stop data from 2019, as well as trends from 2015-2019 to be in alignment with: • Resolution 50 - Zero Disparity • SD 23 - Fair Administration of Justice • Reimagining Public Safety 6 Methodology Kerry O’Connor, Chief Innovation Officer Methodology • The report accessed 2019 APD motor vehicle stop data from the City of Austin Open Data Portal for information about motor vehicle stops that result in field observations, warnings, citations, searches, and arrests • Proportional analysis was conducted using Austin population data from the 2010 Census Bureau data because it has the smallest margin of error • A new analysis looked at disparity of outcomes, comparing percentages of outcomes after drivers from different races/ethnicities were stopped Disproportionality and Disparate Impact • Disproportionality occurs when a population experiences underrepresentation or overrepresentation of a specific event based on their percentage of the population. • Proportionality is measured by the ratio between the percentage of persons in a particular racial or ethnic group at a particular decision point or experiencing an event (maltreatment, incarceration, traffic stop) compared to the percentage of the same racial or ethnic group in the overall population. • Disparate impact describes a situation in which an outcome or adverse effect falls disproportionately on a racial or ethnic group as compared to impacts on other racial or ethnic groups. • When analyzing disparate impact of the decision points after the traffic stop, we follow established legally available analytical frameworks: the relevant population base for adverse disparate impact is the subset of the population that is affected by the decision. Racial Disproportionality in 2019 • Black/African American drivers were the most overrepresented group in motor vehicle stops, making up approximately 8% of the Austin population, 14% of the motor vehicle stops, 25% of searches, and 25% of the arrests, and were the only demographic to receive more high discretion than low discretion searches • Hispanic/Latino drivers made up 33% of motor vehicle stops and 44% motor vehicle stops that resulted in a citation but comprised 31% of Austin’s adult population. • White drivers were the most underrepresented in total motor vehicles stops. Asian drivers were slightly underrepresented in total motor vehicle stops. 10 Disparate Outcomes in 2019 Once pulled over: White/Caucasians and Asians received a higher percentage of warnings/field observations at 63% and 64%, respectively. Black/African Americans and Hispanic/Latinos received higher percentages of searches that resulted in an arrest at 10% and 7% respectively. Hispanic/Latinos received the highest percentage of citations at 44%. Black/African Americans were three times more likely to be searched and approximately three times more likely to be arrested than White/Caucasians. 11 Data Analysis Farah Muscadin, Director, Office of Police Oversight Proportionality of Motor Vehicle Stops by Race/Ethnicity from 2015-2019 Chart 1: Proportionality of Race/Ethnicity of all Motor Vehicle Stops between 2015-2019 Proportionality of Motor Vehicle Stops by Race/Ethnicity in 2019 Table 2: Proportionality by Race/Ethnicity of all Motor Vehicle Stops in 2019 Reason for the Motor Vehicle Stop Table 4: Reason for Motor Vehicle Stops in 2019 1/6/202 1 PRESENTATION TITLE 15 Reason for Stop that Resulted in Arrest by Race/Ethnicity Chart 2: Reason for Stop that Resulted in Arrest in 2019 Searches by Race/Ethnicity Chart 3: Proportionality by Race/Ethnicity of Motor Vehicle Stops Resulting in a Search from 2015-2019 High vs. Low Discretion Searches by Race/Ethnicity Table 10: Racial Disparities between High and Low Discretion Searches in 2019 Percentages of Outcomes of Motor Vehicle Stops by Race/Ethnicity Chart 13: Percentages of Outcomes of Motor Vehicle Chart 14: Percentages of Outcomes of Motor Vehicle Stops Involving Asian Adult Population in 2019 Stops Involving Black/African American Adult Population in 2019 Percentages of Outcomes of Motor Vehicle Stops by Race/Ethnicity Chart 15: Percentages of Outcomes of Motor Vehicle Stops Involving Hispanic/Latino Adult Population in Chart 16: Percentages of Outcomes of Motor Vehicle Stops Involving White/Caucasian Adult Population in 2019 2019 Geographic Analysis Map 3: Number of Arrests by Sector in 2019 Map 2: Number of Warnings and Field Observations by Sector in 2019 Recommendations Brion Oaks, Chief Equity Officer Recommendations Acknowledgment In order to be on track with the goals of Resolution 50, Strategic Direction 2023, Fair Administration of Justice, and Reimagining Public Safety, this report recommends: • APD needs to acknowledge their efforts to eliminate racial disparity have not worked and implement the recommendations from the January 2020 Joint Report: Analysis of APD Racial Profiling Data Community Engagement department changes • Work with the community to create a strategic plan and benchmarks to measure the progress of • APD must take guidance on benchmarks of progress, and report on implementation of recommendations to the City Council and the Reimagining Public Safety Task Force. Recommendations Establish Benchmarks • Create strategic plan to eliminate racial disparity and track progress toward the goal of zero disparity. APD should commit in writing to asking the community for acceptable benchmarks and take responsibility for meeting them Commit • Commit to the goal of zero racial disparity and report progress in the APD Racial Profiling Report. This reporting must include racial and other demographic information proportional to the population to understand changes in racial disparity and ensure alignment with Equity goals Officer Training/Intervention • Acknowledge and address the role of officer discretion in racial disparity Questions?